List of usage examples for org.springframework.http HttpStatus NOT_MODIFIED
To view the source code for org.springframework.http HttpStatus NOT_MODIFIED.
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@Test public void testGetNotModified() { // Create a HEAD with an If-None-Match header MockHttpServletRequest request = new MockHttpServletRequest("GET", "/path/to/resource"); request.addHeader("If-None-Match", "W/\"123456789\""); // Create a HalGetResponseBuilder HalResponseBuilderImpl builder = new HalResponseBuilderImpl(representationFactory, request); // Create a response with a Representation ResponseEntity<Representation> response = builder.withProperty("string", "String value") .etag(new Date(123456789l)).lastModified(new Date(123456789l)).expireIn(1000000).build(); // Check we get a 304 Assert.assertEquals(HttpStatus.NOT_MODIFIED, response.getStatusCode()); }
From source
private void downloadRecorded(final Context context, final LocationProfile locationProfile) throws MythServiceApiRuntimeException, RemoteException, OperationApplicationException { Log.v(TAG, "downloadRecorded : enter"); EtagInfoDelegate etag = mEtagDaoHelper.findByEndpointAndDataId(context, locationProfile, "GetRecordedList", "");/*ww w . j ava2 m*/ Log.d(TAG, "downloadRecorded : etag=" + etag.getValue()); ResponseEntity<ProgramList> responseEntity = mMythServicesTemplate.dvrOperations() .getRecordedList(Boolean.FALSE, null, null, null, null, null, etag); DateTime date = new DateTime(DateTimeZone.UTC); if (responseEntity.getStatusCode().equals(HttpStatus.OK)) { Log.i(TAG, "download : GetRecordedList returned 200 OK"); ProgramList programList = responseEntity.getBody(); if (null != programList.getPrograms()) { load(context, locationProfile, programList.getPrograms()); if (null != etag.getValue()) { Log.i(TAG, "download : saving etag: " + etag.getValue()); etag.setEndpoint("GetRecordedList"); etag.setDate(date); etag.setMasterHostname(locationProfile.getHostname()); etag.setLastModified(date);, locationProfile, etag); } } } if (responseEntity.getStatusCode().equals(HttpStatus.NOT_MODIFIED)) { Log.i(TAG, "download : GetRecordedList returned 304 Not Modified"); if (null != etag.getValue()) { Log.i(TAG, "download : saving etag: " + etag.getValue()); etag.setLastModified(date);, locationProfile, etag); } } Log.v(TAG, "downloadRecorded : exit"); }
From source
@Test public void testHeadNotModified() { // Create a HEAD with an If-None-Match header MockHttpServletRequest request = new MockHttpServletRequest("HEAD", "/path/to/resource"); request.addHeader("If-None-Match", "W/\"123456789\""); // Create a HalGetResponseBuilder HalResponseBuilderImpl builder = new HalResponseBuilderImpl(representationFactory, request); // Create a response with a Representation ResponseEntity<Representation> response = builder.withProperty("string", "String value") .etag(new Date(123456789l)).lastModified(new Date(123456789l)).expireIn(1000000).build(); // Check we get a 304 Assert.assertEquals(HttpStatus.NOT_MODIFIED, response.getStatusCode()); }
From source
private ChannelInfo[] downloadChannels(final Context context, final LocationProfile locationProfile, final int sourceId) throws MythServiceApiRuntimeException { Log.v(TAG, "downloadChannels : enter"); EtagInfoDelegate etag = mEtagDaoHelper.findByEndpointAndDataId(context, locationProfile, "GetChannelInfoList", String.valueOf(sourceId)); ResponseEntity<ChannelInfoList> responseEntity = mMythServicesTemplate.channelOperations() .getChannelInfoList(sourceId, 0, null, etag); DateTime date = new DateTime(DateTimeZone.UTC); if (responseEntity.getStatusCode().equals(HttpStatus.OK)) { Log.i(TAG, "downloadChannels : GetChannelInfoList returned 200 OK"); ChannelInfoList channelInfoList = responseEntity.getBody(); if (null != channelInfoList) { etag.setEndpoint("GetChannelInfoList"); etag.setDataId(sourceId);/*from w w w . j a va 2 s. c om*/ etag.setDate(date); etag.setMasterHostname(locationProfile.getHostname()); etag.setLastModified(date);, locationProfile, etag); if (null != channelInfoList.getChannelInfos()) { Log.v(TAG, "downloadChannels : exit, returning channelInfos"); return channelInfoList.getChannelInfos(); } } } if (responseEntity.getStatusCode().equals(HttpStatus.NOT_MODIFIED)) { Log.i(TAG, "downloadChannels : GetChannelInfoList returned 304 Not Modified"); etag.setLastModified(date);, locationProfile, etag); } Log.d(TAG, "downloadChannels : exit"); return null; }
From source
private ResponseEntity<Object> translateState(boolean selectedTemplateUpdated) { if (selectedTemplateUpdated) { return new ResponseEntity<>("updated", HttpStatus.OK); } else {/*ww w .ja v a2s . co m*/ return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.NOT_MODIFIED); } }
From source
@ExceptionHandler(TicketNotFoundException.class) public ResponseEntity<?> handleTicketNotFoundException(TicketNotFoundException e) { return createResponseEntity(HttpStatus.NOT_MODIFIED, e.getMessage()); }
From source
