Example usage for org.openqa.selenium Keys SUBTRACT

List of usage examples for org.openqa.selenium Keys SUBTRACT


In this page you can find the example usage for org.openqa.selenium Keys SUBTRACT.



To view the source code for org.openqa.selenium Keys SUBTRACT.

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From source file:br.gov.frameworkdemoiselle.behave.runner.webdriver.WebDriverRunner.java

License:Open Source License

public File saveScreenshotTo(String fileName, boolean generateSource) {
    File screenshotFile = new File(fileName);



    File screenshot = null;/*  www .  jav  a  2s  .c o m*/

    if (BehaveConfig.getRunner_screenShotZoomout() != 0) {
        WebElement html = driver.findElement(By.tagName("html"));

        for (int x = 0; x < BehaveConfig.getRunner_screenShotZoomout(); x++) {
            html.sendKeys(Keys.chord(Keys.CONTROL, Keys.SUBTRACT));

        screenshot = ((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
        html.sendKeys(Keys.chord(Keys.CONTROL, "0"));
    } else {
        screenshot = ((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);

    if (screenshot != null) {
        try {
            FileUtils.copyFile(screenshot, new File(screenshotFile.getAbsolutePath()));

            if (generateSource) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new BehaveException(message.getString("exception-save-screenshot"), e);

    return screenshotFile;

From source file:com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.selenium.TypingTest.java

License:Apache License

 * A test./*w w w.  j  a v a2 s  .  c o  m*/
public void numberpadKeys() {
    final WebDriver driver = getWebDriver("/javascriptPage.html");

    final WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.id("keyReporter"));

    element.sendKeys("abcd" + Keys.MULTIPLY + Keys.SUBTRACT + Keys.ADD + Keys.DECIMAL + Keys.SEPARATOR
            + Keys.NUMPAD0 + Keys.NUMPAD9 + Keys.ADD + Keys.SEMICOLON + Keys.EQUALS + Keys.DIVIDE + Keys.NUMPAD3
            + "abcd");
    assertThat(element.getAttribute("value"), is("abcd*-+.,09+;=/3abcd"));

From source file:com.liferay.cucumber.selenium.BaseWebDriverImpl.java

License:Open Source License

public void typeKeys(String locator, String value) {
    WebElement webElement = getWebElement(locator);

    if (!webElement.isEnabled()) {
        return;/*from w  w  w  .j  a v  a  2  s  .c o  m*/

    if (value.contains("line-number=")) {
        value = value.replaceAll("line-number=\"\\d+\"", "");

    int i = 0;

    Set<Integer> specialCharIndexes = getSpecialCharIndexes(value);

    for (int specialCharIndex : specialCharIndexes) {
        webElement.sendKeys(value.substring(i, specialCharIndex));

        String specialChar = String.valueOf(value.charAt(specialCharIndex));

        if (specialChar.equals("-")) {
        } else if (specialChar.equals("\t")) {
        } else {
            webElement.sendKeys(Keys.SHIFT, _keysSpecialChars.get(specialChar));

        i = specialCharIndex + 1;

    webElement.sendKeys(value.substring(i, value.length()));

From source file:com.thoughtworks.selenium.webdriven.commands.SendKeys.java

License:Apache License

protected Void handleSeleneseCommand(WebDriver driver, String locator, String value) {

    value = value.replace("${KEY_ALT}", Keys.ALT);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_CONTROL}", Keys.CONTROL);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_CTRL}", Keys.CONTROL);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_META}", Keys.META);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_COMMAND}", Keys.COMMAND);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_SHIFT}", Keys.SHIFT);

    value = value.replace("${KEY_BACKSPACE}", Keys.BACK_SPACE);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_BKSP}", Keys.BACK_SPACE);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_DELETE}", Keys.DELETE);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_DEL}", Keys.DELETE);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_ENTER}", Keys.ENTER);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_EQUALS}", Keys.EQUALS);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_ESCAPE}", Keys.ESCAPE);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_ESC}", Keys.ESCAPE);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_INSERT}", Keys.INSERT);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_INS}", Keys.INSERT);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_PAUSE}", Keys.PAUSE);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_SEMICOLON}", Keys.SEMICOLON);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_SPACE}", Keys.SPACE);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_TAB}", Keys.TAB);

