Example usage for org.objectweb.asm Opcodes RETURN

List of usage examples for org.objectweb.asm Opcodes RETURN


In this page you can find the example usage for org.objectweb.asm Opcodes RETURN.



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From source file:com.android.tools.lint.checks.WakelockDetector.java

License:Apache License

/** Search from the given node towards the target; return false if we reach
 * an exit point such as a return or a call on the way there that is not within
 * a try/catch clause.//w  w w  .j  a  v a2 s.  c o  m
 * @param node the current node
 * @return true if the target was reached
protected int dfs(ControlFlowGraph.Node node) {
    AbstractInsnNode instruction = node.instruction;
    if (instruction.getType() == AbstractInsnNode.JUMP_INSN) {
        int opcode = instruction.getOpcode();
        if (opcode == Opcodes.RETURN || opcode == Opcodes.ARETURN || opcode == Opcodes.LRETURN
                || opcode == Opcodes.IRETURN || opcode == Opcodes.DRETURN || opcode == Opcodes.FRETURN
                || opcode == Opcodes.ATHROW) {
            if (DEBUG) {
                System.out.println("Found exit via explicit return: " //$NON-NLS-1$
                        + node.toString(false));
            return SEEN_RETURN;

    if (!DEBUG) {
        // There are no cycles, so no *NEED* for this, though it does avoid
        // researching shared labels. However, it makes debugging harder (no re-entry)
        // so this is only done when debugging is off
        if (node.visit != 0) {
            return 0;
        node.visit = 1;

    // Look for the target. This is any method call node which is a release on the
    // lock (later also check it's the same instance, though that's harder).
    // This is because finally blocks tend to be inlined so from a single try/catch/finally
    // with a release() in the finally, the bytecode can contain multiple repeated
    // (inlined) release() calls.
    if (instruction.getType() == AbstractInsnNode.METHOD_INSN) {
        MethodInsnNode method = (MethodInsnNode) instruction;
        if (method.name.equals(RELEASE_METHOD) && method.owner.equals(WAKELOCK_OWNER)) {
            return SEEN_TARGET;
        } else if (method.name.equals(ACQUIRE_METHOD) && method.owner.equals(WAKELOCK_OWNER)) {
            // OK
        } else if (method.name.equals(IS_HELD_METHOD) && method.owner.equals(WAKELOCK_OWNER)) {
            // OK
        } else {
            // Some non acquire/release method call: if this is not associated with a
            // try-catch block, it would mean the exception would exit the method,
            // which would be an error
            if (node.exceptions == null || node.exceptions.isEmpty()) {
                // Look up the corresponding frame, if any
                AbstractInsnNode curr = method.getPrevious();
                boolean foundFrame = false;
                while (curr != null) {
                    if (curr.getType() == AbstractInsnNode.FRAME) {
                        foundFrame = true;
                    curr = curr.getPrevious();

                if (!foundFrame) {
                    if (DEBUG) {
                        System.out.println("Found exit via unguarded method call: " //$NON-NLS-1$
                                + node.toString(false));
                    return SEEN_RETURN;

    // if (node.instruction is a call, and the call is not caught by
    // a try/catch block (provided the release is not inside the try/catch block)
    // then return false
    int status = 0;

    boolean implicitReturn = true;
    List<Node> successors = node.successors;
    List<Node> exceptions = node.exceptions;
    if (exceptions != null) {
        if (!exceptions.isEmpty()) {
            implicitReturn = false;
        for (Node successor : exceptions) {
            status = dfs(successor) | status;
            if ((status & SEEN_RETURN) != 0) {
                if (DEBUG) {
                    System.out.println("Found exit via exception: " //$NON-NLS-1$
                            + node.toString(false));
                return status;

        if (status != 0) {
            status |= SEEN_EXCEPTION;

    if (successors != null) {
        if (!successors.isEmpty()) {
            implicitReturn = false;
            if (successors.size() > 1) {
                status |= SEEN_BRANCH;
        for (Node successor : successors) {
            status = dfs(successor) | status;
            if ((status & SEEN_RETURN) != 0) {
                if (DEBUG) {
                    System.out.println("Found exit via branches: " //$NON-NLS-1$
                            + node.toString(false));
                return status;

    if (implicitReturn) {
        status |= SEEN_RETURN;
        if (DEBUG) {
            System.out.println("Found exit: via implicit return: " //$NON-NLS-1$
                    + node.toString(false));

    return status;

From source file:com.asakusafw.dag.compiler.builtin.FoldOperatorGenerator.java

License:Apache License

private ClassDescription generateCombinerClass(Context context, UserOperator operator, ClassDescription outer) {
    ClassDescription target = getCombinerName(outer);
    OperatorInput input = operator.getInput(0);

    ClassWriter writer = newWriter(target, Object.class, ObjectCombiner.class);
    writer.visitOuterClass(outer.getInternalName(), target.getInternalName(), null);

