Example usage for org.json JSONObject optInt

List of usage examples for org.json JSONObject optInt


In this page you can find the example usage for org.json JSONObject optInt.


public int optInt(String key) 

Source Link


Get an optional int value associated with a key, or zero if there is no such key or if the value is not a number.


From source file:com.rapid.actions.Rapid.java

public JSONObject doAction(RapidRequest rapidRequest, JSONObject jsonAction) throws Exception {

    JSONObject result = new JSONObject();

    String action = jsonAction.getString("actionType");

    RapidHttpServlet rapidServlet = rapidRequest.getRapidServlet();

    ServletContext servletContext = rapidServlet.getServletContext();

    String newAppId = null;/*from ww w  . j a v a  2s  .c  o m*/

    // get the id of the app we're about to manipulate
    String appId = jsonAction.getString("appId");
    // get the version of the app we're about to manipulate
    String appVersion = jsonAction.optString("version", null);
    // get the application we're about to manipulate
    Application app = rapidServlet.getApplications().get(appId, appVersion);

    // only if we had an application
    if (app != null) {

        // recreate the rapid request using the application we wish to manipulate
        RapidRequest rapidActionRequest = new RapidRequest(rapidServlet, rapidRequest.getRequest(), app);

        // check the action
        if ("GETAPPS".equals(action)) {

            // create a json array for holding our apps
            JSONArray jsonApps = new JSONArray();

            // get a sorted list of the applications
            for (String id : rapidServlet.getApplications().getIds()) {

                // loop the versions
                for (String version : rapidServlet.getApplications().getVersions(id).keySet()) {

                    // get the this application version
                    Application application = rapidServlet.getApplications().get(id, version);

                    // get the security
                    SecurityAdapter security = application.getSecurityAdapter();

                    // now emulate the app we are looping
                    RapidRequest appSecurityRequest = new RapidRequest(rapidServlet, rapidRequest.getRequest(),

                    // check the user password
                    if (security.checkUserPassword(appSecurityRequest, rapidRequest.getUserName(),
                            rapidRequest.getUserPassword())) {

                        // check the users permission to design this application
                        boolean adminPermission = security.checkUserRole(appSecurityRequest,

                        // if app is rapid do a further check
                        if (adminPermission && "rapid".equals(application.getId()))
                            adminPermission = application.getSecurityAdapter().checkUserRole(appSecurityRequest,

                        // if we got permssion - add this application to the list 
                        if (adminPermission) {
                            // create a json object
                            JSONObject jsonApplication = new JSONObject();
                            // add the details we want
                            jsonApplication.put("value", application.getId());
                            jsonApplication.put("text", application.getName() + " - " + application.getTitle());
                            // add the object to the collection
                            // no need to check any further versions

                    } // password check

                } // version loop

            } // app loop

            // add the actions to the result
            result.put("applications", jsonApps);

            // if there was at least one app
            if (jsonApps.length() > 0) {

                // fetch the database drivers
                JSONArray jsonDatabaseDrivers = rapidServlet.getJsonDatabaseDrivers();
                // check we have some database drivers
                if (jsonDatabaseDrivers != null) {
                    // prepare the database driver collection we'll send
                    JSONArray jsonDrivers = new JSONArray();
                    // loop what we have
                    for (int i = 0; i < jsonDatabaseDrivers.length(); i++) {
                        // get the item
                        JSONObject jsonDatabaseDriver = jsonDatabaseDrivers.getJSONObject(i);
                        // make a simpler send item
                        JSONObject jsonDriver = new JSONObject();
                        // add type
                        jsonDriver.put("value", jsonDatabaseDriver.get("class"));
                        // add name
                        jsonDriver.put("text", jsonDatabaseDriver.get("name"));
                        // add to collection
                    // add the database drivers to the result
                    result.put("databaseDrivers", jsonDrivers);

                // fetch the connection adapters
                JSONArray jsonConnectionAdapters = rapidServlet.getJsonConnectionAdapters();
                // check we have some database drivers
                if (jsonConnectionAdapters != null) {
                    // prepare the database driver collection we'll send
                    JSONArray jsonAdapters = new JSONArray();
                    // loop what we have
                    for (int i = 0; i < jsonConnectionAdapters.length(); i++) {
                        // get the item
                        JSONObject jsonConnectionAdapter = jsonConnectionAdapters.getJSONObject(i);
                        // make a simpler send item
                        JSONObject jsonSendAdapter = new JSONObject();
                        // add type
                        jsonSendAdapter.put("value", jsonConnectionAdapter.get("class"));
                        // add name
                        jsonSendAdapter.put("text", jsonConnectionAdapter.get("name"));
                        // add to collection
                    // add the database drivers to the result
                    result.put("connectionAdapters", jsonAdapters);

                // fetch the security adapters
                JSONArray jsonSecurityAdapters = rapidServlet.getJsonSecurityAdapters();
                // check we have some security adapters
                if (jsonSecurityAdapters != null) {
                    // prepare the security adapter collection we'll send
                    JSONArray jsonAdapters = new JSONArray();
                    // loop what we have
                    for (int i = 0; i < jsonSecurityAdapters.length(); i++) {
                        // get the item
                        JSONObject jsonSecurityAdapter = jsonSecurityAdapters.getJSONObject(i);
                        // make a simpler send item
                        JSONObject jsonSendAdapter = new JSONObject();
                        // add type
                        jsonSendAdapter.put("value", jsonSecurityAdapter.get("type"));
                        // add name
                        jsonSendAdapter.put("text", jsonSecurityAdapter.get("name"));
                        // add canManageRoles
                        jsonSendAdapter.put("canManageRoles", jsonSecurityAdapter.get("canManageRoles"));
                        // add canManageUsers
                        jsonSendAdapter.put("canManageUsers", jsonSecurityAdapter.get("canManageUsers"));
                        // add canManageUserRoles
                        // add to collection
                    // add the security adapters to the result
                    result.put("securityAdapters", jsonAdapters);

