Example usage for org.springframework.web.servlet ModelAndView setView

List of usage examples for org.springframework.web.servlet ModelAndView setView


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.web.servlet ModelAndView setView.


public void setView(@Nullable View view) 

Source Link


Set a View object for this ModelAndView.


From source file:org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.errors.GrailsExceptionResolver.java

protected void resolveView(HttpServletRequest request, UrlMappingInfo info, ModelAndView mv) throws Exception {
    ViewResolver viewResolver = WebUtils.lookupViewResolver(servletContext);
    View v = WebUtils.resolveView(request, info, info.getViewName(), viewResolver);
    if (v != null) {
    }/*  w w  w.  ja va  2 s .  co m*/

From source file:org.grails.web.errors.GrailsExceptionResolver.java

protected void resolveView(HttpServletRequest request, UrlMappingInfo info, ModelAndView mv) throws Exception {
    ViewResolver viewResolver = WebUtils.lookupViewResolver(servletContext);
    View v = UrlMappingUtils.resolveView(request, info, info.getViewName(), viewResolver);
    if (v != null) {
    }// w  w w.j a  v a2s . c o m

From source file:org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.OauthConfirmAccessController.java

@RequestMapping(value = { "/signin", "/login" }, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView loginGetHandler2(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
        ModelAndView mav) {//from  ww w . j a  v a2 s .c  o m
    // find client name if available
    SavedRequest savedRequest = new HttpSessionRequestCache().getRequest(request, response);
    String clientName = "";
    String clientId = "";
    String clientGroupName = "";
    String email = "";
    String clientDescription = "";
    String scope = "";
    String redirectUri = "";
    String responseType = "";
    String orcid = null;
    boolean showLogin = false; // default to Reg
    boolean usePersistentTokens = false;
    if (savedRequest != null) {
        String url = savedRequest.getRedirectUrl();
        if (url.toLowerCase().contains("show_login=true"))
            showLogin = true;
        //TODO: We should not load any info in the freemarker ModelAndViewObject, we should move all info we need to the forms
        Matcher matcher = clientIdPattern.matcher(url);
        if (matcher.find()) {
            clientId = matcher.group(1);
            if (clientId != null) {
                try {
                    clientId = URLDecoder.decode(clientId, "UTF-8").trim();
                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                Matcher emailMatcher = RegistrationController.emailPattern.matcher(url);
                if (emailMatcher.find()) {
                    String tempEmail = emailMatcher.group(1);
                    try {
                        tempEmail = URLDecoder.decode(tempEmail, "UTF-8").trim();
                    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                    if (orcidProfileManager.emailExists(tempEmail))
                        email = tempEmail;

                Matcher orcidMatcher = orcidPattern.matcher(url);
                if (orcidMatcher.find()) {
                    String tempOrcid = orcidMatcher.group(2);
                    try {
                        tempOrcid = URLDecoder.decode(tempOrcid, "UTF-8").trim();
                    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                    if (orcidProfileManager.exists(tempOrcid))
                        orcid = tempOrcid;

                Matcher scopeMatcher = scopesPattern.matcher(url);
                if (scopeMatcher.find()) {
                    scope = scopeMatcher.group(1);
                    try {
                        scope = URLDecoder.decode(scope, "UTF-8").trim();
                        scope = scope.replaceAll(" +", " ");
                    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

                Matcher redirectUriMatcher = redirectUriPattern.matcher(url);
                if (redirectUriMatcher.find()) {
                    try {
                        redirectUri = URLDecoder.decode(redirectUriMatcher.group(1), "UTF-8").trim();
                    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

                Matcher responseTypeMatcher = responseTypePattern.matcher(url);
                if (responseTypeMatcher.find()) {
                    responseType = responseTypeMatcher.group(1);
                    try {
                        responseType = URLDecoder.decode(responseType, "UTF-8").trim();
                    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

                // Get client name
                ClientDetailsEntity clientDetails = clientDetailsEntityCacheManager.retrieve(clientId);

                // Check if the client has persistent tokens enabled
                if (clientDetails.isPersistentTokensEnabled())
                    usePersistentTokens = true;

