Example usage for org.opencv.core Mat rows

List of usage examples for org.opencv.core Mat rows


In this page you can find the example usage for org.opencv.core Mat rows.


public int rows() 

Source Link


From source file:cn.xiongyihui.webcam.JpegFactory.java

License:Open Source License

public void onPreviewFrame(byte[] data, Camera camera) {
    YuvImage yuvImage = new YuvImage(data, ImageFormat.NV21, mWidth, mHeight, null);

    mJpegOutputStream.reset();/*w  w w .j a v a 2s .c o  m*/

    try {
        //Log.e(TAG, "Beginning to read values!");
        double distanceTemplateFeatures = this.globalClass.getDistanceTemplateFeatures();
        double xTemplateCentroid = this.globalClass.getXtemplateCentroid();
        double yTemplateCentroid = this.globalClass.getYtemplateCentroid();
        int x0template = this.globalClass.getX0display();
        int y0template = this.globalClass.getY0display();
        int x1template = this.globalClass.getX1display();
        int y1template = this.globalClass.getY1display();
        Mat templateDescriptor = this.globalClass.getTemplateDescriptor();
        MatOfKeyPoint templateKeyPoints = this.globalClass.getKeyPoints();
        KeyPoint[] templateKeyPointsArray = templateKeyPoints.toArray();
        int numberOfTemplateFeatures = this.globalClass.getNumberOfTemplateFeatures();
        int numberOfPositiveTemplateFeatures = this.globalClass.getNumberOfPositiveTemplateFeatures();
        KeyPoint[] normalisedTemplateKeyPoints = this.globalClass.getNormalisedTemplateKeyPoints();
        double normalisedXcentroid = this.globalClass.getNormalisedXcentroid();
        double normalisedYcentroid = this.globalClass.getNormalisedYcentroid();
        int templateCapturedBitmapWidth = this.globalClass.getTemplateCapturedBitmapWidth();
        int templateCapturedBitmapHeight = this.globalClass.getTemplateCapturedBitmapHeight();
        //Log.e(TAG, "Ended reading values!");
        globalClass.setJpegFactoryDimensions(mWidth, mHeight);
        double scalingRatio, scalingRatioHeight, scalingRatioWidth;

        scalingRatioHeight = (double) mHeight / (double) templateCapturedBitmapHeight;
        scalingRatioWidth = (double) mWidth / (double) templateCapturedBitmapWidth;
        scalingRatio = (scalingRatioHeight + scalingRatioWidth) / 2; //Just to account for any minor variations.
        //Log.e(TAG, "Scaling ratio:" + String.valueOf(scalingRatio));
        //Log.e("Test", "Captured Bitmap's dimensions: (" + templateCapturedBitmapHeight + "," + templateCapturedBitmapWidth + ")");

        //Scale the actual features of the image
        int flag = this.globalClass.getFlag();
        if (flag == 0) {
            int iterate = 0;
            int iterationMax = numberOfTemplateFeatures;

            for (iterate = 0; iterate < (iterationMax); iterate++) {
                Log.e(TAG, "Point detected " + iterate + ":(" + templateKeyPointsArray[iterate].pt.x + ","
                        + templateKeyPointsArray[iterate].pt.y + ")");

                if (flag == 0) {
                    templateKeyPointsArray[iterate].pt.x = scalingRatio
                            * (templateKeyPointsArray[iterate].pt.x + (double) x0template);
                    templateKeyPointsArray[iterate].pt.y = scalingRatio
                            * (templateKeyPointsArray[iterate].pt.y + (double) y0template);
                Log.e(TAG, "Scaled points:(" + templateKeyPointsArray[iterate].pt.x + ","
                        + templateKeyPointsArray[iterate].pt.y + ")");