@RequestMapping(value = "/{projectName:" + DocumentrConstants.PROJECT_NAME_PATTERN + "}/" + "{branchName:" + DocumentrConstants.BRANCH_NAME_PATTERN + "}/" + "{pagePath:" + DocumentrConstants.PAGE_PATH_URL_PATTERN + "}/" + "{name:.*}", method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.HEAD }) @PreAuthorize("hasPagePermission(#projectName, #branchName, #pagePath, VIEW)") public ResponseEntity<byte[]> getAttachment(@PathVariable String projectName, @PathVariable String branchName, @PathVariable String pagePath, @PathVariable String name, @RequestParam(required = false) boolean download, HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException { try {//from w w w . java2 s .c o m pagePath = Util.toRealPagePath(pagePath); PageMetadata metadata = pageStore.getAttachmentMetadata(projectName, branchName, pagePath, name); HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders(); long lastEdited = metadata.getLastEdited().getTime(); long authenticationCreated = AuthenticationUtil.getAuthenticationCreationTime(request.getSession()); long lastModified = Math.max(lastEdited, authenticationCreated); if (!download) { long projectEditTime = PageUtil.getProjectEditTime(projectName); if (projectEditTime >= 0) { lastModified = Math.max(lastModified, projectEditTime); } long modifiedSince = request.getDateHeader("If-Modified-Since"); //$NON-NLS-1$ if ((modifiedSince >= 0) && (lastModified <= modifiedSince)) { return new ResponseEntity<byte[]>(headers, HttpStatus.NOT_MODIFIED); } } headers.setLastModified(lastModified); headers.setExpires(0); headers.setCacheControl("must-revalidate, private"); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (download) { headers.set("Content-Disposition", //$NON-NLS-1$ "attachment; filename=\"" + name.replace('"', '_') + "\""); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } Page attachment = pageStore.getAttachment(projectName, branchName, pagePath, name); headers.setContentType(MediaType.parseMediaType(attachment.getContentType())); return new ResponseEntity<byte[]>(attachment.getData().getData(), headers, HttpStatus.OK); } catch (PageNotFoundException e) { return new ResponseEntity<byte[]>(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND); } }
From source
private ResponseEntity<?> toResponseEntity(HttpHeaders headers, ResourceResponse rr) { if (rr == null) { return new ResponseEntity<>(headers, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); }//from w w w.j a v a 2 s .c o m switch (rr.getStatus()) { case NOT_MODIFIED: return new ResponseEntity<>(headers, HttpStatus.NOT_MODIFIED); default: Error.ErrorBuilder eb = Error.builder().error(rr.getStatus().getReasonPhrase()); rr.getError().ifPresent(e -> eb.error_description(e)); return new ResponseEntity<>(, HttpStatus.valueOf(rr.getStatus().getStatusCode())); } }
From source
/** * Returns the delta resource identified by deltaId. * * Operation: GET /api/sense/v1/deltas/{deltaId} * * @param accept Provides media types that are acceptable for the response. At the moment 'application/json' is the * supported response encoding./* w w w. j a v a 2s. c om*/ * @param summary * @param ifModifiedSince The HTTP request may contain the If-Modified-Since header requesting all models with * creationTime after the specified date. The date must be specified in RFC 1123 format. * @param encode * @param model Specifies the model encoding to use (i.e. turtle, ttl, json-ld, etc). * @param deltaId Identifier of the target delta resource. * @return A RESTful response. */ @ApiOperation(value = "Get a specific SENSE topology model resource.", notes = "Returns SENSE topology model resource corresponding to the specified resource id.", response = DeltaResource.class) @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.OK_CODE, message = HttpConstants.OK_DELTA_MSG, response = DeltaResource.class, responseHeaders = { @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class), @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_NAME, description = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_DESC, response = String.class) }), @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_MODIFIED, message = HttpConstants.NOT_MODIFIED_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = { @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class), @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_NAME, description = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_DESC, response = String.class) }), @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.BAD_REQUEST_CODE, message = HttpConstants.BAD_REQUEST_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = { @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }), @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_CODE, message = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = { @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }), @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_FOUND_CODE, message = HttpConstants.NOT_FOUND_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = { @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }), @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_ACCEPTABLE_CODE, message = HttpConstants.NOT_ACCEPTABLE_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = { @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }), @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_CODE, message = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = { @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }), }) @RequestMapping(value = "/deltas/{" + HttpConstants.DELTAID_NAME + "}", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = { MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE }) @ResponseBody public ResponseEntity<?> getDelta( @RequestHeader(value = HttpConstants.ACCEPT_NAME, defaultValue = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.ACCEPT_MSG, required = false) String accept, @RequestHeader(value = HttpConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_NAME, required = false) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_MSG, required = false) String ifModifiedSince, @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.SUMMARY_NAME, defaultValue = "false") @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.SUMMARY_MSG, required = false) boolean summary, @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.MODEL_NAME, defaultValue = HttpConstants.MODEL_TURTLE) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.MODEL_MSG, required = false) String model, @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.ENCODE_NAME, defaultValue = "false") @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.ENCODE_MSG, required = false) boolean encode, @PathVariable(HttpConstants.DELTAID_NAME) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.DELTAID_MSG, required = true) String deltaId) { // Get the requested resource URL. final URI location = ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentRequestUri().build().toUri();"[SenseRmController] operation = {}, id = {}, accept = {}, ifModifiedSince = {}, model = {}", location, deltaId, accept, ifModifiedSince, model); // Parse the If-Modified-Since header if it is present. long ifms = parseIfModfiedSince(ifModifiedSince); // We need to return the current location of this resource in the response header. final HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders(); headers.add("Content-Location", location.toASCIIString()); try { // Query for the requested delta. DeltaResponse response = driver.getDelta(deltaId, model, ifms).get(); if (response == null || response.getStatus() != Status.OK) { return toResponseEntity(headers, response); } DeltaResource d = response.getDelta().get();"[SenseRmController] deltaId = {}, lastModified = {}, If-Modified-Since = {}", d.getId(), d.getLastModified(), ifModifiedSince); // Determine when this was last modified. long lastModified = XmlUtilities.xmlGregorianCalendar(d.getLastModified()).toGregorianCalendar() .getTimeInMillis(); headers.setLastModified(lastModified); // Do we need to return this delta? if (lastModified <= ifms) {"[SenseRmController] returning not modified, deltaId = {}", d.getId()); return new ResponseEntity<>(headers, HttpStatus.NOT_MODIFIED); } d.setHref(location.toASCIIString()); if (summary) { // If a summary resource view was requested we do not send back any models. d.setAddition(null); d.setReduction(null); d.setResult(null); } else if (encode) { // Compress and base64 encode the model contents if requested. d.setAddition(Encoder.encode(d.getAddition())); d.setReduction(Encoder.encode(d.getReduction())); d.setResult(Encoder.encode(d.getResult())); } "[SenseRmController] getDelta returning id = {}, creationTime = {}, queried If-Modified-Since = {}.", d.getId(), d.getLastModified(), ifModifiedSince); return new ResponseEntity<>(d, headers, HttpStatus.OK); } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException | IOException | DatatypeConfigurationException ex) { log.error("[SenseRmController] getDelta failed, deltaId = {}, ex = {}", deltaId, ex); Error error = Error.builder().error(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.getReasonPhrase()) .error_description(ex.getMessage()).build(); return new ResponseEntity<>(error, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } }
From source
/** * Requests a stream, using the "If-Modified-Since" header in the request so that the object will only be returned if * it was modified after the given time. Otherwise, the stream field of the returned object will be null. This is * useful when results from the SOA service are being added to a cache, and we only want to retrieve the result if it * is newer than the version stored in the cache. * * @param target the request to send the REST service * @param lastModified the object will be returned iff the SOA server indicates that it was modified after this * timestamp// w ww. java 2 s . c om * @return a timestamped stream, or a null stream with non-null timestamp * @throws IOException */ private TimestampedResponse requestIfModifiedSince(HttpUriRequest target, Calendar lastModified) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(lastModified); CloseableHttpResponse response = null; boolean returningStream = false; try { target.addHeader(HttpHeaders.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, HttpDateUtil.format(lastModified)); response = remoteService.getResponse(target); Header[] lastModifiedHeaders = response.getHeaders(HttpHeaders.LAST_MODIFIED); if (lastModifiedHeaders.length == 0) { TimestampedResponse timestamped = new TimestampedResponse(null, response); returningStream = true; return timestamped; } if (lastModifiedHeaders.length != 1) { throw new RuntimeException("Expecting 1 Last-Modified header, got " + lastModifiedHeaders.length); } Calendar resultLastModified = HttpDateUtil.parse(lastModifiedHeaders[0].getValue()); int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (statusCode == HttpStatus.OK.value()) { TimestampedResponse timestamped = new TimestampedResponse(resultLastModified, response); returningStream = true; return timestamped; } else if (statusCode == HttpStatus.NOT_MODIFIED.value()) { return new TimestampedResponse(resultLastModified, null); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected status code " + statusCode); } } finally { if (!returningStream && response != null) { response.close(); } } }