                // fetch the form adapters
                JSONArray jsonFormAdapters = rapidServlet.getJsonFormAdapters();
                // prepare the collection we'll send
                JSONArray jsonAdapters = new JSONArray();
                // create an entry for no form adapter
                JSONObject jsonSendAdapter = new JSONObject();
                // no value
                jsonSendAdapter.put("value", "");
                // None as text
                jsonSendAdapter.put("text", "None");
                // add the None member first
                // check we have some database drivers
                if (jsonFormAdapters != null) {
                    // loop what we have
                    for (int i = 0; i < jsonFormAdapters.length(); i++) {
                        // get the item
                        JSONObject jsonAdapter = jsonFormAdapters.getJSONObject(i);
                        // make a simpler send item
                        jsonSendAdapter = new JSONObject();
                        // add type
                        jsonSendAdapter.put("value", jsonAdapter.get("type"));
                        // add name
                        jsonSendAdapter.put("text", jsonAdapter.get("name"));
                        // add to collection
                    // add the database drivers to the result
                    result.put("formAdapters", jsonAdapters);

                // prepare the collection we'll send
                JSONArray jsonThemes = new JSONArray();
                // create an entry for no template
                JSONObject jsonTheme = new JSONObject();
                // no value
                jsonTheme.put("value", "");
                // None as text
                jsonTheme.put("text", "None");
                // add the None member first
                // get the themes
                List<Theme> themes = rapidServlet.getThemes();
                // check we have some 
                if (themes != null) {
                    // loop what we have
                    for (Theme theme : themes) {
                        // make a simpler send item
                        jsonTheme = new JSONObject();
                        // add type
                        jsonTheme.put("value", theme.getType());
                        // add name
                        jsonTheme.put("text", theme.getName());
                        // add to collection
                    // add the database drivers to the result
                    result.put("themes", jsonThemes);

                // process the actions and only send the name and type
                JSONArray jsonSendActions = new JSONArray();
                JSONArray jsonActions = rapidServlet.getJsonActions();
                for (int i = 0; i < jsonActions.length(); i++) {
                    JSONObject jsonSysAction = jsonActions.getJSONObject(i);
                    // do not send the rapid action
                    if (!"rapid".equals(jsonSysAction.getString("type"))) {
                        JSONObject jsonSendAction = new JSONObject();
                        jsonSendAction.put("name", jsonSysAction.get("name"));
                        jsonSendAction.put("type", jsonSysAction.get("type"));
                // add the actions to the result
                result.put("actions", jsonSendActions);

                // process the controls and only send the name and type for canUserAdd
                JSONArray jsonSendControls = new JSONArray();
                JSONArray jsonControls = rapidServlet.getJsonControls();
                for (int i = 0; i < jsonControls.length(); i++) {
                    JSONObject jsonSysControl = jsonControls.getJSONObject(i);
                    // only present controls users can add
                    if (jsonSysControl.optBoolean("canUserAdd")) {
                        JSONObject jsonSendControl = new JSONObject();
                        jsonSendControl.put("name", jsonSysControl.get("name"));
                        jsonSendControl.put("type", jsonSysControl.get("type"));
                // add the controls to the result
                result.put("controls", jsonSendControls);

                // add the devices
                result.put("devices", rapidServlet.getDevices());

            } // at least one app check

            // add the current userName to the result
            result.put("userName", rapidRequest.getUserName());

        } else if ("GETVERSIONS".equals(action)) {

            // prepare a json array we're going to include in the result
            JSONArray jsonVersions = new JSONArray();

            // get the versions
            Versions versions = rapidServlet.getApplications().getVersions(appId);

            // if there are any
            if (versions != null) {

                // loop the list of applications sorted by id (with rapid last)
                for (Application application : versions.sort()) {

                    // get the security
                    SecurityAdapter security = application.getSecurityAdapter();

                    // now emulate the app we are looping
                    RapidRequest appSecurityRequest = new RapidRequest(rapidServlet, rapidRequest.getRequest(),

                    // check the user password
                    if (security.checkUserPassword(appSecurityRequest, rapidRequest.getUserName(),
                            rapidRequest.getUserPassword())) {

                        // check the users permission to administer this application
                        boolean adminPermission = security.checkUserRole(appSecurityRequest,

                        // if app is rapid do a further check
                        if (adminPermission && "rapid".equals(application.getId()))
                            adminPermission = application.getSecurityAdapter().checkUserRole(appSecurityRequest,

                        // check the RapidDesign role is present in the users roles for this application
                        if (adminPermission) {

                            // make a json object for this version
                            JSONObject jsonVersion = new JSONObject();
                            // add the version
                            jsonVersion.put("value", application.getVersion());
                            // derive the text
                            String text = application.getVersion();
                            // if live add some
                            if (application.getStatus() == 1)
                                text += " - (Live)";
                            // add the title
                            jsonVersion.put("text", text);
                            // put the entry into the collection