        //Log.e(TAG, "Template-features have been scaled successfully!");

        long timeBegin = (int) System.currentTimeMillis();
        Mat mYuv = new Mat(mHeight + mHeight / 2, mWidth, CvType.CV_8UC1);
        mYuv.put(0, 0, data);
        Mat mRgb = new Mat();
        Imgproc.cvtColor(mYuv, mRgb, Imgproc.COLOR_YUV420sp2RGB);

        Mat result = new Mat();
        Imgproc.cvtColor(mRgb, result, Imgproc.COLOR_RGB2GRAY);
        int detectorType = FeatureDetector.ORB;
        FeatureDetector featureDetector = FeatureDetector.create(detectorType);
        MatOfKeyPoint keypointsImage = new MatOfKeyPoint();
        featureDetector.detect(result, keypointsImage);
        KeyPoint[] imageKeypoints = keypointsImage.toArray();

        Scalar color = new Scalar(0, 0, 0);

        DescriptorExtractor descriptorExtractor = DescriptorExtractor.create(DescriptorExtractor.ORB);

        Mat imageDescriptor = new Mat();
        descriptorExtractor.compute(result, keypointsImage, imageDescriptor);

        //BRUTEFORCE_HAMMING apparently finds even the suspicious feature-points! So, inliers and outliers can turn out to be a problem

        DescriptorMatcher matcher = DescriptorMatcher.create(DescriptorMatcher.BRUTEFORCE_HAMMING);
        MatOfDMatch matches = new MatOfDMatch();
        matcher.match(imageDescriptor, templateDescriptor, matches);

        //Log.e("Prasad", String.valueOf(mWidth) + "," + String.valueOf(mHeight));

        DMatch[] matchesArray = matches.toArray();

        double minimumMatchDistance = globalClass.getHammingDistance();

        int iDescriptorMax = matchesArray.length;
        int iterateDescriptor;

        double xMatchedPoint, yMatchedPoint;
        int flagDraw = Features2d.NOT_DRAW_SINGLE_POINTS;

        Point point;

        double rHigh = this.globalClass.getRhigh();
        double rLow = this.globalClass.getRlow();
        double gHigh = this.globalClass.getGhigh();
        double gLow = this.globalClass.getGlow();
        double bHigh = this.globalClass.getBhigh();
        double bLow = this.globalClass.getBlow();

        double[] colorValue;
        double red, green, blue;
        int[] featureCount;
        double xKernelSize = 9, yKernelSize = 9;
        globalClass.setKernelSize(xKernelSize, yKernelSize);
        double xImageKernelScaling, yImageKernelScaling;

        xImageKernelScaling = xKernelSize / mWidth;
        yImageKernelScaling = yKernelSize / mHeight;
        int[][] kernel = new int[(int) xKernelSize][(int) yKernelSize];
        double[][] kernelCounter = new double[(int) xKernelSize][(int) yKernelSize];
        int numberKernelMax = 10;
        int[][][] kernelArray = new int[(int) xKernelSize][(int) yKernelSize][numberKernelMax];
        double featureImageResponse;
        double xImageCentroid, yImageCentroid;
        double xSum = 0, ySum = 0;
        double totalImageResponse = 0;

        for (iterateDescriptor = 0; iterateDescriptor < iDescriptorMax; iterateDescriptor++) {
            if (matchesArray[iterateDescriptor].distance < minimumMatchDistance) {
                //MatchedPoint: Awesome match without color feedback
                xMatchedPoint = imageKeypoints[matchesArray[iterateDescriptor].queryIdx].pt.x;
                yMatchedPoint = imageKeypoints[matchesArray[iterateDescriptor].queryIdx].pt.y;

                colorValue = mRgb.get((int) yMatchedPoint, (int) xMatchedPoint);

                red = colorValue[0];
                green = colorValue[1];
                blue = colorValue[2];

                int xKernelFeature, yKernelFeature;
                //Color feedback
                if ((rLow < red) & (red < rHigh) & (gLow < green) & (green < gHigh) & (bLow < blue)
                        & (blue < bHigh)) {
                    try {
                        featureImageResponse = imageKeypoints[matchesArray[iterateDescriptor].queryIdx].response;
                        if (featureImageResponse > 0) {
                            xSum = xSum + featureImageResponse * xMatchedPoint;
                            ySum = ySum + featureImageResponse * yMatchedPoint;
                            totalImageResponse = totalImageResponse + featureImageResponse;
                            point = imageKeypoints[matchesArray[iterateDescriptor].queryIdx].pt;

