List of usage examples for org.json JSONObject toString
public String toString()
From source
public static String getError(JSONObject jsonObject) { String error = "Unknown Spika Error: "; if (jsonObject.has("message")) { try {/*from ww w .ja v a 2 s .co m*/ error = jsonObject.getString("message"); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { error += jsonObject.toString(); } return error; }
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/** * Formats the date and then creates a json object using the activity information * and returns it in string form to be inserted directly into the body of a request * @param subject the string from the subject edittext * @param date the date that was entered in the date picker * @param notes the string from the notes edittext * @return returns the activity in a json string *//*from ww w . j ava 2 s . c om*/ public static String getSerializedCheckIn(String subject, Date date, String notes) { JSONObject checkin = new JSONObject(); SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"); try { checkin.put("Subject", subject); checkin.put("ActualEnd", format.format(date)); checkin.put("Description", notes); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return checkin.toString(); }
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@Override public void onRecieve(NetworkManager networkManager) { int protocol = networkManager.latestHandshakePacket.getProtocol(); if (!Main.SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS.contains(protocol)) { protocol = Main.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL; }/*from ww w . ja v a 2 s . co m*/ JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("version", new JSONObject().put("name", Main.PROTOCOL_VERSION).put("protocol", protocol)); json.put("players", new JSONObject().put("max", Main.getInstance().maxPlayers).put("online", Main.getInstance().playerCount)); json.put("description", Main.getInstance().motd); if (Main.getInstance().FAVICON != null) { json.put("favicon", Main.getInstance().FAVICON); } networkManager.sendPacket(new PacketOutResponse(json.toString())); }
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public String buildChildrenNodes(MetaTreeNode focusNode) { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); try {/* w ww .ja v a 2s .com*/ json.put(NODES, buildChildren(focusNode, 1, SUBCHILDREN_LEVELS)); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return json.toString(); }
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public String buildChildrenNodes(MetaTreeNode focusNode, int page) { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); try {/*from w w w . j a v a2 s. c o m*/ json.put(NODES, buildChildren(focusNode, page, SUBCHILDREN_LEVELS)); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return json.toString(); }
From source
@Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); PlatformConfig.setWeixin("wx96110a1e3af63a39", "c60e3d3ff109a5d17013df272df99199"); //RENREN????? //?//from ww w. ja v a 2 s . c om PlatformConfig.setSinaWeibo("275392174", "d96fb6b323c60a42ed9f74bfab1b4f7a"); PlatformConfig.setQQZone("1104606393", "X4BAsJAVKtkDQ1zQ"); PushAgent.getInstance(this).setDebugMode(true); PushAgent.getInstance(this).setMessageHandler(new UmengMessageHandler() { @Override public void dealWithNotificationMessage(Context arg0, UMessage msg) { // ,???? super.dealWithNotificationMessage(arg0, msg); Log.e("", "### ???"); } }); PushAgent.getInstance(this).setNotificationClickHandler(new UHandler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Context context, UMessage uMessage) { com.umeng.comm.core.utils.Log.d("notifi", "getting message"); try { JSONObject jsonObject = uMessage.getRaw(); String feedid = ""; if (jsonObject != null) { com.umeng.comm.core.utils.Log.d("json", jsonObject.toString()); JSONObject extra = uMessage.getRaw().optJSONObject("extra"); feedid = extra.optString(Constants.FEED_ID); } Class myclass = Class.forName(uMessage.activity); Intent intent = new Intent(context, myclass); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString(Constants.FEED_ID, feedid); intent.putExtras(bundle); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); startActivity(intent); } catch (Exception e) { com.umeng.comm.core.utils.Log.d("class", e.getMessage()); } } }); }
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public String xml2Json(String xml) throws Exception { String jsonPrettyPrintString = ""; try {/*from w w w . ja va 2 s.c om*/ JSONObject xmlJSONObj = XML.toJSONObject(xml); jsonPrettyPrintString = xmlJSONObj.toString(); //System.out.println(jsonPrettyPrintString); } catch (JSONException je) { System.out.println(je.toString()); } return jsonPrettyPrintString; }
