List of usage examples for twitter4j StatusUpdate StatusUpdate
public StatusUpdate(String status)
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void reply(String message, long statusId) { Twitter twitter = random();/*from w ww .j a v a 2s . com*/ String screenName = ""; if (twitter != null) { try { twitter.updateStatus(new StatusUpdate(message).inReplyToStatusId(statusId)); screenName = twitter.getScreenName(); } catch (TwitterException e) { logger.error("Announcement failed: " + screenName, e); } } else { logger.error("TwitStreet announcer is null"); } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void replyForDiabloBird(String message, long statusId) { Twitter twitter = diablobird;//w w w . j a v a2 m String screenName = ""; if (twitter != null) { try { twitter.updateStatus(new StatusUpdate(message).inReplyToStatusId(statusId)); screenName = twitter.getScreenName();"replyForDiabloBird"); } catch (TwitterException e) { logger.error("Announcement failed: " + screenName, e); } } else { logger.error("TwitStreet announcer is null"); } }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void onStatus(Status status) { String screenName = status.getUser().getScreenName(); // lookup modules for the user's seat List<String> modules = seatingList.getVentilationModules(status.getUser().getScreenName()); if (modules.size() == 0) { // user is not in the list. do nothing return;/*w w w .j a v a2s. c o m*/ } String text = status.getText().toLowerCase().replaceAll("", "#"); // does the tweet contain room name? for (String roomName : seatingList.getRooms()) { if (text.contains(roomName)) { modules = seatingList.getVentilationModulesIn(roomName); break; } } int degree = 2; if (text.matches( ".*(???|????|??|??|??|???|???|?|max|||???|?|?|????|??|?|" + "|???|?|?||??|??|???|????|???|???|??|?|??" + "|too|very|extremely|intensively).*")) { degree = 4; } for (String hot : HOT) { if (text.contains(hot)) { degree = degree * -1; break; } } String message = null; String imagePath = null; String powerfully = Math.abs(degree) == 4 ? "????" : ""; if (degree < 0) { if (ehills.adjust(degree, modules)) { message = "@" + screenName + " " + powerfully + "?????? " + Message.getMessage(); imagePath = "/atsui.jpg"; } else { message = "@" + screenName + " ???????????"; imagePath = "/kucho.jpg"; } } else { if (ehills.adjust(degree, modules)) { message = "@" + screenName + " " + powerfully + "?????? " + Message.getMessage(); imagePath = "/samui.jpg"; } else { message = "@" + screenName + " ??????????????"; imagePath = "/kucho.jpg"; } } System.out.println("messaage:" + message + " " + imagePath); try { if (!dryRun) { imagePath = "src/main/resources" + imagePath; if (!new File(".").getAbsolutePath().contains("kucho-daemon")) { imagePath = "kucho-daemon/" + imagePath; } File imageFile = new File(imagePath); if (imageFile.exists()) { TwitterFactory.getSingleton().updateStatus( new StatusUpdate(message).media(imageFile).inReplyToStatusId(status.getId())); } else { TwitterFactory.getSingleton() .updateStatus(new StatusUpdate(message).inReplyToStatusId(status.getId())); } } } catch (TwitterException e) { logger.error("failed to update status", e); } }
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License:Apache License
/** * publish status to account vti_robot on twitter * // www.ja v a 2s. c o m * @param tweet */ public void tweet(final String tweet, GeoLocation loc) { try { StatusUpdate status = new StatusUpdate(tweet); status.setLocation(loc); twitter.updateStatus(status); } catch (TwitterException e) { Log.d(TAG, Log.stack2string(e)); } }
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License:Apache License
@Override protected void notify(Parameters parameters) throws NotificationException { try {/* w w w.j ava 2s . co m*/ StatusUpdate statusUpdate = new StatusUpdate(status); Status status = twitter.updateStatus(statusUpdate);"" + status.getUser().getScreenName() + "/status/" + status.getId()); } catch (TwitterException e) { throw new NotificationException(new String[] { e.getErrorMessage(), "Error code " + e.getErrorCode() + ":" }, e); } }
