List of usage examples for org.json JSONTokener JSONTokener
public JSONTokener(String s)
From source
public static RedditAccount login(Context context, String username, String password) { RedditAccount account = new RedditAccount(); try {// w ww. j a va 2s. co m String url = context.getString(R.string.reddit_login) + "/" + username; // post values ArrayList<NameValuePair> post_values = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); BasicNameValuePair user = new BasicNameValuePair("user", username); post_values.add(user); BasicNameValuePair passwd = new BasicNameValuePair("passwd", password); post_values.add(passwd); BasicNameValuePair api_type = new BasicNameValuePair("api_type", "json"); post_values.add(api_type); String outputLogin =, url, post_values); JSONTokener reddit_login_tokener = new JSONTokener(outputLogin); JSONObject reddit_login_json = new JSONObject(reddit_login_tokener); JSONObject json = reddit_login_json.getJSONObject("json"); if (json.getJSONArray("errors").length() > 0) { String error = json.getJSONArray("errors").getJSONArray(0).getString(1); account.ErrorMessage = error; } else { JSONObject data = json.getJSONObject("data"); // success! String cookie = data.getString("cookie"); String modhash = data.getString("modhash"); account.Username = username; account.Cookie = cookie; account.Modhash = modhash; account.ErrorMessage = ""; } } catch (Exception ex) { // We fail to get the streams... CustomExceptionHandler ceh = new CustomExceptionHandler(context); ceh.sendEmail(ex); ex.printStackTrace(); account.ErrorMessage = ex.toString(); } return account; }
From source
public static String Vote(Context context, RedditAccount account, int voteDirection, String fullname) { String errorMessage = ""; try {//from w ww .j a v a 2s .c om try { account.Modhash = updateModHash(context); if (account.Modhash == null) { errorMessage = context.getString(R.string.error_ThereWasAProblemVotingPleaseTryAgain); return errorMessage; } } catch (Exception ex) { errorMessage = ex.getMessage(); return errorMessage; } String url = context.getString(R.string.reddit_vote); // post values ArrayList<NameValuePair> post_values = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); BasicNameValuePair id = new BasicNameValuePair("id", fullname); post_values.add(id); BasicNameValuePair dir = new BasicNameValuePair("dir", Integer.toString(voteDirection)); post_values.add(dir); // not required //BasicNameValuePair r = new BasicNameValuePair("r", "radioreddit"); // TODO: shouldn't be hard coded, could be talkradioreddit //post_values.add(r); BasicNameValuePair uh = new BasicNameValuePair("uh", account.Modhash); post_values.add(uh); BasicNameValuePair api_type = new BasicNameValuePair("api_type", "json"); post_values.add(api_type); String outputVote =, url, post_values); JSONTokener reddit_vote_tokener = new JSONTokener(outputVote); JSONObject reddit_vote_json = new JSONObject(reddit_vote_tokener); if (reddit_vote_json.has("json")) { JSONObject json = reddit_vote_json.getJSONObject("json"); if (json.has("errors") && json.getJSONArray("errors").length() > 0) { String error = json.getJSONArray("errors").getJSONArray(0).getString(1); errorMessage = error; } } // success! } catch (Exception ex) { // We fail to vote... CustomExceptionHandler ceh = new CustomExceptionHandler(context); ceh.sendEmail(ex); ex.printStackTrace(); errorMessage = ex.toString(); } return errorMessage; }
From source
public static String updateModHash(Context context) { // Calls me.json to get the current modhash for the user String output = ""; boolean errorGettingModHash = false; try {/* w w w. ja v a2 s.c o m*/ try { output = HTTPUtil.get(context, context.getString(R.string.reddit_me)); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); errorGettingModHash = true; // For now, not used. It is acceptable to error out and not alert the user // radiosong.ErrorMessage = "Unable to connect to reddit";//context.getString(R.string.error_RadioRedditServerIsDownNotification); } if (!errorGettingModHash && output.length() > 0) { JSONTokener reddit_me_tokener = new JSONTokener(output); JSONObject reddit_me_json = new JSONObject(reddit_me_tokener); JSONObject data = reddit_me_json.getJSONObject("data"); String modhash = data.getString("modhash"); return modhash; } else { return null; } } catch (Exception ex) { // CustomExceptionHandler ceh = new CustomExceptionHandler(context); // ceh.sendEmail(ex); ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } }
From source
