List of usage examples for twitter4j Status getURLEntities
URLEntity[] getURLEntities();
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * Creates a content for the given tweet, adds it to the data set and sets * the author.//from w w w.j a va 2s . c o m * * @param author * Person corresponding to the twitter user which authored the * tweet * @param tweet * The tweet * @return The Content created from the tweet, null in error case. */ private Content createContentFromTweet(Person author, Status tweet) { if (tweet == null) { return null; } String tweetText = tweet.getText(); if (tweetText == null || tweetText.isEmpty()) { return null; } String ident = tweet.getId() + ""; if (this.getContentWithSourceIdent(ident) != null) { // status already created return null; } Content tweetContent = factory.createContent(); tweetContent.setStringValue(tweetText); tweetContent.setName(createTitleFromTwitterText(tweetText)); tweetContent = (Content) this.add(tweetContent, ident); if (tweetContent == null) { return null; } tweetContent.metaTag(TwitterTags.TWITTER); tweetContent.setCreated(tweet.getCreatedAt()); if (author != null) { tweetContent.setAuthor(author); } // and tag the status HashtagEntity[] hashtags = tweet.getHashtagEntities(); tagIOwithHashtags(tweetContent, hashtags); UserMentionEntity[] mentionedUsers = tweet.getUserMentionEntities(); if (mentionedUsers != null && mentionedUsers.length > 0 && source.isPropertyTrue(TwitterProperties.ADD_MENTIONED_PEOPLE_PROPERTY)) { for (int i = 0; i < mentionedUsers.length; i++) { Person mentionedPerson = getPersonForTwitterUserId(mentionedUsers[i].getId()); if (mentionedPerson == null) { continue; } tweetContent.addContributor(mentionedPerson); } } URLEntity[] urlEntities = tweet.getURLEntities(); if (urlEntities != null && urlEntities.length > 0 && source.isPropertyTrue(TwitterProperties.ADD_URL_ENTITIES_PROPERTY)) { for (int i = 0; i < urlEntities.length; i++) { String url = urlEntities[i].getURL(); if (url != null) { // attach url as website tweetContent.addWebSite(url); } } } // no more available // String language = tweet.getIsoLanguageCode(); // if(language != null && !language.isEmpty()) // { // // set in content // tweetContent.setLocale(language); // // set as meta tag // tweetContent.metaTag(language); // } // TODO check media entities // MediaEntity[] mediaEntities = twitterStatus.getMediaEntities(); // add location GeoLocation tweetLocation = tweet.getGeoLocation(); Place place = tweet.getPlace(); if (tweetLocation != null || place != null) { Location location = factory.createLocation(); if (place != null) { location.setStreet(place.getStreetAddress()); location.setCountry(place.getCountry()); location.setStringValue(place.getFullName()); } if (tweetLocation != null) { location.setLatitude(tweetLocation.getLatitude() + ""); location.setLongitude(tweetLocation.getLongitude() + ""); } location = (Location) this.add(location, "tloc_" + tweet.getId()); if (location != null) { location.metaTag(TwitterTags.TWITTER); tweetContent.extend(location); if (place != null) { location.metaTag(place.getCountryCode()); location.metaTag(place.getPlaceType()); } } } return tweetContent; }
From source
License:Apache License
public static TwitterMediaEntity createMediaEntity(Status status) { MediaEntity[] mediaEntities;/* ww w. j a v a2 s .c o m*/ URLEntity[] urlEntities; if (status.isRetweet()) { mediaEntities = status.getRetweetedStatus().getMediaEntities(); urlEntities = status.getRetweetedStatus().getURLEntities(); } else { mediaEntities = status.getMediaEntities(); urlEntities = status.getURLEntities(); } if (mediaEntities != null && mediaEntities.length > 0) { return new TwitterMediaEntity(mediaEntities[0]); } else if (urlEntities != null) { for (URLEntity urlEntity : urlEntities) { // This shouldn't be necessary, but is String expandedUrl = urlEntity.getExpandedURL(); if (expandedUrl == null) { continue; } TwitterMediaEntity entity = getTwitterMediaEntityFromUrl(urlEntity.getURL(), urlEntity.getExpandedURL()); if (entity != null) { return entity; } } } return null; }