                        } // design permission

                    } // password check

                } // versions loop

            } // got versions check

            // add the versions to the result
            result.put("versions", jsonVersions);

        } else if ("GETVERSION".equals(action)) {

            // get the security
            SecurityAdapter security = app.getSecurityAdapter();

            // password check
            if (security.checkUserPassword(rapidActionRequest, rapidRequest.getUserName(),
                    rapidRequest.getUserPassword())) {

                // check the users permission to design this application
                boolean adminPermission = security.checkUserRole(rapidActionRequest,

                // if app is rapid do a further check
                if (adminPermission && "rapid".equals(app.getId()))
                    adminPermission = app.getSecurityAdapter().checkUserRole(rapidActionRequest,

                if (adminPermission) {

                    // add the name
                    result.put("name", app.getName());
                    // add the version
                    result.put("version", app.getVersion());
                    // add the status
                    result.put("status", app.getStatus());
                    // add the title
                    result.put("title", app.getTitle());
                    // add the description
                    result.put("description", app.getDescription());
                    // add the form adapter
                    result.put("formAdapterType", app.getFormAdapterType());
                    // add whether to show control ids
                    result.put("showControlIds", app.getShowControlIds());
                    // add whether to show action ids
                    result.put("showActionIds", app.getShowActionIds());

                    // create a simplified array to hold the pages
                    JSONArray jsonPages = new JSONArray();
                    // retrieve the pages
                    List<PageHeader> pages = app.getPages().getSortedPages();
                    // check we have some
                    if (pages != null) {
                        for (PageHeader page : pages) {
                            JSONObject jsonPage = new JSONObject();
                            jsonPage.put("text", page.getName() + " - " + page.getTitle());
                            jsonPage.put("value", page.getId());
                    // add the pages
                    result.put("pages", jsonPages);

                    // add the start page Id
                    result.put("startPageId", app.getStartPageId());

                    // add the styles
                    result.put("themeType", app.getThemeType());
                    result.put("styles", app.getStyles());
                    result.put("statusBarColour", app.getStatusBarColour());
                    result.put("statusBarHighlightColour", app.getStatusBarHighlightColour());
                    result.put("statusBarTextColour", app.getStatusBarTextColour());
                    result.put("statusBarIconColour", app.getStatusBarIconColour());

                    // add the security adapter
                    result.put("securityAdapter", app.getSecurityAdapterType());
                    // add whether there is device security
                    result.put("deviceSecurity", app.getDeviceSecurity());
                    // add whether password is retained on Rapid Mobile
                    result.put("noRetainPassword", app.getNoRetainPassword());
                    // add action types
                    result.put("actionTypes", app.getActionTypes());
                    // add control types
                    result.put("controlTypes", app.getControlTypes());

                    // create an array for the database connections
                    JSONArray jsonDatabaseConnections = new JSONArray();

                    // check we have some database connections
                    if (app.getDatabaseConnections() != null) {
                        // remember the index
                        int index = 0;
                        // loop and add to jsonArray
                        for (DatabaseConnection dbConnection : app.getDatabaseConnections()) {
                            // create an object for the database connection
                            JSONObject jsonDBConnection = new JSONObject();
                            // set the index as the value
                            jsonDBConnection.put("value", index);
                            // set the name as the text
                            jsonDBConnection.put("text", dbConnection.getName());
                            // add to our collection
                            // inc the index
                    // add database connections
                    result.put("databaseConnections", jsonDatabaseConnections);

                    // create an array for the soa webservices
                    JSONArray jsonWebservices = new JSONArray();

                    // check we have some webservices
                    if (app.getWebservices() != null) {
                        // sort them by their name
                        Collections.sort(app.getWebservices(), new Comparator<Webservice>() {
                            public int compare(Webservice o1, Webservice o2) {
                                if (o1 == null) {
                                    return -1;
                                } else if (o2 == null) {
                                    return 1;
                                } else {
                                    return Comparators.AsciiCompare(o1.getName(), o2.getName(), false);
                        // loop and add to jsonArray
                        for (Webservice webservice : app.getWebservices()) {
                    // add webservices connections
                    result.put("webservices", jsonWebservices);

                    // create an array for the parameters
                    JSONArray jsonParameters = new JSONArray();

                    // check we have some webservices
                    if (app.getParameters() != null) {
                        // sort them by their name
                        Collections.sort(app.getParameters(), new Comparator<Parameter>() {
                            public int compare(Parameter o1, Parameter o2) {
                                if (o1 == null) {
                                    return -1;
                                } else if (o2 == null) {
                                    return 1;
                                } else {
                                    return Comparators.AsciiCompare(o1.getName(), o2.getName(), false);
                        // loop and add to jsonArray
                        for (Parameter parameter : app.getParameters()) {
                    // add webservices connections
                    result.put("parameters", jsonParameters);

                    // create an array for the resources
                    JSONArray jsonResources = new JSONArray();

                    // check we have some resources
                    if (app.getAppResources() != null) {
                        // sort them by their name
                        Collections.sort(app.getAppResources(), new Comparator<Resource>() {
                            public int compare(Resource o1, Resource o2) {
                                if (o1 == null) {
                                    return -1;
                                } else if (o2 == null) {
                                    return 1;
                                } else {
                                    return Comparators.AsciiCompare(o1.getName(), o2.getName(), false);
                        // loop and adds2 to jsonArray
                        for (Resource resource : app.getAppResources()) {
                    // add webservices connections
                    result.put("resources", jsonResources);