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@FXML void partageTwitter(ActionEvent event) throws TwitterException, FileNotFoundException { OffreService offreService = new OffreService(); FXMLAfficheroffresController z = new FXMLAfficheroffresController(); Offre x = offreService.findById(Integer.parseInt(FXMLAfficheroffresController.getLabelid())); ConfigurationBuilder cb = new ConfigurationBuilder(); cb.setDebugEnabled(true).setOAuthConsumerKey("zFrvXiT4O6bPh7wtfX2qpxTJM") .setOAuthConsumerSecret("pZeG2yJ71HYSu3y8MC4sbOcAeKstRKmp8bVKfCOmxnd4QjsKmC") .setOAuthAccessToken("3345656831-F533Ns9kdMPI6GfmHwiVor3BUHM6kYJn4WO4xhq") .setOAuthAccessTokenSecret("1hWrntZlel0gOju0xOEVf2t5kRo2CjSp5H75sieOUfT89"); TwitterFactory tf = new TwitterFactory(; twitter4j.Twitter tw = tf.getInstance(); String pathphoto = x.getPhoto(); String nomphoto = pathphoto.substring(62); System.out.println(nomphoto); File file = null;/*from w ww .java 2 s . c om*/ file = new File(x.getPhoto()); String StatusMessage = (x.getPtvente().getNom() + "\n" + x.getDescription() + "\n" + x.getTaux_remise()); StatusUpdate status = new StatusUpdate(StatusMessage); status.setMedia(file); tw.updateStatus(status); }
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@FXML void partagersurtwitter(ActionEvent event) throws TwitterException { OffreService offreService = new OffreService(); AfficherToutesOffresController z = new AfficherToutesOffresController(); Offre x = offreService.findById(Integer.parseInt(AfficherToutesOffresController.getLabelid())); ConfigurationBuilder cb = new ConfigurationBuilder(); cb.setDebugEnabled(true).setOAuthConsumerKey("zFrvXiT4O6bPh7wtfX2qpxTJM") .setOAuthConsumerSecret("pZeG2yJ71HYSu3y8MC4sbOcAeKstRKmp8bVKfCOmxnd4QjsKmC") .setOAuthAccessToken("3345656831-F533Ns9kdMPI6GfmHwiVor3BUHM6kYJn4WO4xhq") .setOAuthAccessTokenSecret("1hWrntZlel0gOju0xOEVf2t5kRo2CjSp5H75sieOUfT89"); TwitterFactory tf = new TwitterFactory(; twitter4j.Twitter tw = tf.getInstance(); String pathphoto = x.getPhoto(); String nomphoto = pathphoto.substring(62); System.out.println(nomphoto); File file = null;//from www .j av a 2s . c om file = new File(x.getPhoto()); String StatusMessage = (x.getPtvente().getNom() + "\n" + x.getDescription() + "\n" + x.getTaux_remise()); StatusUpdate status = new StatusUpdate(StatusMessage); status.setMedia(file); tw.updateStatus(status); }
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License:Open Source License
public static void tweet(String roomName, String text, BufferedImage roomImage, String accessToken, String accessTokenSecret) { try {/*from www . ja va 2 s.c om*/ ConfigurationBuilder cb = new ConfigurationBuilder(); cb.setDebugEnabled(true) // .setOAuthConsumerKey("PLFCUaLARG3rW66MbME1Kg") // twitter app: MG Collab desktop .setOAuthConsumerSecret("Rf5G5htymWOVnC4KGT5lSzaAzlgW6mUwXNIPnywI8") // .setOAuthAccessToken(accessToken) // .setOAuthAccessTokenSecret(accessTokenSecret); Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory(; StatusUpdate su = new StatusUpdate(text);, makeInputStreamFromImage(roomImage)); twitter.updateStatus(su); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(CollabTwitter.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (TwitterException ex) { Logger.getLogger(CollabTwitter.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override protected void okPressed() { RahmenwerkService service = RahmenwerkService.getService(); Twitter twitter = service.getTwitter(); try {//from w w w . j a v a 2 s. co m // TODO:Bilder funktionieren noch nicht richtig // InputStream resourceAsStream = // BaustelleTwitternDialog.class.getResourceAsStream("baustelle.gif"); StatusUpdate update = new StatusUpdate("[Test] " + messgae.getText()); if (location != null) { // TODO: Das funktioniert nur, wenn man in seinen Twitter // Setting via Opt-In das Anzeigen der Location erlaubt. update.displayCoordinates(true); update.setLocation(location); } // update.setMedia("Baustelle",resourceAsStream); twitter.updateStatus(update); super.okPressed(); } catch (TwitterException e) { setErrorMessage(e.getLocalizedMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } }
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License:Open Source License
private List<SingleResponse<ParcelableStatus>> updateStatus(final Builder builder, final ParcelableStatusUpdate statusUpdate) { final ArrayList<ContentValues> hashtag_values = new ArrayList<ContentValues>(); final Collection<String> hashtags = extractor.extractHashtags(statusUpdate.text); for (final String hashtag : hashtags) { final ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(CachedHashtags.NAME, hashtag); hashtag_values.add(values);/* w ww. ja va 2 s. c o m*/ } boolean notReplyToOther = false; mResolver.bulkInsert(CachedHashtags.CONTENT_URI, hashtag_values.toArray(new ContentValues[hashtag_values.size()])); final List<SingleResponse<ParcelableStatus>> results = new ArrayList<SingleResponse<ParcelableStatus>>(); if (statusUpdate.accounts.length == 0) return