List of usage examples for org.springframework.web.servlet ModelAndView getModel
public Map<String, Object> getModel()
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@Test public void testProcessFormSubmissionChildTasksOnly() throws Exception { long taskId = 100; Task task = new Task("task100"); task.setId(taskId);/*from w ww . j a va 2 s. co m*/ when(mockTaskManager.get(taskId)).thenReturn(task); TaskChildCandidatesDTO dto = new TaskChildCandidatesDTO(); dto.setTask(task); dto.setSelectedGroupName("testGroupName"); long childTaskId = 300; Task childTask = new Task("task300"); childTask.setId(childTaskId); when(mockTaskManager.get(childTaskId)).thenReturn(childTask); Set<Long> childTaskIds = new HashSet<Long>(); childTaskIds.add(childTaskId); dto.setChildTaskIds(childTaskIds); BindException bindException = new BindException(dto, "bla"); ModelAndView modelAndView = childTasksFormController.processFormSubmission(mockRequest, mockResponse, dto, bindException); RedirectView view = (RedirectView) modelAndView.getView(); assertEquals("", view.getUrl()); assertEquals(0, modelAndView.getModel().size()); Set<Task> childTasks = task.getChildTasks(); assertEquals(1, childTasks.size()); assertEquals(childTask, childTasks.iterator().next()); }
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/** * Test basic page call.//from w w w . j a v a2 s. c o m * * @throws Exception * the exception */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test public void testBasicPage() throws Exception { final MockHttpServletRequest request = this.newGet("/contributorRole"); request.setRemoteUser(this.testUserName); final int numberOfRoles = this.contributorRoleManager.getAll().size(); /** * Only test precondition! */ Assert.assertTrue("No roles to test!", numberOfRoles > 0); final ModelAndView result = this.ctrl.showPage(request); final Map<String, Object> resModel = result.getModel(); Assert.assertTrue(resModel.containsKey("contributorRolesList")); final Object contribListObj = resModel.get("contributorRolesList"); final List<ContributorRole> contribList = (List<ContributorRole>) contribListObj; Assert.assertEquals(numberOfRoles, contribList.size()); }
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/** * Test for get error redirects./*from w ww . jav a2s . c om*/ * * @throws Exception * the exception */ @Test public void testGetErrors() throws Exception { MockHttpServletRequest request = this.newPost("/contributorRole"); request.setRemoteUser(this.testUserName); ModelAndView result = this.ctrl.showPage(request); Map<String, Object> resModel = result.getModel(); Assert.assertTrue(resModel.containsKey("contributorRolesList")); request = this.newPost("/contributorRole"); request.setRemoteUser(this.testUserName); request.addParameter("delete", "1234567890"); result = this.ctrl.showPage(request); resModel = result.getModel(); Assert.assertTrue(resModel.containsKey("contributorRolesList")); request = this.newPost("/contributorRole"); request.setRemoteUser(this.testUserName); request.addParameter("delete", this.contributorRoleManager.getContributorRoleByName("Radiologe") .getContributorRoleId().toString()); request.addParameter("edit", "1234567890"); result = this.ctrl.showPage(request); resModel = result.getModel(); request = this.newPost("/contributorRole"); request.setRemoteUser(this.testUserName); request.addParameter("edit", "1234567890"); result = this.ctrl.showPage(request); resModel = result.getModel(); Assert.assertFalse(resModel.containsKey("showEditingForm")); Assert.assertFalse(resModel.containsKey("roleToEditId")); Assert.assertFalse(resModel.containsKey("roleToEdit")); }
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/** * Calls the handleRequest controller for each of the Controllers in the * chain sequentially, merging the ModelAndView objects returned after each * call and returning the merged ModelAndView object. An exception thrown by * any of the controllers in the chain will propagate upwards through the * handleRequest() method of the ChainedController. The ChainedController * itself does not support any communication between the controllers in the * chain, but this can be effected by the controllers posting to a common * accessible object such as the ApplicationContext. Note that this will * introduce coupling between the controllers and will be difficult to * arrange into a parallel chain. A controller can stop processing of the * chain by returning a null ModelAndView object. Enhanced with adding the * chained views to the controller. This enables the controller to render * the views from the chained controllers. * * @param request the HttpServletRequest object. * @param response the HttpServletResponse object. * @return the merged ModelAndView object for all the controllers. * @throws Exception if one is thrown by one of the controllers in the chain. *///from w w w. j a v a 2 s. com public ModelAndView handleRequestSequentially(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { ModelAndView mergedModel = new ModelAndView(); List<String> mergedViews = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Controller controller : controllers) { try { ModelAndView model = controller.handleRequest(request, response); if (model == null) { // chain will stop if a controller returns a null // ModelAndView object. break; } mergedModel.addAllObjects(model.getModel()); mergedViews.add(model.getViewName()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception( "Controller: " + controller.getClass().getName() + " threw exception: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } mergedModel.addObject("views", mergedViews); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(this.viewName)) { mergedModel.setViewName(this.viewName); } return mergedModel; }