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@Background protected void sendValuesToSlack() { if (temperatureValue == 0) { return;//from www . j av a 2 s . c o m } if (humidityValue == 0) { return; } try { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put("text", Helper.formatTemperature(temperatureValue) + "\n" + Helper.formatHumidity(humidityValue)); jsonObject.put("channel", slackChannel); jsonObject.put("username", slackSenderName); jsonObject.put("icon_emoji", ":cubimal_chick:"); MediaType MEDIA_TYPE_JSON = MediaType.parse("application/json; charset=utf-8"); Request request = new Request.Builder().url(new URL(slackWebhookUrl)) .post(RequestBody.create(MEDIA_TYPE_JSON, jsonObject.toString())).build(); new OkHttpClient().newCall(request).execute(); } catch (IOException | JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } temperatureValue = 0; humidityValue = 0; }
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@Override public void setup() { // Unless doing a restart, prepare for computation: // 1. Start superstep INPUT_SUPERSTEP (no computation) // 2. Wait until the INPUT_SPLIT_ALL_READY_PATH node has been created // 3. Process input splits until there are no more. // 4. Wait until the INPUT_SPLIT_ALL_DONE_PATH node has been created // 5. Wait for superstep INPUT_SUPERSTEP to complete. if (getRestartedSuperstep() != UNSET_SUPERSTEP) { setCachedSuperstep(getRestartedSuperstep()); return;/*from w w w .j a va 2 s . c o m*/ } JSONObject jobState = getJobState(); if (jobState != null) { try { if ((ApplicationState .valueOf(jobState.getString(JSONOBJ_STATE_KEY)) == ApplicationState.START_SUPERSTEP) && jobState.getLong(JSONOBJ_SUPERSTEP_KEY) == getSuperstep()) { if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"setup: Restarting from an automated " + "checkpointed superstep " + getSuperstep() + ", attempt " + getApplicationAttempt()); } setRestartedSuperstep(getSuperstep()); return; } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException("setup: Failed to get key-values from " + jobState.toString(), e); } } // Add the partitions for that this worker owns Collection<? extends PartitionOwner> masterSetPartitionOwners = startSuperstep(); workerGraphPartitioner.updatePartitionOwners(getWorkerInfo(), masterSetPartitionOwners, getPartitionMap()); commService.setup(); // Ensure the InputSplits are ready for processing before processing while (true) { Stat inputSplitsReadyStat; try { inputSplitsReadyStat = getZkExt().exists(inputSplitsAllReadyPath, true); } catch (KeeperException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("setup: KeeperException waiting on input splits", e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("setup: InterruptedException waiting on input splits", e); } if (inputSplitsReadyStat != null) { break; } getInputSplitsAllReadyEvent().waitForever(); getInputSplitsAllReadyEvent().reset(); } getContext().progress(); try { VertexEdgeCount vertexEdgeCount = loadVertices(); if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"setup: Finally loaded a total of " + vertexEdgeCount); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("setup: loadVertices failed due to " + "IOException", e); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("setup: loadVertices failed due to " + "ClassNotFoundException", e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("setup: loadVertices failed due to " + "InterruptedException", e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("setup: loadVertices failed due to " + "InstantiationException", e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("setup: loadVertices failed due to " + "IllegalAccessException", e); } catch (KeeperException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("setup: loadVertices failed due to " + "KeeperException", e); } getContext().progress(); // Workers wait for each other to finish, coordinated by master String workerDonePath = inputSplitsDonePath + "/" + getWorkerInfo().getHostnameId(); try { getZkExt().createExt(workerDonePath, null, Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT, true); } catch (KeeperException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("setup: KeeperException creating worker done splits", e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("setup: InterruptedException creating worker done splits", e); } while (true) { Stat inputSplitsDoneStat; try { inputSplitsDoneStat = getZkExt().exists(inputSplitsAllDonePath, true); } catch (KeeperException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("setup: KeeperException waiting on worker done splits", e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("setup: InterruptedException waiting on worker " + "done splits", e); } if (inputSplitsDoneStat != null) { break; } getInputSplitsAllDoneEvent().waitForever(); getInputSplitsAllDoneEvent().reset(); } // At this point all vertices have been sent to their destinations. // Move them to the worker, creating creating the empty partitions movePartitionsToWorker(commService); for (PartitionOwner partitionOwner : masterSetPartitionOwners) { if (partitionOwner.getWorkerInfo().equals(getWorkerInfo()) && !getPartitionMap().containsKey(partitionOwner.getPartitionId())) { Partition<I, V, E, M> partition = new Partition<I, V, E, M>(getConfiguration(), partitionOwner.getPartitionId()); getPartitionMap().put(partitionOwner.getPartitionId(), partition); } } // Generate the partition stats for the input superstep and process // if necessary List<PartitionStats> partitionStatsList = new ArrayList<PartitionStats>(); for (Partition<I, V, E, M> partition : getPartitionMap().values()) { PartitionStats partitionStats = new PartitionStats(partition.getPartitionId(), partition.getVertices().size(), 0, partition.getEdgeCount()); partitionStatsList.add(partitionStats); } workerGraphPartitioner.finalizePartitionStats(partitionStatsList, workerPartitionMap); finishSuperstep(partitionStatsList); }
From source
@Override public boolean finishSuperstep(List<PartitionStats> partitionStatsList) { // This barrier blocks until success (or the master signals it to // restart)./*from w w w .ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ // // Master will coordinate the barriers and aggregate "doneness" of all // the vertices. Each worker will: // 1. Flush the unsent messages // 2. Execute user postSuperstep() if necessary. // 3. Save aggregator values that are in use. // 4. Report the statistics (vertices, edges, messages, etc.) // of this worker // 5. Let the master know it is finished. // 6. Wait for the master's global stats, and check if done long workerSentMessages = 0; try { commService.flush(); workerSentMessages = commService.resetMessageCount(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("finishSuperstep: flush failed", e); } if (getSuperstep() != INPUT_SUPERSTEP) { getWorkerContext().postSuperstep(); getContext().progress(); } if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"finishSuperstep: Superstep " + getSuperstep() + " " + MemoryUtils.getRuntimeMemoryStats()); } JSONArray aggregatorValueArray = marshalAggregatorValues(getSuperstep()); Collection<PartitionStats> finalizedPartitionStats = workerGraphPartitioner .finalizePartitionStats(partitionStatsList, workerPartitionMap); List<PartitionStats> finalizedPartitionStatsList = new ArrayList<PartitionStats>(finalizedPartitionStats); byte[] partitionStatsBytes = WritableUtils.writeListToByteArray(finalizedPartitionStatsList); JSONObject workerFinishedInfoObj = new JSONObject(); try { workerFinishedInfoObj.put(JSONOBJ_AGGREGATOR_VALUE_ARRAY_KEY, aggregatorValueArray); workerFinishedInfoObj.put(JSONOBJ_PARTITION_STATS_KEY, Base64.encodeBytes(partitionStatsBytes)); workerFinishedInfoObj.put(JSONOBJ_NUM_MESSAGES_KEY, workerSentMessages); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } String finishedWorkerPath = getWorkerFinishedPath(getApplicationAttempt(), getSuperstep()) + "/" + getHostnamePartitionId(); try { getZkExt().createExt(finishedWorkerPath, workerFinishedInfoObj.toString().getBytes(), Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT, true); } catch (KeeperException.NodeExistsException e) { LOG.warn("finishSuperstep: finished worker path " + finishedWorkerPath + " already exists!"); } catch (KeeperException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Creating " + finishedWorkerPath + " failed with KeeperException", e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Creating " + finishedWorkerPath + " failed with InterruptedException", e); } getContext().setStatus("finishSuperstep: (waiting for rest " + "of workers) " + getGraphMapper().getMapFunctions().toString() + " - Attempt=" + getApplicationAttempt() + ", Superstep=" + getSuperstep()); String superstepFinishedNode = getSuperstepFinishedPath(getApplicationAttempt(), getSuperstep()); try { while (getZkExt().exists(superstepFinishedNode, true) == null) { getSuperstepFinishedEvent().waitForever(); getSuperstepFinishedEvent().reset(); } } catch (KeeperException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("finishSuperstep: Failed while waiting for master to " + "signal completion of superstep " + getSuperstep(), e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("finishSuperstep: Failed while waiting for master to " + "signal completion of superstep " + getSuperstep(), e); } GlobalStats globalStats = new GlobalStats(); WritableUtils.readFieldsFromZnode(getZkExt(), superstepFinishedNode, false, null, globalStats); if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) { "finishSuperstep: Completed superstep " + getSuperstep() + " with global stats " + globalStats); } incrCachedSuperstep(); getContext() .setStatus("finishSuperstep: (all workers done) " + getGraphMapper().getMapFunctions().toString() + " - Attempt=" + getApplicationAttempt() + ", Superstep=" + getSuperstep()); getGraphMapper().getGraphState().setNumEdges(globalStats.getEdgeCount()) .setNumVertices(globalStats.getVertexCount()); return globalStats.getHaltComputation(); }