Example usage for org.springframework.validation BindingResult rejectValue

List of usage examples for org.springframework.validation BindingResult rejectValue


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.validation BindingResult rejectValue.


void rejectValue(@Nullable String field, String errorCode, String defaultMessage);

Source Link


Register a field error for the specified field of the current object (respecting the current nested path, if any), using the given error description.


From source file:com.greenline.guahao.web.module.home.controllers.mobile.patient.MobilePatientController.java

 * html5 ??? post/*from w w w  .j  ava2  s.c  o  m*/
 * @param model
 * @param patient
 * @param result
 * @return String
@MethodRemark(value = "remark=html ???method=post")
@RequestMapping(value = MobileConstants.M_PAIENT_UPDATE_PATH, method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String patientUpdate(ModelMap model, @ModelAttribute("patient") PatientInfoDO patient,
        BindingResult result) {
    // ?cookieuserId
    Long cuserId = UserCookieUtil.getUserId(request);
    boolean hasError = Boolean.FALSE;
    String decodeUserId = DESUtil.DESDecode(patient.getEncodeUserId(), EncodeKeyConstants.USER_ENCODE_KEY);
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(decodeUserId) || !decodeUserId.equals(cuserId.toString())) {
        hasError = Boolean.TRUE;
        result.rejectValue("user_id", "user_id.error", "?.");
    // ??
    PatientValidator validator = new PatientValidator();
    validator.validate(patient, result);
    if (result.hasErrors()) {
        hasError = Boolean.TRUE;
    if (!hasError) {
        String decodePatientId = DESUtil.DESDecode(patient.getEncodePatientId(),
        PatientResult pr = patientManager.updatePatient(patient);
        if (pr.isSystemError()) {
            hasError = Boolean.TRUE;
            model.put("message", pr.getResponseDesc());
        } else {
            model.put("title", MobileMsgConstants.M_PATIENT_UPDATE_SUC);
            model.put("toUrl", MobileConstants.M_PAIENT_LIST_PATH);
            model.put("toTitle", "?");
            return MobileConstants.M_SUCCESS;
    model.put("redict", patientManager.getRelationDictDef());
    model.put("hasError", hasError);
    model.put("patient", patient);
    return MobileConstants.M_PAIENT_INFO;

From source file:com.ctc.storefront.controllers.pages.checkout.steps.SopPaymentResponseController.java

protected void processPaymentSubscriptionErrors(final BindingResult bindingResult, final Model model,
        final PaymentSubscriptionResultData paymentSubscriptionResultData) {
    if (paymentSubscriptionResultData.getErrors() != null
            && !paymentSubscriptionResultData.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
        GlobalMessages.addErrorMessage(model, "checkout.error.paymentethod.formentry.invalid");
        // Add in specific errors for invalid fields
        for (final PaymentErrorField paymentErrorField : paymentSubscriptionResultData.getErrors().values()) {
            if (paymentErrorField.isMissing()) {
                        "checkout.error.paymentethod.formentry.sop.missing." + paymentErrorField.getName(),
                        "Please enter a value for this field");
            }// w ww  .  j  av a2 s  . co m
            if (paymentErrorField.isInvalid()) {
                        "checkout.error.paymentethod.formentry.sop.invalid." + paymentErrorField.getName(),
                        "This value is invalid for this field");
    } else if (paymentSubscriptionResultData.getDecision() != null
            && "error".equalsIgnoreCase(paymentSubscriptionResultData.getDecision())) {
                "Failed to create subscription. Error occurred while contacting external payment services.");
        GlobalMessages.addErrorMessage(model, "checkout.multi.paymentMethod.addPaymentDetails.generalError");

From source file:org.home.petclinic2.controller.PetController.java

 * Retrieves all owners or allows for last name search
 * //from  w  ww  .j a  v a  2 s . co  m
 * @param owner
 * @param result
 * @param model
 * @return
@RequestMapping(value = "/pet", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String processFindForm(Pet pet, BindingResult result, Model model) {