                            xKernelFeature = (int) (xMatchedPoint * xImageKernelScaling);
                            yKernelFeature = (int) (yMatchedPoint * yImageKernelScaling);
                            //Core.circle(result, point, 3, color);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                //Log.e(TAG, iterateDescriptor + ": (" + xMatchedPoint + "," + yMatchedPoint + ")");

        int iKernel = 0, jKernel = 0;
        for (iKernel = 0; iKernel < xKernelSize; iKernel++) {
            for (jKernel = 0; jKernel < yKernelSize; jKernel++) {
                if (kernelCounter[iKernel][jKernel] > 0) {
                    kernel[iKernel][jKernel] = 1;
                } else {
                    kernel[iKernel][jKernel] = 0;

        xImageCentroid = xSum / totalImageResponse;
        yImageCentroid = ySum / totalImageResponse;

        if ((Double.isNaN(xImageCentroid)) | (Double.isNaN(yImageCentroid))) {
            //Log.e(TAG, "Centroid is not getting detected! Increasing hamming distance (error-tolerance)!");
            globalClass.setHammingDistance((int) (minimumMatchDistance + 2));
        } else {
            //Log.e(TAG, "Centroid is getting detected! Decreasing and optimising hamming (error-tolerance)!");
            globalClass.setHammingDistance((int) (minimumMatchDistance - 1));
            int jpegCount = globalClass.getJpegFactoryCallCount();
            int initialisationFlag = globalClass.getInitialisationFlag();
            int numberOfDistances = 10;

            if ((jpegCount > globalClass.getNumberKernelMax()) & (jpegCount > numberOfDistances)) {

            int[][] kernelSum = new int[(int) xKernelSize][(int) yKernelSize],
                    mask = new int[(int) xKernelSize][(int) yKernelSize];
            int iJpeg, jJpeg;
            kernelSum = globalClass.computeKernelSum(kernel);

            Log.e(TAG, Arrays.deepToString(kernelSum));

            for (iJpeg = 0; iJpeg < xKernelSize; iJpeg++) {
                for (jJpeg = 0; jJpeg < yKernelSize; jJpeg++) {
                    if (kernelSum[iJpeg][jJpeg] > (numberKernelMax / 4)) {//Meant for normalised kernel

            Log.e(TAG, Arrays.deepToString(mask));

            int maskedFeatureCount = 1, xMaskFeatureSum = 0, yMaskFeatureSum = 0;

            for (iJpeg = 0; iJpeg < xKernelSize; iJpeg++) {
                for (jJpeg = 0; jJpeg < yKernelSize; jJpeg++) {
                    if (mask[iJpeg][jJpeg] == 1) {
                        xMaskFeatureSum = xMaskFeatureSum + iJpeg;
                        yMaskFeatureSum = yMaskFeatureSum + jJpeg;

            double xMaskMean = xMaskFeatureSum / maskedFeatureCount;
            double yMaskMean = yMaskFeatureSum / maskedFeatureCount;

            double xSquaredSum = 0, ySquaredSum = 0;
            for (iJpeg = 0; iJpeg < xKernelSize; iJpeg++) {
                for (jJpeg = 0; jJpeg < yKernelSize; jJpeg++) {
                    if (mask[iJpeg][jJpeg] == 1) {
                        xSquaredSum = xSquaredSum + (iJpeg - xMaskMean) * (iJpeg - xMaskMean);
                        ySquaredSum = ySquaredSum + (jJpeg - yMaskMean) * (jJpeg - yMaskMean);

            double xRMSscaled = Math.sqrt(xSquaredSum);
            double yRMSscaled = Math.sqrt(ySquaredSum);
            double RMSimage = ((xRMSscaled / xImageKernelScaling) + (yRMSscaled / yImageKernelScaling)) / 2;
            Log.e(TAG, "RMS radius of the image: " + RMSimage);

