Example usage for twitter4j StatusListener interface-usage

List of usage examples for twitter4j StatusListener interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for twitter4j StatusListener interface-usage.


From source file io.rakam.datasource.twitter.TweetProcessor.java

class TweetProcessor implements StatusListener {
    private final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(TweetProcessor.class.getName());
    private final Classify classifier = new Classify();
    private final CollectApi eventApi;
    private final EventContext eventContext;
    private final Queue<Event> buffer;

From source file it.unipr.aotlab.TwitterMiner.twitter.client.TwitterStreamListener.java

 * This class listen for events on TwitterStream
 * @author Marco Tarasconi
public class TwitterStreamListener implements StatusListener {

From source file net.nokok.twitduke.core.twitter.PrintStatusListener.java

 * StatusListener??????????
 * ??????
public class PrintStatusListener implements StatusListener {

From source file net.nokok.twitduke.pluginsupport.eventrunner.StreamEventRunner.java

public class StreamEventRunner implements UserStreamListener, StatusListener, PluginRegistrable {

    private final EventRunner eventRunner = new EventRunner(PluginObjectName.STREAM);

    public StreamEventRunner() {

From source file org.apache.apex.malhar.contrib.twitter.TwitterSampleInput.java

 * This is an input operator for Twitter.
 * <p>
 * This test can only be run from command line using command line interface script.
 * You need to set twitter authentication credentials in $HOME/.dt/dt-site.xml file in order to run this.
 * The authentication requires following 4 information.

From source file org.apache.camel.component.twitter.consumer.streaming.StreamingConsumer.java

 * Super class providing consuming capabilities for the streaming API.
public abstract class StreamingConsumer extends Twitter4JConsumer implements StatusListener {
    protected final TwitterStream twitterStream;
    private final List<Status> receivedStatuses = new ArrayList<Status>();

From source file org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline.TwitterSource.java

 * Demo Flume source that connects via Streaming API to the 1% sample twitter
 * firehose, continously downloads tweets, converts them to Avro format and
 * sends Avro events to a downstream Flume sink.
 * Requires the consumer and access tokens and secrets of a Twitter developer

From source file org.apache.flume.source.twitter.TwitterSource.java

 * Demo Flume source that connects via Streaming API to the 1% sample twitter
 * firehose, continously downloads tweets, converts them to Avro format and
 * sends Avro events to a downstream Flume sink.
 * Requires the consumer and access tokens and secrets of a Twitter developer

From source file org.apache.flume.source.TwitterSource.java

 * Demo Flume source that connects via Streaming API to the 1% sample twitter
 * firehose, continously downloads tweets, converts them to Avro format and
 * sends Avro events to a downstream Flume sink.
 * Requires the consumer and access tokens and secrets of a Twitter developer

From source file org.opencredo.twitter.si.TwitterStreamInboundChannelAdapter.java

 * @author Erich Eichinger
 * @since Mar 7, 2010