Example usage for twitter4j TwitterException getMessage

List of usage examples for twitter4j TwitterException getMessage


In this page you can find the example usage for twitter4j TwitterException getMessage.


    public String getMessage() 

Source Link


From source file:org.sakaiproject.profile2.logic.ProfileExternalIntegrationLogicImpl.java

License:Educational Community License

  * {@inheritDoc}/*from  w w  w  . j av a 2 s.  c o m*/
public void sendMessageToTwitter(final String userUuid, String message) {
    //setup class thread to call later
    class TwitterUpdater implements Runnable {
        private Thread runner;
        private String userUuid;
        private String userToken;
        private String userSecret;
        private String message;

        public TwitterUpdater(String userUuid, String userToken, String userSecret, String message) {
            this.userUuid = userUuid;
            this.userToken = userToken;
            this.userSecret = userSecret;
            this.message = message;

            runner = new Thread(this, "Profile2 TwitterUpdater thread");

        //do it!
        public synchronized void run() {

            //global config
            Map<String, String> config = getTwitterOAuthConsumerDetails();

            //token for user
            AccessToken accessToken = new AccessToken(userToken, userSecret);

            TwitterFactory factory = new TwitterFactory();
            Twitter twitter = factory.getInstance();
            twitter.setOAuthConsumer(config.get("key"), config.get("secret"));

            try {
                log.info("Twitter status updated for: " + userUuid);

                //post update event
                sakaiProxy.postEvent(ProfileConstants.EVENT_TWITTER_UPDATE, "/profile/" + userUuid, true);
            } catch (TwitterException e) {
                        "ProfileLogic.sendMessageToTwitter() failed. " + e.getClass() + ": " + e.getMessage());

    //is twitter enabled
    if (!sakaiProxy.isTwitterIntegrationEnabledGlobally()) {

    //get user info
    ExternalIntegrationInfo info = getExternalIntegrationInfo(userUuid);
    String token = info.getTwitterToken();
    String secret = info.getTwitterSecret();
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(token) || StringUtils.isBlank(secret)) {

    //PRFL-423 limit to 140 chars
    //Hardcoded limit because 140 is the Twitter requirement so no need to make configurable
    message = ProfileUtils.truncate(message, 140, false);

    //instantiate class to send the data
    new TwitterUpdater(userUuid, token, secret, message);

From source file:org.sociotech.communitymashup.source.twitter.TwitterSourceService.java

License:Open Source License

 * Looks for users with a twitter web account in the data set, gets their
 * followers and following and creates connections
 * /*  w ww .  j  av  a  2  s .  c om*/
private void interconnectPersons() {

    MetaTag twitterTag = source.getDataSet().getMetaTag(TwitterTags.TWITTER);
    if (twitterTag == null) {
        // no tag defined, so no accounts

    EList<WebAccount> twitterAccounts = twitterTag.getWebAccounts();
    if (twitterAccounts == null || twitterAccounts.isEmpty()) {
        // no accounts defined

    for (WebAccount twitterAccount : twitterAccounts) {
        // assume screen name in twitter account
        String screenName = twitterAccount.getUsername();

        if (screenName == null || screenName.equals("")) {
            // skip this one

        // get twitter user with this screenname
        User twitterUser = null;
        try {
            twitterUser = twitterAPI.showUser(screenName);
        } catch (TwitterException e) {
            log("Could not get User with screename: " + screenName + " (" + e.getMessage() + ")",

        if (twitterUser == null) {
            log("Got no User with screename: " + screenName, LogService.LOG_DEBUG);

        // add connection to extisting followers and following without
        // creating new users
        if (interconnectFollowers()) {
            addFollower(twitterUser, false);
        if (interconnectFollowing()) {
            addFollowing(twitterUser, false);


From source file:org.sociotech.communitymashup.source.twitter.TwitterSourceService.java

License:Open Source License

private void addFollowing(User twitterUser, boolean createNewUsers) {

    if (twitterUser == null) {
        return;//  w w  w.j  a v  a2  s .  c  om

    IDs following;
    long cursor = -1;

    // look up person for twitter user and connect
    Person connectToPerson = getPersonForTwitterUser(twitterUser);

    do {
        try {
            following = twitterAPI.getFriendsIDs(twitterUser.getId(), cursor);
            log("Retrieving following with cursor: " + cursor, LogService.LOG_INFO);
        } catch (TwitterException e) {
            log("Could not get more following Users from twitter. (Cursor: " + cursor + "): " + e.getMessage(),

        if (following == null) {

        if (connectToPerson != null) {
            connectPersonsForTwitterUserIds(following.getIDs(), connectToPerson, true, createNewUsers);

        // next cursor
        cursor = following.getNextCursor();
    } while (following.hasNext());

From source file:org.sociotech.communitymashup.source.twitter.TwitterSourceService.java

License:Open Source License

private void addFollower(User twitterUser, boolean createNewUsers) {

    if (twitterUser == null) {
        return;//from  w  ww . j  a v  a 2 s .  com

    int followersMax = 1000;

    int followersCount = twitterUser.getFollowersCount();
    if (followersCount > followersMax) {
        // ignore users with to much followers
        log("Ignoring the " + followersCount + " Followers of " + twitterUser.getName());

    IDs followers;
    long cursor = -1;

    do {
        try {
            followers = twitterAPI.getFollowersIDs(twitterUser.getId(), cursor);
            log("Retrieving followers with cursor: " + cursor, LogService.LOG_INFO);
        } catch (TwitterException e) {
            log("Could not get more followers from twitter. (Cursor: " + cursor + "): " + e.getMessage(),

        if (followers == null) {

        // look up person for twitter user and connect
        Person connectToPerson = getPersonForTwitterUser(twitterUser);
        if (connectToPerson != null) {
            connectPersonsForTwitterUserIds(followers.getIDs(), connectToPerson, false, createNewUsers);
        // next cursor
        cursor = followers.getNextCursor();
    } while (followers.hasNext());