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License:Apache License
public static String getStatusMarkup(Status status) { return getStatusMarkup(status.getText(), status.getMediaEntities(), status.getURLEntities(), showFullUrl); }
From source
License:Open Source License
public Topic reifyTweet(Status t, TopicMap tm) { Topic tweetTopic = null;/*from w ww .j a va2 s . c om*/ try { long tId = t.getId(); String msg = t.getText(); User user = t.getUser(); if (user == null) { tweetTopic = reifyTweet(tId, null, msg, tm); } else { String userScreenName = user.getScreenName(); tweetTopic = reifyTweet(tId, userScreenName, msg, tm); Topic userTopic = reifyTwitterUser(user, tm); if (tweetTopic != null && userTopic != null) { Association a = tm.createAssociation(getTwitterFromUserType(tm)); a.addPlayer(tweetTopic, getTweetType(tm)); a.addPlayer(userTopic, getTwitterUserType(tm)); } } /* String toUser = t.getToUser(); if(toUser != null) { long toUid = t.getToUserId(); Topic toUserTopic = reifyTwitterUser(toUser, toUid, tm); if(tweetTopic != null && toUserTopic != null) { Association a = tm.createAssociation(getTwitterToUserType(tm)); a.addPlayer(tweetTopic, getTweetType(tm)); a.addPlayer(toUserTopic, getTwitterUserType(tm)); } } */ Date d = t.getCreatedAt(); if (tweetTopic != null && d != null) { SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); String dateStr = df.format(d); tweetTopic.setData(getTweetDateType(tm), TMBox.getLangTopic(tweetTopic, DEFAULT_LANG), dateStr); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); dateStr = sdf.format(d); Topic dateTopic = ExtractHelper.getOrCreateTopic(DATE_SI_BODY + dateStr, dateStr, getTweetDateType(tm), tm); if (dateTopic != null) { Association a = tm.createAssociation(getTweetDateType(tm)); a.addPlayer(tweetTopic, getTweetType(tm)); a.addPlayer(dateTopic, getTweetDateType(tm)); } } /* String l = t.getIsoLanguageCode(); if(l != null) { Topic tweetLangTopic = TMBox.getLangTopic(tweetTopic, l); if(tweetLangTopic != null) { Association a = tm.createAssociation(getTweetLangType(tm)); a.addPlayer(tweetTopic, getTweetType(tm)); a.addPlayer(tweetLangTopic, getTweetLangType(tm)); } } */ GeoLocation geo = t.getGeoLocation(); if (geo != null) { double lat = geo.getLatitude(); double lon = geo.getLongitude(); String geoLocStr = lat + "," + lon; tweetTopic.setData(getTweetGeoLocationType(tm), TMBox.getLangTopic(tweetTopic, DEFAULT_LANG), geoLocStr); } HashtagEntity[] entities = t.getHashtagEntities(); if (entities != null && entities.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) { Topic entityTopic = reifyHashtagEntity(entities[i], tm); if (entityTopic != null) { Association a = tm.createAssociation(getHashtagType(tm)); a.addPlayer(tweetTopic, getTweetType(tm)); a.addPlayer(entityTopic, getHashtagType(tm)); } } } MediaEntity[] mediaEntities = t.getMediaEntities(); if (mediaEntities != null && mediaEntities.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < mediaEntities.length; i++) { Topic entityTopic = reifyMediaEntity(mediaEntities[i], tm); if (entityTopic != null) { Association a = tm.createAssociation(getMediaEntityType(tm)); a.addPlayer(tweetTopic, getTweetType(tm)); a.addPlayer(entityTopic, getMediaEntityType(tm)); } } } URLEntity[] urlEntities = t.getURLEntities(); if (urlEntities != null && urlEntities.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < urlEntities.length; i++) { Topic entityTopic = reifyUrlEntity(urlEntities[i], tm); if (entityTopic != null) { Association a = tm.createAssociation(getURLEntityType(tm)); a.addPlayer(tweetTopic, getTweetType(tm)); a.addPlayer(entityTopic, getURLEntityType(tm)); } } } } catch (Exception e) { log(e); } return tweetTopic; }