            /*//Command the quadcopter and send PWM values to Arduino
            double throttlePWM = 1500, yawPWM = 1500, pitchPWM = 1500;
            double deltaThrottle = 1, deltaYaw = 1, deltaPitch = 1;
            throttlePWM = globalClass.getThrottlePWM();
            pitchPWM = globalClass.getPitchPWM();
            yawPWM = globalClass.getYawPWM();
            deltaThrottle = globalClass.getThrottleDelta();
            deltaPitch = globalClass.getPitchDelta();
            deltaYaw = globalClass.getYawDelta();
            if(yImageCentroid>yTemplateCentroid) {
            throttlePWM = throttlePWM + deltaThrottle;
            throttlePWM = throttlePWM - deltaThrottle;
            if(RMSimage>distanceTemplateFeatures) {
            pitchPWM = pitchPWM + deltaPitch;
            pitchPWM = pitchPWM - deltaPitch;
            if(xImageCentroid>xTemplateCentroid) {
            yawPWM = yawPWM + deltaYaw;
            yawPWM = yawPWM - deltaYaw;
            if(1000>throttlePWM){   throttlePWM = 1000; }
            if(2000<throttlePWM){   throttlePWM = 2000; }
            if(1000>pitchPWM){  pitchPWM = 1000;    }
            if(2000<pitchPWM){  pitchPWM = 2000;    }
            if(1000>yawPWM){    yawPWM = 1000;  }
            if(2000<yawPWM){    yawPWM = 2000;  }

            //Display bounding circle
            int originalWidthBox = x1template - x0template;
            int originalHeightBox = y1template - y0template;

            double scaledBoundingWidth = (originalWidthBox * RMSimage / distanceTemplateFeatures);
            double scaledBoundingHeight = (originalHeightBox * RMSimage / distanceTemplateFeatures);

            double displayRadius = (scaledBoundingWidth + scaledBoundingHeight) / 2;
            displayRadius = displayRadius * 1.4826;
            displayRadius = displayRadius / numberKernelMax;
            double distanceAverage = 0;
            if (Double.isNaN(displayRadius)) {
                //Log.e(TAG, "displayRadius is NaN!");
            } else {
                distanceAverage = globalClass.imageDistanceAverage(displayRadius);
                //Log.e(TAG, "Average distance: " + distanceAverage);

            if ((Double.isNaN(xImageCentroid)) | Double.isNaN(yImageCentroid)) {
                //Log.e(TAG, "Centroid is NaN!");
            } else {
                globalClass.centroidAverage(xImageCentroid, yImageCentroid);

            if (initialisationFlag == 1) {
                //int displayRadius = 50;

                Point pointDisplay = new Point();
                //pointDisplay.x = xImageCentroid;
                //pointDisplay.y = yImageCentroid;
                pointDisplay.x = globalClass.getXcentroidAverageGlobal();
                pointDisplay.y = globalClass.getYcentroidAverageGlobal();
                globalClass.centroidAverage(xImageCentroid, yImageCentroid);
                int distanceAverageInt = (int) distanceAverage;
                Core.circle(result, pointDisplay, distanceAverageInt, color);


        Log.e(TAG, "Centroid in the streamed image: (" + xImageCentroid + "," + yImageCentroid + ")");
        /*try {
        //Features2d.drawKeypoints(result, keypointsImage, result, color, flagDraw);
        Features2d.drawKeypoints(result, templateKeyPoints, result, color, flagDraw);
        }catch(Exception e){}*/