    FieldRef impl = defineOperatorField(writer, operator, target);
    defineEmptyConstructor(writer, Object.class, method -> {
        setOperatorField(method, operator, impl);
    });//  www  .  j a  va 2  s.co m
    defineBuildKey(context, writer, input.getDataType(), input.getGroup());

    MethodVisitor method = writer.visitMethod(Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC, "combine",
            Type.getMethodDescriptor(Type.VOID_TYPE, typeOf(Object.class), typeOf(Object.class)), null, null);

    List<ValueRef> arguments = new ArrayList<>();
    arguments.add(m -> {
        m.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 1);
        m.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.CHECKCAST, typeOf(input.getDataType()).getInternalName());
    arguments.add(m -> {
        m.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 2);
        m.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.CHECKCAST, typeOf(input.getDataType()).getInternalName());
    for (VertexElement dep : context.getDependencies(operator.getArguments())) {
        Invariants.require(dep.getElementKind() == ElementKind.VALUE);
        ValueDescription value = ((ValueElement) dep).getValue();
        arguments.add(m -> {
            getConst(method, Invariants.safe(() -> value.resolve(context.getClassLoader())));
    invoke(method, context, operator, arguments);
    method.visitMaxs(0, 0);
    return context.addClassFile(new ClassData(target, writer::toByteArray));

From source file:com.asakusafw.dag.compiler.builtin.FoldOperatorGenerator.java

License:Apache License

private void defineSimpleStart(UserOperator operator, ClassWriter writer, FieldRef acc) {
    MethodVisitor method = writer.visitMethod(Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC, "start",
            Type.getMethodDescriptor(Type.VOID_TYPE, typeOf(Object.class)), null, null);

    TypeDescription dataType = operator.getInput(Fold.ID_INPUT).getDataType();

    acc.load(method);//from  w w  w.  j ava  2  s. com
    method.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 1);
    method.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.CHECKCAST, typeOf(dataType).getInternalName());
    copyDataModel(method, dataType);

    method.visitMaxs(0, 0);

From source file:com.asakusafw.dag.compiler.builtin.FoldOperatorGenerator.java

License:Apache License

private void defineSimpleCombine(Context context, UserOperator operator, ClassWriter writer, FieldRef impl,
        FieldRef acc, Map<OperatorProperty, FieldRef> map) {
    MethodVisitor method = writer.visitMethod(Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC, "combine",
            Type.getMethodDescriptor(Type.VOID_TYPE, typeOf(Object.class)), null, null);

    TypeDescription dataType = operator.getInput(Fold.ID_INPUT).getDataType();
    LocalVarRef object = cast(method, 1, dataType);

    List<ValueRef> arguments = new ArrayList<>();
    arguments.add(impl);//  w  w  w.  j a v  a2 s  . co m
    appendSecondaryInputs(arguments::add, operator, map::get);
    appendArguments(arguments::add, operator, map::get);
    invoke(method, context, operator, arguments);

    method.visitMaxs(0, 0);

From source file:com.asakusafw.dag.compiler.builtin.FoldOperatorGenerator.java

License:Apache License

private void defineSimpleFinish(ClassWriter writer, FieldRef acc, ValueRef result) {
    MethodVisitor method = writer.visitMethod(Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC, "finish",
            Type.getMethodDescriptor(typeOf(void.class)), null, null);

    result.load(method);//  w  w  w  .  j  a  v a2 s  .  c om

    method.visitMaxs(0, 0);

From source file:com.asakusafw.dag.compiler.builtin.MasterJoinLikeOperatorGenerator.java

License:Apache License

private void defineProcess(Context context, ClassWriter writer, UserOperator operator, FieldRef impl,
        Map<OperatorProperty, FieldRef> dependencies, ClassDescription target) {
    MethodVisitor method = writer.visitMethod(Opcodes.ACC_PROTECTED | Opcodes.ACC_FINAL, "process",
            Type.getMethodDescriptor(Type.VOID_TYPE, typeOf(Object.class), typeOf(Object.class)), null, null);
    cast(method, 1, MasterJoinOperatorUtil.getMasterInput(operator).getDataType());
    cast(method, 2, MasterJoinOperatorUtil.getTransactionInput(operator).getDataType());
    defineProcess(method, context, operator, new LocalVarRef(Opcodes.ALOAD, 1),
            new LocalVarRef(Opcodes.ALOAD, 2), impl, dependencies, target);
    method.visitMaxs(0, 0);//from   w w  w.  java2 s  . c  om

From source file:com.asakusafw.dag.compiler.builtin.SummarizeOperatorGenerator.java

License:Apache License

private static void defineCheckNull(ClassWriter writer, UserOperator operator, DataModelReference inputType) {

    MethodVisitor method = writer.visitMethod(Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE | Opcodes.ACC_STATIC, METHOD_CHECK_NON_NULL,
            Type.getMethodDescriptor(Type.VOID_TYPE, typeOf(ValueOption.class), typeOf(Object.class),
            null, null);//from   ww  w. java 2  s .c o  m

