List of usage examples for org.openqa.selenium Keys SPACE
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@Test public void testCustomSelectionModel() { setDebug(true);/*from ww w. ja v a 2 s.c o m*/ openTestURL(); GridElement grid = $(GridElement.class).first(); GridCellElement cell = grid.getCell(0, 0); assertTrue("First column of Grid should not have an input element", cell.findElements(By.className("input")).isEmpty()); assertFalse("Row should not be selected initially", grid.getRow(0).isSelected());, 5); assertTrue("Click should select row", grid.getRow(0).isSelected());, 5); assertFalse("Click should deselect row", grid.getRow(0).isSelected()); grid.sendKeys(Keys.SPACE); assertTrue("Space should select row", grid.getRow(0).isSelected()); grid.sendKeys(Keys.SPACE); assertFalse("Space should deselect row", grid.getRow(0).isSelected()); assertNoErrorNotifications(); }
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private void fillCheckbox(Field field) { field.getField().sendKeys(Keys.SPACE); }
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void findClickTermeni() { driver.findElement(termeni).sendKeys(Keys.SPACE); }
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License:Apache License
private String pageUpDownHelper(int iterCondition, String keyString) { WebDriver driver = getDriver();//from www .j ava 2s .co m // Test Begins // Making sure the textBox is empty so we always start at the same date WebElement element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(DATE_INPUT_BOX_SEL)); element.clear(); element.sendKeys(TEST_DATE_TO_USE); // Grabbing the Date Icon and click on it to open the calendar element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(DATE_ICON_SEL));; String classOfActiveElem = "" + auraUITestingUtil.getEval(CLASSNAME); element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector("a[class*='" + classOfActiveElem + "']")); element = loopThroughKeys(element, driver, keyString, iterCondition, ARIA_SELECTED_SEL, "Shift+Page Up/Down"); // Selecting the date that we are on to get the value and compare it to what it should be element.sendKeys(Keys.SPACE); // Setting the input box in focus to get its value element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(DATE_INPUT_BOX_SEL)); // Checking if the values are equal return element.getAttribute("value"); }
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License:Apache License
private String homeEndButtonHelper(String initDate, Keys buttonToPress) { // Getting the input box, making sure it is clear, and sending in the the starting date WebElement element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(DATE_INPUT_BOX_SEL)); element.clear();//from w ww . jav a 2 s. c o m element.sendKeys(initDate); // Opening the calendar icon to grab the date we are looking for element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(DATE_ICON_SEL));; // Grabbing the correct focus cell date element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(SELECTED_DATE)); // Pressing the home or End button and grabbing the associated date element.sendKeys(buttonToPress); element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(ARIA_SELECTED_SEL)); // Clicking on that element to compare it to the date we should receive element.sendKeys(Keys.SPACE); // Repointing to the InputTextBox element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(DATE_INPUT_BOX_SEL)); // Making sure they are equal return element.getAttribute("value"); }
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License:Apache License
@ExcludeBrowsers({ BrowserType.ANDROID_PHONE, BrowserType.ANDROID_TABLET, BrowserType.IPAD, BrowserType.IPHONE })/* ww w . j a v a 2s .c o m*/ public void testDateWithOneArrow() throws Exception { open(URL); WebDriver driver = getDriver(); // Test Begins // Getting the calendar Icon WebElement element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(DATE_INPUT_BOX_SEL));; element.sendKeys("2013-10-01"); element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(DATE_ICON_SEL));; String classOfActiveElem = "" + auraUITestingUtil.getEval(CLASSNAME); element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector("a[class*='" + classOfActiveElem + "']")); // Loop through 355 days element = loopThroughKeys(element, driver, "" + Keys.ARROW_RIGHT, 151, ARIA_SELECTED_SEL, "Arrow-Right "); element.sendKeys(Keys.SPACE); element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(DATE_INPUT_BOX_SEL)); assertEquals("Dates do not match up", "2014-03-01", element.getAttribute("value")); }