                    // create an array for the app backups
                    JSONArray jsonAppBackups = new JSONArray();

                    // check we have some app backups
                    if (app.getApplicationBackups(rapidServlet) != null) {
                        // loop and add to jsonArray
                        for (Application.Backup appBackup : app.getApplicationBackups(rapidServlet)) {
                            // create the backup json object
                            JSONObject jsonBackup = new JSONObject();
                            // create a date formatter
                            //SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss");
                            // populate it
                            jsonBackup.append("id", appBackup.getId());
                            jsonBackup.append("user", appBackup.getUser());
                            jsonBackup.append("size", appBackup.getSize());
                            // add it
                    // add webservices connections
                    result.put("appbackups", jsonAppBackups);

                    // add the max number of application backups
                    result.put("appBackupsMaxSize", app.getApplicationBackupsMaxSize());

                    // create an array for the page backups
                    JSONArray jsonPageBackups = new JSONArray();

                    // check we have some app backups
                    if (app.getPageBackups(rapidServlet) != null) {
                        // loop and add to jsonArray
                        for (Application.Backup appBackup : app.getPageBackups(rapidServlet)) {
                            // create the backup json object
                            JSONObject jsonBackup = new JSONObject();
                            // populate it
                            jsonBackup.append("id", appBackup.getId());
                            jsonBackup.append("page", appBackup.getName());
                            jsonBackup.append("user", appBackup.getUser());
                            jsonBackup.append("size", appBackup.getSize());
                            // add it
                    // add webservices connections
                    result.put("pagebackups", jsonPageBackups);

                    // add the max number of page backups
                    result.put("pageBackupsMaxSize", app.getPageBackupsMaxSize());

                } // permission check

            } // password check

        } else if ("GETDBCONN".equals(action)) {

            // get the index
            int index = jsonAction.getInt("index");

            // get the database connections
            List<DatabaseConnection> dbConns = app.getDatabaseConnections();

            // check we have database connections
            if (dbConns != null) {
                // check the index we where given will retieve a database connection
                if (index > -1 && index < dbConns.size()) {
                    // get the database connection
                    DatabaseConnection dbConn = dbConns.get(index);
                    // add the name
                    result.put("name", dbConn.getName());
                    // add the driver type
                    result.put("driver", dbConn.getDriverClass());
                    // add the connection adapter class
                    result.put("connectionString", dbConn.getConnectionString());
                    // add the connection adapter class
                    result.put("connectionAdapter", dbConn.getConnectionAdapterClass());
                    // add the user name
                    result.put("userName", dbConn.getUserName());
                    // add the password
                    if ("".equals(dbConn.getPassword())) {
                        result.put("password", "");
                    } else {
                        result.put("password", "********");

        } else if ("GETSOA".equals(action)) {

            // retain the JSON object which we will return
            JSONObject jsonWebservice;

            // get the index
            int index = jsonAction.getInt("index");

            // get the database connections
            List<Webservice> webservices = app.getWebservices();

            // check we have database connections
            if (webservices != null) {
                // check the index we where given will retieve a database connection
                if (index > -1 && index < webservices.size()) {
                    // get the webservice from the collection
                    Webservice webservice = webservices.get(index);
                    // convert it into a json object
                    jsonWebservice = new JSONObject(webservice);
                    // add the type
                    jsonWebservice.put("type", webservice.getClass().getSimpleName());
                    // add the user to the response
                    result.put("webservice", jsonWebservice);

        } else if ("GETSEC".equals(action)) {

            // get the securityAdapter type from the jsonAction
            String securityAdapterType = jsonAction.getString("securityAdapter");

            // assume the current class has not been set            
            String securityAdapterClass = "";

            // get all of the available security adapters
            JSONArray jsonSecurityAdapters = rapidServlet.getJsonSecurityAdapters();
            // check we have some security adapters
            if (jsonSecurityAdapters != null) {
                // loop what we have
                for (int i = 0; i < jsonSecurityAdapters.length(); i++) {
                    // get the item
                    JSONObject jsonSecurityAdapter = jsonSecurityAdapters.getJSONObject(i);
                    // if this is the type that came in
                    if (securityAdapterType.equals(jsonSecurityAdapter.getString("type"))) {
                        // retain the name
                        securityAdapterClass = jsonSecurityAdapter.getString("class");
                        // we're done

            // get the current app security adapter
            SecurityAdapter security = app.getSecurityAdapter();

            // if we got one
            if (security != null) {

                // if it's different from what came in
                if (!securityAdapterClass.equals(security.getClass().getCanonicalName())) {
                    // set the new security adapter
                    app.setSecurityAdapter(servletContext, securityAdapterType);
                    // read it back again
                    security = app.getSecurityAdapter();

                // recreate the rapidRequest with the selected app (so app parameters etc are available from the app in the rapidRequest)
                rapidRequest = new RapidRequest(rapidServlet, rapidRequest.getRequest(), app);

                // get the roles
                Roles roles = security.getRoles(rapidRequest);

                // add the entire roles collection to the response
                result.put("roles", roles);

                // if we had some roles
                if (roles != null) {
                    // prepapre a list of just the role names (not descriptions)
                    List<String> roleNames = new ArrayList<String>();
                    // loop the roles
                    for (Role role : roles) {
                    // add the rolenames
                    result.put("roleNames", roleNames);

                // add the users to the response
                result.put("users", security.getUsers(rapidRequest));

            } // got security

        } else if ("GETUSER".equals(action)) {

            // get the userName from the incoming json
            String userName = jsonAction.getString("userName");