public static void removeFromInstallQueue(SharedPreferences sharedPrefs, ArrayList<String> packageNames) { if (packageNames.isEmpty()) { return;//from w w w . j av a2 s .c om } synchronized (sLock) { Set<String> strings = sharedPrefs.getStringSet(APPS_PENDING_INSTALL, null); if (DBG) { Log.d(TAG, "APPS_PENDING_INSTALL: " + strings + ", removing packages: " + packageNames); } if (strings != null) { Set<String> newStrings = new HashSet<String>(strings); Iterator<String> newStringsIter = newStrings.iterator(); while (newStringsIter.hasNext()) { String json =; try { JSONObject object = (JSONObject) new JSONTokener(json).nextValue(); Intent launchIntent = Intent.parseUri(object.getString(LAUNCH_INTENT_KEY), 0); String pn = launchIntent.getPackage(); if (pn == null) { pn = launchIntent.getComponent().getPackageName(); } if (packageNames.contains(pn)) { newStringsIter.remove(); } } catch (org.json.JSONException e) { Log.d(TAG, "Exception reading shortcut to remove: " + e); } catch ( e) { Log.d(TAG, "Exception reading shortcut to remove: " + e); } } sharedPrefs.edit().putStringSet(APPS_PENDING_INSTALL, new HashSet<String>(newStrings)).commit(); } } }
From source
private static ArrayList<PendingInstallShortcutInfo> getAndClearInstallQueue(SharedPreferences sharedPrefs) { synchronized (sLock) { Set<String> strings = sharedPrefs.getStringSet(APPS_PENDING_INSTALL, null); if (DBG)/*from www . j a v a 2 s .c om*/ Log.d(TAG, "Getting and clearing APPS_PENDING_INSTALL: " + strings); if (strings == null) { return new ArrayList<PendingInstallShortcutInfo>(); } ArrayList<PendingInstallShortcutInfo> infos = new ArrayList<PendingInstallShortcutInfo>(); for (String json : strings) { try { JSONObject object = (JSONObject) new JSONTokener(json).nextValue(); Intent data = Intent.parseUri(object.getString(DATA_INTENT_KEY), 0); Intent launchIntent = Intent.parseUri(object.getString(LAUNCH_INTENT_KEY), 0); String name = object.getString(NAME_KEY); String iconBase64 = object.optString(ICON_KEY); String iconResourceName = object.optString(ICON_RESOURCE_NAME_KEY); String iconResourcePackageName = object.optString(ICON_RESOURCE_PACKAGE_NAME_KEY); if (iconBase64 != null && !iconBase64.isEmpty()) { byte[] iconArray = Base64.decode(iconBase64, Base64.DEFAULT); Bitmap b = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(iconArray, 0, iconArray.length); data.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_ICON, b); } else if (iconResourceName != null && !iconResourceName.isEmpty()) { Intent.ShortcutIconResource iconResource = new Intent.ShortcutIconResource(); iconResource.resourceName = iconResourceName; iconResource.packageName = iconResourcePackageName; data.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_ICON_RESOURCE, iconResource); } data.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_INTENT, launchIntent); PendingInstallShortcutInfo info = new PendingInstallShortcutInfo(data, name, launchIntent); infos.add(info); } catch (org.json.JSONException e) { Log.d(TAG, "Exception reading shortcut to add: " + e); } catch ( e) { Log.d(TAG, "Exception reading shortcut to add: " + e); } } sharedPrefs.edit().putStringSet(APPS_PENDING_INSTALL, new HashSet<String>()).commit(); return infos; } }
From source
public synchronized JSONObject read() throws IOException, JSONException { connect();/*from w ww . j a va 2 s .co m*/ try { return (JSONObject) new JSONTokener(input.readLine()).nextValue(); } catch (final NullPointerException e) { return new JSONObject("{\"result\":\"error\",\"reason\":\"connection lost\"}"); } }
From source
/** * Jive returns JSON with a weird (and invalid, according to RFC-4627) prefix. * This method strips it off (if it exists) and parses the JSON. * // www. jav a 2 s . c om * @param responseBody The JSON string to process <i>(may be null, empty or blank)</i>. * @return The "cleansed" response body <i>(will be null if the input was null)</i>. */ private JSONObject parseJson(String jsonStr) throws JSONException { JSONObject result = null; if (jsonStr != null) { if (jsonStr != null && jsonStr.startsWith(JIVE_JSON_PREFIX)) { jsonStr = jsonStr.substring(JIVE_JSON_PREFIX.length()); } result = new JSONObject(new JSONTokener(jsonStr)); } return (result); }
From source
public KeywordMapping(String mapFN) { file = new File(mapFN); // try to load the file, but it's OK if it fails JSONObject json = null;// w w w .ja v a m try { Reader rdr = new FileReader(file); json = new JSONObject(new JSONTokener(rdr)); rdr.close(); } catch (JSONException ex) { Util.writeln("NOTE: reading file " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " failed: " + ex.getMessage()); } catch (IOException ex) { return; } // includes file not found, which is OK try { for (JSONObject obj : json.optJSONArrayEmpty("identifiers").toObjectArray()) { Identifier id = new Identifier(); id.regex = regexOrName(obj.optString("regex"), obj.optString("name")); id.prefix = obj.optString("prefix"); identifiers.add(id); } for (JSONObject obj : json.optJSONArrayEmpty("textBlocks").toObjectArray()) { TextBlock txt = new TextBlock(); txt.regex = regexOrName(obj.optString("regex"), obj.optString("name")); txt.title = obj.optString("title"); textBlocks.add(txt); } for (JSONObject obj : json.optJSONArrayEmpty("properties").toObjectArray()) { Property prop = new Property(); prop.regex = regexOrName(obj.optString("regex"), obj.optString("name")); prop.propURI = obj.optString("propURI"); prop.groupNest = obj.optJSONArrayEmpty("groupNest").toStringArray(); properties.add(prop); } for (JSONObject obj : json.optJSONArrayEmpty("values").toObjectArray()) { Value val = new Value(); val.regex = regexOrName(obj.optString("regex"), obj.optString("name")); val.valueRegex = regexOrName(obj.optString("valueRegex"), obj.optString("valueName")); val.valueURI = obj.optString("valueURI"); val.propURI = obj.optString("propURI"); val.groupNest = obj.optJSONArrayEmpty("groupNest").toStringArray(); values.add(val); } for (JSONObject obj : json.optJSONArrayEmpty("literals").toObjectArray()) { Literal lit = new Literal(); lit.regex = regexOrName(obj.optString("regex"), obj.optString("name")); lit.valueRegex = regexOrName(obj.optString("valueRegex"), obj.optString("valueName")); lit.propURI = obj.optString("propURI"); lit.groupNest = obj.optJSONArrayEmpty("groupNest").toStringArray(); literals.add(lit); } for (JSONObject obj : json.optJSONArrayEmpty("references").toObjectArray()) { Reference ref = new Reference(); ref.regex = regexOrName(obj.optString("regex"), obj.optString("name")); ref.valueRegex = regexOrName(obj.optString("valueRegex"), obj.optString("valueName")); ref.prefix = obj.optString("prefix"); ref.propURI = obj.optString("propURI"); ref.groupNest = obj.optJSONArrayEmpty("groupNest").toStringArray(); references.add(ref); } for (JSONObject obj : json.optJSONArrayEmpty("assertions").toObjectArray()) { Assertion asrt = new Assertion(); asrt.propURI = obj.optString("propURI"); asrt.groupNest = obj.optJSONArrayEmpty("groupNest").toStringArray(); asrt.valueURI = obj.optString("valueURI"); assertions.add(asrt); } } catch (JSONException ex) { Util.writeln("NOTE: parsing error"); ex.printStackTrace(); Util.writeln( "*** Execution will continue, but part of the mapping has not been loaded and may be overwritten."); } }
From source
@Test public void parseJSONToMultipleItems() throws IOException, JSONException { URL resource = Resources.getResource("tree-album-1.json"); String string = Resources.toString(resource, Charsets.UTF_8); JSONObject jsonResult = (JSONObject) new JSONTokener(string).nextValue(); List<Item> items = ItemUtils.parseJSONToMultipleItems(jsonResult); assertEquals("", items.get(0).getUrl()); assertEquals(1311332015, items.get(0).getEntity().getUpdated()); assertEquals("", items.get(1).getUrl()); assertEquals(1311332144, items.get(1).getEntity().getUpdated()); assertEquals("", items.get(2).getUrl()); assertEquals(1319238331, items.get(2).getEntity().getUpdated()); }
From source
@Test public void parseJSONTest__album() throws IOException, JSONException { URL resource = Resources.getResource("get-album-1.json"); String string = Resources.toString(resource, Charsets.UTF_8); JSONObject jsonResult = (JSONObject) new JSONTokener(string).nextValue(); Item item = ItemUtils.parseJSONToItem(jsonResult); assertEquals("", item.getUrl()); Entity entity = item.getEntity(); assertEquals(1, entity.getId());//from ww w . j av a 2 s . c om assertEquals(0, entity.getCaptured()); assertEquals(1276227460, entity.getCreated()); assertEquals("", entity.getDescription()); assertEquals(0, entity.getHeight()); assertEquals(1, entity.getLevel()); assertEquals(null, entity.getMimeType()); assertEquals(null, entity.getName()); assertEquals(2, entity.getOwnerId()); assertEquals(0f, entity.getRandKey(), 0); assertEquals(0, entity.getResizeHeight()); assertEquals(0, entity.getResizeWidth()); assertEquals(null, entity.getSlug()); assertEquals("weight", entity.getSortColumn()); assertEquals("ASC", entity.getSortOrder()); assertEquals(200, entity.getThumbHeight()); assertEquals(150, entity.getThumbWidth()); assertEquals("Gallery", entity.getTitle()); assertEquals("album", entity.getType()); assertEquals(1276227718, entity.getUpdated()); assertEquals(8, entity.getViewCount()); assertEquals(0, entity.getWidth()); assertEquals(1, entity.getView1()); assertEquals(1, entity.getView2()); assertEquals("", entity.getAlbumCover()); assertEquals("", entity.getWebUrl()); assertEquals("", entity.getThumbUrl()); assertEquals(17151, entity.getThumbSize()); assertEquals("", entity.getThumbUrlPublic()); assertEquals(false, entity.isCanEdit()); RelationShips relationShips = item.getRelationships(); assertEquals("", relationShips.getTags().getUrl()); assertEquals(new HashSet<String>(), relationShips.getTags().getMembers()); assertEquals("", relationShips.getComments().getUrl()); Collection<String> members = new HashSet<String>(); members.add(""); members.add(""); assertEquals(members, item.getMembers()); }