List of usage examples for twitter4j Status getId
long getId();
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License:Apache License
public static TwitterQueryResultItemAvro mapItem(String queryOwner, String queryName, String queryString, Status status) { TwitterQueryResultItemAvro result = new TwitterQueryResultItemAvro(); if (queryName != null) queryName = queryName.toLowerCase(); if (queryOwner != null) queryOwner = queryOwner.toLowerCase(); result.setQueryName(queryName);/*from ww w.j av a 2 s. c om*/ result.setQueryOwner(queryOwner); result.setQuery(queryString); result.setStatusId(status.getId()); result.setText(status.getText()); result.setRelevantQueryTerms(TwitterUtils.relevantQueryTermsFromStatus(queryString, status)); result.setLang(status.getLang()); result.setCreatedAt(status.getCreatedAt().getTime()); User user = status.getUser(); result.setUserId(user.getId()); result.setScreenName(user.getScreenName()); result.setUserLocation(user.getLocation()); result.setUserName(user.getName()); result.setUserDescription(user.getDescription()); result.setUserIsProtected(user.isProtected()); result.setUserFollowersCount(user.getFollowersCount()); result.setUserCreatedAt(user.getCreatedAt().getTime()); result.setUserCreatedAtAsString(DateTimeUtils.getDateAsText(user.getCreatedAt())); result.setCreatedAtAsString(DateTimeUtils.getDateAsText(status.getCreatedAt())); result.setUserFriendsCount(user.getFriendsCount()); result.setUserListedCount(user.getListedCount()); result.setUserStatusesCount(user.getStatusesCount()); result.setUserFavoritesCount(user.getFavouritesCount()); result.setCurrentUserRetweetId(status.getCurrentUserRetweetId()); result.setInReplyToScreenName(status.getInReplyToScreenName()); result.setInReplyToStatusId(status.getInReplyToStatusId()); result.setInReplyToUserId(status.getInReplyToUserId()); if (status.getGeoLocation() != null) { result.setLatitude(status.getGeoLocation().getLatitude()); result.setLongitude(status.getGeoLocation().getLongitude()); } result.setSource(status.getSource()); result.setTrucated(status.isTruncated()); result.setPossiblySensitive(status.isPossiblySensitive()); result.setRetweet(status.getRetweetedStatus() != null); if (result.getRetweet()) { result.setRetweetStatusId(status.getRetweetedStatus().getId()); result.setRetweetedText(status.getRetweetedStatus().getText()); } result.setRetweeted(status.isRetweeted()); result.setRetweetCount(status.getRetweetCount()); result.setRetweetedByMe(status.isRetweetedByMe()); result.setFavoriteCount(status.getFavoriteCount()); result.setFavourited(status.isFavorited()); if (status.getPlace() != null) { result.setPlace(status.getPlace().getFullName()); } Scopes scopesObj = status.getScopes(); if (scopesObj != null) { List scopes = Arrays.asList(scopesObj.getPlaceIds()); result.setScopes(scopes); } return result; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void onStatus(final Status status) { UserMentionEntity[] mentions = status.getUserMentionEntities(); if (mentions != null) { for (UserMentionEntity mention : mentions) { try { // Check if there is any mention to us if (isCurrentUser(twitter, mention.getScreenName())) { // Only reply if it is a valid mention if (isValidMention(status) && !isCurrentUser(twitter, status.getUser().getScreenName())) { LOGGER.debug("Processing tweet {} from {}", status.getId(), status.getUser().getScreenName()); ReplyCommand reply = new ReplyCommand(twitter, wordParser, rhymeStore, status); reply.execute(); } else { LOGGER.debug("Ignoring mention: {}", status.getText()); }/* w w w .ja va2 s .c o m*/ // Do not process the same tweet more than once break; } } catch (TwitterException ex) { LOGGER.error("Could not process status: {}", status.getText()); } } } }
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License:Apache License
public static Tweet createTweet(Status status) { User user = status.getUser();/* ww w . ja va 2s . c o m*/ long tweet_id = status.getId(); String tweet_text = status.getText(); Date tweet_text_date = status.getCreatedAt(); int tweet_retweet_count = status.getRetweetCount(); int tweet_favourite_count = status.getFavoriteCount(); int tweet_mentions_count = status.getUserMentionEntities().length; String user_name = user.getScreenName(); String user_image_url = user.getBiggerProfileImageURL(); String user_cover_url = user.getProfileBackgroundImageURL(); String user_location = user.getLocation(); String user_description = user.getDescription(); Tweet tweet = new Tweet(tweet_id, tweet_text, tweet_text_date, tweet_retweet_count, tweet_favourite_count, tweet_mentions_count, user_name, user_image_url, user_location, user_description, user_cover_url); return tweet; }
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License:Open Source License
