Example usage for twitter4j Status getRetweetCount

List of usage examples for twitter4j Status getRetweetCount


In this page you can find the example usage for twitter4j Status getRetweetCount.


int getRetweetCount();

Source Link


Returns the number of times this tweet has been retweeted, or -1 when the tweet was created before this feature was enabled.


From source file:org.smarttechie.servlet.SimpleStream.java

public void getStream(TwitterStream twitterStream, String[] parametros, final Session session)//,PrintStream out)

    listener = new StatusListener() {

        @Override/*from  w  ww.  ja  va2 s  .c o  m*/
        public void onException(Exception arg0) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub


        public void onDeletionNotice(StatusDeletionNotice arg0) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub


        public void onScrubGeo(long arg0, long arg1) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub


        public void onStatus(Status status) {
            Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory().getInstance();
            User user = status.getUser();

            // gets Username
            String username = status.getUser().getScreenName();
            String profileLocation = user.getLocation();
            long tweetId = status.getId();
            String content = status.getText();
            System.out.println(content + "\n");

            JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
            obj.put("User", status.getUser().getScreenName());
            obj.put("ProfileLocation", user.getLocation().replaceAll("'", "''"));
            obj.put("Id", status.getId());
            obj.put("UserId", status.getUser().getId());
            //obj.put("User", status.getUser());
            obj.put("Message", status.getText().replaceAll("'", "''"));
            obj.put("CreatedAt", status.getCreatedAt().toString());
            obj.put("CurrentUserRetweetId", status.getCurrentUserRetweetId());
            //Get user retweeteed
            String otheruser;
            try {
                if (status.getCurrentUserRetweetId() != -1) {
                    User user2 = twitter.showUser(status.getCurrentUserRetweetId());
                    otheruser = user2.getScreenName();
                    System.out.println("Other user: " + otheruser);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                System.out.println("ERROR: " + ex.getMessage().toString());
            obj.put("IsRetweet", status.isRetweet());
            obj.put("IsRetweeted", status.isRetweeted());
            obj.put("IsFavorited", status.isFavorited());

            obj.put("InReplyToUserId", status.getInReplyToUserId());
            //In reply to
            obj.put("InReplyToScreenName", status.getInReplyToScreenName());

            obj.put("RetweetCount", status.getRetweetCount());
            if (status.getGeoLocation() != null) {
                obj.put("GeoLocationLatitude", status.getGeoLocation().getLatitude());
                obj.put("GeoLocationLongitude", status.getGeoLocation().getLongitude());

            JSONArray listHashtags = new JSONArray();
            String hashtags = "";
            for (HashtagEntity entity : status.getHashtagEntities()) {
                hashtags += entity.getText() + ",";

            if (!hashtags.isEmpty())
                obj.put("HashtagEntities", hashtags.substring(0, hashtags.length() - 1));

            if (status.getPlace() != null) {
                obj.put("PlaceCountry", status.getPlace().getCountry());
                obj.put("PlaceFullName", status.getPlace().getFullName());

            obj.put("Source", status.getSource());
            obj.put("IsPossiblySensitive", status.isPossiblySensitive());
            obj.put("IsTruncated", status.isTruncated());

            if (status.getScopes() != null) {
                JSONArray listScopes = new JSONArray();
                String scopes = "";
                for (String scope : status.getScopes().getPlaceIds()) {
                    scopes += scope + ",";

                if (!scopes.isEmpty())
                    obj.put("Scopes", scopes.substring(0, scopes.length() - 1));

            obj.put("QuotedStatusId", status.getQuotedStatusId());

            JSONArray list = new JSONArray();
            String contributors = "";
            for (long id : status.getContributors()) {
                contributors += id + ",";

            if (!contributors.isEmpty())
                obj.put("Contributors", contributors.substring(0, contributors.length() - 1));

            System.out.println("" + obj.toJSONString());


            String statement = "INSERT INTO TweetsClassification JSON '" + obj.toJSONString() + "';";
            executeQuery(session, statement);

        public void onTrackLimitationNotice(int arg0) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub


        public void onStallWarning(StallWarning sw) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

    FilterQuery fq = new FilterQuery();



