List of usage examples for org.springframework.http HttpStatus valueOf
public static HttpStatus valueOf(int statusCode)
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/** * The process method provides the functionality to process an incoming request. The request will be identified * and a corresponding action will be applied for the request. The following actions are support: * Forward, record, mock or disable./*from w w w . ja va2 s . c om*/ * @param restRequest The incoming request * @param projectId The id of the project that the incoming request belongs to * @param applicationId The id of the application that the incoming request belongs to * @param resourceId The id of the resource that the incoming request belongs to * @param restMethod The REST method which the incoming request belongs to * @param httpServletResponse The HTTP servlet response * @return A response in String format */ protected ResponseEntity<String> process(final RestRequestDto restRequest, final String projectId, final String applicationId, final String resourceId, final RestMethodDto restMethod, final HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(restRequest, "Rest request cannot be null"); RestEventDto event = null; RestResponseDto response = null; try { event = new RestEventDto(restMethod.getName(), restRequest, projectId, applicationId, resourceId, restMethod.getId()); if (RestMethodStatus.DISABLED.equals(restMethod.getStatus())) { throw new RestException("The requested REST method, " + restMethod.getName() + ", is disabled"); } else if (RestMethodStatus.FORWARDED.equals(restMethod.getStatus())) { response = forwardRequest(restRequest, projectId, applicationId, resourceId, restMethod); } else if (RestMethodStatus.RECORDING.equals(restMethod.getStatus())) { response = forwardRequestAndRecordResponse(restRequest, projectId, applicationId, resourceId, restMethod); } else if (RestMethodStatus.RECORD_ONCE.equals(restMethod.getStatus())) { response = forwardRequestAndRecordResponseOnce(restRequest, projectId, applicationId, resourceId, restMethod); } else if (RestMethodStatus.ECHO.equals(restMethod.getStatus())) { response = echoResponse(restRequest); } else { // Status.MOCKED response = mockResponse(restRequest, projectId, applicationId, resourceId, restMethod); } HttpHeaders responseHeaders = new HttpHeaders(); for (HttpHeaderDto httpHeader : response.getHttpHeaders()) { List<String> headerValues = new LinkedList<String>(); headerValues.add(httpHeader.getValue()); responseHeaders.put(httpHeader.getName(), headerValues); } if (restMethod.getSimulateNetworkDelay() && restMethod.getNetworkDelay() >= 0) { try { Thread.sleep(restMethod.getNetworkDelay()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOGGER.error("Unable to simulate network delay", e); } } return new ResponseEntity<String>(response.getBody(), responseHeaders, HttpStatus.valueOf(response.getHttpStatusCode())); } finally { if (event != null) { event.finish(response); serviceProcessor.processAsync(new CreateRestEventInput(event)); } } }
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/** * Validating the confirm token and saving the new email value as primary email if the validation was successful. * //from ww w . ja v a 2s. c om * @param authorization * Authorization header with HTTP Bearer authorization and a valid access token * @param userId * The user id for the user whom email address should be changed * @param confirmToken * The previously generated confirmation token from the confirmation email * @return The HTTP status code and the updated user if successful */ @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/confirm", produces = "application/json") public ResponseEntity<String> confirm(@RequestHeader("Authorization") final String authorization, @RequestParam("userId") final String userId, @RequestParam("confirmToken") final String confirmToken) throws IOException, MessagingException { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(confirmToken)) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Confirmation token miss match!"); return getErrorResponseEntity("No ongoing email change!", HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED); } User updatedUser; Optional<Email> oldEmail; try { AccessToken accessToken = new AccessToken.Builder(RegistrationHelper.extractAccessToken(authorization)) .build(); User user = connectorBuilder.createConnector().getUser(userId, accessToken); Extension extension = user.getExtension(internalScimExtensionUrn); String existingConfirmToken = extension.getField(confirmationTokenField, ExtensionFieldType.STRING); if (!existingConfirmToken.equals(confirmToken)) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Confirmation token mismatch!"); return getErrorResponseEntity("No ongoing email change!", HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN); } String