            // recreate the rapidRequest with the selected app (so app parameters etc are available from the app in the rapidRequest)
            rapidRequest = new RapidRequest(rapidServlet, rapidRequest.getRequest(), app);

            // derive whether this is the current user
            boolean currentUser = userName.toLowerCase().equals(rapidRequest.getUserName().toLowerCase());

            // now set the rapid request user to the user we want

            // get the app security
            SecurityAdapter security = app.getSecurityAdapter();

            // get the user
            User user = security.getUser(rapidRequest);

            // add the user name
            result.put("userName", userName);

            // add the user description
            result.put("description", user.getDescription());

            // set the default password mask
            String password = "********";

            // if the password is blank reflect this in what we send
            if ("".equals(user.getPassword()))
                password = "";

            // add a masked password
            result.put("password", password);

            // add the device details
            result.put("deviceDetails", user.getDeviceDetails());

            // if we got one
            if (security != null) {

                // get the users roles
                List<String> roles = security.getUser(rapidRequest).getRoles();

                // add the users to the response
                result.put("roles", roles);

            } // got security

            // if this user record is for the logged in user
            result.put("currentUser", currentUser);

        } else if ("GETUSERS".equals(action)) {

            // get the app security
            SecurityAdapter security = app.getSecurityAdapter();

            // if we got one
            if (security != null) {

                // recreate the rapidRequest with the selected app (so app parameters etc are available from the app in the rapidRequest)
                rapidRequest = new RapidRequest(rapidServlet, rapidRequest.getRequest(), app);

                // get the users
                Users users = security.getUsers(rapidRequest);

                // add the users
                result.put("users", users);

                // add the current user
                result.put("currentUser", rapidRequest.getUserName());

            } // got security

        } else if ("GETPARAM".equals(action)) {

            // retrieve the index
            int index = jsonAction.getInt("index");

            // create the json object
            JSONObject jsonParameter = new JSONObject();

            // check the parameters
            if (app.getParameters() != null) {

                // check we have the one requested
                if (index >= 0 && index < app.getParameters().size()) {

                    // get the parameter
                    Parameter parameter = app.getParameters().get(index);

                    // add the name and value
                    jsonParameter.put("name", parameter.getName());
                    jsonParameter.put("value", parameter.getValue());


            // add the parameter to the result
            result.put("parameter", jsonParameter);

        } else if ("GETRESOURCE".equals(action)) {

            // retrieve the index
            int index = jsonAction.getInt("index");

            // create the json object
            JSONObject jsonParameter = new JSONObject();

            // check the resources
            if (app.getAppResources() != null) {

                // check we have the one requested
                if (index >= 0 && index < app.getAppResources().size()) {

                    // get the parameter
                    Resource resource = app.getAppResources().get(index);

                    // add the name and value
                    jsonParameter.put("name", resource.getName());
                    jsonParameter.put("type", resource.getType());
                    jsonParameter.put("value", resource.getContent());


            // add the parameter to the result
            result.put("resource", jsonParameter);

        } else if ("GETDEVICE".equals(action)) {

            // retrieve the index
            int index = jsonAction.getInt("index");

            // create the json object
            JSONObject jsonDevice = new JSONObject();

            // reference to all devices
            Devices devices = rapidServlet.getDevices();

            // check we have devices            
            if (devices != null) {
                // check the index is ok
                if (index >= 0 && index < devices.size()) {

                    // get the device
                    Device device = rapidServlet.getDevices().get(index);

                    // add the name and value
                    jsonDevice.put("name", device.getName());
                    jsonDevice.put("width", device.getWidth());
                    jsonDevice.put("height", device.getHeight());
                    jsonDevice.put("ppi", device.getPPI());
                    jsonDevice.put("scale", device.getScale());


            // add the parameter to the result
            result.put("device", jsonDevice);

        } else if ("GETSESSIONS".equals(action)) {

            // create the json object
            JSONObject jsonDetails = new JSONObject();

            // create a json array
            JSONArray jsonSessions = new JSONArray();

            // get the sessions
            Map<String, HttpSession> sessions = RapidSessionListener.getSessions();

            // check we got some
            if (sessions != null) {

                // get a date formatter
                SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss");

                // loop them
                for (String key : sessions.keySet()) {
                    // get the session
                    HttpSession httpSession = sessions.get(key);
                    // create object
                    JSONObject jsonSession = new JSONObject();
                    // add name
                            (String) httpSession.getAttribute(RapidFilter.SESSION_VARIABLE_USER_NAME));
                    // get a new date from the time
                    Date accessTime = new Date(httpSession.getLastAccessedTime());
                    // add last access
                    jsonSession.put("access", df.format(accessTime));
                    // add to collections


            // add sessions
            jsonDetails.put("sessions", jsonSessions);

            return jsonDetails;

        } else if ("RELOADACTIONS".equals(action)) {

            // load actions and set the result message
                    RapidServletContextListener.loadActions(servletContext) + " actions reloaded");

        } else if ("RELOADCONTROLS".equals(action)) {

            // load controls and set the result message
                    RapidServletContextListener.loadControls(servletContext) + " controls reloaded");

        } else if ("RELOADAPPLICATIONS".equals(action)) {

            // load applications and set the result message
                    RapidServletContextListener.loadApplications(servletContext) + " applications reloaded");