From source file:org.tweetalib.android.model.TwitterStatus.java

License:Apache License

public TwitterStatus(Status status) {
    User statusUser = status.getUser();/*from w w w  .ja  v  a  2s. c o m*/

    mCreatedAt = status.getCreatedAt();
    mId = status.getId();
    if (status.getInReplyToStatusId() != -1) {
        mInReplyToStatusId = status.getInReplyToStatusId();
    if (status.getInReplyToUserId() != -1) {
        mInReplyToUserId = status.getInReplyToUserId();
    mInReplyToUserScreenName = status.getInReplyToScreenName();
    mIsFavorited = status.isFavorited();
    mIsRetweet = status.isRetweet();
    mIsRetweetedByMe = status.isRetweetedByMe();

    mSource = TwitterUtil.stripMarkup(status.getSource());

    if (statusUser != null) {
        mUserId = statusUser.getId();
        mUserName = statusUser.getName();
        mUserScreenName = statusUser.getScreenName();

    mMediaEntity = TwitterMediaEntity.createMediaEntity(status);

    boolean useDefaultAuthor = true;
    if (mIsRetweet) {
        if (status.getRetweetedStatus() != null && status.getRetweetedStatus().getUser() != null) {
            SetProfileImagesFromUser(new TwitterUser(status.getRetweetedStatus().getUser()));
        mOriginalRetweetId = status.getRetweetedStatus().getId();

        // You'd think this check wasn't necessary, but apparently not...
        UserMentionEntity[] userMentions = status.getUserMentionEntities();
        if (userMentions != null && userMentions.length > 0) {
            useDefaultAuthor = false;
            UserMentionEntity authorMentionEntity = status.getUserMentionEntities()[0];
            mAuthorId = authorMentionEntity.getId();
            mAuthorName = authorMentionEntity.getName();
            mAuthorScreenName = authorMentionEntity.getScreenName();

            Status retweetedStatus = status.getRetweetedStatus();
            mStatus = retweetedStatus.getText();
            mRetweetCount = retweetedStatus.getRetweetCount();
            mUserMentions = TwitterUtil.getUserMentions(retweetedStatus.getUserMentionEntities());
            mIsRetweetedByMe = retweetedStatus.isRetweetedByMe();
    } else {
        if (statusUser != null) {
            SetProfileImagesFromUser(new TwitterUser(statusUser));

    if (useDefaultAuthor) {
        if (statusUser != null) {
            mAuthorId = statusUser.getId();
        mStatus = status.getText();
        mRetweetCount = status.getRetweetCount();
        mUserMentions = TwitterUtil.getUserMentions(status.getUserMentionEntities());

     * if (status.getId() == 171546910249852928L) { mStatus =
     * "<a href=\"http://a.com\">@chrismlacy</a> You've been working on Tweet Lanes for ages. Is it done yet?"
     * ; mStatusMarkup =
     * "<a href=\"http://a.com\">@chrismlacy</a> You've been working on Tweet Lanes for ages. Is it done yet?"
     * ; mAuthorScreenName = "emmarclarke"; mStatusMarkup = mStatus; } else
     * if (status.getId() == 171444098698457089L) { mStatus =
     * "<a href=\"http://a.com\">@chrismlacy</a> How's that app of yours coming along?"
     * ; mStatusMarkup =
     * "<a href=\"http://a.com\">@chrismlacy</a> How's that app of yours coming along?"
     * ; mStatusMarkup = mStatus; }

From source file:Principal.Tracker_Twitter.java

License:Minecraft Mod Public

public void guardarResultados_Twitter(List<ObjetoBuscar> lista, BD base, int contadorBase, int TokenIndice)
        throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyManagementException {
    int nuevoContadorBase = 0;
    if (contadorBase >= lista.size()) {
        System.out.println("Termino en:" + contadorBase);
    } else {/*w  ww  .  java  2  s. c o  m*/

        TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = { new X509TrustManager() {
            public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() {
                return null;

            public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs, String authType) {

            public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs, String authType) {
        } };
        SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");

        sc.init(null, trustAllCerts, new SecureRandom());