    value = value.replace("${KEY_LEFT}", Keys.LEFT);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_UP}", Keys.UP);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_RIGHT}", Keys.RIGHT);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_DOWN}", Keys.DOWN);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_PAGE_UP}", Keys.PAGE_UP);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_PGUP}", Keys.PAGE_UP);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_PAGE_DOWN}", Keys.PAGE_DOWN);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_PGDN}", Keys.PAGE_DOWN);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_END}", Keys.END);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_HOME}", Keys.HOME);

    value = value.replace("${KEY_NUMPAD0}", Keys.NUMPAD0);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_N0}", Keys.NUMPAD0);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_NUMPAD1}", Keys.NUMPAD1);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_N1}", Keys.NUMPAD1);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_NUMPAD2}", Keys.NUMPAD2);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_N2}", Keys.NUMPAD2);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_NUMPAD3}", Keys.NUMPAD3);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_N3}", Keys.NUMPAD3);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_NUMPAD4}", Keys.NUMPAD4);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_N4}", Keys.NUMPAD4);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_NUMPAD5}", Keys.NUMPAD5);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_N5}", Keys.NUMPAD5);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_NUMPAD6}", Keys.NUMPAD6);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_N6}", Keys.NUMPAD6);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_NUMPAD7}", Keys.NUMPAD7);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_N7}", Keys.NUMPAD7);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_NUMPAD8}", Keys.NUMPAD8);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_N8}", Keys.NUMPAD8);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_NUMPAD9}", Keys.NUMPAD9);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_N9}", Keys.NUMPAD9);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_ADD}", Keys.ADD);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_NUM_PLUS}", Keys.ADD);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_DECIMAL}", Keys.DECIMAL);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_NUM_PERIOD}", Keys.DECIMAL);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_DIVIDE}", Keys.DIVIDE);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_NUM_DIVISION}", Keys.DIVIDE);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_MULTIPLY}", Keys.MULTIPLY);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_NUM_MULTIPLY}", Keys.MULTIPLY);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_SEPARATOR}", Keys.SEPARATOR);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_SEP}", Keys.SEPARATOR);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_SUBTRACT}", Keys.SUBTRACT);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_NUM_MINUS}", Keys.SUBTRACT);

    value = value.replace("${KEY_F1}", Keys.F1);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_F2}", Keys.F2);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_F3}", Keys.F3);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_F4}", Keys.F4);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_F5}", Keys.F5);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_F6}", Keys.F6);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_F7}", Keys.F7);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_F8}", Keys.F8);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_F9}", Keys.F9);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_F10}", Keys.F10);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_F11}", Keys.F11);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_F12}", Keys.F12);

    finder.findElement(driver, locator).sendKeys(value);

    return null;/* ww w.  j  a  v  a2  s  .c o m*/

From source file:com.vaadin.tests.components.orderedlayout.OrderedLayoutExpandTest.java

License:Apache License

public void testNoAbortingLayoutAfter100PassesError() throws Exception {
    setDebug(true);/*  w  w w .  j  a  va 2  s . co  m*/

    if (!getDesiredCapabilities().equals(Browser.CHROME.getDesiredCapabilities())) {
        // Chrome uses css to to set zoom level to 110% that is known to
        // cause issues with the test app.
        // Other browsers tries to set browser's zoom level directly.
        WebElement html = driver.findElement(By.tagName("html"));
        // reset to 100% just in case
        html.sendKeys(Keys.chord(Keys.CONTROL, "0"));
        // zoom browser to 75% (ie) or 90% (FF). It depends on browser
        // how much "Ctrl + '-'" zooms out.
        html.sendKeys(Keys.chord(Keys.CONTROL, Keys.SUBTRACT));