    // allow parameterless GET request for /pet to return all records
    Collection<Pet> results = null;
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(pet.getName())) {
        // find all pets
        results = clinicService.findAllPets();
    } else {
        // find owners by last name
        results = clinicService.findPetByName(pet.getName());

    if (results == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Results were null. This should not happen");
    } else if (results.size() < 1) {
        // no pets found
        result.rejectValue("name", "notFound", "not found");
        return "pet/findPet";
    } else if (results.size() > 1) {
        // multiple pets found
        // here we've specified how we want to reference the model object
        model.addAttribute("selections", results);
        return "pet/pets";
    } else {
        // 1 pet found
        pet = results.iterator().next();
        return "redirect:/pet/" + pet.getId();

From source file:org.easit.core.controllers.signup.SignupController.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/signup", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String signup(@Valid SignupForm form, BindingResult formBinding, WebRequest request,
        HttpServletRequest requestHttp, HttpServletResponse responseHttp) {
    try {//from   w  ww. j  av a  2s .  c  o  m
        if (formBinding.hasErrors())
            return "signup";

        EasitAccount account;
        account = createAccount(form, formBinding);

        if (account != null) {
            Authentication auth = SignInUtils.signin(account.getUsername());
            ProviderSignInUtils.handlePostSignUp(account.getUsername(), request);
            loginSuccess.onAuthenticationSuccess(requestHttp, responseHttp, auth);
        return "home";
    } catch (UsernameAlreadyInUseException ex) {
        formBinding.rejectValue("username", "user.duplicateUsername", "already in use");
        new UsernameAlreadyInUseException(form.getUsername());
        return "signup";
    } catch (Exception ex1) {
        return "signup";

From source file:sample.contact.web.AdminPermissionController.java

 * Handles submission of the "add permission" form.
 *///from  www  .ja  va2 s. c  om
@RequestMapping(value = "/secure/addPermission.htm", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String addPermission(AddPermission addPermission, BindingResult result, ModelMap model) {
    addPermissionValidator.validate(addPermission, result);

    if (result.hasErrors()) {
        model.put("recipients", listRecipients());
        model.put("permissions", listPermissions());

        return "addPermission";

    PrincipalSid sid = new PrincipalSid(addPermission.getRecipient());
    Permission permission = permissionFactory.buildFromMask(addPermission.getPermission());

    try {
        contactService.addPermission(addPermission.getContact(), sid, permission);
    } catch (DataAccessException existingPermission) {
        result.rejectValue("recipient", "err.recipientExistsForContact", "Addition failure.");

        model.put("recipients", listRecipients());
        model.put("permissions", listPermissions());
        return "addPermission";

    return "redirect:/secure/index.htm";

From source file:com.ai.bss.webui.party.controller.PartyController.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/createLegal", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String createLegal(@ModelAttribute("legal") @Valid Legal legal, BindingResult bindingResult,
        Model model) {/*from   w  w  w  .  ja v  a2 s . co m*/
    if (!bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
        PartyId partyId = new PartyId();
        CreateLegalCommand command = new CreateLegalCommand(partyId, legal.getLegalName());
        try {
            command = client.postForObject("http://party-service/party/createLegalCommand", command,
        } catch (Exception e) {
            bindingResult.rejectValue("legalName", "error.createLegal.failed", e.getCause().getMessage());
        return "redirect:/party";
    return "createLegal";

From source file:com.iana.dver.controller.DverUserController.java

@RequestMapping(value = { "/admin/changepwd", "/iep/changepwd", "/mc/changepwd" }, method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String submitChangePwd(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
        final RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes, @ModelAttribute("changePwdVO") ChangePwdVO changePwdVO,
        BindingResult result) {

    try {/* w  ww  .  ja  v a 2s  .com*/
        logger.info("Submit Change Password Page...");
        validateChangePwdForm(changePwdVO, result);
        if (!result.hasErrors()) {
            if (changePwdVO.getOldPwd().equals(changePwdVO.getNewPwd())) {
                result.rejectValue("newPwd", "same.pwd", "Current password and New Password can not be same.");
                return "change-pass";
            if (!result.hasErrors() && !changePwdVO.getNewPwd().equals(changePwdVO.getReTypeNewPwd())) {
                result.rejectValue("reTypeNewPwd", "pwd.not.similar",
                        "New Password and Confirm Password can not be different.");
                return "change-pass";

            Boolean isValidOldPwd = this.dverUserService.verifyWithOldPassword(changePwdVO.getUserId(),
            if (!isValidOldPwd) {
                result.rejectValue("oldPwd", "wrong.old.pwd", "Please enter correct Current Password.");
                return "change-pass";

            if (!result.hasErrors()) {
                if (this.securityObj != null) {

                DverUserVO userVO = this.dverUserService.getUserById(securityObj.getUserid());
                DverConfigVO configVO = this.dverUserService.getDverConfigById(securityObj.getUserid());

                sendChangePwdEmail(userVO, configVO, changePwdVO.getNewPwd());

                redirectAttributes.addFlashAttribute("successMsg", "Password updated successfully.");
                return "redirect:/login";
        } else {
            return "change-pass";
        return "redirect:/login";
    } catch (Exception ex) {

        DVERUtil.sendExceptionEmails("submitChangePwd method of DverUserController \n " + ex);
        logger.error("Error in submitChangePwd()....." + ex);
        return "error";



From source file:com.ai.bss.webui.party.controller.PartyController.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/createIndividual", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String createIndividual(@ModelAttribute("individual") @Valid Individual individual,
        BindingResult bindingResult, Model model) {
    if (!bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
        PartyId partyId = new PartyId();
        CreateIndividualCommand command = new CreateIndividualCommand(partyId, individual.getFirstName(),
        try {/*from w ww.  ja va  2 s.c o  m*/
            command = client.postForObject("http://party-service/party/createIndividualCommand", command,
        } catch (Exception e) {
            bindingResult.rejectValue("firstName", "error.createIndividual.failed", e.getCause().getMessage());
        return "redirect:/party";
    return "createIndividual";

From source file:org.duracloud.account.app.controller.AccountGroupsController.java

@RequestMapping(value = GROUPS_PATH, method = RequestMethod.POST)
@Transactional/*from   w w w.  j a  v a  2 s  .  co m*/
public String modifyGroups(@PathVariable Long accountId, Model model,
        @ModelAttribute(GROUPS_FORM_KEY) @Valid GroupsForm form, BindingResult result) throws Exception {

    AccountService as = this.accountManagerService.getAccount(accountId);
    GroupsForm.Action action = form.getAction();

    if (action == Action.ADD) {
        String name = form.getGroupName();
        String groupName = DuracloudGroup.PREFIX + name;
        try {
            duracloudGroupService.createGroup(groupName, accountId);

        } catch (InvalidGroupNameException e) {
            if (groupName.equalsIgnoreCase(DuracloudGroup.PUBLIC_GROUP_NAME)) {

            } else {

        } catch (DuracloudGroupAlreadyExistsException e) {

        if (!result.hasFieldErrors()) {
            return formatGroupRedirect(accountId, groupName, "/edit");
    } else {
        String[] groups = form.getGroupNames();
        if (groups != null) {
            for (String name : groups) {
                DuracloudGroup group = duracloudGroupService.getGroup(name, accountId);
                removeGroup(group, accountId);

    addGroupsObjectsToModel(as, model);

    return GROUPS_VIEW_ID;

From source file:org.home.petclinic2.controller.OwnerController.java

 * Retrieves all owners or allows for last name search
 * /*w  ww  . ja  v  a  2s .  c  om*/
 * @param owner
 * @param result
 * @param model
 * @return
// be careful where you place the BindingResult, there are some rules about
// where it must fall in the method signature. Typically, I place all of the
// validated beans at the beginning and then follow each bean being
// validated with the binding result
@RequestMapping(value = "/owner", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String processFindForm(Owner owner, BindingResult result, Model model) {

    // allow parameterless GET request for /owner to return all records
    Collection<Owner> results = null;
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(owner.getLastName())) {
        // find all owners
        results = clinicService.findAllOwners();
    } else {
        // find owners by last name
        results = clinicService.findOwnerByLastName(owner.getLastName());

    // ensure that we received results, otherwise we have an issue on our
    // hands
    if (results == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Results were null. This should not happen");
    } else if (results.size() < 1) {
        // no owners found
        result.rejectValue("lastName", "notFound", "not found");
        return "owner/findOwner";
    } else if (results.size() > 1) {
        // multiple owners found
        // here we've specified how we want to reference the model object
        model.addAttribute("selections", results);
        return "owner/owners";
    } else {
        // 1 owner found
        owner = results.iterator().next();
        return "redirect:/owner/" + owner.getId();