                // validate client scopes
                try {
                    authorizationEndpoint.validateScope(scope, clientDetails);
                } catch (InvalidScopeException ise) {
                    String redirectUriWithParams = redirectUri;
                    redirectUriWithParams += "?error=invalid_scope&error_description=" + ise.getMessage();
                    RedirectView rView = new RedirectView(redirectUriWithParams);

                    ModelAndView error = new ModelAndView();
                    return error;
                } catch (LockedException le) {
                    String redirectUriWithParams = redirectUri;
                    redirectUriWithParams += "?error=client_locked&error_description=" + le.getMessage();
                    RedirectView rView = new RedirectView(redirectUriWithParams);

                    ModelAndView error = new ModelAndView();
                    return error;
                // If client details is ok, continue
                clientName = clientDetails.getClientName() == null ? "" : clientDetails.getClientName();
                clientDescription = clientDetails.getClientDescription() == null ? ""
                        : clientDetails.getClientDescription();

                // If client type is null it means it is a public client
                if (clientDetails.getClientType() == null) {
                    clientGroupName = PUBLIC_MEMBER_NAME;
                } else if (!PojoUtil.isEmpty(clientDetails.getGroupProfileId())) {
                    ProfileEntity groupProfile = profileEntityCacheManager
                    clientGroupName = groupProfile.getCreditName();
                // If the group name is empty, use the same as the client
                // name, since it should be a SSO user
                if (StringUtils.isBlank(clientGroupName)) {
                    clientGroupName = clientName;
    mav.addObject("scopes", ScopePathType.getScopesFromSpaceSeparatedString(scope));
    mav.addObject("scopesString", scope);
    mav.addObject("redirect_uri", redirectUri);
    mav.addObject("response_type", responseType);
    mav.addObject("client_name", clientName);
    mav.addObject("client_id", clientId);
    mav.addObject("client_group_name", clientGroupName);
    mav.addObject("client_description", clientDescription);
    mav.addObject("userId", orcid != null ? orcid : email);
    mav.addObject("hideUserVoiceScript", true);
    mav.addObject("usePersistentTokens", usePersistentTokens);
    mav.addObject("showLogin", String.valueOf(showLogin));
    return mav;

From source file:org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.OauthConfirmAccessController.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/confirm_access", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView loginGetHandler(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ModelAndView mav,
        @RequestParam("client_id") String clientId, @RequestParam("scope") String scope,
        @RequestParam("redirect_uri") String redirectUri) {
    OrcidProfile profile = orcidProfileManager.retrieveOrcidProfile(getCurrentUserOrcid(),
            LoadOptions.BIO_ONLY);//  w  w w .j ava 2  s  .co m
    clientId = (clientId != null) ? clientId.trim() : clientId;
    scope = (scope != null) ? scope.trim().replaceAll(" +", " ") : scope;
    redirectUri = (redirectUri != null) ? redirectUri.trim() : redirectUri;

    Boolean justRegistered = (Boolean) request.getSession().getAttribute(OrcidOauth2Constants.JUST_REGISTERED);
    if (justRegistered != null) {
        mav.addObject(OrcidOauth2Constants.JUST_REGISTERED, justRegistered);
    String clientName = "";
    String clientDescription = "";
    String clientGroupName = "";
    String clientWebsite = "";

    boolean usePersistentTokens = false;

    ClientDetailsEntity clientDetails = clientDetailsEntityCacheManager.retrieve(clientId);
    clientName = clientDetails.getClientName() == null ? "" : clientDetails.getClientName();
    clientDescription = clientDetails.getClientDescription() == null ? ""
            : clientDetails.getClientDescription();
    clientWebsite = clientDetails.getClientWebsite() == null ? "" : clientDetails.getClientWebsite();

    // validate client scopes
    try {
        authorizationEndpoint.validateScope(scope, clientDetails);
    } catch (InvalidScopeException ise) {
        String redirectUriWithParams = redirectUri;
        redirectUriWithParams += "?error=invalid_scope&error_description=" + ise.getMessage();
        RedirectView rView = new RedirectView(redirectUriWithParams);