    // open debug window's Examine component hierarchy tab

    // click "Check layouts for potential problems" button

    // find div containing a successful layout analyze result
    WebElement pass = findLayoutAnalyzePassElement();
    // find div containing a error message with
    // "Aborting layout after 100 passess" message.
    WebElement error = findLayoutAnalyzeAbortedElement();


    if (!getDesiredCapabilities().equals(Browser.CHROME.getDesiredCapabilities())) {
        WebElement html = driver.findElement(By.tagName("html"));
        // reset zoom level back to 100%
        html.sendKeys(Keys.chord(Keys.CONTROL, "0"));

From source file:org.apache.zeppelin.ZeppelinIT.java

License:Apache License

public void testAngularDisplay() throws InterruptedException {
    if (!endToEndTestEnabled()) {
        return;//from   w  w  w . j a  va2s . c om

    String noteName = createNewNoteAndGetName();

    // wait for first paragraph's " READY " status text
    waitForParagraph(1, "READY");

     * print angular template
     * %angular <div id='angularTestButton' ng-click='myVar=myVar+1'>BindingTest_{{myVar}}_</div>
    WebElement paragraph1Editor = driver.findElement(By.xpath(getParagraphXPath(1) + "//textarea"));
    paragraph1Editor.sendKeys("println" + Keys.chord(Keys.SHIFT, "9") + "\"" + Keys.chord(Keys.SHIFT, "5")
            + "angular <div id='angularTestButton' " + "ng" + Keys.chord(Keys.SUBTRACT)
            + "click='myVar=myVar+1'>" + "BindingTest_{{myVar}}_</div>\")");
    paragraph1Editor.sendKeys(Keys.chord(Keys.SHIFT, Keys.ENTER));
    waitForParagraph(1, "FINISHED");

    // check expected text
            driver.findElement(By.xpath(getParagraphXPath(1) + "//div[@id=\"angularTestButton\"]")).getText());

     * Bind variable
     * z.angularBind("myVar", 1)
    assertEquals(1, driver.findElements(By.xpath(getParagraphXPath(2) + "//textarea")).size());
    WebElement paragraph2Editor = driver.findElement(By.xpath(getParagraphXPath(2) + "//textarea"));
    paragraph2Editor.sendKeys("z.angularBind" + Keys.chord(Keys.SHIFT, "9") + "\"myVar\", 1)");
    paragraph2Editor.sendKeys(Keys.chord(Keys.SHIFT, Keys.ENTER));
    waitForParagraph(2, "FINISHED");

    // check expected text
            driver.findElement(By.xpath(getParagraphXPath(1) + "//div[@id=\"angularTestButton\"]")).getText());

     * print variable
     * print("myVar="+z.angular("myVar"))
    WebElement paragraph3Editor = driver.findElement(By.xpath(getParagraphXPath(3) + "//textarea"));
    paragraph3Editor.sendKeys("print" + Keys.chord(Keys.SHIFT, "9") + "\"myVar=\"" + Keys.chord(Keys.ADD)
            + "z.angular" + Keys.chord(Keys.SHIFT, "9") + "\"myVar\"))");
    paragraph3Editor.sendKeys(Keys.chord(Keys.SHIFT, Keys.ENTER));
    waitForParagraph(3, "FINISHED");

    // check expected text
            driver.findElement(By.xpath(getParagraphXPath(3) + "//div[@ng-bind=\"paragraph.result.msg\"]"))

     * Click element
    driver.findElement(By.xpath(getParagraphXPath(1) + "//div[@id=\"angularTestButton\"]")).click();

    // check expected text
            driver.findElement(By.xpath(getParagraphXPath(1) + "//div[@id=\"angularTestButton\"]")).getText());

     * Register watcher
     * z.angularWatch("myVar", (before:Object, after:Object, context:org.apache.zeppelin.interpreter.InterpreterContext) => {
     *   z.run(2, context)
     * }
    WebElement paragraph4Editor = driver.findElement(By.xpath(getParagraphXPath(4) + "//textarea"));
            "z.angularWatch" + Keys.chord(Keys.SHIFT, "9") + "\"myVar\", " + Keys.chord(Keys.SHIFT, "9")
                    + "before:Object, after:Object, context:org.apache.zeppelin.interpreter.InterpreterContext)"
                    + Keys.EQUALS + ">{ z.run" + Keys.chord(Keys.SHIFT, "9") + "2, context)}");
    paragraph4Editor.sendKeys(Keys.chord(Keys.SHIFT, Keys.ENTER));
    waitForParagraph(4, "FINISHED");