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/** * "Umlaut"-Test./*from w w w. ja va2 s . c o m*/ * * @throws Exception * the exception */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test public void testUmlaute() throws Exception { final String newCRName = "'"; MockHttpServletRequest request = this.newPost("/contributorRole"); request.setRemoteUser(this.testUserName); request.addParameter("save_new", ""); request.addParameter("newContributorRole", newCRName); final MockHttpServletResponse response = new MockHttpServletResponse(); this.ctrl.saveNew(request, response); Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.isBlank(response.getErrorMessage())); request = this.newGet("/contributorRole"); request.setRemoteUser(this.testUserName); final ModelAndView result = this.ctrl.showPage(request); final Map<String, Object> resModel = result.getModel(); final Object contribListObj = resModel.get("contributorRolesList"); final List<ContributorRole> contribList = (List<ContributorRole>) contribListObj; boolean contains = false; for (int c = 0; (c < contribList.size()) && (contains == false); c++) { if (contribList.get(c).getName().equals(newCRName)) { contains = true; } } Assert.assertTrue("Umlaut-Test failed", contains); }
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@Test public void testProcessFormSubmissionCandidateAndChildTasks() throws Exception { long taskId = 100; Task task = new Task("task100"); task.setId(taskId);//from www . j a v a 2 s .com when(mockTaskManager.get(taskId)).thenReturn(task); TaskChildCandidatesDTO dto = new TaskChildCandidatesDTO(); dto.setTask(task); dto.setSelectedGroupName("testGroupName"); long candidateTaskId = 200; Task candidateTask = new Task("task200"); candidateTask.setId(candidateTaskId); when(mockTaskManager.get(candidateTaskId)).thenReturn(candidateTask); Set<Long> candidateTaskIds = new HashSet<Long>(); candidateTaskIds.add(candidateTaskId); dto.setCandidateChildTaskIds(candidateTaskIds); long childTaskId = 300; Task childTask = new Task("task300"); childTask.setId(childTaskId); when(mockTaskManager.get(childTaskId)).thenReturn(childTask); Set<Long> childTaskIds = new HashSet<Long>(); childTaskIds.add(childTaskId); dto.setChildTaskIds(childTaskIds); BindException bindException = new BindException(dto, "bla"); ModelAndView modelAndView = childTasksFormController.processFormSubmission(mockRequest, mockResponse, dto, bindException); RedirectView view = (RedirectView) modelAndView.getView(); assertEquals("", view.getUrl()); assertEquals(0, modelAndView.getModel().size()); Set<Task> childTasks = task.getChildTasks(); assertEquals(2, childTasks.size()); assertTrue(childTasks.contains(childTask)); assertTrue(childTasks.contains(candidateTask)); }
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/** * Get run results as an Excel document (XSLX) * The file name for now is centralperf.xlsx * @param mav ModelAndView will be used to return an Excel view * @param projectId ID of the project (from URI) * @param runId ID of the run (from URI) * @return A view that will be resolved as an Excel view by the view resolver *//* www . j a v a 2 s . co m*/ @RequestMapping(value = { "/project/{projectId}/run/{runId}/centralperf.xlsx", "/api/getRunResultsHTML/{rundId}/centralperf.xlsx" }, method = RequestMethod.GET) public ModelAndView getRunResultsAsExcel(ModelAndView mav, @PathVariable("runId") Long runId) { Run run = runRepository.findOne(runId); // get the view and setup ExcelOOXMLView excelView = applicationContext.getBean(ExcelOOXMLView.class); excelView.setUrl("/WEB-INF/views/xlsx/centralperf_template"); mav.getModel().put("run", run); mav.setView(excelView); // return a view which will be resolved by an excel view resolver return mav; }
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@Test public void testGetNewForm() { HttpServletRequest request = EasyMock.createMock(HttpServletRequest.class); HttpSession session = EasyMock.createMock(HttpSession.class); EasyMock.expect(session.getAttribute("redemptionCode")).andReturn(null).anyTimes(); EasyMock.expect(request.getSession()).andReturn(session).anyTimes(); replayMocks();/*w ww .j av a2 s . com*/ EasyMock.replay(request, session); ModelAndView mv = userController.getNewForm(request); Assert.assertEquals(UserController.NEW_USER_VIEW, mv.getViewName()); Map<String, Object> map = mv.getModel(); Assert.assertNotNull(map); Assert.assertTrue(map.containsKey(UserController.NEW_USER_FORM_KEY)); Object obj = map.get(UserController.NEW_USER_FORM_KEY); Assert.assertNotNull(obj); Assert.assertTrue(obj instanceof NewUserForm); EasyMock.verify(request, session); }
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@Test public void testGetForgotPasswordForm() { replayMocks();/*from w ww . j a va 2s.c o m*/ ModelAndView mv = userController.getForgotPasswordForm(null); Assert.assertEquals(UserController.FORGOT_PASSWORD_VIEW, mv.getViewName()); Map<String, Object> map = mv.getModel(); Assert.assertNotNull(map); Assert.assertTrue(map.containsKey(UserController.FORGOT_PASSWORD_FORM_KEY)); Object obj = map.get(UserController.FORGOT_PASSWORD_FORM_KEY); Assert.assertNotNull(obj); Assert.assertTrue(obj instanceof ForgotPasswordForm); }
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public void postHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler, ModelAndView modelAndView) throws Exception { BaseCommandController controller = retrieveBaseCommandControllerIfPossible(handler); if (controller == null) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Controller is of type " + controller.getClass() + " so ignoring"); }// w w w .j a v a2s .co m return; } Map model = modelAndView.getModel(); String commandName = controller.getCommandName(); if (model == null || !model.containsKey(commandName)) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.debug("Handler '" + handler + "' did not export command object '" + controller.getCommandName() + "'; no rules added to model"); } return; } Validator[] validators = controller.getValidators(); for (int i = 0; i < validators.length; i++) { if (!ValangValidator.class.isInstance(validators[i])) { continue; } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Adding Valang rules from handler '" + handler + "' to model"); } ValangValidator validator = (ValangValidator) validators[i]; ValangJavaScriptTagUtils.addValangRulesToModel(commandName, validator.getRules(), model); } }