        HostnameVerifier allHostsValid = new HostnameVerifier() {
            public boolean verify(String hostname, SSLSession session) {
                return true;

        System.out.println("Token : " + TokenIndice);
        try {
            ConfigurationBuilder cb = new ConfigurationBuilder();
            Twitter unauthenticatedTwitter = new TwitterFactory(cb.build()).getInstance();

            for (int numtTweets = contadorBase; numtTweets < contadorBase + 5; numtTweets++) {

                if (((ObjetoBuscar) lista.get(numtTweets)).getUrl().equals("")
                        || ((ObjetoBuscar) lista.get(numtTweets)).getUrl() == null) {

                } else {

                    System.out.println("Usuario:  " + ((ObjetoBuscar) lista.get(numtTweets)).getUrl());

                    String usuariosinArroba = ((ObjetoBuscar) lista.get(numtTweets)).getUrl().replace("@", "");

                    System.out.println("" + usuariosinArroba);

                    try {

                        User usuario = unauthenticatedTwitter.showUser(usuariosinArroba);
                        List<Status> ret = unauthenticatedTwitter.getRetweetsOfMe();
                        List<Status> favoritos = unauthenticatedTwitter.getFavorites();
                        Paging paging = new Paging(1, 1000);
                        ResponseList<Status> statuses = unauthenticatedTwitter.getUserTimeline(usuario.getId(),
                        System.out.println("Followers: " + usuario.getFollowersCount());
                        System.out.println("Yo sigo: " + usuario.getFriendsCount());
                        List<String> listaTweets = new ArrayList();
                        List<Long> ListaRettewts = new ArrayList();
                        List<Integer> ListaFavoritos = new ArrayList();
                        List<Integer> ListaMenciones = new ArrayList();
                        List<Date> ListaFecha = new ArrayList();
                        List<Long> ListaIds = new ArrayList();
                        for (Status sta : statuses) {
                            ListaRettewts.add(Long.valueOf(Long.parseLong(sta.getRetweetCount() + "")));
                        for (int i = 0; i < listaTweets.size(); i++) {
                            base.guardarTrackTwitter_Log((Long) ListaIds.get(i),
                                    ((ObjetoBuscar) lista.get(numtTweets)).getUrl(),
                                    (String) listaTweets.get(i), (Date) ListaFecha.get(i),
                                    (Long) ListaRettewts.get(i), ((Integer) ListaFavoritos.get(i)).intValue(),
                                    ((Integer) ListaMenciones.get(i)).intValue());

                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        System.err.println("Entro al Try por :" + e);

                    nuevoContadorBase = numtTweets;
            System.out.println("Numero de Contador Base:" + nuevoContadorBase);
            guardarResultados_Twitter(lista, base, nuevoContadorBase + 1, TokenIndice + 1);
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            System.err.println("Fallo por :" + e);

From source file:ru.mail.sphere.java_hw5_vasilyev.twitteraccessor.Accessor.java

private static Tweet buildTweetFromStatus(final Status status) {
    return new Tweet(status.getText(), status.getCreatedAt(), status.getFavoriteCount(),
            status.getRetweetCount(), status.getLang());

From source file:socialImport.twitter.TweetToDatabaseImportListener.java

License:Open Source License

public void onStatus(Status status) {
    Date dateOfCreation = status.getCreatedAt();
    String authorName = status.getUser().getName();
    Gender gender = Gender.unknown;/*  w  w  w  .  j  a v  a  2s . com*/
    int yearOfBirth = -1;
    Author author = new Author(authorName, gender, yearOfBirth);
    GeoTag geoTag = null;
    Place place = status.getPlace();
    GeoLocation[][] geoLocation = null;
    if (place != null) {
        geoLocation = place.getBoundingBoxCoordinates();
    if (geoLocation != null) {
        float latitude = 0;
        float longitude = 0;
        int noOfCoordinates = geoLocation[0].length;
        for (int i = 0; i < noOfCoordinates; i++) {
            latitude += geoLocation[0][i].getLatitude();
            longitude += geoLocation[0][i].getLongitude();
        latitude = latitude / noOfCoordinates;
        longitude = longitude / noOfCoordinates;
        geoTag = new GeoTag(latitude, longitude);
    String postText = status.getText();
    long retweetCount = status.getRetweetCount();
    TweetPost tweet = new TweetPost(streamDescriptor, dateOfCreation, author, geoTag, postText, retweetCount);