Collections.emptyList(); try { final boolean hasMedia = statusUpdate.medias != null && statusUpdate.medias.length > 0; final String imagePath = hasMedia ? getImagePathFromUri(this, Uri.parse(statusUpdate.medias[0].uri)) : null; final File imageFile = imagePath != null ? new File(imagePath) : null; String uploadResultUrl = null; if (mUseUploader && imageFile != null && imageFile.exists()) { uploadResultUrl = uploadMedia(imageFile, statusUpdate.accounts, statusUpdate.text); } final String unshortenedContent = mUseUploader && uploadResultUrl != null ? getImageUploadStatus(new String[] { uploadResultUrl.toString() }, statusUpdate.text) : statusUpdate.text; final boolean shouldShorten = mValidator.getTweetLength(unshortenedContent) > mValidator .getMaxTweetLength(); Map<Long, ShortenedStatusModel> shortenedStatuses = null; if (shouldShorten && mUseShortener) { if (mShortener.equals(SERVICE_SHORTENER_HOTOTIN)) { shortenedStatuses = postHototIn(statusUpdate); if (shortenedStatuses == null) throw new ShortenException(this); } else if (mShortener.equals(SERVICE_SHORTENER_TWITLONGER)) { shortenedStatuses = postTwitlonger(statusUpdate); if (shortenedStatuses == null) throw new ShortenException(this); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(""); } } if (shouldShorten) { if (!mUseShortener) throw new StatusTooLongException(this); else if (unshortenedContent == null) throw new ShortenException(this); } if (!mUseUploader && statusUpdate.medias != null) { for (final ParcelableMediaUpdate media : statusUpdate.medias) { final String path = getImagePathFromUri(this, Uri.parse(media.uri)); final File file = path != null ? new File(path) : null; if (file != null && file.exists()) { Utils.downscaleImageIfNeeded(file, 95); } } } for (final Account account : statusUpdate.accounts) { String shortenedContent = ""; ShortenedStatusModel shortenedStatusModel = null; final Twitter twitter = getTwitterInstance(this, account.account_id, true, true); if (shouldShorten && mUseShortener && shortenedStatuses != null) { shortenedStatusModel = shortenedStatuses.get(account.account_id); shortenedContent = shortenedStatusModel.getText(); } final StatusUpdate status = new StatusUpdate( shouldShorten && mUseShortener ? shortenedContent : unshortenedContent); status.setInReplyToStatusId(statusUpdate.in_reply_to_status_id); if (statusUpdate.location != null) { status.setLocation(ParcelableLocation.toGeoLocation(statusUpdate.location)); } if (!mUseUploader && hasMedia) { final BitmapFactory.Options o = new BitmapFactory.Options(); o.inJustDecodeBounds = true; final long[] mediaIds = new long[statusUpdate.medias.length]; try { for (int i = 0, j = mediaIds.length; i < j; i++) { final ParcelableMediaUpdate media = statusUpdate.medias[i]; final String path = getImagePathFromUri(this, Uri.parse(media.uri)); if (path == null) throw new FileNotFoundException(); BitmapFactory.decodeFile(path, o); final File file = new File(path); final ContentLengthInputStream is = new ContentLengthInputStream(file); is.setReadListener(new StatusMediaUploadListener(this, mNotificationManager, builder, statusUpdate)); final MediaUploadResponse uploadResp = twitter.uploadMedia(file.getName(), is, o.outMimeType); mediaIds[i] = uploadResp.getId(); } } catch (final FileNotFoundException e) { } catch (final TwitterException e) { final SingleResponse<ParcelableStatus> response = SingleResponse.getInstance(e); results.add(response); continue; } status.mediaIds(mediaIds); } status.setPossiblySensitive(statusUpdate.is_possibly_sensitive); if (twitter == null) { results.add(new SingleResponse<ParcelableStatus>(null, new NullPointerException())); continue; } try { final Status twitter_result = twitter.updateStatus(status); //Update Twitlonger statuses if (shouldShorten && mUseShortener && mShortener.equals(SERVICE_SHORTENER_TWITLONGER)) { TweetShortenerUtils.updateTwitlonger(shortenedStatusModel, twitter_result.getId(), twitter); } if (!notReplyToOther) { final long inReplyToUserId = twitter_result.getInReplyToUserId(); if (inReplyToUserId <= 0) { notReplyToOther = true; } } final ParcelableStatus result = new ParcelableStatus(twitter_result, account.account_id, false); results.add(new SingleResponse<ParcelableStatus>(result, null)); } catch (final TwitterException e) { final SingleResponse<ParcelableStatus> response = SingleResponse.getInstance(e); results.add(response); } } } catch (final UpdateStatusException e) { final SingleResponse<ParcelableStatus> response = SingleResponse.getInstance(e); results.add(response); } return results; }