Example usage for org.openqa.selenium By subclass-usage

List of usage examples for org.openqa.selenium By subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.openqa.selenium By subclass-usage.


From source file com.qmetry.qaf.automation.ui.webdriver.ByAny.java

 * com.ispl.automation.sample.test.ByAny.java
 * @author chirag
public class ByAny extends By {

From source file com.qmetry.qaf.automation.ui.webdriver.ByCustom.java

 * @author Chirag
public class ByCustom extends By {

    private String stretegy;

From source file com.qmetry.qaf.automation.ui.webdriver.ByJQuery.java

 * com.ispl.automation.sample.test.ByAny.java
 * @author chirag
public class ByJQuery extends By {

From source file com.redhat.darcy.webdriver.locators.ByAttribute.java

 * {@link By} implementation that finds elements based on whether or not a 
 * specified attributes exactly matches some text.
 * @author ahenning

From source file com.redhat.darcy.webdriver.locators.ByChained.java

public class ByChained extends By {
    private Locator[] locators;

    private static final ElementConstructorMap elMap = ElementConstructorMap.webDriverElementOnly();

    public ByChained(Locator... locators) {

From source file com.redhat.darcy.webdriver.locators.ByPartialAttribute.java

 * {@link By} implementation that finds elements based on whether or not a 
 * specified attributes contains some text.
 * @author ahenning

From source file com.redhat.darcy.webdriver.locators.ByPartialVisibleText.java

 * {@link By} implementation that finds elements based on whether or not their
 * text node partially matches some text.
 * @author ahenning

From source file com.redhat.darcy.webdriver.locators.ByPartialVisibleTextIgnoreCase.java

 * {@link By} implementation that finds elements based on whether or not their
 * text node partially matches some text, ignoring case.
 * @author ahenning

From source file com.redhat.darcy.webdriver.locators.ByVisibleText.java

 * {@link By} implementation that finds elements based on whether or not their
 * text node exactly matches some text, after that text node has been trimmed of 
 * any leading or trailing whitespace.
 * @author ahenning

From source file com.redhat.darcy.webdriver.locators.ByVisibleTextIgnoreCase.java

 * {@link By} implementation that finds elements based on whether or not their
 * text node exactly matches some text, after that text node has been trimmed of 
 * any leading or trailing whitespace.
 * @author ahenning