/** Process records performing retries as needed. Skip "poison pill" records. * @param records//from www . j a v a2 s.c o m */ private void processRecordsWithRetries(List<Record> records) { for (Record record : records) { boolean processedSuccessfully = false; String data = null; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_RETRIES; i++) { try { // For this app, we interpret the payload as UTF-8 chars. data = decoder.decode(record.getData()).toString(); LOG.debug(record.getSequenceNumber() + ", " + record.getPartitionKey() + ", " + data); try { Status tweet = DataObjectFactory.createStatus(data); client.insert("tweets", "tweet_id", "" + tweet.getId(), "tweet", data); } catch (Exception e) { } // // Logic to process record goes here. // processedSuccessfully = true; break; } catch (CharacterCodingException e) { LOG.error("Malformed data: " + data, e); break; } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.warn("Caught throwable while processing record " + record, t); } // backoff if we encounter an exception. try { Thread.sleep(BACKOFF_TIME_IN_MILLIS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.debug("Interrupted sleep", e); } } if (!processedSuccessfully) { LOG.error("Couldn't process record " + record + ". Skipping the record."); } } }
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@Override public void onStatus(Status status) { PropertySet propSet = ComponentManager.getComponent(PropertiesManager.class).getPropertySet(); if (!licenseValidator.isValid()) { logger.error(JTPConstants.LOG_PRE + "License problem, see configuration page"); ExceptionMessagesUtil.addLicenseExceptionMessage(); } else {/*from www . ja va 2s .c om*/ + "onStatus @" + status.getUser().getScreenName() + " - " + status.getText()); ExceptionMessagesUtil.cleanAllExceptionMessages(); checkAndSetScreenName(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(screenName)) { ExceptionMessagesUtil .addExceptionMessage("No Screen name found, please authorize Twitter account!"); return; } if (status.getUser().getScreenName().equals(screenName)) { // tweet is mine, do not respond it return; } String text = StringUtils.trim(status.getText().replace("@" + screenName, "")); if (propSet.getBoolean("onlyFollowers") && !isFollower(status.getUser().getId())) { logger.warn(JTPConstants.LOG_PRE + status.getUser().getScreenName() + " is not a follower but mentioned to create issue"); return; } String userName = propSet.getString("userId"); String issueTypeId = propSet.getString("issueTypeId"); if (status.getInReplyToStatusId() == -1) { // -1 means that this is not reply, it's main tweet String projectId = propSet.getString("projectId"); issueService.createIssue(userName, status.getUser().getScreenName(), text, Long.parseLong(projectId), issueTypeId); } else if (status.getInReplyToStatusId() > 0) { // this is a reply tweet, so add comment to main issue long statusId = status.getInReplyToStatusId(); TweetIssueRel rel = tweetIssueRelService.findTweetIssueRelByTweetStatusId(statusId); Long issueId = null; if (null != rel) issueId = rel.getIssueId(); if (null != issueId) { issueService.addComment(userName, status.getUser().getScreenName(), issueId, text); // assosiate this tweet with issue, // so that replies to this tweet will be comments to the issue tweetIssueRelService.persistRelation(issueId, status.getId()); } } } }
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/** * *// w w w .j a va 2 s. co m * */ public ArrayList<Tweet> retrieveTweets(String searchWord) { Paging paging; // set the lowest value of the tweet ID initially to one less than Long.MAX_VALUE long min_id = Long.MAX_VALUE - 1; int count = 0; int index = 0; boolean maxValueReached = false; userToSearch = searchWord; while (true) { try { //count = tweetList.size(); // paging tweets at a rate of 100 per page paging = new Paging(1, 100); // if this is not the first iteration set the new min_id value for the page if (count != 0) { paging.setMaxId(min_id - 1); } // get a page of the tweet timeline with tweets with ids less than the min_id value List<Status> tweetTempList = twitterApp.getUserTimeline(userToSearch, paging); // iterate the results and add to tweetList for (Status s : tweetTempList) { if (count == maxTweets) { maxValueReached = true; break; } count++; Tweet tweet = new Tweet(s.getId(), s.getCreatedAt(), s.getText()); tweetList.add(tweet); // set the value for the min value for the next iteration if (s.getId() < min_id) { min_id = s.getId(); } } // if the results for this iteration is zero, means we have reached the API limit or we have extracted the maximum // possible, so break if (tweetTempList.size() == 0 || maxValueReached) { return tweetList; // break; } } catch (TwitterException e) { e.printStackTrace(); break; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); break; } } return tweetList; }