     * Click element, again and see watcher works
    driver.findElement(By.xpath(getParagraphXPath(1) + "//div[@id=\"angularTestButton\"]")).click();

    // check expected text
            driver.findElement(By.xpath(getParagraphXPath(1) + "//div[@id=\"angularTestButton\"]")).getText());
    waitForParagraph(3, "FINISHED");

    // check expected text by watcher
            driver.findElement(By.xpath(getParagraphXPath(3) + "//div[@ng-bind=\"paragraph.result.msg\"]"))

     * Unbind
     * z.angularUnbind("myVar")
    WebElement paragraph5Editor = driver.findElement(By.xpath(getParagraphXPath(5) + "//textarea"));
    paragraph5Editor.sendKeys("z.angularUnbind" + Keys.chord(Keys.SHIFT, "9") + "\"myVar\")");
    paragraph5Editor.sendKeys(Keys.chord(Keys.SHIFT, Keys.ENTER));
    waitForParagraph(5, "FINISHED");

    // check expected text
            driver.findElement(By.xpath(getParagraphXPath(1) + "//div[@id=\"angularTestButton\"]")).getText());

     * Bind again and see rebind works.
    paragraph2Editor = driver.findElement(By.xpath(getParagraphXPath(2) + "//textarea"));
    paragraph2Editor.sendKeys(Keys.chord(Keys.SHIFT, Keys.ENTER));
    waitForParagraph(2, "FINISHED");

    // check expected text
            driver.findElement(By.xpath(getParagraphXPath(1) + "//div[@id=\"angularTestButton\"]")).getText());

    System.out.println("testCreateNotebook Test executed");

From source file:org.callimachusproject.webdriver.helpers.WebBrowserDriver.java

License:Apache License

private void sendKeys(WebElement element, CharSequence... keys) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    List<CharSequence> list = new ArrayList<CharSequence>(keys.length * 2);
    for (CharSequence key : keys) {
        if (key instanceof String) {
            for (char chr : ((String) key).toCharArray()) {
                switch (chr) {
                case '-':
                    sendKeys(element, list, sb);
                case '!':
                    sendKeys(element, list, sb);
                    list.add(Keys.chord(Keys.SHIFT, "1"));
                case '@':
                    sendKeys(element, list, sb);
                    list.add(Keys.chord(Keys.SHIFT, "2"));
                case '#':
                    sendKeys(element, list, sb);
                    list.add(Keys.chord(Keys.SHIFT, "3"));
                case '$':
                    sendKeys(element, list, sb);
                    list.add(Keys.chord(Keys.SHIFT, "4"));
                case '%':
                    sendKeys(element, list, sb);
                    list.add(Keys.chord(Keys.SHIFT, "5"));
                case '^':
                    sendKeys(element, list, sb);
                    list.add(Keys.chord(Keys.SHIFT, "6"));
                case '&':
                    sendKeys(element, list, sb);
                    list.add(Keys.chord(Keys.SHIFT, "7"));
                case '*':
                    sendKeys(element, list, sb);
                    list.add(Keys.chord(Keys.SHIFT, "8"));
                case '(':
                    sendKeys(element, list, sb);
                    list.add(Keys.chord(Keys.SHIFT, "9"));
                case ')':
                    sendKeys(element, list, sb);
                    list.add(Keys.chord(Keys.SHIFT, "0"));
                case '{':
                case '}':
                case '<':
                case '>':
                case '[':
                case ']':
                case '"':
                case '\'':
                case '\n':
                    sendKeys(element, list, sb);
                    sb.append(chr);/*from  w w  w .  j a va  2s . com*/
                    sendKeys(element, list, sb);
        } else {
    sendKeys(element, list, sb);

