Example usage for twitter4j Status getInReplyToStatusId

List of usage examples for twitter4j Status getInReplyToStatusId


In this page you can find the example usage for twitter4j Status getInReplyToStatusId.


long getInReplyToStatusId();

Source Link


Returns the in_reply_tostatus_id


From source file:twitbak.MentionBak.java

License:Open Source License

public void statusToJson(Status status) throws TwitterException, JSONException {
    JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
    User poster = status.getUser();//from   ww w .j a  v a 2  s  . com
    result.put("Poster ID", poster.getId());
    result.put("Poster", poster.getScreenName());
    result.put("Poster Name", poster.getName());
    result.put("Created At", status.getCreatedAt().toString());
    result.put("ID", status.getId());
    result.put("Text", status.getText());
    long inReplyToStatusId = status.getInReplyToStatusId();
    if (inReplyToStatusId != -1) {
        result.put("In Reply To Status ID", status.getInReplyToStatusId());
    long inReplyToUserID = status.getInReplyToUserId();
    result.put("In Reply To User ID", inReplyToUserID);
    if (inReplyToUserID != -1) {
        result.put("In Reply To Screen Name", status.getInReplyToScreenName());
    boolean isFavorited = status.isFavorited();
    if (isFavorited) {
        result.put("Favorited", status.isFavorited());

From source file:twitbak.StatusBak.java

License:Open Source License

 * Adds a Status to statusArray as a JSONObject.
 * //from   www  .ja  v a  2s .c o m
 * @param status
 * @throws TwitterException
 * @throws JSONException
public void statusToJson(Status status) throws TwitterException, JSONException {
    JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
    result.put("Created At", status.getCreatedAt().toString());
    result.put("ID", status.getId());
    result.put("Text", status.getText());
    long inReplyToStatusId = status.getInReplyToStatusId();
    if (inReplyToStatusId != -1) {
        result.put("In Reply To Status ID", status.getInReplyToStatusId());
    long inReplyToUserID = status.getInReplyToUserId();
    result.put("In Reply To User ID", inReplyToUserID);
    if (inReplyToUserID != -1) {
        result.put("In Reply To Screen Name", status.getInReplyToScreenName());
    boolean isFavorited = status.isFavorited();
    if (isFavorited) {
        result.put("Favorited", status.isFavorited());

From source file:twitterapidemo.TwitterAPIDemo.java

License:Apache License

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, TwitterException {

    //TwitterAPIDemo twitterApiDemo = new TwitterAPIDemo();

    ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
    Configuration configuration = builder.build();

    TwitterFactory twitterFactory = new TwitterFactory(configuration);
    Twitter twitter = twitterFactory.getInstance();
    twitter.setOAuthAccessToken(new AccessToken(accessToken, accessTokenSecret));

    Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
    System.out.println(/*from w ww.j a  v  a2s.com*/
            "Enter your choice:\n1. To post tweet\n2.To search tweets\n3. Recent top 3 trends and number of posts of each trending topic");
    int choice = sc.nextInt();
    switch (choice) {
    case 1:
        System.out.println("What's happening: ");
        String post = sc.next();
        StatusUpdate statusUpdate = new StatusUpdate(post + "-Posted by TwitterAPI");
        Status status = twitter.updateStatus(statusUpdate);

