List of usage examples for twitter4j Twitter updateStatus
Status updateStatus(String status) throws TwitterException;
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License:Open Source License
@Override public IntegerValue call(Context context, FunctionCallDescriptor descriptor) throws ScriptRuntimeException { ConnectedBot bot = context.getApplicationContext().getUserData("bot", ConnectedBot.class); Twitter twitter = bot.getHandler(); StringValue value = (StringValue) descriptor.get(0); Status status = Helper.execute(context, () -> twitter.updateStatus(value.value())); return status != null ? new IntegerValue(status.getId()) : new IntegerValue(0); }
From source
public void postingToTwitter() { try {/*w ww . j a va 2 s . co m*/ TwitterFactory TwitterFactory = new TwitterFactory(); Twitter twitter = TwitterFactory.getSingleton(); String message = getTwitt(); Status status = twitter.updateStatus(message); /*String s = "status.toString() = " + status.toString() + "status.getInReplyToScreenName() = " + status.getInReplyToScreenName() + "status.getSource() = " + status.getSource() + "status.getText() = " + status.getText() + "status.getContributors() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getContributors()) + "status.getCreatedAt() = " + status.getCreatedAt() + "status.getCurrentUserRetweetId() = " + status.getCurrentUserRetweetId() + "status.getGeoLocation() = " + status.getGeoLocation() + "status.getId() = " + status.getId() + "status.getInReplyToStatusId() = " + status.getInReplyToStatusId() + "status.getInReplyToUserId() = " + status.getInReplyToUserId() + "status.getPlace() = " + status.getPlace() + "status.getRetweetCount() = " + status.getRetweetCount() + "status.getRetweetedStatus() = " + status.getRetweetedStatus() + "status.getUser() = " + status.getUser() + "status.getAccessLevel() = " + status.getAccessLevel() + "status.getHashtagEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getHashtagEntities()) + "status.getMediaEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getMediaEntities()) + "status.getURLEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getURLEntities()) + "status.getUserMentionEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getUserMentionEntities());*/ String s = "status.getId() = " + status.getId() + "\nstatus.getUser() = " + status.getUser().getName() + " - " + status.getUser().getScreenName() + "\nstatus.getGeoLocation() = " + status.getGeoLocation() + "\nstatus.getText() = " + status.getText(); setTwittsResult(s); this.getUiMsg().setSubmittedValue(""); this.getUiResultMsg().setSubmittedValue(getTwittsResult()); } catch (TwitterException ex) { LOG.error("Erro no postingToTwitter() - " + ex.toString()); } }
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public static void PostInTimeLine(String texto) throws TwitterException { ConfigurationBuilder cb = new ConfigurationBuilder(); cb.setDebugEnabled(true).setOAuthConsumerKey("xxxxxxxxxxxx") //to get all the OAuth go to .setOAuthConsumerSecret("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx").setOAuthAccessToken("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .setOAuthAccessTokenSecret("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); TwitterFactory tf = new TwitterFactory(; twitter4j.Twitter tw = tf.getInstance(); //posting//w w w . j av a 2s. c o m Status stat = tw.updateStatus(texto); System.out.println("Posted"); }
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License:Open Source License
public static void write(String content, Activity at) { // Log.d(TAG, "content : " + content); String path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath(); String fileName = "example.jpg"; InputStream is = null;/*from www .ja va 2s . c om*/ try { if (new File(path + File.separator + fileName).exists()) is = new FileInputStream(path + File.separator + fileName); else is = null; ConfigurationBuilder cb = new ConfigurationBuilder(); String oAuthAccessToken = acToken.getToken(); String oAuthAccessTokenSecret = tacs; String oAuthConsumerKey = C.TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY; String oAuthConsumerSecret = C.TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET; cb.setOAuthAccessToken(oAuthAccessToken); cb.setOAuthAccessTokenSecret(oAuthAccessTokenSecret); cb.setOAuthConsumerKey(oAuthConsumerKey); cb.setOAuthConsumerSecret(oAuthConsumerSecret); Configuration config =; OAuthAuthorization auth = new OAuthAuthorization(config); TwitterFactory tFactory = new TwitterFactory(config); Twitter twitter = tFactory.getInstance(); // ImageUploadFactory iFactory = new ImageUploadFactory(getConfiguration(C.TWITPIC_API_KEY)); // ImageUpload upload = iFactory.getInstance(MediaProvider.TWITPIC, auth); if (is != null) { // String strResult = upload.upload("example.jpg", is, mEtContent.getText().toString()); // twitter.updateStatus(mEtContent.getText().toString() + " " + strResult); } else twitter.updateStatus(content); new AlertDialog.Builder(at).setMessage(" ? ? ?.") .setPositiveButton("?", null).show(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); new AlertDialog.Builder(at).setMessage("? ? ") .setPositiveButton("?", null).show(); } finally { try { is.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } }
From source
License:Open Source License
@Command(name = "tweet", desc = "Updates your twitter status") @Usage(".tweet <status>...") public CommandResult tweet(CommandSource source, CommandContext context) { if (source.getSource() != CommandSource.Source.USER) { return get(ReturnType.MESSAGE, "Muse be done from IRC.", source, context); }/*from w w w . j a v a2 s . c om*/ if (context.getPrefix() == null || !context.getPrefix().equals(".")) { return null; } if (context.getArgs() == null || context.getArgs().length < 1) { return get(ReturnType.MESSAGE, "Correct usage is .tweet <status>", source, context); } CyborgUser permsAccount = getUser(source.getUser()); if (getUser(source.getUser()) == null) { return get(ReturnType.NOTICE, "You have not registered with me! You need to register to use a twitter account! Type .register for help!", source, context); } TwitterUser twitterUser = getDatabase().select(TwitterUser.class).where() .equal("permUser", permsAccount.getName()).execute().findOne(); if (twitterUser == null) { return get(ReturnType.NOTICE, "You don't have a twitter user associated with your account! Try .twituser <twitter user>", source, context); } String status = StringUtils.toString(context.getArgs()); Twitter twitter = defaultTwitterFactory.getInstance(); twitter.setOAuthAccessToken(twitterUser.getAccessTokenObject()); try { twitter.updateStatus(status); return get(ReturnType.MESSAGE, "Updated status!", source, context); } catch (TwitterException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return get(ReturnType.MESSAGE, "Internal Twitter Exception http code:" + e.getStatusCode(), source, context); } }
From source
private void publishStatusUpdateWithMedia(String message) throws MalformedURLException, IOException { Status status = null;// w w w . j av a 2s . c o m try { Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory().getInstance(); try { RequestToken requestToken = twitter.getOAuthRequestToken(); AccessToken accessToken = null; while (null == accessToken) { logger.fine("Open the following URL and grant access to your account:"); logger.fine(requestToken.getAuthorizationURL()); try { accessToken = twitter.getOAuthAccessToken(requestToken); } catch (TwitterException te) { if (401 == te.getStatusCode()) { logger.severe("Unable to get the access token."); } else { te.printStackTrace(); } } } logger.log(Level.INFO, "Got access token."); logger.log(Level.INFO, "Access token: {0}", accessToken.getToken()); logger.log(Level.INFO, "Access token secret: {0}", accessToken.getTokenSecret()); } catch (IllegalStateException ie) { // access token is already available, or consumer key/secret is not set. if (!twitter.getAuthorization().isEnabled()) { logger.severe("OAuth consumer key/secret is not set."); return; } } //Instantiate and initialize a new twitter status update StatusUpdate statusUpdate = new StatusUpdate(message); //attach any media, if you want to statusUpdate.setMedia( //title of media "Amandine Leforestier Spring Summer 2015 white", new URL("").openStream()); //tweet or update status status = twitter.updateStatus(statusUpdate); //Status status = twitter.updateStatus(message); logger.log(Level.INFO, "Successfully updated the status to [{0}].", status.getText()); } catch (TwitterException te) { te.printStackTrace(); logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to get timeline: {0}", te.getMessage()); } }