        //Log.e(TAG, "High (R,G,B): (" + rHigh + "," + gHigh + "," + bHigh + ")");
        //Log.e(TAG, "Low (R,G,B): (" + rLow + "," + gLow + "," + bLow + ")");

        //Log.e(TAG, Arrays.toString(matchesArray));

        try {
            Bitmap bmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(result.cols(), result.rows(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
            Utils.matToBitmap(result, bmp);
            //Utils.matToBitmap(mRgb, bmp);
            bmp.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, mQuality, mJpegOutputStream);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "JPEG not working!");

        long timeEnd = (int) System.currentTimeMillis();
        Log.e(TAG, "Time consumed is " + String.valueOf(timeEnd - timeBegin) + "milli-seconds!");

        mJpegData = mJpegOutputStream.toByteArray();

        synchronized (mJpegOutputStream) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "JPEG-factory is not working!");


From source file:com.astrocytes.core.ImageHelper.java

License:Open Source License

public static BufferedImage convertMatToBufferedImage(Mat in) {
    BufferedImage out;//  w w  w  . ja  v  a 2  s .  c  o m
    byte[] data = new byte[in.cols() * in.rows() * (int) in.elemSize()];
    in.get(0, 0, data);
    int type = BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR;

    switch (in.channels()) {
    case 1:
        type = BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY;
    case 3:
        type = BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR;
        // bgr to rgb
        byte b;
        for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i = i + 3) {
            b = data[i];
            data[i] = data[i + 2];
            data[i + 2] = b;

    out = new BufferedImage(in.cols(), in.rows(), type);
    out.getRaster().setDataElements(0, 0, in.cols(), in.rows(), data);

    return out;

From source file:com.astrocytes.core.operationsengine.CoreOperations.java

License:Open Source License

 * Converts a source color image to a gray image.
 * @param src - BGR image./*from   ww w .  j  a va 2 s  .c  o  m*/
 * @return gray image.
public static Mat grayscale(Mat src) {
    if (src.channels() < 3)
        return src;
    Mat dest = new Mat(src.rows(), src.cols(), CvType.CV_8UC1);
    cvtColor(src, dest, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
    return dest;

From source file:com.astrocytes.core.operationsengine.CoreOperations.java

License:Open Source License

 * Remove all small contours on binary image with areas less than specified threshold.
 * @param src - binary source image./*from  ww w.jav a 2 s.co  m*/
 * @param thresh - minimum area of contour.
 * @return a source image with removed all contours with area less than {@param thresh}.
public static Mat clearContours(Mat src, int thresh) {
    if (src.channels() > 1)
        return src;

    Mat dest = src.clone();
    List<MatOfPoint> contours = new ArrayList<MatOfPoint>();
    Mat hierarchy = new Mat();

    findContours(src, contours, hierarchy, Imgproc.RETR_LIST, Imgproc.CHAIN_APPROX_TC89_L1);

    Mat maskWhite = new Mat(src.rows(), src.cols(), CvType.CV_8UC1, new Scalar(255));
    Mat maskBlack = maskWhite.clone();

    for (int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++) {
        Double contourArea = contourArea(contours.get(i));

        if (contourArea < thresh) {
            int pixelColor = averageIntensity(src, contours.get(i));
            drawContours(pixelColor > 127 ? maskWhite : maskBlack, contours, i, new Scalar(0), Core.FILLED);

    maskWhite = erode(maskWhite, 2);
    maskBlack = erode(maskBlack, 2);
    dest = and(maskWhite, dest);
    dest = or(invert(maskBlack), dest);

    return dest;

From source file:com.astrocytes.core.operationsengine.OperationsImpl.java

License:Open Source License

public Mat applyCannyEdgeDetection(Integer minThreshold, Integer maxThreshold, Boolean useImage) {
    CoreOperations.cannyFilter(currentImage, minThreshold, maxThreshold).copyTo(currentImage);

    if (useImage != null && useImage) {
        Mat result = sourceImage.clone();

        for (int col = 0; col < result.cols(); col++) {
            for (int row = 0; row < result.rows(); row++) {
                if (currentImage.get(row, col)[0] != 0) {
                    result.put(row, col, 255.0, 0.0, 0.0);
                }//  w w w  .ja  v a 2s. c  om


    return currentImage;