    LocalVarRef optionVar = new LocalVarRef(Opcodes.ALOAD, 0);
    LocalVarRef objectVar = new LocalVarRef(Opcodes.ALOAD, 1);
    LocalVarRef nameVar = new LocalVarRef(Opcodes.ALOAD, 2);

    // if (option.isNull()) {
    Label ifEnd = new Label();
    getNullity(method, VALUE_DESC);
    method.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.IFEQ, ifEnd);

    // new NullPointerException ...
    method.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.NEW, typeOf(NullPointerException.class).getInternalName());

    // str = String.format("<type>.%s must not be null (in <operator>): %s", name, object)
            String.format("%s.%%s must not be null (in %s.%s): %%s", inputType.getDeclaration().getSimpleName(),
                    operator.getMethod().getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName(), operator.getMethod().getName()));

    getArray(method, typeOf(Object.class), new LocalVarRef[] { nameVar, objectVar });
    method.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, typeOf(String.class).getInternalName(), "format",
            Type.getMethodDescriptor(typeOf(String.class), typeOf(String.class), typeOf(Object[].class)),

    // throw new NullPointerException(str)
    method.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL, typeOf(NullPointerException.class).getInternalName(),
            CONSTRUCTOR_NAME, Type.getMethodDescriptor(Type.VOID_TYPE, typeOf(String.class)), false);


    // }
    method.visitMaxs(0, 0);

From source file:com.asakusafw.dag.compiler.builtin.SummarizeOperatorGenerator.java

License:Apache License

static ClassDescription generateCombinerClass(Context context, UserOperator operator, ClassDescription outer) {
    ClassDescription target = getCombinerName(outer);
    OperatorInput input = operator.getInput(Summarize.ID_INPUT);
    OperatorOutput output = operator.getOutput(Summarize.ID_OUTPUT);

    ClassWriter writer = newWriter(target, Object.class, ObjectCombiner.class);
    writer.visitOuterClass(outer.getInternalName(), target.getSimpleName(), null);
    defineEmptyConstructor(writer, Object.class);
    defineBuildKey(context, writer, output.getDataType(), input.getGroup());

    MethodVisitor method = writer.visitMethod(Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC, "combine",
            Type.getMethodDescriptor(Type.VOID_TYPE, typeOf(Object.class), typeOf(Object.class)), null, null);

    LocalVarRef leftVar = cast(method, 1, output.getDataType());
    LocalVarRef rightVar = cast(method, 2, output.getDataType());

    List<PropertyFolding> foldings = Invariants
            .safe(() -> SummarizedModelUtil.getPropertyFoldings(context.getClassLoader(), operator));
    DataModelReference outputModel = context.getDataModelLoader().load(output.getDataType());
    for (PropertyFolding folding : foldings) {
        PropertyMapping mapping = folding.getMapping();
        Aggregation aggregation = folding.getAggregation();
        PropertyReference property = Invariants
        combine(method, aggregation, property, leftVar, rightVar);
    }/* w  ww .ja  va  2  s  .c om*/

    method.visitMaxs(0, 0);
    return context.addClassFile(new ClassData(target, writer::toByteArray));

From source file:com.asakusafw.dag.compiler.builtin.Util.java

License:Apache License

static void defineBuildKey(ClassGeneratorContext context, ClassWriter writer, TypeDescription dataType,
        Group group) {//from w  ww .j a  v  a2s  .  c o m
    DataModelReference type = context.getDataModelLoader().load(dataType);
    List<PropertyReference> props = group.getGrouping().stream()
            .map(p -> Invariants.requireNonNull(type.findProperty(p))).collect(Collectors.toList());

    MethodVisitor v = writer.visitMethod(Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | Opcodes.ACC_FINAL, "buildKey",
            Type.getMethodDescriptor(Type.VOID_TYPE, typeOf(KeyBuffer.class), typeOf(Object.class)), null,

    LocalVarRef key = new LocalVarRef(Opcodes.ALOAD, 1);
    LocalVarRef object = cast(v, 2, dataType);
    for (PropertyReference p : props) {
        getOption(v, p);
        v.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEINTERFACE, typeOf(KeyBuffer.class).getInternalName(), "append",
                Type.getMethodDescriptor(typeOf(KeyBuffer.class), typeOf(Object.class)), true);

    v.visitMaxs(0, 0);

From source file:com.asakusafw.dag.compiler.codegen.AsmUtil.java

License:Apache License

 * Adds an empty constructor.// w  w  w.j  a va2s  .  com
 * @param writer the target class
 * @param block the constructor block
public static void defineEmptyConstructor(ClassWriter writer, Consumer<MethodVisitor> block) {
    MethodVisitor method = writer.visitMethod(Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC, CONSTRUCTOR_NAME,
            Type.getMethodDescriptor(Type.VOID_TYPE), null, null);
    method.visitMaxs(0, 0);