From source file:spout.Twitter.java

License:Apache License

public void nextTuple() {
    Status ret = queue.poll();
    if (ret == null) {
        Utils.sleep(50);/*from w w  w.j a v a 2 s .  c o m*/
    } else {

        Object[] values = new Object[this.fields.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < this.fields.length; i++) {
            if (this.fields[i].equalsIgnoreCase("place")) {
                values[i] = ret.getGeoLocation();
            } else if (this.fields[i].equalsIgnoreCase("retweet_count")) {
                values[i] = ret.getRetweetCount();
            } else if (this.fields[i].equalsIgnoreCase("text")) {
                values[i] = ret.getText();
            } else if (this.fields[i].equalsIgnoreCase("hashtags")) {
                values[i] = ret.getHashtagEntities();


        _collector.emit(new Values(values));



From source file:testtweet.TweetUsingTwitter4jExample.java

 * @param args the command line arguments
 *///from  www.j ava  2  s  . c  o  m
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, TwitterException {

    //Instantiate a re-usable and thread-safe factory
    TwitterFactory twitterFactory = new TwitterFactory(Data.getConf().build());

    //Instantiate a new Twitter instance
    Twitter twitter = twitterFactory.getInstance();

    //setup OAuth Consumer Credentials
    twitter.setOAuthConsumer(consumerKey, consumerSecret);
    //setup OAuth Access Token
    twitter.setOAuthAccessToken(new AccessToken(accessToken, accessTokenSecret));

    //Instantiate and initialize a new twitter status update
    StatusUpdate statusUpdate = new StatusUpdate(
            //your tweet or status message
            "Twitter API #Hacked");
    //attach any media, if you want to
    //title of media
    , new URL("http://lh6.ggpht.com/-NiYLR6SkOmc/Uen_M8CpB7I/AAAAAAAAEQ8/tO7fufmK0Zg/h-1b%252520transfer%252520jobs%25255B4%25255D.png?imgmax=800").openStream());
    //tweet or update status
    Status status = twitter.updateStatus(statusUpdate);

    //response from twitter server
    System.out.println("status.toString() = " + status.toString());
    System.out.println("status.getInReplyToScreenName() = " + status.getInReplyToScreenName());
    System.out.println("status.getSource() = " + status.getSource());
    System.out.println("status.getText() = " + status.getText());
    System.out.println("status.getContributors() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getContributors()));
    System.out.println("status.getCreatedAt() = " + status.getCreatedAt());
    System.out.println("status.getCurrentUserRetweetId() = " + status.getCurrentUserRetweetId());
    System.out.println("status.getGeoLocation() = " + status.getGeoLocation());
    System.out.println("status.getId() = " + status.getId());
    System.out.println("status.getInReplyToStatusId() = " + status.getInReplyToStatusId());
    System.out.println("status.getInReplyToUserId() = " + status.getInReplyToUserId());
    System.out.println("status.getPlace() = " + status.getPlace());
    System.out.println("status.getRetweetCount() = " + status.getRetweetCount());
    System.out.println("status.getRetweetedStatus() = " + status.getRetweetedStatus());
    System.out.println("status.getUser() = " + status.getUser());
    System.out.println("status.getAccessLevel() = " + status.getAccessLevel());
    System.out.println("status.getHashtagEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getHashtagEntities()));
    System.out.println("status.getMediaEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getMediaEntities()));
    if (status.getRateLimitStatus() != null) {
                .println("status.getRateLimitStatus().getLimit() = " + status.getRateLimitStatus().getLimit());
                "status.getRateLimitStatus().getRemaining() = " + status.getRateLimitStatus().getRemaining());
        System.out.println("status.getRateLimitStatus().getResetTimeInSeconds() = "
                + status.getRateLimitStatus().getResetTimeInSeconds());
        System.out.println("status.getRateLimitStatus().getSecondsUntilReset() = "
                + status.getRateLimitStatus().getSecondsUntilReset());
        System.out.println("status.getRateLimitStatus().getRemainingHits() = "
                + status.getRateLimitStatus().getRemaining());
    System.out.println("status.getURLEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getURLEntities()));
    System.out.println("status.getUserMentionEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getUserMentionEntities()));