newEmail = extension.getField(tempEmail, ExtensionFieldType.STRING); oldEmail = SCIMHelper.getPrimaryOrFirstEmail(user); UpdateUser updateUser = getPreparedUserForEmailChange(extension, newEmail, oldEmail.get()); updatedUser = connectorBuilder.createConnector().updateUser(userId, updateUser, accessToken); } catch (OsiamRequestException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage()); return getErrorResponseEntity(e.getMessage(), HttpStatus.valueOf(e.getHttpStatusCode())); } catch (OsiamClientException e) { return getErrorResponseEntity(e.getMessage(), HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } Locale locale = RegistrationHelper.getLocale(updatedUser.getLocale()); // build the Map with the link for replacement Map<String, Object> mailVariables = new HashMap<>(); mailVariables.put("user", updatedUser); try { renderAndSendEmailService.renderAndSendEmail("changeemailinfo", fromAddress, oldEmail.get().getValue(), locale, mailVariables); } catch (OsiamException e) { return getErrorResponseEntity("Problems creating email for confirming new user: \"" + e.getMessage(), HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } return new ResponseEntity<>(mapper.writeValueAsString(updatedUser), HttpStatus.OK); }
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/** * tries to load the title for a web page. * * @param url// w w w .j a va 2 s. co m * url for which the title shall be loaded * @return ResponseEntity with the title */ @RequestMapping(value = MAPPING_TITLE, method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public final ResponseEntity<Bookmark> loadTitle( @RequestParam(value = "url", required = true) final String url) { if (MAGIC_TEST_URL.equals(url)) { return new ResponseEntity<>(aBookmark().withUrl(url).build(), HttpStatus.OK); } String urlString = url; if (null != urlString && !urlString.isEmpty()) { if (!urlString.startsWith("http")) { urlString = "http://" + urlString; } final String finalUrl = urlString;"loading title for url {}", finalUrl); try { String htmlTitle = Jsoup.connect(finalUrl).timeout(5000).userAgent(JSOUP_USER_AGENT).get().title();"got title: {}", htmlTitle); return new ResponseEntity<>(aBookmark().withUrl(finalUrl).withTitle(htmlTitle).build(), HttpStatus.OK); } catch (HttpStatusException e) {"loading url http error", e); return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.valueOf(e.getStatusCode())); } catch (IOException e) {"loading url error", e); } } return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT); }
From source
public ResponseEntity<String> postMessage(Message message, String siteId, String userId) { try {//w ww.j av a2 s .c o m String jsonString = "{"; jsonString += "\"attachments\": [],"; jsonString += "\"authoredBy\":\"" + userId + "\", "; jsonString += "\"body\":\"" + message.getBody() + "\", "; jsonString += "\"label\":\"" + "" + "\", "; jsonString += "\"recipients\":\"" + message.getRecipients() + "\", "; jsonString += "\"replies\":" + "null" + ", "; jsonString += "\"replyTo\":" + message.getInReplyTo() + ", "; jsonString += "\"title\":\"" + message.getTitle() + "\", "; // jsonString += "\"topicId\":\"" + null + "\", "; // jsonString += "\"typeUuid\":\""+ "4d9593ed-aaee-4826-b74a-b3c3432b384c" + "\", "; jsonString += "\"siteId\":\"" + siteId + "\", "; jsonString += "\"read\":" + "false" + ", "; // jsonString += "\"entityReference\":\"" + "\\/forum_message" + "\", "; //jsonString += "\"entityURL\":\"" + "http:\\/\\/localhost:8080\\/direct\\/forum_message" + "\", "; //jsonString += "\"entityTitle\":\"" + subject + "\""; jsonString += "}"; String url = configParamService.findValueByName("Sakai.Url.Base") + "forum_message/new.json"; ResponseEntity<InputStream> is = oncourseOAuthService.oAuthPostRequest(userId, url, "text/html", jsonString); return new ResponseEntity<String>(is.getStatusCode()); } catch (OAuthException e) { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(e.getResponseBody())); String body = ""; try { body = br.readLine(); } catch (IOException e1) { } LOG.error(e.getResponseCode() + ", " + body, e); return new ResponseEntity<String>(HttpStatus.valueOf(e.getResponseCode())); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); return new ResponseEntity<String>(HttpStatus.METHOD_FAILURE); } }
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/** * Method returns the Http response code for the events. */// ww w . j a v a 2 s . com public HttpStatus getHttpStatus() { if (statusCodes.size() > 1) { return HttpStatus.MULTI_STATUS; } else { return HttpStatus.valueOf(statusCodes.get(0)); } }