        System.out.println("status.toString() = " + status.toString());
        System.out.println("status.getInReplyToScreenName() = " + status.getInReplyToScreenName());
        System.out.println("status.getSource() = " + status.getSource());
        System.out.println("status.getText() = " + status.getText());
        System.out.println("status.getContributors() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getContributors()));
        System.out.println("status.getCreatedAt() = " + status.getCreatedAt());
        System.out.println("status.getCurrentUserRetweetId() = " + status.getCurrentUserRetweetId());
        System.out.println("status.getGeoLocation() = " + status.getGeoLocation());
        System.out.println("status.getId() = " + status.getId());
        System.out.println("status.getInReplyToStatusId() = " + status.getInReplyToStatusId());
        System.out.println("status.getInReplyToUserId() = " + status.getInReplyToUserId());
        System.out.println("status.getPlace() = " + status.getPlace());
        System.out.println("status.getRetweetCount() = " + status.getRetweetCount());
        System.out.println("status.getRetweetedStatus() = " + status.getRetweetedStatus());
        System.out.println("status.getUser() = " + status.getUser());
        System.out.println("status.getAccessLevel() = " + status.getAccessLevel());
        System.out.println("status.getHashtagEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getHashtagEntities()));
        System.out.println("status.getMediaEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getMediaEntities()));
        if (status.getRateLimitStatus() != null) {
                    "status.getRateLimitStatus().getLimit() = " + status.getRateLimitStatus().getLimit());
            System.out.println("status.getRateLimitStatus().getRemaining() = "
                    + status.getRateLimitStatus().getRemaining());
            System.out.println("status.getRateLimitStatus().getResetTimeInSeconds() = "
                    + status.getRateLimitStatus().getResetTimeInSeconds());
            System.out.println("status.getRateLimitStatus().getSecondsUntilReset() = "
                    + status.getRateLimitStatus().getSecondsUntilReset());
        System.out.println("status.getURLEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getURLEntities()));
                "status.getUserMentionEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(status.getUserMentionEntities()));
    case 2:
        System.out.println("Enter keyword");
        String keyword = sc.next();
        try {
            Query query = new Query(keyword);
            QueryResult result;
            do {
                result = twitter.search(query);
                List<Status> tweets = result.getTweets();
                for (Status tweet : tweets) {
                    System.out.println(tweet.getCreatedAt() + ":\t@" + tweet.getUser().getScreenName() + " - "
                            + tweet.getText());
            } while ((query = result.nextQuery()) != null);
        } catch (TwitterException te) {
            System.out.println("Failed to search tweets: " + te.getMessage());
    case 3:
        //WOEID for India = 23424848
        Trends trends = twitter.getPlaceTrends(23424848);
        int count = 0;
        for (Trend trend : trends.getTrends()) {
            if (count < 3) {
                Query query = new Query(trend.getName());
                QueryResult result;
                int numberofpost = 0;
                do {
                    result = twitter.search(query);
                    List<Status> tweets = result.getTweets();
                    for (Status tweet : tweets) {
                } while ((query = result.nextQuery()) != null);
                        .println("Number of post for the topic '" + trend.getName() + "' is: " + numberofpost);
            } else
        System.out.println("Invalid input");

From source file:twitterswingclient.TwitterClient.java

private void updateActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_updateActionPerformed
    // TODO add your handling code here:
    String consKey = "Your key";
    String consSecret = "Your secret";
    String accToken = "Your key";
    String accSecret = "Your secret";
    try {/*from   w w w. j a  v a2s  .c om*/

        TwitterFactory twitterFactory = new TwitterFactory();

        Twitter twitter = twitterFactory.getInstance();

        twitter.setOAuthConsumer(consKey, consSecret);

        twitter.setOAuthAccessToken(new AccessToken(accToken, accSecret));

        StatusUpdate statusUpdate = new StatusUpdate(status.getText());

        statusUpdate.setMedia("Feeling great",
                new URL("http://media3.giphy.com/media/el1tH0BzEWm4w/giphy.gif").openStream());

        Status stat = twitter.updateStatus(statusUpdate);

        textArea.append("status.toString() = " + stat.toString());
        textArea.append("status.getInReplyToScreenName() = " + stat.getInReplyToScreenName());
        textArea.append("status.getSource() = " + stat.getSource());
        textArea.append("status.getText() = " + stat.getText());
        textArea.append("status.getContributors() = " + Arrays.toString(stat.getContributors()));
        textArea.append("status.getCreatedAt() = " + stat.getCreatedAt());
        textArea.append("status.getCurrentUserRetweetId() = " + stat.getCurrentUserRetweetId());
        textArea.append("status.getGeoLocation() = " + stat.getGeoLocation());
        textArea.append("status.getId() = " + stat.getId());
        textArea.append("status.getInReplyToStatusId() = " + stat.getInReplyToStatusId());
        textArea.append("status.getInReplyToUserId() = " + stat.getInReplyToUserId());
        textArea.append("status.getPlace() = " + stat.getPlace());
        textArea.append("status.getRetweetCount() = " + stat.getRetweetCount());
        textArea.append("status.getRetweetedStatus() = " + stat.getRetweetedStatus());
        textArea.append("status.getUser() = " + stat.getUser());
        textArea.append("status.getAccessLevel() = " + stat.getAccessLevel());
        textArea.append("status.getHashtagEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(stat.getHashtagEntities()));
        textArea.append("status.getMediaEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(stat.getMediaEntities()));

        if (stat.getRateLimitStatus() != null) {
            textArea.append("status.getRateLimitStatus().getLimit() = " + stat.getRateLimitStatus().getLimit());
                    "status.getRateLimitStatus().getRemaining() = " + stat.getRateLimitStatus().getRemaining());
            textArea.append("status.getRateLimitStatus().getResetTimeInSeconds() = "
                    + stat.getRateLimitStatus().getResetTimeInSeconds());
            textArea.append("status.getRateLimitStatus().getSecondsUntilReset() = "
                    + stat.getRateLimitStatus().getSecondsUntilReset());
            textArea.append("status.getRateLimitStatus().getRemainingHits() = "
                    + stat.getRateLimitStatus().getRemaining());
        textArea.append("status.getURLEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(stat.getURLEntities()));
        textArea.append("status.getUserMentionEntities() = " + Arrays.toString(stat.getUserMentionEntities()));