From source file:Twitter.Frame.java

public Document statustoJSON(Status status) {
    Document doc = new Document();
    if (status.getText() != null)
        doc.append("tweet", status.getText());
    if (status.getUser().getName() != null)
        doc.append("name", status.getUser().getName());
    if (status.getPlace() != null)
        doc.append("place", status.getPlace().toString());
    if (status.getUser().getScreenName() != null)
        doc.append("nick", status.getUser().getScreenName());
    if (status.getGeoLocation() != null)
        doc.append("gloc", status.getGeoLocation().toString());
    doc.append("fcont", status.getFavoriteCount());
    doc.append("rcunt", status.getRetweetCount());
    if (status.getRetweetedStatus() != null)
        doc.append("rstate", status.getRetweetedStatus().getText());

    tacol.setText(tacol.getText() + doc.toJson() + "\n");//imprimimos el tweet en el frame
    return doc;/*from  ww w  .  j  a va 2s. co m*/

From source file:twitterapidemo.TwitterAPIDemo.java

License:Apache License

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, TwitterException {

    //TwitterAPIDemo twitterApiDemo = new TwitterAPIDemo();

    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
    Configuration configuration = builder.build();

    TwitterFactory twitterFactory = new TwitterFactory(configuration);
    Twitter twitter = twitterFactory.getInstance();
    twitter.setOAuthAccessToken(new AccessToken(accessToken, accessTokenSecret));

    Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
    System.out.println(//ww  w .j a va  2  s. co m
            "Enter your choice:\n1. To post tweet\n2.To search tweets\n3. Recent top 3 trends and number of posts of each trending topic");
    int choice = sc.nextInt();
    switch (choice) {
    case 1:
        System.out.println("What's happening: ");
        String post = sc.next();
        StatusUpdate statusUpdate = new StatusUpdate(post + "-Posted by TwitterAPI");
        Status status = twitter.updateStatus(statusUpdate);

        System.out.println("status.toString() = " + status.toString());
        System.out.println("status.getInReplyToScreenName() = " + status.getInReplyToScreenName());
        System.out.println("status.getSource() = " + status.getSource());
        System.out.println("status.getText() = " + status.getText());
        System.out.println("status.getContributors() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getContributors()));
        System.out.println("status.getCreatedAt() = " + status.getCreatedAt());
        System.out.println("status.getCurrentUserRetweetId() = " + status.getCurrentUserRetweetId());
        System.out.println("status.getGeoLocation() = " + status.getGeoLocation());
        System.out.println("status.getId() = " + status.getId());
        System.out.println("status.getInReplyToStatusId() = " + status.getInReplyToStatusId());
        System.out.println("status.getInReplyToUserId() = " + status.getInReplyToUserId());
        System.out.println("status.getPlace() = " + status.getPlace());
        System.out.println("status.getRetweetCount() = " + status.getRetweetCount());
        System.out.println("status.getRetweetedStatus() = " + status.getRetweetedStatus());
        System.out.println("status.getUser() = " + status.getUser());
        System.out.println("status.getAccessLevel() = " + status.getAccessLevel());
        System.out.println("status.getHashtagEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getHashtagEntities()));
        System.out.println("status.getMediaEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getMediaEntities()));
        if (status.getRateLimitStatus() != null) {
                    "status.getRateLimitStatus().getLimit() = " + status.getRateLimitStatus().getLimit());
            System.out.println("status.getRateLimitStatus().getRemaining() = "
                    + status.getRateLimitStatus().getRemaining());
            System.out.println("status.getRateLimitStatus().getResetTimeInSeconds() = "
                    + status.getRateLimitStatus().getResetTimeInSeconds());
            System.out.println("status.getRateLimitStatus().getSecondsUntilReset() = "
                    + status.getRateLimitStatus().getSecondsUntilReset());
        System.out.println("status.getURLEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getURLEntities()));
                "status.getUserMentionEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getUserMentionEntities()));
    case 2:
        System.out.println("Enter keyword");
        String keyword = sc.next();
        try {
            Query query = new Query(keyword);
            QueryResult result;
            do {
                result = twitter.search(query);
                List<Status> tweets = result.getTweets();
                for (Status tweet : tweets) {
                    System.out.println(tweet.getCreatedAt() + ":\t@" + tweet.getUser().getScreenName() + " - "
                            + tweet.getText());
            } while ((query = result.nextQuery()) != null);
        } catch (TwitterException te) {
            System.out.println("Failed to search tweets: " + te.getMessage());
    case 3:
        //WOEID for India = 23424848
        Trends trends = twitter.getPlaceTrends(23424848);
        int count = 0;
        for (Trend trend : trends.getTrends()) {
            if (count < 3) {
                Query query = new Query(trend.getName());
                QueryResult result;
                int numberofpost = 0;
                do {
                    result = twitter.search(query);
                    List<Status> tweets = result.getTweets();
                    for (Status tweet : tweets) {
                } while ((query = result.nextQuery()) != null);
                        .println("Number of post for the topic '" + trend.getName() + "' is: " + numberofpost);
            } else
        System.out.println("Invalid input");

