Example usage for org.openqa.selenium By className

List of usage examples for org.openqa.selenium By className


In this page you can find the example usage for org.openqa.selenium By className.


public static By className(String className) 

Source Link


Find elements based on the value of the "class" attribute.


From source file:com.hotwire.test.steps.seo.SeoModelWebApp.java

License:Open Source License

public void verifyDestinationLinks(String source) {
    if (source.trim().equals("destination")) {
        // Verify the first couple links as these are dynamically generated and if one of the links is broken,
        // then all of them will be broken.
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PAGE_CHECKS; i++) {
            String href = destinationList.get(i);
            LOGGER.info("HREF: " + href);
            assertThat(StringUtils.containsAny(href, UNFRIENDLY_SEO_CHARS)).isFalse();
            assertThat(// ww  w .  j  a v a 2s  . co m
                    webdriver.findElement(By.className("landingPageTitle")).getText().contains("Hotel Deals"))
    } else {
        // Top 100. Check all links for SEO unfriendly characters, but only check up to the max checks for the
        // destination page.
        int i = 0;
        for (String href : top100) {
            LOGGER.info("HREF: " + href);
            assertThat(StringUtils.containsAny(href, UNFRIENDLY_SEO_CHARS)).isFalse();
            if (i < MAX_PAGE_CHECKS) {
                        .contains("Hotel " + "Deals")).isTrue();

From source file:com.htmlhifive.pitalium.it.assertion.exclude.CompareWithExcludesTest.java

License:Apache License

 * ???????????exclude?<br>/*from  w w w . ja va2s.  co m*/
 * ??????<br>
 * IE711/FireFox/Chrome/Android 2.3, 4.0, 4.4, 5.1/iOS 8.1, 8.3<br>
 * ????
public void excludeForBodyWithoutScroll() {
    String platformName = capabilities.getPlatformName();
    if (!"ios".equalsIgnoreCase(platformName) && !"android".equalsIgnoreCase(platformName)) {
        driver.manage().window().setSize(new Dimension(1280, 2500));


    PtlWebDriverWait wait = new PtlWebDriverWait(driver, 30);

    if (PtlTestConfig.getInstance().getEnvironment().getExecMode() == ExecMode.RUN_TEST) {

    CompareTarget[] targets = {
            new CompareTarget(ScreenArea.of(SelectorType.TAG_NAME, "body"), EXCLUDES, true) };
    assertionView.assertView("topPage", targets, HIDDEN_ELEMENTS);

From source file:com.huangyunkun.jviff.parser.SelectStepParserTest.java

License:Apache License

public void shouldParseScript() throws Exception {
    Step step = parser.parse("select .colorSelect yellow record");

    assertThat(step.getAction(), is(StepAction.SELECT));
    assertThat(step.getContent(), is("yellow"));
    assertThat(step.getTarget(), is(By.className("colorSelect")));
    assertThat(step.getRecord(), is(true));

From source file:com.ibm.sbt.automation.core.test.pageobjects.SampleFrameworkResultPage.java

License:Open Source License

 * Return a leaf node. Useful for testing if a click on the leaf node works.
 * @return {WebElement}// www  . jav  a 2s .  co m
public WebElement getTreeLeaf() {
    List<WebElement> leafNodes = getWebElement().findElements(By.className(LEAFNODECLASS));
    if (leafNodes.size() == 0) {
        leafNodes = getWebElement().findElements(By.className(LEAFNODECLASS));

    return leafNodes.get(0);

From source file:com.ibm.watson.app.qaclassifier.selenium.CommonFunctions.java

License:Open Source License

public static String getDisplayedQuestionText(WebDriver driver) {
    return driver.findElement(By.className("question-text")).getText();

From source file:com.ibm.watson.app.qaclassifier.selenium.CommonFunctions.java

License:Open Source License

public static String getDisplayedAnswerText(WebDriver driver) {
    return driver.findElement(By.className("answer-quote")).getText();

From source file:com.ibm.watson.app.qaclassifier.selenium.CommonFunctions.java

License:Open Source License

public static WebElement findNoneOfTheAboveButton(WebDriver driver) {
    return driver.findElement(By.className("none"));

From source file:com.ibm.watson.app.qaclassifier.selenium.CommonFunctions.java

License:Open Source License

public static WebElement findVisitTheForumButton(WebDriver driver) {
    return driver.findElement(By.className("visitForum"));

From source file:com.ibm.watson.app.qaclassifier.selenium.FeedbackScreensIT.java

License:Open Source License

public void thisWasHelpfulAllowsNewInput() {
    CommonFunctions.askQuestionViaTextInput(driver, SampleQuestions.HIGH_CONFIDENCE);

    assertTrue("After asking question via text input, find answer text on answer page",
            CommonFunctions.getDisplayedAnswerText(driver).length() > 0);

    WebElement positiveFeedbackButton = driver.findElement(By.id("positiveFeedbackInput"));

    if (positiveFeedbackButton.isDisplayed()) {
        positiveFeedbackButton.click();/* www.  j  a  v  a 2  s.  c o m*/

    assertThat("After 'This was Helpful' button was pressed, thanks message is displayed",
            driver.findElements(By.className("thanksImage")), hasSize(1));

    if (!CommonFunctions.isMobileUI(driver) && !CommonFunctions.isTabletUI(driver)) {
                "After 'This was Helpful' button was pressed, text input could not be made for another question",
                driver.findElements(By.id("questionInputField")), hasSize(1));

                "After 'This was Helpful' button was pressed, text input could not be made for another question",
                driver.findElements(By.id("askButton")), hasSize(1));

From source file:com.ibm.watson.app.qaclassifier.selenium.FeedbackScreensIT.java

License:Open Source License

public void iStillNeedHelpShowsProperly() {
    CommonFunctions.askQuestionViaTextInput(driver, SampleQuestions.HIGH_CONFIDENCE);

    assertTrue("After asking question via text input, find answer text on answer page",
            CommonFunctions.getDisplayedAnswerText(driver).length() > 0);

    WebElement negativeFeedbackButton = driver.findElement(By.id("negativeFeedbackInput"));

    if (negativeFeedbackButton.isDisplayed()) {
        negativeFeedbackButton.click();/*from w  w  w  . j  a  va 2 s.  com*/

    assertThat("After 'I still need help' button was pressed, 'Refine my question' section is displayed",
            driver.findElements(By.className("refineQuestion")), hasSize(1));

    assertThat("After 'I still need help' button was pressed, 'Still need help?' section is displayed",
            driver.findElements(By.className("stillNeedHelp")), hasSize(1));

    if (!CommonFunctions.isMobileUI(driver)) {
                "After 'I still need help' button was pressed, text input could not be made for another question",
                driver.findElements(By.id("questionInputField")), hasSize(1));

                "After 'I still need help' button was pressed, text input could not be made for another question",
                driver.findElements(By.id("askButton")), hasSize(1));