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public void tweetMessageToUser(String username, String hashtags, String imageUrl, String targetUrl, String twitterid) {//from w w w .jav a 2 s. c om Twitter twitterHandle = this.getTwitter(); //Instantiate and initialize a new twitter status update String message = username + " " + targetUrl + " " + hashtags + " #amandineleforestier"; StatusUpdate statusUpdate = new StatusUpdate(message); try { //attach any media, if you want to statusUpdate.setMedia(//title of media "Amandine Leforestier Athleasure Sport-Chic Autumn Winter 2015", new URL(imageUrl).openStream()); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Bad image Url {0}", ex.getMessage()); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Cannot open Url {0}", ex.getMessage()); } //tweet or update status Status status = null; try { status = twitterHandle.updateStatus(statusUpdate); logTheStatusUpdate(twitterid, message, imageUrl, targetUrl); } catch (TwitterException te) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to get timeline: {0}", te.getMessage()); } //Status status = twitter.updateStatus(message); if (status != null) { logger.log(Level.INFO, "Successfully updated the status to [{0}].", status.getText()); } else { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Status update failed [{0}].", status); } }
From source
License:Apache License
@Override public StatusUpdate execute(Status tweet) { try {// w ww. ja v a 2 s . co m User user = context.getUser(); if (user == null) { user = getUserByScreenName(tweet.getUser().getScreenName()); context.setUser(user); } if (user == null || user.getTwitterToken() == null || user.getTwitterSecret() == null) { StatusUpdate reply = new StatusUpdate( ApplicationResources.getLocalizedString("com.appspot.bitlyminous.message.notAuthenticated", new String[] { "@" + tweet.getUser().getScreenName(), "Twitter", shortenUrl(ApplicationConstants.TWITTER_CALLBACK_URL) })); reply.setInReplyToStatusId(tweet.getId()); return reply; } else { Twitter twitter = getTwitterClient(user.getTwitterToken().getValue(), user.getTwitterSecret().getValue()); String status = buildStatus(user.getUrls(), user.getTags()); if (status != null) { StatusUpdate reply = new StatusUpdate(status); reply.setInReplyToStatusId(tweet.getId()); twitter.updateStatus(reply); } return null; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error while tweeting on behalf of user.", e); } return null; }
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License:Apache License
public void handleMentions() { try {/*w w w. j a v a 2 s . c om*/ Twitter twitter = getTwitterClient(); TwitterHandlerFactory factory = TwitterHandlerFactory.newInstance(new TwitterContext()); Version version = getCurrentVersion(); ResponseList<Status> homeTimeline = twitter .getMentions(new Paging(getCurrentVersion().getLastMentionId())); long lastMentionId = 0L; for (Status tweet : homeTimeline) { if (tweet.getId() > version.getLastMentionId()) { if (tweet.getId() > lastMentionId) { lastMentionId = tweet.getId(); } TwitterHandler command = factory.createCommand(tweet); StatusUpdate reply = command.execute(tweet); if (reply != null) { twitter.updateStatus(reply); } } } if (lastMentionId > version.getLastMentionId()) { version.setLastMentionId(lastMentionId); EntityManager entityManager = createEntityManager(); entityManager.persist(version); closeEntityManager(entityManager); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ServiceException(e); } }
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License:Apache License
public void handleFriendsTimeline() { try {//from w ww . j a v a2s . c om Version version = getCurrentVersion(); Twitter twitter = getTwitterClient(); List<Status> homeTimeline = twitter.getFriendsTimeline(new Paging(version.getLastHomeTweetId())); long lastTweetId = 0L; for (Status status : homeTimeline) { if (status.getId() > lastTweetId) { lastTweetId = status.getId(); } if (!ApplicationConstants.TWITTER_SCREEN_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(status.getUser().getScreenName())) { TwitterContext context = new TwitterContext(); context.setVersion(version); for (TwitterHandler command : getTimelineHandlers(context)) { StatusUpdate reply = command.execute(status); if (reply != null) { twitter.updateStatus(reply); } } saveUser(context.getUser()); } } if (lastTweetId > version.getLastHomeTweetId()) { version.setLastHomeTweetId(lastTweetId); saveVersion(version); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ServiceException(e); } }