Java twitter4j JSONArray fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java twitter4j JSONArray fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for twitter4j JSONArray.

The text is from its open source code.


JSONArray(Collection copyFrom)
Creates a new JSONArray by copying all values from the given collection.
JSONArray(JSONTokener readFrom)
Creates a new JSONArray with values from the next array in the tokener.
JSONArray(String json)
Creates a new JSONArray with values from the JSON string.
JSONArray(Object array)
Creates a new JSONArray with values from the given primitive array.
Creates a JSONArray with no values.


Objectget(int index)
Returns the value at index .
JSONArraygetJSONArray(int index)
Returns the value at index if it exists and is a JSONArray .
JSONObjectgetJSONObject(int index)
Returns the value at index if it exists and is a JSONObject .
JSONArrayput(boolean value)
Appends value to the end of this array.
JSONArrayput(double value)
Appends value to the end of this array.
JSONArrayput(int value)
Appends value to the end of this array.
JSONArrayput(long value)
Appends value to the end of this array.
JSONArrayput(Object value)
Appends value to the end of this array.
Encodes this array as a compact JSON string, such as: