List of usage examples for org.springframework.http HttpStatus MOVED_PERMANENTLY
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@GetMapping(Url.ADD_SERIES_WITH_COUNTRY_PAGE) public View showFormWithCountry(@PathVariable("slug") String country, RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes) { redirectAttributes.addAttribute("country", country); RedirectView view = new RedirectView(); view.setStatusCode(HttpStatus.MOVED_PERMANENTLY); view.setUrl(Url.ADD_SERIES_PAGE);//from ww w . j a v a2 s.c om return view; }
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protected Document fetchOrcidDocument(String url) throws OrcidHttpException { try {/*from www . jav a 2 s .c om*/ ResponseEntity<DOMSource> responseEntity = orcidRestTemplate.getForEntity(url, DOMSource.class); HttpStatus statusCode = responseEntity.getStatusCode(); DOMSource orcidInput = responseEntity.getBody(); Document orcidDocument = (Document) orcidInput.getNode(); // Handle deprecated ORCID iD, which returns HTTP 301 status code if (statusCode == HttpStatus.MOVED_PERMANENTLY) { OrcidHttpException e = new OrcidHttpException("ORCID iD Deprecated"); e.setStatusCode(HttpStatus.MOVED_PERMANENTLY); try { e.setDocument(OrcidUtil.documentXml(orcidDocument)); } catch (TransformerException te) { String msg = "Error setting XML document: " + te.getMessage(); e.setDocument(msg); } String errorDesc = orcidDocument.getElementsByTagName("error-desc").item(0).getTextContent(); e.setOrcidPrimaryRecord(extractOrcid(errorDesc)); //Set ORCID primary record value in exception throw e; } else if (!(statusCode == HttpStatus.OK)) { OrcidHttpException e = new OrcidHttpException("Error fetching URL: " + url); e.getStatusCode(); try { e.setDocument(OrcidUtil.documentXml(orcidDocument)); } catch (TransformerException te) { String msg = "Error setting XML document: " + te.getMessage(); e.setDocument(msg); } throw e; } return orcidDocument; } catch (HttpClientErrorException e) { OrcidHttpException ohe = new OrcidHttpException(e); ohe.setStatusCode(e.getStatusCode()); throw ohe; } }
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/** * Checks request URL against properly resolved URL and returns null if url is proper or redirection string if not. * * @param request/* w w w . j ava2 s . c o m*/ * - request that contains current URL * @param response * - response to write "301 Moved Permanently" status to if redirected * @param resolvedUrlPath * - properly resolved URL * @return null if url is properly resolved or redirection string if not * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ protected String checkRequestUrl(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response, final String resolvedUrlPath) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { try { final String resolvedUrl = response.encodeURL(request.getContextPath() + resolvedUrlPath); final String requestURI = URIUtil.decode(request.getRequestURI(), "utf-8"); final String decoded = URIUtil.decode(resolvedUrl, "utf-8"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(requestURI) && requestURI.endsWith(decoded)) { return null; } else { // org.springframework.web.servlet.View.RESPONSE_STATUS_ATTRIBUTE = "org.springframework.web.servlet.View.responseStatus" request.setAttribute("org.springframework.web.servlet.View.responseStatus", HttpStatus.MOVED_PERMANENTLY); final String queryString = request.getQueryString(); if (queryString != null && !queryString.isEmpty()) { return "redirect:" + resolvedUrlPath + "?" + queryString; } return "redirect:" + resolvedUrlPath; } } catch (final URIException e) { LOGGER.error("URIException:" + e.getMessage(), e); throw new UnsupportedEncodingException(e.getMessage()); } }
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/** * Checks request URL against properly resolved URL and returns null if url is proper or * redirection string if not./*from ww w . j a v a 2s .c om*/ * * @param request * - request that contains current URL * @param response * - response to write "301 Moved Permanently" status to if redirected * @param resolvedUrl * - properly resolved URL * @return null if url is properly resolved or redirection string if not * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ protected String checkRequestUrl(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response, final String resolvedUrl) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { try { final String requestURI = URIUtil.decode(request.getRequestURI(), "utf-8"); final String decoded = URIUtil.decode(resolvedUrl, "utf-8"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(requestURI) && requestURI.endsWith(decoded)) { return null; } else { request.setAttribute(View.RESPONSE_STATUS_ATTRIBUTE, HttpStatus.MOVED_PERMANENTLY); final String queryString = request.getQueryString(); if (queryString != null && !queryString.isEmpty()) { return "redirect:" + resolvedUrl + "?" + queryString; } return "redirect:" + resolvedUrl; } } catch (final URIException e) { throw new UnsupportedEncodingException(); } }
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/** * Checks request URL against properly resolved URL and returns null if url is proper or redirection string if not. * /* w w w .ja v a2 s .com*/ * @param request * - request that contains current URL * @param response * - response to write "301 Moved Permanently" status to if redirected * @param resolvedUrlPath * - properly resolved URL * @return null if url is properly resolved or redirection string if not * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ protected String checkRequestUrl(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response, final String resolvedUrlPath) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { try { final String resolvedUrl = response.encodeURL(request.getContextPath() + resolvedUrlPath); final String requestURI = URIUtil.decode(request.getRequestURI(), "utf-8"); final String decoded = URIUtil.decode(resolvedUrl, "utf-8"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(requestURI) && requestURI.endsWith(decoded)) { return null; } else { request.setAttribute(View.RESPONSE_STATUS_ATTRIBUTE, HttpStatus.MOVED_PERMANENTLY); final String queryString = request.getQueryString(); if (queryString != null && !queryString.isEmpty()) { return "redirect:" + resolvedUrlPath + "?" + queryString; } return "redirect:" + resolvedUrlPath; } } catch (final URIException e) { throw new UnsupportedEncodingException(); } }
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/** * Checks request URL against properly resolved URL and returns null if url is proper or redirection string if not. * // w ww . j a va 2s. c o m * @param request * - request that contains current URL * @param response * response to write "301 Moved Permanently" status to if redirected * @param resolvedUrlPath * - properly resolved URL * @param responseStatusAttributeName * - response attribute name to which write the "301 Moved Permanently" status * @return null if url is properly resolved or redirection string if not * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ protected String checkRequestUrl(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response, final String resolvedUrlPath, final String responseStatusAttributeName) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { try { final String resolvedUrl = response.encodeURL(request.getContextPath() + resolvedUrlPath); final String requestURI = URIUtil.decode(request.getRequestURI(), "utf-8"); final String decoded = URIUtil.decode(resolvedUrl, "utf-8"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(requestURI) && requestURI.endsWith(decoded)) { return null; } else { request.setAttribute(responseStatusAttributeName, HttpStatus.MOVED_PERMANENTLY); final String queryString = request.getQueryString(); if (queryString != null && !queryString.isEmpty()) { return "redirect:" + resolvedUrlPath + "?" + queryString; } return "redirect:" + resolvedUrlPath; } } catch (final URIException e) { throw new UnsupportedEncodingException(); } }
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@Override public boolean preHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler) throws Exception { String authorization = request.getHeader(AUTHORIZATION_HEADER); // if (true) return PROCEED; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(authorization) || request.getParameter("auth") != null) { // if Basic auth is present in the request, then try to log in to CDR to test if it is valid token for given domain. // "auth" parameter is just meant for testing the CDR API in development environment - WebQ asks to authenticate. HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders(); headers.add(AUTHORIZATION_HEADER, authorization); // return PROCEED; try {/*from w ww. ja va2s. c om*/ ResponseEntity<String> loginResponse = restOperations.postForEntity( extractCdrUrl(request) + "/" + cdrLoginMethod, new HttpEntity<Object>(headers), String.class);"Response code received from CDR basic authorization request " + loginResponse.getStatusCode()); return PROCEED; } catch (HttpStatusCodeException e) { if (e.getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED) { LOGGER.warn("Authorization against CDR failed with unexpected HTTP status code", e); } } } else { // if Basic auth is not present, then test if user is already authorised in this domain // by using provided cookies to fetch CDR envelope properties page. Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies(); if (cookies != null) { HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders(); for (Cookie cookie : cookies) { // put ZopeId parameter to request header. It works only when the value is surrounded with quotes. headers.add("Cookie", cookiesConverter.convertCookieToString(cookie)); } String urlToFetch = extractCdrEnvelopeUrl(request) + "/" + cdrEnvelopePropertiesMethod; //ResponseEntity<String> loginResponse =, HttpMethod.GET, // new HttpEntity<Object>(headers), String.class); HttpResponse responseFromCdr = fetchUrlWithoutRedirection(urlToFetch, headers); try { int statusCode = responseFromCdr.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();"Response code received from CDR envelope request using cookies " + statusCode); if (statusCode == HttpStatus.OK.value()) { request.setAttribute(PARSED_COOKIES_ATTRIBUTE, cookiesConverter.convertCookiesToString(cookies)); return PROCEED; } else if ((statusCode == HttpStatus.MOVED_PERMANENTLY.value() || statusCode == HttpStatus.MOVED_TEMPORARILY.value()) && responseFromCdr.getFirstHeader("Location") != null) { // redirect to CDR login page String redirectUrl = extractCdrUrl(request) + responseFromCdr.getFirstHeader("Location").getValue();"Redirect to " + redirectUrl); response.sendRedirect(redirectUrl); } } catch (HttpStatusCodeException e) { if (e.getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED) { LOGGER.warn("Fetching CDR envelope page failed with unexpected HTTP status code", e); } } } } if (isFailureCountsEqualsToAllowedFailuresCount()) { request.setAttribute(AUTHORIZATION_FAILED_ATTRIBUTE, AUTHORIZATION_FAILED_ATTRIBUTE); session.removeAttribute(AUTHORIZATION_TRY_COUNT); return PROCEED; } increaseFailedAuthorizationsCount(); response.addHeader("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"Please login to use webforms.\""); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED); return STOP_REQUEST_PROPAGATION; }
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/** * Resource contact message sending form. * //from ww w. j a v a 2 s. c o m * @param ipt * resource identifier (sourcefileid). * @return */ @RequestMapping(value = "/occurrences/{auto_id}", method = RequestMethod.POST) @I18nTranslation(resourceName = "occurrence", translateFormat = "/occurrences/{}") public ModelAndView handleResourceContactMsg(@PathVariable String auto_id, HttpServletRequest request) { OccurrenceModel occModel = occurrenceService.loadOccurrenceModel(auto_id, true); ResourceMetadataModel resourceInformationModel = occurrenceService .loadResourceMetadataModel(occModel.getSourcefileid()); // Get resource contacts: Set<ContactModel> contacts = resourceInformationModel.getContacts(); // URL from the previous URL accessed that led to the contact form: Locale locale = RequestContextUtils.getLocale(request); HashMap<String, Object> modelRoot = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // Get full URL: String occurrenceUrl = I18nUrlBuilder.generateI18nResourcePath(locale.getLanguage(), OccurrencePortalConfig.I18N_TRANSLATION_HANDLER.getTranslationFormat("occurrence"), new String[] { auto_id }); String domainName = request.getParameter("domainName"); occurrenceUrl = domainName + request.getContextPath() + occurrenceUrl; // Set common stuff ControllerHelper.setPageHeaderVariables(request, "contact", new String[] { auto_id }, appConfig, modelRoot); Map<String, Object> templateData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); ContactModel contact = null; for (ContactModel rcm : contacts) { if (rcm.getRole().equalsIgnoreCase("contact")) { contact = rcm; // Add contacts information modelRoot.put("contact", contact); break; } } String mailto = contact.getEmail(); String nameto = contact.getName(); if (mailto != null && !mailto.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { String namefrom = request.getParameter("name"); String mailfrom = request.getParameter("email"); String message = request.getParameter("message"); // Later change to fetch from properties file // (resourcecontact.subject). String subject = request.getParameter("subject"); templateData.put("subject", subject); templateData.put("mailto", mailto); templateData.put("nameto", nameto); templateData.put("mailfrom", mailfrom); templateData.put("namefrom", namefrom); templateData.put("message", message); templateData.put("occurrenceUrl", occurrenceUrl); templateData.put("time", new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE, dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm z", locale).format(new Date())); String templateName = appConfig.getContactEmailTemplateName(locale); boolean sent = mailSender.sendMessage(mailto, subject, templateData, templateName); LOGGER.error("*** Email enviado para o publicador: " + sent); } // Redirect back to occurrence: RedirectView rv = new RedirectView(occurrenceUrl); rv.setStatusCode(HttpStatus.MOVED_PERMANENTLY); return new ModelAndView(rv); }
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/** * Resource contact message feedback sending form. * //from w w w. j a v a2 s.c om * @param ipt * resource identifier (sourcefileid). * @return */ @RequestMapping(value = "/feedback", method = RequestMethod.POST) @I18nTranslation(resourceName = "feedback", translateFormat = "/feedback") public ModelAndView handleFeedbackMsg(HttpServletRequest request) { // URL from the previous URL accessed that led to the contact form: Locale locale = RequestContextUtils.getLocale(request); HashMap<String, Object> modelRoot = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // Set common stuff ControllerHelper.setPageHeaderVariables(request, "feedback", new String[] {}, appConfig, modelRoot); Map<String, Object> templateData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String namefrom = request.getParameter("name"); String mailfrom = request.getParameter("email"); String message = request.getParameter("message"); String subject = request.getParameter("subject"); String mailto = request.getParameter("mailto"); LOGGER.error("*** " + subject); templateData.put("mailfrom", mailfrom); templateData.put("namefrom", namefrom); templateData.put("message", message); templateData.put("time", new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE, dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm z", locale).format(new Date())); String templateName = appConfig.getContactEmailTemplateName(locale); mailSender.sendMessage(mailto, subject, templateData, templateName); // Redirect back to main page RedirectView rv = new RedirectView(request.getContextPath()); rv.setStatusCode(HttpStatus.MOVED_PERMANENTLY); return new ModelAndView(rv); }