From source file:org.sociotech.communitymashup.source.twitter.TwitterSourceService.java

License:Open Source License

 * Looks if the person for the twitter user already exists or otherwise loads it using the api.
 * /*from   w  ww. j a v  a 2s  . c  om*/
 * @param id Twitter user id
 * @return The Person for the twitter user or null in error case.
private Person getPersonForTwitterUserId(long id) {
    Person person = getExistingPersonForTwitterUserId(id);

    if (person == null) {
        ResponseList<User> twitterUsers = null;

        // put id in an array to lookuup
        long[] userIdArray = new long[] { id };
        try {
            log("Looking up twitter user for id " + id, LogService.LOG_DEBUG);
            twitterUsers = twitterAPI.lookupUsers(userIdArray);
        } catch (TwitterException e) {
            log("Could not lookup single user " + id + " (" + e.getMessage() + ")", LogService.LOG_WARNING);
            return null;

        if (twitterUsers != null && !twitterUsers.isEmpty()) {
            // only one entry
            person = createPersonFromTwitterUser(twitterUsers.get(0));
    return person;

From source file:org.sociotech.communitymashup.source.twitter.TwitterSourceService.java

License:Open Source License

 * Searches for the query defined in the configuration and adds the results.
 *//*from www.j  av a 2  s.c  o  m*/
private void search() {
    // get query from configuration
    String query = source.getPropertyValue(TwitterProperties.SEARCH_PROPERTY);

    if (query == null || query.isEmpty()) {

    QueryResult searchResult = null;

    try {
        Query twitterQuery = new Query(query);
        // set requested number of tweets

        // add possible geo location parameter

        // if defined set since id
        String sinceId = source.getPropertyValue(TwitterProperties.SEARCH_SINCE_ID_PROPERTY);
        if (sinceId != null && !sinceId.isEmpty()) {
            long sinceIdVal = new Long(sinceId);
        searchResult = twitterAPI.search(twitterQuery);
    } catch (TwitterException e) {
        log("Could not search for " + query + "(" + e.getMessage() + ")", LogService.LOG_WARNING);

    if (searchResult == null) {

    String sinceId = parseSinceId(searchResult);

    if (sinceId != null) {
        // set it in configuration
        source.addProperty(TwitterProperties.SEARCH_SINCE_ID_PROPERTY, sinceId);

    List<Status> tweets = searchResult.getTweets();

    log("Got " + tweets.size() + " tweets for search " + query, LogService.LOG_DEBUG);

    // add all tweets

From source file:org.sociotech.communitymashup.source.twitter.TwitterSourceService.java

License:Open Source License

 * create the hometimeline/*from   w  w w. j  a  v a  2s .  c  om*/
private void addHomeTimeline() {

    List<Status> homeTimeline = null;

    // List of statuses (homeTimeline)
    try {
        homeTimeline = twitterAPI.getHomeTimeline();
    } catch (TwitterException te) {
        log("Could not get Home Timeline from Twitter. (" + te.getMessage() + ")", LogService.LOG_ERROR);


From source file:org.sociotech.communitymashup.source.twitter.TwitterSourceService.java

License:Open Source License

 * Adds the User Timeline/*from   w  w  w . ja  v a2  s.  com*/
private void addUserTimeline() {

    List<Status> userTimeline = null;

    // List of statuses
    try {
        Paging userTimelineParam = new Paging();
        userTimeline = twitterAPI.getUserTimeline(userTimelineParam);
    } catch (TwitterException te) {
        log("Could not get User Timeline from Twitter. (" + te.getMessage() + ")", LogService.LOG_ERROR);


From source file:org.sociotech.communitymashup.source.twitter.TwitterSourceService.java

License:Open Source License

 * Adds all direct messages sent from other users to the owner of this
 * account and the ones sent from this user to others.
 *//*  ww  w.j a  v a2 s  .c om*/
private void addDirectMessages() {

    // add DirectMessages
    ResponseList<DirectMessage> directMessages = null;

    if (loadDirectMessages()) {
        try {
            directMessages = twitterAPI.getDirectMessages();
        } catch (TwitterException e) {
            log("Could not get received Direct Messages from Twitter. (" + e.getMessage() + ")",
            directMessages = null;

        if (directMessages != null) {

    if (loadSentDirectMessages()) {
        try {
            directMessages = twitterAPI.getSentDirectMessages();
        } catch (TwitterException e) {
            log("Could not get sent Direct Messages from Twitter. (" + e.getMessage() + ")",
            directMessages = null;

        if (directMessages != null) {


From source file:org.sonar.plugins.twitter.TwitterPublisher.java

License:Open Source License

public final void executeOn(Project project, SensorContext context) {
    Configuration configuration = project.getConfiguration();
    String hostUrl = configuration.getString(HOST_PROPERTY, HOST_DEFAULT_VALUE);

    try {/*ww  w  . java2 s.c  o m*/
        AccessToken accessToken = loadAccessToken(configuration);
        if (accessToken.getToken() == null || accessToken.getTokenSecret() == null) {
            accessToken = loadAccessToken(configuration);
        StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(hostUrl).append(PROJECT_INDEX_URI).append(project.getKey());
        String status = String.format("Sonar analysis of %s is available at %s", project.getName(), url);
    } catch (TwitterException e) {
        LOG.error("Exception updating Twitter status: " + e.getMessage());
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOG.error("Exception updating Twitter status: " + e.getMessage());