        } else if ("RELOADADAPTERS".equals(action)) {

            // load adapters and set the result message
            int databaseDrivers = 0;
            int connectionAdapters = 0;
            int securityAdapters = 0;
            int forms = 0;
            int themes = 0;
            int devices = 0;

            databaseDrivers = RapidServletContextListener.loadDatabaseDrivers(servletContext);

            connectionAdapters = RapidServletContextListener.loadConnectionAdapters(servletContext);

            securityAdapters = RapidServletContextListener.loadSecurityAdapters(servletContext);

            forms = RapidServletContextListener.loadFormAdapters(servletContext);

            themes = RapidServletContextListener.loadThemes(servletContext);

            devices = Devices.load(servletContext).size();

                    databaseDrivers + " database driver" + (databaseDrivers == 1 ? "" : "s") + ", "
                            + connectionAdapters + " connection adapter" + (connectionAdapters == 1 ? "" : "s")
                            + ", " + securityAdapters + " security adapter" + (securityAdapters == 1 ? "" : "s")
                            + ", " + forms + " form adapter" + (forms == 1 ? "" : "s") + ", " + themes
                            + " theme" + (themes == 1 ? "" : "s") + ", " + devices + " device"
                            + (devices == 1 ? "" : "s") + " reloaded");

        } else if ("RELOADVERSION".equals(action)) {

            // look for an application file in the application folder
            File applicationFile = new File(app.getConfigFolder(servletContext) + "/application.xml");

            // close the existing app

            // reload the application from file
            Application reloadedApplication = Application.load(servletContext, applicationFile);

            // replace it into the applications collection

            // load applications and set the result message
            result.put("message", "Version reloaded");

        } else if ("SAVEAPP".equals(action)) {

            // get the new values
            String id = Files.safeName(jsonAction.getString("name")).toLowerCase();
            String version = Files.safeName(jsonAction.getString("saveVersion"));
            int status = jsonAction.optInt("status");
            String name = jsonAction.getString("name");
            String title = jsonAction.getString("title");
            String description = jsonAction.getString("description");
            String formAdapter = jsonAction.optString("formAdapter");
            String startPageId = jsonAction.optString("startPageId", "");
            boolean showControlIds = jsonAction.optBoolean("showControlIds");
            boolean showActionIds = jsonAction.optBoolean("showActionIds");

            // assume we do not need to update the applications drop down
            boolean appUpdated = false;

            // if the id or version is now different we need to move it, rebuilding all the resources as we go
            if (!app.getId().equals(id) || !app.getVersion().equals(version)) {
                // copy the app to the id/version, returning the new one for saving
                app = app.copy(rapidServlet, rapidRequest, id, version, true, true);
                // mark that it has been updated
                appUpdated = true;

            // update the values

            // save
            app.save(rapidServlet, rapidRequest, true);

            // add the application to the response
            result.put("message", "Application details saved");
            result.put("update", appUpdated);

        } else if ("SAVESTYLES".equals(action)) {

            String themeType = jsonAction.getString("themeType");
            String styles = jsonAction.getString("styles");
            String statusBarColour = jsonAction.optString("statusBarColour");
            String statusBarHighlightColour = jsonAction.optString("statusBarHighlightColour");
            String statusBarTextColour = jsonAction.optString("statusBarTextColour");
            String statusBarIconColour = jsonAction.optString("statusBarIconColour");


            app.save(rapidServlet, rapidRequest, true);

            // add the application to the response
            result.put("message", "Styles saved");

        } else if ("SAVEDBCONN".equals(action)) {

            // get the index
            int index = jsonAction.getInt("index");

            // get the database connections
            List<DatabaseConnection> dbConns = app.getDatabaseConnections();

            // remeber whether we found the connection
            boolean foundConnection = false;

            // check we have database connections
            if (dbConns != null) {
                // check the index we where given will retieve a database connection
                if (index > -1 && index < dbConns.size()) {
                    // get the database connection
                    DatabaseConnection dbConn = dbConns.get(index);

                    // set the databse connection properties
                    String password = jsonAction.getString("password");
                    // only set the password if it's different from the default
                    if (!"********".equals(password))

                    // reset the dbconn so the adapter is re-initialised with any changes

                    // save the app
                    app.save(rapidServlet, rapidRequest, true);

                    foundConnection = true;

                    // add the application to the response
                    result.put("message", "Database connection saved");


            if (!foundConnection)
                result.put("message", "Database connection could not be found");

        } else if ("SAVESOASQL".equals(action)) {

            // get the index
            int index = jsonAction.getInt("index");

            // get the webservices
            List<Webservice> webservices = app.getWebservices();

            // remeber whether we found the connection
            boolean foundWebservice = false;

            // check we have database connections
            if (webservices != null) {
                // check the index we where given will retieve a database connection
                if (index > -1 && index < webservices.size()) {
                    // get the web service connection
                    Webservice webservice = webservices.get(index);
                    // check the type
                    if (webservice.getClass() == SQLWebservice.class) {
                        // cast to our type
                        SQLWebservice sqlWebservice = (SQLWebservice) webservice;

                        // set the webservice properties

                        // get the rest of the complex details
                        JSONObject jsonDetails = jsonAction.getJSONObject("details");