From source
License:BSD License
public void write(Status t) throws XMLStreamException { startElement("tweet"); attribute("id", t.getId()); // write("annotations",t.getAnnotations()); write("created-at", t.getCreatedAt()); write("from-user", sanitizeID(t.getUser().getId()), sanitizeUser(t.getUser().getName())); write("geo-location", t.getGeoLocation()); write("hash-tags", t.getHashtagEntities()); write("iso-language-code", t.getUser().getLang()); write("location", t.getUser().getLocation()); write("media", t.getMediaEntities()); write("place", t.getPlace()); write("profile-image-url", sanitizeUser(t.getUser().getProfileImageURL())); write("source", t.getSource()); write("text", t.getText()); write("to-user", sanitizeID(t.getInReplyToUserId()), sanitizeUser(t.getInReplyToScreenName())); write("url-entities", t.getURLEntities()); write("user-mention-entities", t.getUserMentionEntities()); endElement();//ww w . j av a 2 s. co m }
From source
License:BSD License
public void write(String localName, Status status) throws XMLStreamException { if (status != null) { startElement(localName);/* www. jav a 2 s.c om*/ attribute("id", status.getId()); // write("annotations",t.getAnnotations()); write("created-at", status.getCreatedAt()); write("user", status.getUser()); write("geo-location", status.getGeoLocation()); write("hash-tags", status.getHashtagEntities()); write("media", status.getMediaEntities()); write("place", status.getPlace()); write("source", status.getSource()); write("text", status.getText()); write("url-entities", status.getURLEntities()); write("user-mention-entities", status.getUserMentionEntities()); endElement(); } }
From source
/** * @param args the command line arguments *///from w w w . ja v a2 s . c om public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, TwitterException { //Instantiate a re-usable and thread-safe factory TwitterFactory twitterFactory = new TwitterFactory(Data.getConf().build()); //Instantiate a new Twitter instance Twitter twitter = twitterFactory.getInstance(); /* //setup OAuth Consumer Credentials twitter.setOAuthConsumer(consumerKey, consumerSecret); //setup OAuth Access Token twitter.setOAuthAccessToken(new AccessToken(accessToken, accessTokenSecret)); */ //Instantiate and initialize a new twitter status update StatusUpdate statusUpdate = new StatusUpdate( //your tweet or status message "Twitter API #Hacked"); //attach any media, if you want to /* statusUpdate.setMedia( //title of media "" , new URL("").openStream()); */ //tweet or update status Status status = twitter.updateStatus(statusUpdate); //response from twitter server System.out.println("status.toString() = " + status.toString()); System.out.println("status.getInReplyToScreenName() = " + status.getInReplyToScreenName()); System.out.println("status.getSource() = " + status.getSource()); System.out.println("status.getText() = " + status.getText()); System.out.println("status.getContributors() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getContributors())); System.out.println("status.getCreatedAt() = " + status.getCreatedAt()); System.out.println("status.getCurrentUserRetweetId() = " + status.getCurrentUserRetweetId()); System.out.println("status.getGeoLocation() = " + status.getGeoLocation()); System.out.println("status.getId() = " + status.getId()); System.out.println("status.getInReplyToStatusId() = " + status.getInReplyToStatusId()); System.out.println("status.getInReplyToUserId() = " + status.getInReplyToUserId()); System.out.println("status.getPlace() = " + status.getPlace()); System.out.println("status.getRetweetCount() = " + status.getRetweetCount()); System.out.println("status.getRetweetedStatus() = " + status.getRetweetedStatus()); System.out.println("status.getUser() = " + status.getUser()); System.out.println("status.getAccessLevel() = " + status.getAccessLevel()); System.out.println("status.getHashtagEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getHashtagEntities())); System.out.println("status.getMediaEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getMediaEntities())); if (status.getRateLimitStatus() != null) { System.out .println("status.getRateLimitStatus().getLimit() = " + status.getRateLimitStatus().getLimit()); System.out.println( "status.getRateLimitStatus().getRemaining() = " + status.getRateLimitStatus().getRemaining()); System.out.println("status.getRateLimitStatus().getResetTimeInSeconds() = " + status.getRateLimitStatus().getResetTimeInSeconds()); System.out.println("status.getRateLimitStatus().getSecondsUntilReset() = " + status.getRateLimitStatus().getSecondsUntilReset()); System.out.println("status.getRateLimitStatus().getRemainingHits() = " + status.getRateLimitStatus().getRemaining()); } System.out.println("status.getURLEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getURLEntities())); System.out.println("status.getUserMentionEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getUserMentionEntities())); }
From source
License:Apache License
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, TwitterException { //TwitterAPIDemo twitterApiDemo = new TwitterAPIDemo(); ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder(); builder.setOAuthConsumerKey(consumerKey); builder.setOAuthConsumerSecret(consumerSecret); Configuration configuration =; TwitterFactory twitterFactory = new TwitterFactory(configuration); Twitter twitter = twitterFactory.getInstance(); twitter.setOAuthAccessToken(new AccessToken(accessToken, accessTokenSecret)); Scanner sc = new Scanner(; System.out.println(/* w w w . java 2s .co m*/ "Enter your choice:\n1. To post tweet\n2.To search tweets\n3. Recent top 3 trends and number of posts of each trending topic"); int choice = sc.nextInt(); switch (choice) { case 1: System.out.println("What's happening: "); String post =; StatusUpdate statusUpdate = new StatusUpdate(post + "-Posted by TwitterAPI"); Status status = twitter.updateStatus(statusUpdate); System.out.println("status.toString() = " + status.toString()); System.out.println("status.getInReplyToScreenName() = " + status.getInReplyToScreenName()); System.out.println("status.getSource() = " + status.getSource()); System.out.println("status.getText() = " + status.getText()); System.out.println("status.getContributors() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getContributors())); System.out.println("status.getCreatedAt() = " + status.getCreatedAt()); System.out.println("status.getCurrentUserRetweetId() = " + status.getCurrentUserRetweetId()); System.out.println("status.getGeoLocation() = " + status.getGeoLocation()); System.out.println("status.getId() = " + status.getId()); System.out.println("status.getInReplyToStatusId() = " + status.getInReplyToStatusId()); System.out.println("status.getInReplyToUserId() = " + status.getInReplyToUserId()); System.out.println("status.getPlace() = " + status.getPlace()); System.out.println("status.getRetweetCount() = " + status.getRetweetCount()); System.out.println("status.getRetweetedStatus() = " + status.getRetweetedStatus()); System.out.println("status.getUser() = " + status.getUser()); System.out.println("status.getAccessLevel() = " + status.getAccessLevel()); System.out.println("status.getHashtagEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getHashtagEntities())); System.out.println("status.getMediaEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getMediaEntities())); if (status.getRateLimitStatus() != null) { System.out.println( "status.getRateLimitStatus().getLimit() = " + status.getRateLimitStatus().getLimit()); System.out.println("status.getRateLimitStatus().getRemaining() = " + status.getRateLimitStatus().getRemaining()); System.out.println("status.getRateLimitStatus().getResetTimeInSeconds() = " + status.getRateLimitStatus().getResetTimeInSeconds()); System.out.println("status.getRateLimitStatus().getSecondsUntilReset() = " + status.getRateLimitStatus().getSecondsUntilReset()); } System.out.println("status.getURLEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getURLEntities())); System.out.println( "status.getUserMentionEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getUserMentionEntities())); break; case 2: System.out.println("Enter keyword"); String keyword =; try { Query query = new Query(keyword); QueryResult result; do { result =; List<Status> tweets = result.getTweets(); for (Status tweet : tweets) { System.out.println(tweet.getCreatedAt() + ":\t@" + tweet.getUser().getScreenName() + " - " + tweet.getText()); } } while ((query = result.nextQuery()) != null); System.exit(0); } catch (TwitterException te) { System.out.println("Failed to search tweets: " + te.getMessage()); System.exit(-1); break; } case 3: //WOEID for India = 23424848 Trends trends = twitter.getPlaceTrends(23424848); int count = 0; for (Trend trend : trends.getTrends()) { if (count < 3) { Query query = new Query(trend.getName()); QueryResult result; int numberofpost = 0; do { result =; List<Status> tweets = result.getTweets(); for (Status tweet : tweets) { numberofpost++; } } while ((query = result.nextQuery()) != null); System.out .println("Number of post for the topic '" + trend.getName() + "' is: " + numberofpost); count++; } else break; } break; default: System.out.println("Invalid input"); } }
From source
static public void saveTweets(DB db, twitter4j.Twitter twitter) throws TwitterException { DBCollection collection = db.getCollection("collection2"); DBCollection savedCollection = db.getCollection("savedCollection"); DBCollection ConnectionCollection = db.getCollection(" ConnectionCollection"); BasicDBObject document0 = new BasicDBObject(); savedCollection.remove(document0);/*from w w w .j a v a2s .com*/ ConnectionCollection.remove(document0); Status savedTweet; //Read Tweets from Database System.out.println("Saved tweets: "); DBCursor cursor = collection.find(); List<String> allUsers = new ArrayList<>(); int count = 1; while (cursor.hasNext()) { DBObject obj =; savedTweet = TwitterObjectFactory.createStatus(obj.toString()); String name = savedTweet.getUser().getScreenName(); String date = savedTweet.getCreatedAt().toString(); boolean exist = false; BasicDBObject document = new BasicDBObject("User", name); BasicDBObject searchDocument = new BasicDBObject("User", name); DBObject theObj = null; if (!allUsers.contains(name)) { allUsers.add(name); } else { exist = true; DBCursor cursor2 = savedCollection.find(searchDocument); if (cursor2.hasNext()) { theObj =; } } // BasicDBList allHashtags = new BasicDBList(); List<String> allHashtags = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> allsortURLS = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> allcompleteURLS = new ArrayList<>(); //BasicDBList allURLS = new BasicDBList(); List<String> allmentionedUsers = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> allTweets = new ArrayList<>(); if (exist) { allHashtags = (ArrayList) theObj.get("Hashtags"); } HashtagEntity[] hashtagsEntities = savedTweet.getHashtagEntities(); for (HashtagEntity hashtagsEntitie : hashtagsEntities) { if (!allHashtags.contains(hashtagsEntitie.getText())) { allHashtags.add(hashtagsEntitie.getText()); } saveConnection(date, name, new BasicDBObject("hashtag", hashtagsEntitie.getText()), 1, count, ConnectionCollection); count++; } document.append("Hashtags", allHashtags); if (exist) { allsortURLS = (ArrayList) theObj.get("sortUrls"); allcompleteURLS = (ArrayList) theObj.get("completeUrls"); } URLEntity[] urlEntities = savedTweet.getURLEntities(); if (savedTweet.getURLEntities().length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < savedTweet.getURLEntities().length; i++) { if (urlEntities[i].getStart() < urlEntities[i].getEnd()) { BasicDBObject