List of usage examples for org.springframework.http HttpStatus UNAUTHORIZED
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@RequestMapping(value = "/approvals", method = RequestMethod.PUT) @ResponseBody//from w w w .jav a2 s . co m @Override public List<Approval> updateApprovals(@RequestBody Approval[] approvals) { String currentUserId = getCurrentUserId(); logger.debug("Updating approvals for user: " + currentUserId); approvalStore.revokeApprovals(String.format(USER_FILTER_TEMPLATE, currentUserId)); for (Approval approval : approvals) { if (approval.getUserId() != null && !isValidUser(approval.getUserId())) { logger.warn(String.format("Error[2] %s attemting to update approvals for %s", currentUserId, approval.getUserId())); throw new UaaException("unauthorized_operation", "Cannot update approvals for another user. Set user_id to null to update for existing user.", HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED.value()); } else { approval.setUserId(currentUserId); } approval.setLastUpdatedAt(new Date()); approvalStore.addApproval(approval); } return approvalStore.getApprovals(String.format(USER_FILTER_TEMPLATE, currentUserId)); }
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@RequestMapping(value = "/approvals/{clientId}", method = RequestMethod.PUT) @ResponseBody//from ww w .j a v a 2s . co m @Override public List<Approval> updateClientApprovals(@PathVariable String clientId, @RequestBody Approval[] approvals) { String currentUserId = getCurrentUserId(); logger.debug("Updating approvals for user: " + currentUserId); approvalStore.revokeApprovals(String.format(USER_AND_CLIENT_FILTER_TEMPLATE, currentUserId, clientId)); for (Approval approval : approvals) { if (approval.getUserId() != null && !isValidUser(approval.getUserId())) { logger.warn(String.format("Error[1] %s attemting to update approvals for %s.", currentUserId, approval.getUserId())); throw new UaaException("unauthorized_operation", "Cannot update approvals for another user. Set user_id to null to update for existing user.", HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED.value()); } else { approval.setUserId(currentUserId); } approval.setLastUpdatedAt(new Date()); approvalStore.addApproval(approval); } return approvalStore.getApprovals(String.format(USER_AND_CLIENT_FILTER_TEMPLATE, currentUserId, clientId)); }
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private ModelAndView switchIdp(Map<String, Object> model, ClientDetails client, String clientId, HttpServletRequest request) {//w ww. j av a2 s .c o m Map<String, Object> additionalInfo = client.getAdditionalInformation(); String clientDisplayName = (String) additionalInfo.get(ClientConstants.CLIENT_NAME); model.put("client_display_name", (clientDisplayName != null) ? clientDisplayName : clientId); String queryString = UaaHttpRequestUtils.paramsToQueryString(request.getParameterMap()); String redirectUri = request.getRequestURL() + "?" + queryString; model.put("redirect", redirectUri); model.put("error", "The application is not authorized for your account."); model.put("error_message_code", "login.invalid_idp"); return new ModelAndView("switch_idp", model, HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED); }
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@ExceptionHandler public View handleException(ScimResourceNotFoundException e) { // There's no point throwing BadCredentialsException here because it is // caught and // logged (then ignored) by the caller. return new ConvertingExceptionView(new ResponseEntity<ExceptionReport>( new ExceptionReport(new BadCredentialsException("Invalid password change request"), false), HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED), messageConverters); }
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@ExceptionHandler(AuthenticationException.class) @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED) @ResponseBody/* w w w. j a v a2 s . co m*/ public Map<String, Object> handleAuthenticationException(HttpServletRequest request, AuthenticationException e) { return handleException(request, e); }
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@ResponseBody @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED) @ExceptionHandler({ ServiceNotAllowedEx.class }) public Object unauthorizedHandler(final Exception exception) { return new ApiError("unauthorized", exception.getClass().getSimpleName(), exception.getMessage()); }
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protected void commenceUnauthorizedResponse(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { response.addHeader(HttpHeaders.WWW_AUTHENTICATE, String.format("Bearer realm=\"%s\"", realm)); response.sendError(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED.value(), HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED.getReasonPhrase()); }
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@RequestMapping(value = "deliveryZones/{zoneId}/programs/{programId}/periods", method = GET, headers = ACCEPT_JSON) public ResponseEntity<OpenLmisResponse> getPeriodsForProgramInDeliveryZone(HttpServletRequest request, @PathVariable long zoneId, @PathVariable final long programId) { if (permissionService.hasPermissionOnZone(loggedInUserId(request), zoneId)) { Date elevenDaysFromNow =; List<ProcessingPeriod> periodsForDeliveryZoneAndProgram = scheduleService .getPeriodsForDeliveryZoneAndProgram(zoneId, programId, elevenDaysFromNow); final List<Long> syncedPeriods = distributionService.getSyncedPeriodsForDeliveryZoneAndProgram(zoneId, programId);/*from ww w. jav a 2 s .c o m*/ Collection unsyncedPeriodsForZoneAndProgram =, new Predicate() { @Override public boolean evaluate(Object o) { ProcessingPeriod period = (ProcessingPeriod) o; return !syncedPeriods.contains(period.getId()); } }); return OpenLmisResponse.response(PERIODS, unsyncedPeriodsForZoneAndProgram); } else { return OpenLmisResponse.error(FORBIDDEN_EXCEPTION, HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED); } }
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/** * Catch validation exception and return customized error message *///from w ww . j a va 2s. c o m @ExceptionHandler(AccessDeniedException.class) @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED) @ResponseBody public ResponseError handleAccessDeniedException(final AccessDeniedException except) { LOGGER.error("Permissions Issue", except); final ResponseError err = new ResponseError( "You are not authorized to access this portion of the application, please verify your roles with your Administrator"); return err; }
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public String authenticate(String baseURL, String username, String password) throws UnauthorizedException { String res = ""; String authBase = username + ":" + password; String authHeader = "Basic " + Base64.encodeBase64String(authBase.getBytes()); logger.debug("Auth header " + authHeader); String url = baseURL + suffix; HttpHeaders authHeaders = new HttpHeaders(); authHeaders.add("Authorization", authHeader); authHeaders.add("X-CSRF-Token", "1"); UriComponentsBuilder builder = UriComponentsBuilder.fromHttpUrl(url) .queryParam("client_id", "openshift-challenging-client").queryParam("response_type", "token"); HttpEntity<String> authEntity = new HttpEntity<>(authHeaders); ResponseEntity<String> response = null; try {/*from w w w .j a va2s . com*/ response =, HttpMethod.GET, authEntity, String.class); } catch (ResourceAccessException e) { return "PaaS Missing"; } catch (HttpClientErrorException e) { throw new UnauthorizedException("Username: " + username + " password: " + password + " are invalid"); } logger.debug("Response " + response.toString()); if (response.getStatusCode().equals(HttpStatus.FOUND)) { URI location = response.getHeaders().getLocation(); logger.debug("Location " + location); res = this.getToken(location.toString()); } else if (response.getStatusCode().equals(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED)) { throw new UnauthorizedException("Username: " + username + " password: " + password + " are invalid"); } return res; }