                        // set the sql

                        // get the json request
                        JSONObject jsonRequestSchmea = jsonDetails.optJSONObject("requestSchema");
                        // check it
                        if (jsonRequestSchmea != null) {
                            // get the root element
                            JSONObject jsonElement = jsonRequestSchmea.getJSONObject("rootElement");
                            // get its name
                            String elementName = jsonElement.optString("name").trim();
                            // create the schema
                            SOASchema requestSchema = new SOASchema(elementName);
                            // get any child elements
                            JSONArray jsonChildElements = jsonElement.optJSONArray("childElements");
                            // check
                            if (jsonChildElements != null) {
                                // loop
                                for (int i = 0; i < jsonChildElements.length(); i++) {
                                    // get child element
                                    JSONObject jsonChildElement = jsonChildElements.getJSONObject(i);
                                    // get child element name
                                    String childElementName = jsonChildElement.getString("name").trim();
                                    // get its data type
                                    int childElementDataType = jsonChildElement.optInt("dataType", 1);
                                    // add child element to schema (and get a reference)
                                    SOASchemaElement soaChildElement = requestSchema
                                    // set the data type
                                    // add any restrictions
                            // set the schema property

                        // get the json response
                        JSONObject jsonResponseSchema = jsonDetails.optJSONObject("responseSchema");
                        // check it
                        if (jsonResponseSchema != null) {
                            // get the root element
                            JSONObject jsonElement = jsonResponseSchema.getJSONObject("rootElement");
                            // get its name
                            String elementName = jsonElement.optString("name");
                            // get if array
                            boolean isArray = Boolean.parseBoolean(jsonElement.optString("isArray"));
                            // create the schema
                            SOASchema responseSchema = new SOASchema(elementName, isArray);
                            // get any child elements
                            JSONArray jsonChildElements = jsonElement.optJSONArray("childElements");
                            // check
                            if (jsonChildElements != null) {
                                // loop
                                for (int i = 0; i < jsonChildElements.length(); i++) {
                                    // get child element
                                    JSONObject jsonChildElement = jsonChildElements.getJSONObject(i);
                                    // get child element name
                                    String childElementName = jsonChildElement.getString("name").trim();
                                    // get child element field
                                    String childElementField = jsonChildElement.optString("field", "");
                                    // get its data type
                                    int childElementDataType = jsonChildElement.optInt("dataType", 1);
                                    // add child element to schema (and get reference)
                                    SOASchemaElement soaChildElement = responseSchema
                                    // set field
                                    // set data type
                                    // add any restrictions
                            // set the schema property

                        // save the app
                        app.save(rapidServlet, rapidRequest, true);

                        foundWebservice = true;

                        // add the application to the response
                        result.put("message", "SQL webservice saved");

            if (!foundWebservice)
                result.put("message", "SQL webservice could not be found");

        } else if ("SAVESOAJAVA".equals(action)) {

            // get the index
            int index = jsonAction.getInt("index");

            // get the webservices
            List<Webservice> webservices = app.getWebservices();

            // remeber whether we found the connection
            boolean foundWebservice = false;

            // check we have database connections
            if (webservices != null) {
                // check the index we where given will retieve a database connection
                if (index > -1 && index < webservices.size()) {
                    // get the web service connection
                    Webservice webservice = webservices.get(index);
                    // check the type
                    if (webservice.getClass() == JavaWebservice.class) {

                        // cast to our type
                        JavaWebservice javaWebservice = (JavaWebservice) webservice;

                        // set the webservice properties

                        // save the app
                        app.save(rapidServlet, rapidRequest, true);

                        foundWebservice = true;

                        // add the application to the response
                        result.put("message", "Java webservice saved");

            if (!foundWebservice)
                result.put("message", "Java webservice could not be found");

        } else if ("SAVESECURITYADAPT".equals(action)) {

            String securityAdapter = jsonAction.getString("securityAdapter").trim();

            boolean deviceSecurity = jsonAction.optBoolean("deviceSecurity");

            boolean noRetainPassword = jsonAction.optBoolean("noRetainPassword");




            app.save(rapidServlet, rapidRequest, true);

            // add the application to the response
            result.put("message", "Security adapter saved");

        } else if ("SAVEACTIONS".equals(action)) {

            JSONArray jsonActionTypes = jsonAction.getJSONArray("actionTypes");

            ArrayList<String> actionTypes = new ArrayList<String>();

            for (int i = 0; i < jsonActionTypes.length(); i++) {

            // make sure some required actions are there if this is the rapid app
            if ("rapid".equals(appId)) {
                String[] requiredActionTypes = { "rapid", "ajax", "control", "custom", "dataCopy", "existing",
                        "validation" };
                for (String actionType : requiredActionTypes) {
                    if (!actionTypes.contains(actionType))

            // sort the types

            // put the list into the app

            // save it
            app.save(rapidServlet, rapidRequest, true);

            // add the message to the response
            result.put("message", actionTypes.size() + " actions");

        } else if ("SAVECONTROLS".equals(action)) {

            JSONArray jsonControlTypes = jsonAction.getJSONArray("controlTypes");

            ArrayList<String> controlTypes = new ArrayList<String>();

            for (int i = 0; i < jsonControlTypes.length(); i++) {

            // make sure some required controls are there if this is the rapid app
            if ("rapid".equals(appId)) {
                String[] requiredControlTypes = { "button", "dataStore", "dropdown", "grid", "image", "input",
                        "page", "table", "tabGroup", "text" };
                for (String controlType : requiredControlTypes) {
                    if (!controlTypes.contains(controlType))

            // sort the types

            // add the controls to the app

            // save
            app.save(rapidServlet, rapidRequest, true);

            // add the message to the response
            result.put("message", controlTypes.size() + " controls");

        } else if ("REBUILDPAGES".equals(action)) {

            // add the application to the response
            result.put("message", "This feature is not supported");