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private void sendT(String text) { try {//from w w w . j a v a 2 s .c o m long superUserId = db.getSuperAdminId(); Status updateStatus = tw.updateStatus(text); SimpleMention sm = new SimpleMention(this, updateStatus.getId(), superUserId, null, text, Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()); db.add(sm); tweetCount.incementCount(); } catch (TwitterException ex) { error(ex.toString(), ex); } }
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/** * funcion se dispara cuando te mencionan sin ser amigo * funcion se dipara cuando alguien que sigues habla cualquier wea * funcion se dispara cuando la propia casa twittea * @param status //from ww w . j a v a 2 m */ @Override public void onStatus(Status status) { User user = status.getUser(); debug("onStatus @" + status.getUser().getScreenName() + " : " + status.getText()); if (TwitterUserUtil.equals(status.getUser().getScreenName(), p.getValueByKey(Key.twitterSuperUser))) { debug("Own tweet detected... EXITING function"); return; } TweetStringAnalizer tsa; try { tsa = new TweetStringAnalizer(status.getText(), tweetDictionary); } catch (TweetStringException ex) { error(ex.toString(), ex); return; } Map<Integer, String> mencionedUsers = tsa.getMencionedUsers(); if (mencionedUsers != null) { boolean isHomeMencioned = false; for (Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : mencionedUsers.entrySet()) { if (TwitterUserUtil.equals(entry.getValue(), p.getValueByKey(Key.twitterSuperUser))) { isHomeMencioned = true; break; } } if (isHomeMencioned) { if (!tsa.isErrorFounded()) { try { db.add(new SimpleMention(this, status.getId(), status.getUser().getId(), null, status.getText(), Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis())); analyzeAndRespond(user, tsa, false); } catch (TwitterException | TweetMyHomeException ex) { error(ex.toString(), ex); } } else { error(tsa.getErrorString().toString()); } } else { debug("Users were mencioned, but not this home..."); } } else { debug("None user Mencioned..."); } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void start() { TwitterStream twitterStream = new TwitterStreamFactory().getInstance(); Announcer announcer = announcerMgr.randomAnnouncerData(); twitterStream.setOAuthConsumer(announcer.getConsumerKey(), announcer.getConsumerSecret()); twitterStream/*from w ww . j a v a2s . c o m*/ .setOAuthAccessToken(new AccessToken(announcer.getAccessToken(), announcer.getAccessTokenSecret())); twitterStream.addListener(new StatusListener() { @Override public void onException(Exception arg0) { } @Override public void onTrackLimitationNotice(int arg0) { } @Override public void onStatus(Status status) { HashtagEntity[] hashtagEntities = status.getHashtagEntities(); String screenName = status.getUser().getScreenName(); User user = status.getUser(); if (user != null && (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastMessage > TEN_MIN)) { lastMessage = System.currentTimeMillis(); int action = (int) (ACTION_TYPES * Math.random()); switch (action) { case REGULAR_TWEET: LocalizationUtil lutil = LocalizationUtil.getInstance(); int sentenceSize = Integer .parseInt(lutil.get("announcer.sentence.size", LocalizationUtil.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE)); int random = (int) (Math.random() * sentenceSize); String rndMessage = lutil.get("announcer.sentence." + random, LocalizationUtil.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE); announcerMgr.announceFromRandomAnnouncer(rndMessage); break; case RETWEEET: announcerMgr.retweet(status.getId()); break; case FAVOURITE: announcerMgr.favourite(status.getId()); break; default: String message = constructAdsMessage(screenName, hashtagEntities, status.getUser().getLang()); announcerMgr.reply(message, status.getId()); break; } } } @Override public void onScrubGeo(long arg0, long arg1) { } @Override public void onDeletionNotice(StatusDeletionNotice arg0) { } }); FilterQuery filterQuery = new FilterQuery(); filterQuery.count(0); filterQuery.track(FILTER_TERMS); twitterStream.filter(filterQuery); }
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License:Apache License
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override/*w ww . j a v a 2 s . co m*/ public void save(final List<Status> statuses, final Long listId) { getSQLiteTemplate().batchExecute(getSqlString(R.string.twitt4droid_insert_list_status_sql), new SQLiteTemplate.BatchSQLiteStatementBinder() { @Override public int getBatchSize() { return statuses.size(); } @Override public void bindValues(SQLiteStatement statement, int i) { Status status = statuses.get(i); int index = 0; statement.bindLong(++index, status.getId()); statement.bindLong(++index, listId); statement.bindString(++index, status.getText()); statement.bindString(++index, status.getUser().getScreenName()); statement.bindString(++index, status.getUser().getName()); statement.bindLong(++index, status.getCreatedAt().getTime()); statement.bindString(++index, status.getUser().getProfileImageURL()); } }); }