List of usage examples for org.springframework.http HttpStatus FORBIDDEN
To view the source code for org.springframework.http HttpStatus FORBIDDEN.
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/** * {@inheritDoc}// www . ja va2 s. com */ @Override @RequestMapping(value = "/updateVideoWatched", method = RequestMethod.POST) public @ResponseBody ResponseEntity<Response> updateVideoWatched(@RequestBody final RequestData request) { SimpleResponse response = null; try { if (!AuthenticationFilter.isAuthed(context)) { response = new SimpleResponse(SibConstants.FAILURE, "Authentication required."); return new ResponseEntity<Response>(response, HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN); } Object[] queryParams = { request.getRequest_data().getUid(), request.getRequest_data().getVid() }; boolean status = false; String entityName = SibConstants.SqlMapper.SQL_CHECK_USER_WATCHED_VIDEO; List<Object> readObject = dao.readObjects(entityName, queryParams); if (readObject.size() < 1) { entityName = SibConstants.SqlMapper.SQL_UPDATE_USER_WATCHED_VIDEO; status = dao.insertUpdateObject(entityName, queryParams); } String message = ""; if (status) { message = "Done"; } else { message = "Fail"; } response = new SimpleResponse("" + status, request.getRequest_data_type(), request.getRequest_data_method(), message); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); response = new SimpleResponse(SibConstants.FAILURE, request.getRequest_data_type(), request.getRequest_data_method(), e.getMessage()); } return new ResponseEntity<Response>(response, HttpStatus.OK); }
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/** * {@inheritDoc}/*from w w w .ja v a 2 s . com*/ */ @Override @RequestMapping(value = "/getIdVideoWatched", method = RequestMethod.POST) public @ResponseBody ResponseEntity<Response> getIdVideoWatched(@RequestBody final RequestData request) { SimpleResponse response = null; try { if (!AuthenticationFilter.isAuthed(context)) { response = new SimpleResponse(SibConstants.FAILURE, "Authentication required."); return new ResponseEntity<Response>(response, HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN); } Map<String, String> queryParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); queryParams.put("uid", request.getRequest_data().getUid()); String entityName = SibConstants.SqlMapper.SQL_GET_ID_VIDEO_USER_WATCHED; List<Object> readObject = dao.readObjects(entityName, queryParams); response = new SimpleResponse("", request.getRequest_data_type(), request.getRequest_data_method(), readObject); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); response = new SimpleResponse(SibConstants.FAILURE, request.getRequest_data_type(), request.getRequest_data_method(), e.getMessage()); } return new ResponseEntity<Response>(response, HttpStatus.OK); }
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/** * {@inheritDoc}//from www . j a va 2 s . c o m */ @Override @RequestMapping(value = "/setSubscribeMentor", method = RequestMethod.POST) public ResponseEntity<Response> setSubscribeMentor(@RequestBody final RequestData request) { SimpleResponse response = null; try { if (!AuthenticationFilter.isAuthed(context)) { response = new SimpleResponse(SibConstants.FAILURE, "Authentication required."); return new ResponseEntity<Response>(response, HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN); } Object[] queryParams = new Object[] { request.getRequest_data().getStudentId(), request.getRequest_data().getMentorId() }; List<Object> readObject = null; // SELECT exists row String entityName = SibConstants.SqlMapper.SQL_FIND_STUDENT_SUBCRIBE; readObject = dao.readObjects(entityName, queryParams); boolean status = true; String message = "subs"; if (readObject.size() == 0) { entityName = SibConstants.SqlMapper.SQL_SUBCRIBE_VIDEO_STUDENT; status = dao.insertUpdateObject(entityName, queryParams); } else { String subscribe = (String) ((Map) readObject.get(0)).get(Parameters.SUBCRIBE); if (subscribe != null && subscribe.equals("Y")) { message = "unsubs"; } entityName = SibConstants.SqlMapper.SQL_SUBSCRIBE_UNSUBSCRIBE_MENTOR; status = dao.insertUpdateObject(entityName, queryParams); } response = new SimpleResponse("" + status, message, request.getRequest_data_method(), readObject); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); response = new SimpleResponse(SibConstants.FAILURE, request.getRequest_data_type(), request.getRequest_data_method(), e.getMessage()); } return new ResponseEntity<Response>(response, HttpStatus.OK); }
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@Test public void shouldRejectRegistrationRequestWhenInvalidTokenProvided() { when(goConfigService.hasAgent("blahAgent-uuid")).thenReturn(false); ServerConfig serverConfig = mockedServerConfig("token-generation-key", "someKey"); when(goConfigService.serverConfig()).thenReturn(serverConfig); when(agentService.agentUsername("blahAgent-uuid", request.getRemoteAddr(), "blahAgent-host")) .thenReturn(new Username("some-agent-login-name")); ResponseEntity responseEntity = controller.agentRequest("blahAgent-host", "blahAgent-uuid", "blah-location", "34567", "osx", "", "", "", "", "", "", false, "an-invalid-token", request); assertThat(responseEntity.getBody(), is("Not a valid token.")); assertThat(responseEntity.getStatusCode(), is(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN)); verify(serverConfig, times(0)).shouldAutoRegisterAgentWith("someKey"); verifyZeroInteractions(agentService); verifyZeroInteractions(agentConfigService); }
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/** * Convert all thrown AfForbiddenException exceptions * into a 403 error code./* w w w . j ava2s . c o m*/ * @param ex * @return */ @ResponseBody @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN) @ExceptionHandler(AfForbiddenException.class) public String handleForbiddenException(Exception ex) { _log.error("Internal server error!", ex); return ex.getMessage(); }
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private String login(CloudFoundryClient cloudFoundryClient) { try {/*from www . ja v a 2 s .c o m*/ if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Logging into cloud foundry"); } return cloudFoundryClient.login(); } catch (CloudFoundryException e) { if (HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN.equals(e.getStatusCode())) { log.error("Login failed, thowing InvalidLoginCredentialsException"); throw new InvalidLoginCredentialsException(e); } throw e; } }
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@Override public void undeploy(DeploymentInfo deploymentInfo, boolean deleteServices) throws DeploymentStatusException { CloudFoundryClient client = getClient(deploymentInfo);"Deleting application " + deploymentInfo.getApplicationName()); Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.start();//w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m try { if (deleteServices) { CloudApplication app = client.getApplication(deploymentInfo.getApplicationName()); for (String service : app.getServices()) { client.deleteService(service); } } client.deleteApplication(deploymentInfo.getApplicationName());"Application " + deploymentInfo.getApplicationName() + " deleted successfully in " + timer.stop() + "ms"); } catch (CloudFoundryException ex) { if (HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN == ex.getStatusCode()) { throw new DeploymentStatusException(TOKEN_EXPIRED_RESULT, ex); } else { throw ex; } } }
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/** * * * @param e * @return */ protected ResponseEntity<Result> refuse(Result result) { return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN).body(result); }
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@ExceptionHandler(AccessDeniedException.class) @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN, reason = "Not authorized.") public void handleAccessDeniedException(AccessDeniedException ex, HttpServletResponse response) { }
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@ExceptionHandler(ForbiddenException.class) @ResponseBody//from w ww . j a v a2 s . co m @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN) public ErrorMessage handleForbiddenException(Exception e) { return new ErrorMessage(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN.value(), HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN.getReasonPhrase(), e.getLocalizedMessage()); }