From source file:org.eclipse.scout.rt.testing.ui.rap.RapMock.java

License:Open Source License

protected Keys toSeleniumKey(Key key) {
    switch (key) {
    case Shift:/*from w  ww.ja v a  2 s.  com*/
        return Keys.SHIFT;
    case Control:
        return Keys.CONTROL;
    case Alt:
        return Keys.ALT;
    case Delete:
        return Keys.DELETE;
    case Backspace:
        return Keys.BACK_SPACE;
    case Enter:
        return Keys.ENTER;
    case Esc:
        return Keys.ESCAPE;
    case Tab:
        return Keys.TAB;
    case ContextMenu:
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown keyboard key: " + key);
    case Up:
        return Keys.UP;
    case Down:
        return Keys.DOWN;
    case Left:
        return Keys.LEFT;
    case Right:
        return Keys.RIGHT;
    case Windows:
        return Keys.META;
    case F1:
        return Keys.F1;
    case F2:
        return Keys.F2;
    case F3:
        return Keys.F3;
    case F4:
        return Keys.F4;
    case F5:
        return Keys.F5;
    case F6:
        return Keys.F6;
    case F7:
        return Keys.F7;
    case F8:
        return Keys.F8;
    case F9:
        return Keys.F9;
    case F10:
        return Keys.F10;
    case F11:
        return Keys.F11;
    case F12:
        return Keys.F12;
    case Home:
        return Keys.HOME;
    case End:
        return Keys.END;
    case PageUp:
        return Keys.PAGE_UP;
    case PageDown:
        return Keys.PAGE_DOWN;
    case NumPad0:
        return Keys.NUMPAD0;
    case NumPad1:
        return Keys.NUMPAD1;
    case NumPad2:
        return Keys.NUMPAD2;
    case NumPad3:
        return Keys.NUMPAD3;
    case NumPad4:
        return Keys.NUMPAD4;
    case NumPad5:
        return Keys.NUMPAD5;
    case NumPad6:
        return Keys.NUMPAD6;
    case NumPad7:
        return Keys.NUMPAD7;
    case NumPad8:
        return Keys.NUMPAD8;
    case NumPadMultiply:
        return Keys.MULTIPLY;
    case NumPadDivide:
        return Keys.DIVIDE;
    case NumPadAdd:
        return Keys.ADD;
    case NumPadSubtract:
        return Keys.SUBTRACT;
    case NumPadDecimal:
        return Keys.DECIMAL;
    case NumPadSeparator:
        return Keys.SEPARATOR;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown keyboard key: " + key);

From source file:org.jspringbot.keyword.selenium.SeleniumHelper.java

License:Open Source License

public void zoomOut(int times) {
    WebElement html = driver.findElement(By.tagName("html"));

    for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) {
        if (isMacOS()) {
            html.sendKeys(Keys.chord(Keys.COMMAND, Keys.SUBTRACT));
        } else {/*from   ww w.j  a  v a2  s  . c  o  m*/
            html.sendKeys(Keys.chord(Keys.CONTROL, Keys.SUBTRACT));

From source file:org.jspringbot.keyword.selenium.SeleniumHelper.java

License:Open Source License

private String mapAsciiKeyCodeToKey(int keyCode) {
    Map<Integer, Keys> keysMap = new HashMap<Integer, Keys>();
    keysMap.put(0, Keys.NULL);/*from  w w  w  . ja va  2 s.co m*/
    keysMap.put(8, Keys.BACK_SPACE);
    keysMap.put(9, Keys.TAB);
    keysMap.put(10, Keys.RETURN);
    keysMap.put(13, Keys.ENTER);
    keysMap.put(24, Keys.CANCEL);
    keysMap.put(27, Keys.ESCAPE);
    keysMap.put(32, Keys.SPACE);
    keysMap.put(42, Keys.MULTIPLY);
    keysMap.put(43, Keys.ADD);
    keysMap.put(44, Keys.SUBTRACT);
    keysMap.put(56, Keys.DECIMAL);
    keysMap.put(57, Keys.DIVIDE);
    keysMap.put(59, Keys.SEMICOLON);
    keysMap.put(61, Keys.EQUALS);
    keysMap.put(127, Keys.DELETE);
    Keys key = keysMap.get(keyCode);

    if (key == null) {
        Character c = (char) keyCode;
        return c.toString();

    return key.toString();