document1 = new BasicDBObject("url", urlEntities[i].getURL()); String completeURL = urlEntities[i].getExpandedURL(); document1.append("completeURL", completeURL); if (!allsortURLS.contains(document1)) { allsortURLS.add(urlEntities[i].getURL()); allcompleteURLS.add(urlEntities[i].getExpandedURL()); } saveConnection(date, name, document1, 2, count, ConnectionCollection); count++; } } } document.append("sortUrls", allsortURLS); document.append("completeUrls", allsortURLS); if (exist) { allmentionedUsers = (ArrayList) theObj.get("Mentions"); } UserMentionEntity[] mentionEntities = savedTweet.getUserMentionEntities(); for (UserMentionEntity mentionEntitie : mentionEntities) { BasicDBObject document2 = new BasicDBObject("mentioned_user", mentionEntitie.getText()); if (!allmentionedUsers.contains(mentionEntitie.getText())) { allmentionedUsers.add(mentionEntitie.getText()); } saveConnection(date, name, document2, 3, count, ConnectionCollection); count++; } document.append("Mentions", allmentionedUsers); if (exist) { allTweets = (ArrayList) theObj.get("Tweets"); } String tweetText = " "; if (savedTweet.isRetweet()) { tweetText = savedTweet.getRetweetedStatus().getText(); } else { tweetText = savedTweet.getText(); } BasicDBObject document2 = new BasicDBObject("Tweet", tweetText); if (!allTweets.contains(tweetText)) { allTweets.add(tweetText); } saveConnection(date, name, document2, 4, count, ConnectionCollection); count++; document.append("Tweets", allTweets); if (exist) { savedCollection.remove(searchDocument); } savedCollection.insert(document); } JaccardSimilarity js = new JaccardSimilarity(); List<Map<List<String>, List<Float>>> list = new ArrayList<>();//This is the final list you need Map<List<String>, List<Float>> map1 = new HashMap<>();//This is one instance of the map you want to store in the above map List<String> usersNames = new ArrayList<>(); List<Float> usersResults = new ArrayList<>(); BasicDBObject doc1; BasicDBObject doc2; DBCursor cursor1; DBCursor cursor2; DBObject obj1; DBObject obj2; List<String> tl1 = new ArrayList(); List<String> tl2 = new ArrayList(); float countSimilarity = 0; for (int i = 0; i < allUsers.size(); i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < allUsers.size(); j++) { //System.out.println(i+" "+j); System.out.print(allUsers.get(i) + " " + allUsers.get(j) + " "); usersNames.add(allUsers.get(i)); usersNames.add(allUsers.get(j)); doc1 = new BasicDBObject("User", allUsers.get(i)); doc2 = new BasicDBObject("User", allUsers.get(j)); cursor1 = savedCollection.find(doc1); cursor2 = savedCollection.find(doc2); if (cursor1.hasNext() && cursor2.hasNext()) { obj1 =; obj2 =; tl1 = (ArrayList) obj1.get("Hashtags"); tl2 = (ArrayList) obj2.get("Hashtags"); countSimilarity = countSimilarity + js.findSimilarity(tl1, tl2); usersResults.add(js.findSimilarity(tl1, tl2)); System.out.print(js.findSimilarity(tl1, tl2) + " "); tl1 = (ArrayList) obj1.get("Mentions"); tl2 = (ArrayList) obj2.get("Mentions"); countSimilarity = countSimilarity + js.findSimilarity(tl1, tl2); usersResults.add(js.findSimilarity(tl1, tl2)); System.out.print(js.findSimilarity(tl1, tl2) + " "); tl1 = (ArrayList) obj1.get("Tweets"); tl2 = (ArrayList) obj2.get("Tweets"); countSimilarity = countSimilarity + js.findSimilarity(tl1, tl2); usersResults.add(js.findSimilarity(tl1, tl2)); System.out.print(js.findSimilarity(tl1, tl2) + " "); tl1 = (ArrayList) obj1.get("sortUrls"); tl2 = (ArrayList) obj2.get("sortUrls"); countSimilarity = countSimilarity + js.findSimilarity(tl1, tl2); usersResults.add(js.findSimilarity(tl1, tl2)); System.out.print(js.findSimilarity(tl1, tl2) + " "); usersResults.add((float) (countSimilarity / 4)); System.out.print((float) (countSimilarity / 4) + " "); System.out.println(); countSimilarity = 0; } } map1.put(usersNames, usersResults); } list.add(map1); //System.out.println(savedCollection.count()); /* // Read