From source file:com.astrocytes.core.operationsengine.OperationsImpl.java

License:Open Source License

private void detectLayers() {
    Mat equalizedImage = CoreOperations.invert(CoreOperations.equalize(sourceImage));

    int halfColumnWidth = 50;
    Mat density = new Mat(equalizedImage.rows(), equalizedImage.cols(), CvType.CV_32F);
    int rows = density.rows();
    int cols = density.cols();

    // > 1 min
    for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
        double p;
        int leftBoundInterval, rightBoundInterval, intervalLength;
        for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
            p = 0.0;//from  w w w .ja va 2s.  c o  m
            leftBoundInterval = Math.max(j - halfColumnWidth, 0);
            rightBoundInterval = Math.min(cols - 1, j + halfColumnWidth);
            intervalLength = rightBoundInterval - leftBoundInterval + 1;

            for (int s = leftBoundInterval; s <= rightBoundInterval; s++) {
                p += equalizedImage.get(i, s)[0];

            density.put(i, j, p / intervalLength);

    //3 seconds
    for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
        double intensity = 0.0;

        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
            intensity += density.get(i, j)[0];

        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
            density.put(i, j, density.get(i, j)[0] / intensity);

    double ndlAverage = 1.0 / (double) rows;

    layerBounds = new Mat(6, cols, CvType.CV_32F);
    double k1 = 0.56E-4;
    double k2 = 1.3E-4;

    /*float[] data = new float[density.rows() * (int) density.elemSize()];
    density.get(0, 10, data);*/

    Mat upperBoundExact = new Mat(1, cols, CvType.CV_32F);
    Mat lowerBoundExact = new Mat(1, cols, CvType.CV_32F);

    for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
        int upperBound = 0;
        int lowerBound = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
            if (density.get(i, j)[0] > ndlAverage + k1) {
                upperBound = i;
        for (int i = rows - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (density.get(i, j)[0] > ndlAverage + k2) {
                lowerBound = i;

        upperBoundExact.put(0, j, upperBound);
        lowerBoundExact.put(0, j, lowerBound);

    //moving average for bounds
    int movingAverage = 300;
    for (int i = 0; i < upperBoundExact.cols(); i++) {
        int leftBoundInterval = Math.max(i - movingAverage, 0);
        int rightBoundInterval = Math.min(cols - 1, i + movingAverage);
        int intervalLength = rightBoundInterval - leftBoundInterval + 1;
        int upperBoundAverage = 0;
        int lowerBoundAverage = 0;

        for (int j = leftBoundInterval; j <= rightBoundInterval; j++) {
            upperBoundAverage += upperBoundExact.get(0, j)[0];
            lowerBoundAverage += lowerBoundExact.get(0, j)[0];

        upperBoundAverage /= intervalLength;
        lowerBoundAverage /= intervalLength;
        int columnHeight = lowerBoundAverage - upperBoundAverage;
        layerBounds.put(0, i, upperBoundAverage);
        for (int h = 1; h < 5; h++) {
            layerBounds.put(h, i, upperBoundAverage + BRODMANN_COEFFS[h - 1] * columnHeight);
        layerBounds.put(5, i, lowerBoundAverage);

From source file:com.astrocytes.core.operationsengine.OperationsImpl.java

License:Open Source License

private Mat applyRayCastingSegmentation() {
    //Mat cannyEdges = CoreOperations.cannyFilter(sourceImage, 26, 58);
    Mat contours = new Mat(preparedImage.rows(), preparedImage.cols(), CvType.CV_32S);
    int contoursCount = /*neurons.size();*/ CoreOperations
            .drawAllContours(CoreOperations.erode(preparedImage, 5), contours);
    Mat result = new Mat(preparedImage.rows(), preparedImage.cols(), preparedImage.type());//CoreOperations.or(CoreOperations.and(cannyEdges, CoreOperations.grayscale(preparedImage)), contours);

