List of usage examples for org.springframework.http HttpStatus OK
HttpStatus OK
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@CitrusTest public void getJsonReport() { echo("Receive Json report"); http().client(reportingClient).get("/reporting/json"); http().client(reportingClient).response(HttpStatus.OK).messageType(MessageType.JSON).payload( "{\"caramel\": \"@isNumber()@\",\"blueberry\": \"@isNumber()@\",\"chocolate\": \"@isNumber()@\"}"); }
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@RequestMapping(value = "/foo/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE) public ResponseEntity<String> getFoo(@PathVariable("id") long id) { System.out.println("Fetching User with id " + id); // Foo foo=new Foo(); // foo.setId(id); // foo.setName("DFGHH"); // foo.setEmail(""); return new ResponseEntity<String>("I am a foo " + id, HttpStatus.OK); }
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/** * The list of registered nodes in the cluster * /*from ww w . j a va 2s .c om*/ * @return */ @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/_cluster") @ResponseBody public HttpEntity<?> get() { return new ResponseEntity<Collection<NodeItem>>(ClusterCatalog.get(), HttpStatus.OK); }
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@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @ResponseBody//from ww w.jav a 2s . co m public TagCloud requestTagCloud() { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("TagCloud command controller handling a tag cloud request"); } TagCloudEvent tagCloudEvent = tagCloudService.requestTagCloud(new RequestTagCloudEvent()); return tagCloudEvent.getCspTagCloud(); }
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@RequestMapping(value = "/{customerId}", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) public Customer getCustomer(@PathVariable int customerId) { return daoCustomer.get(customerId); }
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@CitrusTest public void getJsonReport() { echo("Receive Json report"); http().client(reportingClient).send().get("/reporting/json"); http().client(reportingClient).receive().response(HttpStatus.OK).messageType(MessageType.JSON).payload( "{\"caramel\": \"@isNumber()@\",\"blueberry\": \"@isNumber()@\",\"chocolate\": \"@isNumber()@\"}"); }
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@Override public ResponseEntity<UserProfile> findAll(int idUsuario, String token) throws EntidadNoEncontradaException { return new ResponseEntity(repoUserProfile.findAll(), HttpStatus.OK); }
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/** * Method for incoming RT export requests. * It takes ticket Id as a parameter and returns JSON with a base64 encoded PDF. */// w w w.ja v a 2 s . c o m @CrossOrigin(origins = "") @RequestMapping(value = "/export", method = RequestMethod.GET) public ResponseEntity<HashMap<String, String>> export(@RequestParam("ticketId") String ticketId) { HashMap<String, String> ticketContent = rtService.getTicket(ticketId); //Fills hashmap with ticket customFields. HashMap<String, String> responseMap = new HashMap<>(); if (ticketContent != null) { String pdfContent = exportService.getPDF(ticketContent); responseMap.put("content", pdfContent); } else { responseMap.put("content", "RT Server is down."); } return new ResponseEntity<>(responseMap, HttpStatus.OK); }
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@Test public void playerAutoTerminationTest() throws Exception { String id = uploadFile(new File("test-files/sample.txt"));"File uploaded"); RepositoryHttpPlayer player = getRepository().findRepositoryItemById(id).createRepositoryHttpPlayer(); player.setAutoTerminationTimeout(1000); RestTemplate template = getRestTemplate(); assertEquals(HttpStatus.OK, template.getForEntity(player.getURL(), byte[].class).getStatusCode());"Request 1 Passed"); Thread.sleep(300);/*from www . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ assertEquals(HttpStatus.OK, template.getForEntity(player.getURL(), byte[].class).getStatusCode());"Request 2 Passed"); Thread.sleep(1500); assertEquals(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, template.getForEntity(player.getURL(), byte[].class).getStatusCode());"Request 3 Passed"); }
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@RequestMapping(value = "/no-request-mapping", method = RequestMethod.GET) public ResponseEntity<Example> exampleWithNoRequestMapping(UriComponentsBuilder builder) { return new ResponseEntity<Example>(new Example("Hello", 1, EnumType.ONE, new NestedType("test")), HttpStatus.OK); }