From source file:TwitterDownload.TwitterExel.java

public static String writeTweets(long ID, List<Status> tweets, String path) {
    try {/*w  w w  .j  a  v  a  2s .  c  o m*/
        path = path + "Tweets";

        File theDir = new File(path);

        // if the directory does not exist, create it
        if (!theDir.exists()) {

        String exlPath = path + "/" + ID + ".xls";

        File exlFile = new File(exlPath);
        WritableWorkbook writableWorkbook = null;
        WritableSheet writableSheet = null;
        int i = 0;
        while (exlFile.exists()) {

            exlPath = path + "/" + ID + "_" + i + ".xls";

            exlFile = new File(exlPath);

        writableWorkbook = Workbook.createWorkbook(exlFile);

        writableSheet = writableWorkbook.createSheet("FerretData", 0);

        try {
            Workbook existing = Workbook.getWorkbook(exlFile);
            writableWorkbook = Workbook.createWorkbook(exlFile, existing);

            writableSheet = writableWorkbook.getSheet(0);
        } catch (BiffException be) {


        //Create Cells with contents of different data types.
        //Also specify the Cell coordinates in the constructor

        i = 0;
        i = writableSheet.getRows();

        if (i == 0) {
            Label text = new Label(0, 0, "Tweeted Text");
            Label date = new Label(1, 0, "Tweeted Date");
            Label reTweets = new Label(2, 0, "ReTweet Count");
            Label favor = new Label(3, 0, "Favourite Count");
            Label place = new Label(4, 0, "Place");
            Label geo = new Label(5, 0, "GeoLocation");
            Label link = new Label(6, 0, "Link");
            Label user = new Label(7, 0, "User");

            //Add the created Cells to the sheet

            i = 1;

        for (int j = 0; j < tweets.size(); j++) {
            Status s = tweets.get(j);

            String placeString = s.getPlace() != null ? s.getPlace().toString() : "";
            if (placeString.contains("{"))
                placeString = placeString.substring(placeString.indexOf("{"), placeString.length() - 1);

            Label text = new Label(0, i + j, s.getText());
            DateTime date = new DateTime(1, i + j, s.getCreatedAt());
            Number reTweets = new Number(2, i + j, s.getRetweetCount());
            Number favor = new Number(3, i + j, s.getFavoriteCount());
            Label place = new Label(4, j + 1, placeString);
            Label geo = new Label(5, j + 1, s.getGeoLocation() != null ? s.getGeoLocation().toString() : "");

            String link = "https://twitter.com/" + s.getUser().getScreenName() + "/status/" + s.getId();
            URL url = new URL(link);

            WritableHyperlink hl = new WritableHyperlink(6, j + 1, url);

            Label user = new Label(7, j + 1, s.getUser().getScreenName());

            //Add the created Cells to the sheet

        //Write and close the workbook

        return exlPath;

    } catch (IOException e) {
    } catch (RowsExceededException e) {
    } catch (WriteException e) {
    return null;