List of usage examples for org.springframework.web.servlet ModelAndView addObject
public ModelAndView addObject(String attributeName, @Nullable Object attributeValue)
From source
@RequestMapping(value = "/add", method = RequestMethod.GET) public ModelAndView add(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Pageable p) { ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("/system/permission/add"); mav.addObject("permission", systemUserPermissionService.newSystemUserPermission()); mav.addObject("modules", systemModuleService.searchAllModules(p));//p ? mais que 10? mav.addObject("users", systemUserService.searchAllUsers(p)); return mav;//w w w.j a va 2 s .c o m }
From source
@ExceptionHandler({ GatewayWotNotCreated.class }) public ModelAndView handleError(HttpServletRequest req, Exception exception) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Request: {0} raised {1}", new Object[] { req.getRequestURL(), exception }); ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView(); mav.addObject("info", exception.getMessage()); mav.addObject("gateway", new GatewayForm()); mav.addObject("url", req.getRequestURL()); mav.setViewName("gateway/form"); return mav;//from w w w. j a va2 s. c o m }
From source
@PreAuthorize("hasAuthority('READER') or hasAuthority('MODIFIER') or hasAuthority('ADMIN')") @RequestMapping(value = "/{restProjectId}/application/{restApplicationId}/resource/{restResourceId}/method/{restMethodId}/delete", method = RequestMethod.GET) public ModelAndView defaultPage(@PathVariable final String restProjectId, @PathVariable final String restApplicationId, @PathVariable final String restResourceId, @PathVariable final String restMethodId) { final ReadRestMethodOutput output = serviceProcessor .process(new ReadRestMethodInput(restProjectId, restApplicationId, restResourceId, restMethodId)); final ModelAndView model = createPartialModelAndView(PAGE); model.addObject(REST_PROJECT_ID, restProjectId); model.addObject(REST_APPLICATION_ID, restApplicationId); model.addObject(REST_RESOURCE_ID, restResourceId); model.addObject(REST_METHOD, output.getRestMethod()); return model; }
From source
/** * Show update account form/*from w w w .j av a 2 s . c o m*/ * * @param model Objects and view * @return Form to update my account */ @RequestMapping(value = "/account/my-account", method = RequestMethod.GET) public ModelAndView getUpdate(ModelAndView model) { model.addObject("user", new MyAccountValidator((User) userDAO.findById(getCurrentUser().getId()))); model.setViewName("host/manage/account/my_account"); return model; }
From source
/** * Show update account form// w w w . j a v a 2s. co m * * @param model Objects and view * @return Form to update my account */ @RequestMapping(value = "/account/my-account", method = RequestMethod.GET) public ModelAndView getUpdate(ModelAndView model) { model.addObject("user", new MyAccountValidator((User) userDAO.findById(getCurrentUser().getId()))); model.setViewName("participant/account/my_account"); return model; }
From source
/** * Show the "Business and objectives" workshop part * // ww w . ja v a 2s.c o m * @param model Objects and view * @return Business and objectives view */ @RequestMapping(value = "/business-objectives/index", method = RequestMethod.GET) public ModelAndView index(ModelAndView model) { int maxSentencesAmount = 3; model.addObject("maxSentencesAmount", maxSentencesAmount); model.addObject("workshopStep", CURRENT_STEP); model.setViewName("participant/business-objectives/index"); return model; }
From source
/** * Show the "Ideate" workshop part/*from ww w . ja v a2 s . co m*/ * * @param model Objects and view * @return Ideate view */ @RequestMapping(value = "/ideate/index", method = RequestMethod.GET) public ModelAndView index(ModelAndView model) { int maxSentencesAmount = 3; model.addObject("maxSentencesAmount", maxSentencesAmount); model.addObject("workshopStep", CURRENT_STEP); model.setViewName("participant/ideate/index"); return model; }
From source
/** * Show the "Mix and match" workshop part * //ww w .jav a2s .co m * @param model Objects and view * @return Mix and match view */ @RequestMapping(value = "/mix-and-match/index", method = RequestMethod.GET) public ModelAndView index(ModelAndView model) { int maxSentencesAmount = 3; model.addObject("maxSentencesAmount", maxSentencesAmount); model.addObject("workshopStep", CURRENT_STEP); model.setViewName("participant/mix-and-match/index"); return model; }
From source
@RequestMapping(value = "establecimientos/comentarios/{cueanexo}", method = RequestMethod.GET) public ModelAndView comentarios(@PathVariable("cueanexo") int cueanexo) { ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("comentarios"); mav.addObject("cuanexo", cueanexo); return mav;/*from ww w . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ }
From source
@RequestMapping("/list") public ModelAndView list() { Iterable<Person> res = personDAO.findAll(); ModelAndView model = new ModelAndView("personList"); model.addObject("persons", res); return model; }