Example usage for org.openqa.selenium By cssSelector

List of usage examples for org.openqa.selenium By cssSelector


In this page you can find the example usage for org.openqa.selenium By cssSelector.


public static By cssSelector(String cssSelector) 

Source Link


Find elements via the driver's underlying W3C Selector engine.


From source file:com.ecofactor.qa.automation.newapp.page.impl.SettingsPageImpl.java

License:Open Source License

 * Verify support tab displayed./*from  w ww.  j  av a 2 s  .co m*/
 * @return true, if successful
 * @see com.ecofactor.qa.automation.newapp.page.SettingsPage#verifySupportTabDisplayed()
public boolean verifySupportTabDisplayed() {

    setLogString("Verify Support Tab displayed", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW);
    return isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(SUPPORT), TINY_TIMEOUT);

From source file:com.ecofactor.qa.automation.newapp.page.impl.SettingsPageImpl.java

License:Open Source License

 * Verify password tab displayed.//  ww w  .j a  v a 2 s  . c o  m
 * @return true, if successful
 * @see com.ecofactor.qa.automation.newapp.page.SettingsPage#verifyPasswordTabDisplayed()
public boolean verifyPasswordTabDisplayed() {

    setLogString("Verify Password Tab displayed", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW);
    return isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(PASSWORD), TINY_TIMEOUT);

From source file:com.ecofactor.qa.automation.newapp.page.impl.SettingsPageImpl.java

License:Open Source License

 * Verify fields in password tab./*from w  w  w  . j  a v  a 2  s.  c  o m*/
 * @return true, if successful
 * @see com.ecofactor.qa.automation.newapp.page.SettingsPage#VerifyFieldsInPasswordTab()
public boolean VerifyFieldsInPasswordTab() {

    setLogString("Verify fields are in password tab", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW);
    boolean fieldsDisplayed = false;
    final WebElement fields = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(ELEMENTS), TINY_TIMEOUT);
    final String className = ".prompt.old_password,.prompt.new_password,.prompt.confirm_new_password";
    String values = "";
    final StringTokenizer stringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(className, ",");
    while (stringTokenizer.hasMoreElements()) {
        values = stringTokenizer.nextToken();
        final WebElement textFiled = getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), fields, By.cssSelector(values),
        setLogString("Text Fields in Password Tab" + textFiled.getText(), true, CustomLogLevel.LOW);
        fieldsDisplayed = isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(values), TINY_TIMEOUT);
    return fieldsDisplayed && isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(BUTTON), TINY_TIMEOUT);

From source file:com.ecofactor.qa.automation.newapp.page.impl.SettingsPageImpl.java

License:Open Source License

 * Click password tab.//from   www. j a  v a 2s . c  o m
 * @see com.ecofactor.qa.automation.newapp.page.SettingsPage#clickPasswordTab()
public void clickPasswordTab() {

    setLogString("Click password tab", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW);
    final WebElement passwordTab = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(CHANGE_PASSWORD), TINY_TIMEOUT);

From source file:com.ecofactor.qa.automation.newapp.page.impl.SettingsPageImpl.java

License:Open Source License

 * Click faq tab.//from   w w  w  .j  a  v a2 s  . co m
 * @see com.ecofactor.qa.automation.newapp.page.SettingsPage#clickFAQTab()
public void clickFAQTab() {

    setLogString("Click FAQ tab", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW);
    final WebElement faqElement = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(FAQ_TAB), TINY_TIMEOUT);

From source file:com.ecofactor.qa.automation.newapp.page.impl.SettingsPageImpl.java

License:Open Source License

 * Gets the thermostat name./*from   w  w w  . j  a v  a  2s  .  co m*/
 * @return the thermostat name
 * @see com.ecofactor.qa.automation.newapp.page.SettingsPage#getThermostatName()
public String getThermostatName() {

    setLogString("Get Thermostat Name from Settings page", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW);
    final WebElement thermostatName = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(THERMOSTAT_NAME), TINY_TIMEOUT);
    setLogString("Thermostat Name from settings page: " + thermostatName.getText(), true, CustomLogLevel.LOW);
    return thermostatName.getText();

From source file:com.ecofactor.qa.automation.newapp.page.impl.SettingsPageImpl.java

License:Open Source License

 * Gets the password requirement error msg.
 * @return the password requirement error msg
 * @see com.ecofactor.qa.automation.newapp.page.SettingsPage#getPasswordRequirementErrorMsg()
 *//* www .jav  a2s  .  c  om*/
public void getPasswordRequirementErrorMsg() {

    setLogString("Get Password Requirement error message", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW);
    final WebElement msgElement = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(PASSWORD_ERROR_MESSAGE), TINY_TIMEOUT);
    setLogString("Password Requirement error message : " + msgElement.getText(), true, CustomLogLevel.LOW);

From source file:com.ecofactor.qa.automation.newapp.page.impl.SettingsPageImpl.java

License:Open Source License

 * Click change password./*from  w  w w .  j  a va2s.c o m*/
 * @see com.ecofactor.qa.automation.newapp.page.SettingsPage#clickChangePassword()
public void clickChangePasswordBtn() {

    setLogString("Click change apssword button", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW);
    final WebElement changeButton = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(BUTTON), TINY_TIMEOUT);

From source file:com.ecofactor.qa.automation.newapp.page.impl.SettingsPageImpl.java

License:Open Source License

 * Checks if is privacy link clickable./*from w w  w.j  a va  2 s . c  om*/
 * @return true, if is privacy link clickable
 * @see com.ecofactor.qa.automation.newapp.page.SettingsPage#isPrivacyLinkClickable()
public boolean isPrivacyLinkClickable() {

    setLogString("verify Privacy Link is Clickable", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW);
    final WebElement privacyLink = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(PRIVACY_LINK), TINY_TIMEOUT);
    return isClickable(getDriver(), privacyLink, TINY_TIMEOUT);

From source file:com.ecofactor.qa.automation.newapp.page.impl.SettingsPageImpl.java

License:Open Source License

 * Checks if is user agreement clickable.
 * @return true, if is user agreement clickable
 * @see com.ecofactor.qa.automation.newapp.page.SettingsPage#isUserAggrementClickable()
 *///from  ww  w . j  a  v  a  2s  .com
public boolean isUserAggrementClickable() {

    setLogString("verify User Aggrement Link is Clickable", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW);
    final WebElement userAgreementLink = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(USERAGGREMENT_LINK),
    return isClickable(getDriver(), userAgreementLink, TINY_TIMEOUT);