Example usage for org.springframework.validation BindingResult hasErrors

List of usage examples for org.springframework.validation BindingResult hasErrors


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.validation BindingResult hasErrors.


boolean hasErrors();

Source Link


Return if there were any errors.


From source file:org.zbo.done.web.OwnerController.java

@RequestMapping(value = "bootstrap/owners/new", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String create_owner(@Valid Owner owner, BindingResult result) {
    if (result.hasErrors()) {
        return "bootstrap/pages/ownerDetails.jsp";
    } else {//www. j a  va  2 s  .c  om
        return "redirect:/bootstrap/owners/" + owner.getId();

From source file:com.fengduo.bee.web.controller.BaseController.java

 * ???//  w  ww  . j a  v a2 s  .  com
 * @param result
 * @return
public String showFirstErrors(BindingResult result) {
    if (result.hasErrors()) {
        for (FieldError error : result.getFieldErrors()) {
            return error.getDefaultMessage();
    return StringUtils.EMPTY;

From source file:com.indusborn.ui.reset.ResetPasswordController.java

 * Process the change password submission and reset the user's password.
 *//*from w  ww . jav a2  s . co m*/
@RequestMapping(value = "/reset", method = RequestMethod.POST, params = "token")
public String changePassword(@RequestParam String token, @Valid ChangePasswordForm form,
        BindingResult formBinding, Model model) {
    if (formBinding.hasErrors()) {
        model.addAttribute("token", token);
        return "reset/changePassword";
    try {
        resetPasswordHelper.resetPassword(token, form.getPassword());
        FlashMap.setSuccessMessage("Your password has been reset");
        return "redirect:/signin";
    } catch (InvalidResetPasswordTokenException e) {
        FlashMap.setErrorMessage("Your reset password session has expired.  Please try again.");
        return "redirect:/reset";

From source file:com.test.springmvc.springmvcproject.CommentController.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/{bookId}/add", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String addComment(@PathVariable Integer bookId, HttpSession session, @Valid CommentaireBean commentaire,
        BindingResult results) {
    if (!results.hasErrors()) {
        //on ajoute l'utilisateur
        final UtilisateurBean utilisateur = (UtilisateurBean) session.getAttribute("utilisateur");
        if (null != utilisateur) {
        } else {/*ww  w . ja  v a 2  s.  c om*/
            try {
            } catch (NoDataFoundException e) {
                return "redirect:/404.do";
        try {
            final BookBean bean = searchService.findById(bookId);
        } catch (NoDataFoundException e) {
            return "redirect:/404.do";
    return "redirect:/book/" + bookId + "/show.do";

From source file:org.dspace.webmvc.controller.LoginController.java

 * Method to authenticate the user credentials supplied in loginForm.
 * <p/>/*from ww  w . j  a va 2s.co m*/
 * Note that the order of parameters is important - the BindingResult must immediately follow the model attribute
 * being validated.
 * @param context
 * @param loginService
 * @param loginForm
 * @param bindingResult
 * @return
@RequestMapping(params = "submit")
public String processForm(@RequestAttribute Context context, LoginService loginService,
        @Valid LoginForm loginForm, BindingResult bindingResult) {
    if (!bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
        int status = AuthenticationManager.authenticate(context, loginForm.getEmail(), loginForm.getPassword(),
                null, null /*request*/);
        if (status == AuthenticationMethod.SUCCESS) {
            loginService.createUserSession(context, context.getCurrentUser());
            String redirectUrl = loginService.getInterruptedRequestURL();
            return "redirect:" + (StringUtils.isEmpty(redirectUrl) ? "/" : redirectUrl);
        } else {
            bindingResult.addError(new ObjectError("loginForm",
                    new String[] { "InvalidPassword.loginForm", "InvalidPassword" }, null /* arguments */,
                    "default message"));

    return "pages/login";

From source file:org.ow2.petals.cloud.vacation.web.mvc.LoginController.java

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ModelAndView doLogin(final @ModelAttribute(USER_ATTRIBUTE) @Valid UserModel user,
        final BindingResult result, final RedirectAttributes redirect) {

    if (result.hasErrors()) {
        return new ModelAndView("pages/login");
    }//from   www .ja  v  a2  s  . c om


    redirect.addFlashAttribute("globalMessage", "Successfully logged as " + user.username);

    return new ModelAndView("redirect:/");

From source file:cz.PA165.vozovyPark.controller.VehicleController.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/vehicle/update/{vehicleId}", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String updateVehicle(@ModelAttribute("vehicle") VehicleDTO vehicle, @PathVariable("vehicleId") Long id,
        BindingResult result) {

    if (result.hasErrors()) {
        return "/vehicle/vehicleUpdateForm";
    }/*from w  w  w.  ja  v  a  2  s  .  c  om*/
    if (id == null) {
        return "/vehicle/vehicleUpdateForm";
    return "redirect:/vehicle/allVehicles";

From source file:JavaMvc.Controllers.SignupController.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/signup", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String showSignupForm(Model model, @ModelAttribute SignupCommand command, BindingResult errors) {
    signupValidator.validate(command, errors);

    if (errors.hasErrors()) {
        return showSignupForm(model, command);
    }/*w  ww .j av  a  2s .co m*/

    // Create the user
    userService.createUser(command.getUsername(), command.getEmail(), command.getPassword());

    // Login the newly created user
    SecurityUtils.getSubject().login(new UsernamePasswordToken(command.getUsername(), command.getPassword()));

    return "redirect:/home";

From source file:org.energyos.espi.datacustodian.web.custodian.RetailCustomerUsagePointControllerTests.java

public void create_givenInValidInput_displaysFormView() {
    AssociateUsagePointController.UsagePointForm usagePointForm = new AssociateUsagePointController.UsagePointForm();

    BindingResult result = mock(BindingResult.class);

    assertEquals("/custodian/retailcustomers/usagepoints/form", controller.create(1L, usagePointForm, result));

From source file:org.homiefund.web.controllers.HomeController.java

public String invite(@ModelAttribute InviteForm inviteForm, BindingResult bindingResult, Model model) {
    if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
        return "home.entry";
    } else {//from   w w  w  .  j av  a2  s. co m
        HomeDTO home = new HomeDTO();
        inviteService.sendInvite(home, inviteForm.getEmail());

        return "redirect:/auth/home/" + home.getId() + "/";