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@ExcludeBrowsers({ BrowserType.ANDROID_PHONE, BrowserType.ANDROID_TABLET, BrowserType.IPAD, BrowserType.IPHONE })/*w w w . j a v a 2s . c o m*/ public void testLeftAndRightArrows() throws Exception { // Increase day in month by 1 open(URL); WebDriver driver = getDriver(); WebElement element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(DATE_INPUT_BOX_SEL));; element.sendKeys(TEST_DATE_TO_USE); // Test Begins // Grab calendar Icon element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(DATE_ICON_SEL));; // Find todays date, which should be focused String classOfActiveElem = "" + auraUITestingUtil.getEval(CLASSNAME); element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector("a[class*='" + classOfActiveElem + "']")); // Move from todays date, to the todays date +41 element = loopThroughKeys(element, driver, "" + Keys.ARROW_RIGHT, 41, ARIA_SELECTED_SEL, "Arrow-Right key "); // Move from today (date+41), to the todays date+1 element = loopThroughKeys(element, driver, "" + Keys.ARROW_LEFT, 40, ARIA_SELECTED_SEL, "Arrow-Left key"); // Select element element.sendKeys(Keys.SPACE); // Focus on the input box and get its value element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(DATE_INPUT_BOX_SEL)); assertEquals("Next day was not correctly found", "2013-04-16", element.getAttribute("value")); }
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License:Apache License
@ExcludeBrowsers({ BrowserType.ANDROID_PHONE, BrowserType.ANDROID_TABLET, BrowserType.IPAD, BrowserType.IPHONE })/*from w w w . ja va 2s . c o m*/ public void testUpAndDownArrows() throws Exception { open(URL); WebDriver driver = getDriver(); // Start at specific date WebElement element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(DATE_INPUT_BOX_SEL));; element.sendKeys(TEST_DATE_TO_USE); // Test Begins // Select the calendar Icon element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(DATE_ICON_SEL));; // Find todays date, which should be focused String classOfActiveElem = "" + auraUITestingUtil.getEval(CLASSNAME); element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector("a[class*='" + classOfActiveElem + "']")); // Move 4 months up element = loopThroughKeys(element, driver, "" + Keys.ARROW_UP, 4, ARIA_SELECTED_SEL, "Arrow-Up key"); // Move 4 months down element = loopThroughKeys(element, driver, "" + Keys.ARROW_DOWN, 4, ARIA_SELECTED_SEL, "Arrow-Down key"); // Focus should be back on todays date element.sendKeys(Keys.SPACE); // Select the input text box and get its value for comparison element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(DATE_INPUT_BOX_SEL)); assertEquals("Moving dates using arrows has not brought us to todays date", TEST_DATE_TO_USE, element.getAttribute("value")); }
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License:Apache License
private void testActionMenuViaKeyboardInteractionForApp(String appName) throws MalformedURLException, URISyntaxException { open(appName);//from w w w .j a v a 2 s. com WebDriver driver = this.getDriver(); String label = "trigger"; String menuName = "actionMenu"; String menuItem1 = "actionItem1"; String menuItem3 = "actionItem3"; String menuItem4 = "actionItem4"; WebElement menuLabel = driver.findElement(By.className(label)); WebElement actionMenu = driver.findElement(By.className(menuName)); WebElement actionItem1 = driver.findElement(By.className(menuItem1)); WebElement actionItem1Element = actionItem1.findElement(By.tagName("a")); WebElement actionItem3 = driver.findElement(By.className(menuItem3)); WebElement actionItem3Element = actionItem3.findElement(By.tagName("a")); WebElement actionItem4 = driver.findElement(By.className(menuItem4)); WebElement actionItem4Element = actionItem4.findElement(By.tagName("a")); // click on menu list; // check menu list is visible after the click assertTrue("Menu list should be visible", actionMenu.getAttribute("class").contains("visible")); // default focus on action item1 assertEquals("Focus should be on actionItem1", actionItem1Element.getText(), auraUITestingUtil.getActiveElementText()); // press down key twice actionItem1Element.sendKeys(Keys.DOWN, Keys.DOWN); // verify focus on action item3 auraUITestingUtil.setHoverOverElement(menuItem3); assertEquals("Focus should be on actionItem3", actionItem3Element.getText(), auraUITestingUtil.getActiveElementText());; assertEquals("Item3 unchecked after pressing Enter key", "Inter Milan", menuLabel.getText());; // focus on action item4 auraUITestingUtil.setHoverOverElement(menuItem4); assertEquals("Focus should be on actionItem4", actionItem4Element.getText(), auraUITestingUtil.getActiveElementText()); actionItem4Element.sendKeys(Keys.UP); // verify focus on action item3 assertEquals("Focus should be on actionItem3", actionItem3Element.getText(), auraUITestingUtil.getActiveElementText()); // press space key and check if item3 got selected actionItem3Element.sendKeys(Keys.SPACE); assertEquals("Item3 not selected after pressing space key", "Inter Milan", menuLabel.getText());; assertTrue("Menu list should be visible", actionMenu.getAttribute("class").contains("visible")); auraUITestingUtil.setHoverOverElement(menuItem1); actionItem1Element.sendKeys(Keys.ESCAPE); assertFalse("Menu list should not be visible", actionMenu.getAttribute("class").contains("visible")); }