        ModelAndView error = new ModelAndView();
        return error;
    } catch (LockedException le) {
        String redirectUriWithParams = redirectUri;
        redirectUriWithParams += "?error=client_locked&error_description=" + le.getMessage();
        RedirectView rView = new RedirectView(redirectUriWithParams);

        ModelAndView error = new ModelAndView();
        return error;

    // Check if the client has persistent tokens enabled
    if (clientDetails.isPersistentTokensEnabled()) {
        usePersistentTokens = true;

    if (usePersistentTokens) {
        boolean tokenAlreadyExists = tokenServices.tokenAlreadyExists(clientId, getEffectiveUserOrcid(),
        if (tokenAlreadyExists) {
            AuthorizationRequest authorizationRequest = (AuthorizationRequest) request.getSession()
            Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
            Map<String, String> requestParams = new HashMap<String, String>();
            copyRequestParameters(request, requestParams);
            Map<String, String> approvalParams = new HashMap<String, String>();

            requestParams.put(OAuth2Utils.USER_OAUTH_APPROVAL, "true");
            approvalParams.put(OAuth2Utils.USER_OAUTH_APPROVAL, "true");

            requestParams.put(OrcidOauth2Constants.TOKEN_VERSION, OrcidOauth2Constants.PERSISTENT_TOKEN);

            // Check if the client have persistent tokens enabled
            requestParams.put(OrcidOauth2Constants.GRANT_PERSISTENT_TOKEN, "false");
            if (hasPersistenTokensEnabled(clientId)) {
                // Then check if the client granted the persistent token
                requestParams.put(OrcidOauth2Constants.GRANT_PERSISTENT_TOKEN, "true");

            // Session status
            SimpleSessionStatus status = new SimpleSessionStatus();

            // Authorization request model
            Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            model.put("authorizationRequest", authorizationRequest);

            // Approve
            RedirectView view = (RedirectView) authorizationEndpoint.approveOrDeny(approvalParams, model,
                    status, auth);
            ModelAndView authCodeView = new ModelAndView();
            return authCodeView;
    if (clientDetails.getClientType() == null) {
        clientGroupName = PUBLIC_MEMBER_NAME;
    } else if (!PojoUtil.isEmpty(clientDetails.getGroupProfileId())) {
        ProfileEntity groupProfile = profileEntityCacheManager.retrieve(clientDetails.getGroupProfileId());
        clientGroupName = groupProfile.getCreditName();

    // If the group name is empty, use the same as the client name, since it
    // should be a SSO user
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(clientGroupName)) {
        clientGroupName = clientName;
    mav.addObject("profile", profile);
    mav.addObject("client_name", clientName);
    mav.addObject("client_description", clientDescription);
    mav.addObject("client_group_name", clientGroupName);
    mav.addObject("client_website", clientWebsite);
    mav.addObject("scopes", ScopePathType.getScopesFromSpaceSeparatedString(scope));
    mav.addObject("scopesString", scope);
    mav.addObject("hideUserVoiceScript", true);
    mav.addObject("usePersistentTokens", usePersistentTokens);
    return mav;

From source file:org.shept.org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.delegation.DelegatingController.java

 * Processes the return value of a handler method to ensure that it either returns
 * <code>null</code> or an instance of {@link ModelAndView}. When returning a {@link Map},
 * the {@link Map} instance is wrapped in a new {@link ModelAndView} instance.
 *//*from  w  ww . ja v  a  2  s .  com*/
protected ModelAndView massageReturnValueIfNecessary(Object returnValue) {
    if (returnValue instanceof ModelAndView) {
        ModelAndView mav = (ModelAndView) returnValue;
        if (mav.getView() instanceof RedirectView) {
            RedirectView view = (RedirectView) mav.getView();
            String fragment = "";
            String url = view.getUrl();
            if (StringUtils.hasText(url) && url.startsWith("#")) { // check if url begins with jump to anchor
                fragment = url;
                url = "";
            if (!StringUtils.hasText(url)) {
                url = getRedirectUrl();
                if (StringUtils.hasText(fragment)) {
                    url = url + fragment;
                // NOTE: do NOT expose model attributes as part of the url for internal redirection
                mav.setView(new RedirectView(url, true, true, false));
            return mav;
        } else {
            if (!mav.hasView()) {
            return mav;
    } else if (returnValue instanceof Map) {
        return new ModelAndView(getFormView(), (Map) returnValue);
    } else if (returnValue instanceof String) {
        return new ModelAndView((String) returnValue);
    } else {
        // Either returned null or was 'void' return.
        // We'll assume that the handle method already wrote the response.
        return null;