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@Override public ResponseEntity<String> postMessage(Message message, String userId) { try {/*from www . j a v a2s. c o m*/ String jsonString = "{"; jsonString += "\"attachments\": [],"; jsonString += "\"authoredBy\":\"" + userId + "\", "; jsonString += "\"body\":\"" + message.getBody() + "\", "; jsonString += "\"label\":\"" + "" + "\", "; jsonString += "\"recipients\":\"" + "" + "\", "; jsonString += "\"replies\":" + "null" + ", "; jsonString += "\"replyTo\":" + message.getInReplyTo() + ", "; jsonString += "\"title\":\"" + message.getTitle() + "\", "; jsonString += "\"topicId\":\"" + message.getTopicId() + "\", "; jsonString += "\"forumId\":\"" + message.getForumId() + "\", "; jsonString += "\"read\":" + "false" + ", "; jsonString += "\"entityReference\":\"" + "\\/forum_message" + "\""; //jsonString += "\"entityURL\":\"" + "http:\\/\\/localhost:8080\\/direct\\/forum_message" + "\", "; //jsonString += "\"entityTitle\":\"" + subject + "\""; jsonString += "}"; String url = configParamService.findValueByName("Sakai.Url.Base") + "forum_message/new.json"; ResponseEntity<InputStream> is = oncourseOAuthService.oAuthPostRequest(userId, url, "application/json", jsonString); return new ResponseEntity<String>(is.getStatusCode()); } catch (OAuthException e) { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(e.getResponseBody())); String body = ""; try { body = br.readLine(); } catch (IOException e1) { } LOG.error(e.getResponseCode() + ", " + body, e); return new ResponseEntity<String>(HttpStatus.valueOf(e.getResponseCode())); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); return new ResponseEntity<String>(HttpStatus.METHOD_FAILURE); } }
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@Override public ResponseEntity<String> markMessageRead(String siteId, String messageId, String userId) { try {/* w w w .j a v a 2 s .c om*/ String url = configParamService.findValueByName("Sakai.Url.Base") + "forum_message/markread/" + messageId + "/site/" + siteId; ResponseEntity<InputStream> response = oncourseOAuthService.oAuthPostRequest(userId, url, "text/html", ""); return new ResponseEntity<String>(response.getStatusCode()); } catch (OAuthException e) { if (e.getResponseBody() != null) { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(e.getResponseBody())); String body = ""; try { body = br.readLine(); } catch (IOException e1) { } LOG.error(e.getResponseCode() + ", " + body, e); } else { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); } return new ResponseEntity<String>(HttpStatus.valueOf(e.getResponseCode())); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); return new ResponseEntity<String>(HttpStatus.METHOD_FAILURE); } }
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/** * Helper method for generating error message. * /*from w ww . j av a2 s .com*/ * @param errorMessage is the error message * @param errorDeveloperMessage is more detailed message * @param errorCode is the error code * @return RestError which encapsulates all the above */ public RestError generateRestError(final String errorMessage, final String errorDeveloperMessage, final int errorCode) { final int statusCode = errorCode / WebServiceConstants.DIVISOR_ERROR_CODE; final RestError restError = new RestError(HttpStatus.valueOf(statusCode), errorCode, errorMessage, errorDeveloperMessage, WebServiceConstants.DEFAULT_URL); return restError; }
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protected MvcResult doDelete(String id, String url) throws Exception { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(id)) { return null; }/*w ww . j a v a2 s . c o m*/ url = StringUtils.endsWith(url, "/") ? url : url + "/"; url += id; RequestBuilder rb = MockMvcRequestBuilders.delete(url).contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) .accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON); MvcResult result = this.mockMvc.perform(rb).andReturn(); assertNull(result.getResolvedException()); Assert.assertEquals(HttpStatus.OK, HttpStatus.valueOf(result.getResponse().getStatus())); return result; }
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public String getContentAsString(String path) { String uri = hostUri + path;/*w ww . j ava 2s. co m*/ logger.debug("getContentAsString @ " + uri); HttpGet getRequest = new HttpGet(uri); String cookieInfo = readCookieInfo(); getRequest.setHeader("Cookie", cookieInfo == null ? "" : cookieInfo); try { HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(getRequest); int responseCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); InputStream contentStream = response.getEntity().getContent(); String contentAsString = IOUtils.toString(contentStream, "UTF-8"); logger.debug("content as string: " + contentAsString); if (responseCode != org.apache.http.HttpStatus.SC_OK) { HttpStatus status = HttpStatus.valueOf(responseCode); RestErrorHandler.handleHttpErrCode(status, contentAsString); } return contentAsString; } catch (IOException e) { throw new CliRestException("HTTP Response Error: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { getRequest.releaseConnection(); } }