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License:Apache License
private void testMenuCheckboxForApp(String appName) throws MalformedURLException, URISyntaxException { open(appName);// www . j a v a 2s . co m WebDriver driver = this.getDriver(); String label = "checkboxMenuLabel"; String menuName = "checkboxMenu"; String menuItem3 = "checkboxItem3"; String menuItem4 = "checkboxItem4"; String globalIdItem3 = auraUITestingUtil.getCmpGlobalIdGivenElementClassName(menuItem3); String globalIdItem4 = auraUITestingUtil.getCmpGlobalIdGivenElementClassName(menuItem4); String disableValueM4Exp = auraUITestingUtil.getValueFromCmpExpression(globalIdItem4, "v.disabled"); String selectedValueM4Exp = auraUITestingUtil.getValueFromCmpExpression(globalIdItem4, "v.selected"); String selectedValueM3Exp = auraUITestingUtil.getValueFromCmpExpression(globalIdItem3, "v.selected"); WebElement menuLabel = driver.findElement(By.className(label)); WebElement menu = driver.findElement(By.className(menuName)); WebElement item3 = driver.findElement(By.className(menuItem3)); WebElement item3Element = item3.findElement(By.tagName("a")); WebElement item4 = driver.findElement(By.className(menuItem4)); WebElement item4Element = item4.findElement(By.tagName("a")); WebElement button = driver.findElement(By.className("checkboxButton")); WebElement result = driver.findElement(By.className("result")); // check for default label present assertEquals("label is wrong", "NFC West Teams", menuLabel.getText()); assertFalse("Default: CheckboxMenu list should not be visible", menu.getAttribute("class").contains("visible")); // click on label; // verify menu list is visible assertTrue("CheckboxMenu list should be visible", menu.getAttribute("class").contains("visible")); // verify aria attribute item4 which is used for accessibility is disabled and selected assertTrue("Item4 aria attribute should be disabled", Boolean.valueOf(item4Element.getAttribute("aria-disabled"))); assertTrue("Item4 aria attribute should be selected", Boolean.valueOf(item4Element.getAttribute("aria-checked"))); // verify item4 is disabled and selected assertTrue("Item4 should be disabled", (Boolean) auraUITestingUtil.getEval(disableValueM4Exp)); assertTrue("Item4 should be selected", (Boolean) auraUITestingUtil.getEval(selectedValueM4Exp)); // click on item4; assertTrue("Item4 aria attribute should be Selected even when clicked", Boolean.valueOf(item4Element.getAttribute("aria-checked"))); assertTrue("Item4 should be Selected even when clicked", (Boolean) auraUITestingUtil.getEval(selectedValueM4Exp)); assertFalse("default: Item3 aria attribute should be Uncheked", Boolean.valueOf(item3Element.getAttribute("aria-checked"))); assertFalse("default: Item3 should be Uncheked", (Boolean) auraUITestingUtil.getEval(selectedValueM3Exp)); // click on item3; assertTrue("Item3 aria attribute should be Selected after the click", Boolean.valueOf(item3Element.getAttribute("aria-checked"))); assertTrue("Item3 should be Selected after the click", (Boolean) auraUITestingUtil.getEval(selectedValueM3Exp)); // click on item3 again auraUITestingUtil.pressEnter(item3Element); // verify not selected assertFalse("Item3 aria attribute should be Uncheked after Pressing Enter", Boolean.valueOf(item3Element.getAttribute("aria-checked"))); assertFalse("Item3 should be Uncheked after Pressing Enter", (Boolean) auraUITestingUtil.getEval(selectedValueM3Exp)); item3Element.sendKeys(Keys.SPACE); assertTrue("Item3 aria attribute should be checked after Pressing Space", Boolean.valueOf(item3Element.getAttribute("aria-checked"))); assertTrue("Item3 should be checked after Pressing Space", (Boolean) auraUITestingUtil.getEval(selectedValueM3Exp)); // check if focus changes when you use up and down arrow using keyboard item3Element.sendKeys(Keys.DOWN); assertEquals("Focus should be on item 4", item4Element.getText(), auraUITestingUtil.getActiveElementText()); item4Element.sendKeys(Keys.UP); assertEquals("Focus should be back to item 3", item3Element.getText(), auraUITestingUtil.getActiveElementText()); // press Tab to close to menu item3Element.sendKeys(Keys.TAB); // verify menu not visible assertFalse("CheckboxMenu list should not be visible after escape", menu.getAttribute("class").contains("visible")); // click on submit button and verify the results assertEquals("label value should not get updated", "NFC West Teams", menuLabel.getText());; assertEquals("Checkbox items selected are not correct", "St. Louis Rams,Arizona Cardinals", result.getText()); }