From source file:org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServletMod.java

private void applyViewNameFromViewNameMappings(HandlerExecutionChain mappedHandler, ModelAndView mv)
        throws Exception {
    if (mv == null)
        return;/*  w  w w.ja  v a  2  s.  c  om*/
    if (STATUS_OK.equals(mv.getViewName())) {
    if (mv != null && !mv.hasView()) {
        Object handler = mappedHandler.getHandler();
        if (handler instanceof HandlerMethod) {
            HandlerMethod handlerMethod = (HandlerMethod) handler;
            String viewName = null;
            for (Entry<HandlerMethod, String> entry : viewNameMappings.entrySet()) {
                if (entry.getKey().equals(handlerMethod)) {
                    viewName = entry.getValue();
            if (viewName != null) {

From source file:org.wise.portal.presentation.web.controllers.teacher.TeacherAccountController.java

 * When the session is expired, send teacher back to form page.
 *///  www.  j  av a2  s. co  m
public ModelAndView handleRegisterTeacherSessionExpired(HttpServletRequest request) {
    ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView();
    String domain = ControllerUtil.getBaseUrlString(request);
    String domainWithPort = domain + ":" + request.getLocalPort();
    String referrer = request.getHeader("referer");

    //get the context path e.g. /wise
    String contextPath = request.getContextPath();

    String registerUrl = contextPath + "/teacher/join";
    String updateAccountInfoUrl = contextPath + "/teacher/management/updatemyaccountinfo.html";

    if (referrer != null
            && (referrer.contains(domain + registerUrl) || referrer.contains(domainWithPort + registerUrl))) {
        // if teacher was on register page, have them re-fill out the form.
        mav.setView(new RedirectView(registerUrl));
    } else if (referrer != null && (referrer.contains(domain + updateAccountInfoUrl)
            || referrer.contains(domainWithPort + updateAccountInfoUrl))) {
        // if teacher was on update account page, redirect them back to home page
        mav.setView(new RedirectView(contextPath + "/index.html"));
    } else {
        // if teacher was on any other page, redirect them back to home page
        mav.setView(new RedirectView(contextPath + "/index.html"));
    return mav;

From source file:ubic.gemma.web.controller.common.rss.RssFeedController.java

 * Show all experiments//from  w  w w.  ja  v  a  2s . com
@RequestMapping(value = { "/rssfeed" }, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView getLatestExperiments(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {

    WhatsNew wn = whatsNewService.retrieveReport();
    if (wn == null) {
        wn = whatsNewService.getReport();

    int updatedExperimentsCount = 0;
    int newExperimentsCount = 0;
    Map<ExpressionExperiment, String> experiments = new HashMap<>();

    if (wn != null) {
        Collection<ExpressionExperiment> updatedExperiments = wn.getUpdatedExpressionExperiments();
        Collection<ExpressionExperiment> newExperiments = wn.getNewExpressionExperiments();

        for (ExpressionExperiment e : updatedExperiments) {
            experiments.put(e, "Updated");
        for (ExpressionExperiment e : newExperiments) {
            experiments.put(e, "New");

        updatedExperimentsCount = updatedExperiments.size();
        newExperimentsCount = newExperiments.size();

    ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView();

    mav.addObject("feedContent", experiments);
    mav.addObject("updateCount", updatedExperimentsCount);
    mav.addObject("newCount", newExperimentsCount);

    log.debug("RSS experiments loaded.");
    return mav;