    } catch (IOException ex) {
        textArea.append("IO Exception");
    } catch (TwitterException tw) {
        textArea.append("Twitter Exception");

From source file:uk.ac.susx.tag.method51.twitter.Tweet.java

License:Apache License

public Tweet(Status status) {
    this();// w w  w . j  a v  a 2s. c  o m
    created = status.getCreatedAt();
    id = status.getId();
    text = status.getText();

    inReplyToStatusId = status.getInReplyToStatusId();
    inReplyToUserId = status.getInReplyToUserId();

    originalText = null;
    retweetId = -1;
    isTruncated = status.isTruncated();
    isRetweet = status.isRetweet();
    Status entities = status;
    if (isRetweet) {
        Status origTweet = status.getRetweetedStatus();
        entities = origTweet;
        retweetId = origTweet.getId();
        originalText = text;
        text = origTweet.getText();

    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    for (HashtagEntity e : entities.getHashtagEntities()) {
        sb.append(" ");
    hashtags = sb.toString();
    sb = new StringBuilder();

    for (UserMentionEntity e : entities.getUserMentionEntities()) {
        sb.append(" ");
    mentions = sb.toString();
    sb = new StringBuilder();

    for (URLEntity e : entities.getURLEntities()) {
        //String url = e.getURL();
        String url = e.getExpandedURL();
        if (url == null) {
            url = e.getURL();
            if (url != null) {

        } else {
        sb.append(" ");
    urls = sb.toString();
    sb = new StringBuilder();

    //seems to be null if no entries
    MediaEntity[] mediaEntities = entities.getMediaEntities();
    if (mediaEntities != null) {
        for (MediaEntity e : mediaEntities) {
            String url = e.getMediaURL();
            sb.append(" ");
        mediaUrls = sb.toString();
    } else {
        mediaUrls = "";

    received = new Date();

    source = status.getSource();
    GeoLocation geoLoc = status.getGeoLocation();
    Place place = status.getPlace();

    if (geoLoc != null) {

        geoLong = geoLoc.getLongitude();
        geoLat = geoLoc.getLatitude();
    } else if (place != null && place.getBoundingBoxCoordinates() != null
            && place.getBoundingBoxCoordinates().length > 0) {

        GeoLocation[] locs = place.getBoundingBoxCoordinates()[0];

        double avgLat = 0;
        double avgLon = 0;

        for (GeoLocation loc : locs) {

            avgLat += loc.getLatitude();
            avgLon += loc.getLongitude();

        avgLat /= locs.length;
        avgLon /= locs.length;

        geoLat = avgLat;
        geoLong = avgLon;
    } else {

        geoLong = null;
        geoLat = null;

    twitter4j.User user = status.getUser();

    if (user != null) {
        userId = user.getId();
        location = user.getLocation();
        screenName = user.getScreenName();
        following = user.getFriendsCount();
        name = user.getName();
        lang = user.getLang();
        timezone = user.getTimeZone();
        userCreated = user.getCreatedAt();
        followers = user.getFollowersCount();
        statusCount = user.getStatusesCount();
        description = user.getDescription();
        url = user.getURL();
        utcOffset = user.getUtcOffset();
        favouritesCount = user.getFavouritesCount();

        this.user = new User(user);

From source file:uk.co.cathtanconsulting.twitter.TwitterSource.java

License:Apache License

 * @param status/*from w  w  w .jav  a2  s  . c  o m*/
 * Generate a TweetRecord object and submit to 
private void extractRecord(Status status) {
    TweetRecord record = new TweetRecord();

    //Basic attributes
    //Using SimpleDateFormat "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
    //Use millis since epoch since Avro doesn't do dates

    //User based attributes - denormalized to keep the Source stateless
    //but also so that we can see user attributes changing over time.
    //N.B. we could of course fork this off as a separate stream of user info
    User user = status.getUser();

    //If it is zero then leave the value null
    if (status.getInReplyToStatusId() != 0) {

    //If it is zero then leave the value null
    if (status.getInReplyToUserId() != 0) {

    //Do geo. N.B. Twitter4J doesn't give use the geo type
    GeoLocation geo = status.getGeoLocation();
    if (geo != null) {

    //If a status is a retweet then the original tweet gets bundled in
    //Because we can't guarantee that we'll have the original we can
    //extract the original tweet and process it as we have done this time
    //using recursion. Note: we will end up with dupes.
    Status retweetedStatus = status.getRetweetedStatus();
    if (retweetedStatus != null) {

    //Submit the populated record onto the channel