every Element Example DBCursor cursor2 = savedCollection.find(searchDocument); if (cursor2.hasNext()) { theObj =; //String l = ( String)"exist").toString(); } BasicDBList list = new BasicDBList(); list = (BasicDBList) theObj.get("Hashtags"); BasicDBList l2 = new BasicDBList(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { BasicDBObject bj = (BasicDBObject) list.get(i); System.out.println(bj.getString("hashtag")); } DBCursor cursor2 = savedCollection.find(); List<String> list = new ArrayList(); while (cursor2.hasNext()) { BasicDBObject document2 = (BasicDBObject); String bj = (String) document2.get("User"); System.out.println(bj); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { // String bj = (String) list.get(i); // System.out.println(bj.getString("hashtag")); System.out.println(bj); } */ }
From source
private void updateActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_updateActionPerformed // TODO add your handling code here: String consKey = "Your key"; String consSecret = "Your secret"; String accToken = "Your key"; String accSecret = "Your secret"; try {//from w ww. j a v a2 s . co m TwitterFactory twitterFactory = new TwitterFactory(); Twitter twitter = twitterFactory.getInstance(); twitter.setOAuthConsumer(consKey, consSecret); twitter.setOAuthAccessToken(new AccessToken(accToken, accSecret)); StatusUpdate statusUpdate = new StatusUpdate(status.getText()); statusUpdate.setMedia("Feeling great", new URL("").openStream()); Status stat = twitter.updateStatus(statusUpdate); textArea.append("status.toString() = " + stat.toString()); textArea.append("status.getInReplyToScreenName() = " + stat.getInReplyToScreenName()); textArea.append("status.getSource() = " + stat.getSource()); textArea.append("status.getText() = " + stat.getText()); textArea.append("status.getContributors() = " + Arrays.toString(stat.getContributors())); textArea.append("status.getCreatedAt() = " + stat.getCreatedAt()); textArea.append("status.getCurrentUserRetweetId() = " + stat.getCurrentUserRetweetId()); textArea.append("status.getGeoLocation() = " + stat.getGeoLocation()); textArea.append("status.getId() = " + stat.getId()); textArea.append("status.getInReplyToStatusId() = " + stat.getInReplyToStatusId()); textArea.append("status.getInReplyToUserId() = " + stat.getInReplyToUserId()); textArea.append("status.getPlace() = " + stat.getPlace()); textArea.append("status.getRetweetCount() = " + stat.getRetweetCount()); textArea.append("status.getRetweetedStatus() = " + stat.getRetweetedStatus()); textArea.append("status.getUser() = " + stat.getUser()); textArea.append("status.getAccessLevel() = " + stat.getAccessLevel()); textArea.append("status.getHashtagEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(stat.getHashtagEntities())); textArea.append("status.getMediaEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(stat.getMediaEntities())); if (stat.getRateLimitStatus() != null) { textArea.append("status.getRateLimitStatus().getLimit() = " + stat.getRateLimitStatus().getLimit()); textArea.append( "status.getRateLimitStatus().getRemaining() = " + stat.getRateLimitStatus().getRemaining()); textArea.append("status.getRateLimitStatus().getResetTimeInSeconds() = " + stat.getRateLimitStatus().getResetTimeInSeconds()); textArea.append("status.getRateLimitStatus().getSecondsUntilReset() = " + stat.getRateLimitStatus().getSecondsUntilReset()); textArea.append("status.getRateLimitStatus().getRemainingHits() = " + stat.getRateLimitStatus().getRemaining()); } textArea.append("status.getURLEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(stat.getURLEntities())); textArea.append("status.getUserMentionEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(stat.getUserMentionEntities())); } catch (IOException ex) { textArea.append("IO Exception"); } catch (TwitterException tw) { textArea.append("Twitter Exception"); } }