    //Mat markers = new Mat(contours.rows(), contours.cols(), CvType.CV_32S);
    contours.convertTo(contours, CvType.CV_32S);

    for (Neuron neuron : neurons) {
        int x = (int) neuron.getCenter().x;
        int y = (int) neuron.getCenter().y;
        int color = (int) preparedImage.get(y, x)[0];
        /*contours.put(y, x, color);
        contours.put(y - 2, x, color);//from   w w  w.j ava 2s  . co  m
        contours.put(y + 2, x, color);
        contours.put(y, x - 2, color);
        contours.put(y, x + 2, color);*/
        Imgproc.circle(contours, neuron.getCenter(), (int) (0.4f * neuron.getRadius()), new Scalar(color), -1);

    Imgproc.watershed(sourceImage, contours);

    for (int i = 0; i < contours.rows(); i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < contours.cols(); j++) {
            int index = (int) contours.get(i, j)[0];
            if (index == -1) {
                result.put(i, j, 0, 0, 0);
            } else if (index <= 0 || index > contoursCount) {
                result.put(i, j, 0, 0, 0);
            } else {
                if (index == 255) {
                    result.put(i, j, 0, 0, 0/*sourceImage.get(i, j)*/);
                } else {
                    result.put(i, j, index, index, index);

    result = CoreOperations.erode(result, 2);
    result = CoreOperations.dilate(result, 3);


    contours = sourceImage.clone();
    CoreOperations.drawAllContours(result, contours);

    return contours;

From source file:com.astrocytes.core.operationsengine.OperationsImpl.java

License:Open Source License

private List<Mat> showClusters(Mat cutout, Mat labels, Mat centers) {
    centers.convertTo(centers, CvType.CV_8UC1, 255.0);
    centers.reshape(3);/*  w w w . j av a  2s  .  c o  m*/

    List<Mat> clusters = new ArrayList<Mat>();
    for (int i = 0; i < centers.rows(); i++) {
        clusters.add(Mat.zeros(cutout.size(), cutout.type()));

    Map<Integer, Integer> counts = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
    for (int i = 0; i < centers.rows(); i++) {
        counts.put(i, 0);

    for (int y = 0; y < cutout.rows(); y++) {
        int rows = 0;
        for (int x = 0; x < cutout.cols(); x++) {
            int label = (int) labels.get(rows, 0)[0];
            int r = (int) centers.get(label, 2)[0];
            int g = (int) centers.get(label, 1)[0];
            int b = (int) centers.get(label, 0)[0];
            counts.put(label, counts.get(label) + 1);
            clusters.get(label).put(y, x, b, g, r);
    return clusters;

From source file:com.carver.paul.truesight.ImageRecognition.ImageTools.java

License:Open Source License

public static Bitmap GetBitmapFromMat(Mat mat, boolean convertColor) {
    Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(mat.cols(), mat.rows(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
    if (convertColor) {
        Mat finalColourMat = new Mat();
        Imgproc.cvtColor(mat, finalColourMat, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2RGB);
        matToBitmap(finalColourMat, bitmap);
    } else {//from  w ww. j ava  2  s . com
        matToBitmap(mat, bitmap);

    return bitmap;

From source file:com.carver.paul.truesight.ImageRecognition.ImageTools.java

License:Open Source License

public static void drawLinesOnImage(Mat lines, Mat image) {
    for (int i = 0; i < lines.rows(); i++) {
        double[] val = lines.get(i, 0);
        Imgproc.line(image, new Point(val[0], val[1]), new Point(val[2], val[3]), new Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2);
    }/* www .java 2 s  . com*/