        } else if ("NEWAPP".equals(action)) {

            // retrieve the inputs from the json
            String name = jsonAction.getString("name").trim();
            String version = jsonAction.getString("newVersion").trim();
            String title = jsonAction.optString("title").trim();
            String type = jsonAction.optString("type");
            String themeType = jsonAction.optString("themeType");
            String description = jsonAction.optString("description").trim();

            // create a new application with our reusable, private method
            Application newApp = createApplication(rapidServlet, rapidRequest, name, version, title, type,
                    themeType, description);

            // set the result message
            result.put("message", "Application " + app.getTitle() + " created");

            // set the result appId
            result.put("appId", newApp.getId());

            // set the result version
            result.put("version", newApp.getVersion());

        } else if ("DELAPP".equals(action)) {

            // check we have an app
            if (app != null) {
                // get the collection of applications and versions
                Applications applications = rapidServlet.getApplications();
                // get all versions of this application
                Versions versions = applications.getVersions(app.getId());
                // get the number of version
                int versionCount = versions.size();
                // make a list of versions
                ArrayList<String> versionNumbers = new ArrayList<String>();
                // loop the versions
                for (String version : versions.keySet()) {
                // loop the versionNumbers
                for (String versionNumber : versionNumbers) {
                    // get this version
                    Application v = applications.get(app.getId(), versionNumber);
                    // delete it
                    v.delete(rapidServlet, rapidActionRequest, true);
                // set the result message
                result.put("message", versionCount + " application version" + (versionCount == 1 ? "" : "s")
                        + " deleted for " + app.getName());

        } else if ("DUPAPP".equals(action)) {

            String version = jsonAction.getString("newVersion").trim();
            String title = jsonAction.optString("title").trim();
            String description = jsonAction.optString("description").trim();

            // use the application.copy routine (this updates the status and created time)
            Application dupApp = app.copy(rapidServlet, rapidRequest, app.getId(), version, false, false);

            // set the new title into the duplicate
            // set the new description

            // save the duplicate
            dupApp.save(rapidServlet, rapidRequest, false);

            // set the result message
            result.put("message", "Application " + app.getTitle() + " duplicated");
            result.put("id", dupApp.getId());
            result.put("version", dupApp.getVersion());

        } else if ("NEWVERSION".equals(action)) {

            // retrieve the inputs from the json
            String id = jsonAction.getString("appId").trim();
            String version = jsonAction.getString("newVersion").trim();
            String title = jsonAction.optString("title").trim();
            String description = jsonAction.optString("description").trim();

            // create a new application with our reusable, private method
            Application newApp = createApplication(rapidServlet, rapidRequest, id, version, title, "", "",

            // set the result message
            result.put("message", "Version " + newApp.getVersion() + " created for " + newApp.getTitle());

            // set the result appId
            result.put("appId", newApp.getId());

            // set the result version
            result.put("version", newApp.getVersion());

            // set the result message
            result.put("message", "Application " + app.getTitle() + " duplicated");
            result.put("id", newApp.getId());
            result.put("version", newApp.getVersion());

        } else if ("DELVERSION".equals(action)) {

            // delete the application version
            if (app != null)
                app.delete(rapidServlet, rapidActionRequest, false);
            // set the result message
            result.put("message", "Version " + app.getVersion() + " deleted");

        } else if ("NEWPAGE".equals(action)) {

            String id = jsonAction.getString("id").trim();
            String name = jsonAction.getString("name").trim();
            String title = jsonAction.optString("title").trim();
            String description = jsonAction.optString("description").trim();

            Page newPage = new Page();
            newPage.setCreatedDate(new Date());

            // save the page to file
            newPage.save(rapidServlet, rapidActionRequest, app, false);

            // put the id in the result
            result.put("id", id);

            // set the result message
            result.put("message", "Page " + newPage.getTitle() + " created");

        } else if ("DELPAGE".equals(action)) {

            // get the id
            String id = jsonAction.getString("id").trim();
            // retrieve the page
            Page delPage = app.getPages().getPage(rapidRequest.getRapidServlet().getServletContext(), id);
            // delete it if we got one
            if (delPage != null)
                delPage.delete(rapidServlet, rapidActionRequest, app);
            // set the result message
            result.put("message", "Page " + delPage.getName() + " delete");

        } else if ("NEWDBCONN".equals(action)) {

            // get the database connections
            List<DatabaseConnection> dbConns = app.getDatabaseConnections();
            // instantiate if null
            if (dbConns == null)
                dbConns = new ArrayList<DatabaseConnection>();

            // make the new database connection
            DatabaseConnection dbConn = new DatabaseConnection(servletContext, app,
                    jsonAction.getString("name").trim(), jsonAction.getString("driver").trim(),
                    jsonAction.getString("connectionAdapter").trim(), jsonAction.getString("userName").trim(),

            // add it to the collection

            // save the app
            app.save(rapidServlet, rapidRequest, true);

            // add the application to the response
            result.put("message", "Database connection added");

        } else if ("DELDBCONN".equals(action)) {

            // get the index
            int index = jsonAction.getInt("index");

            // get the database connections
            List<DatabaseConnection> dbConns = app.getDatabaseConnections();

            // remeber whether we found the connection
            boolean foundConnection = false;

            // check we have database connections
            if (dbConns != null) {
                // check the index we where given will retieve a database connection
                if (index > -1 && index < dbConns.size()) {

                    // remove the database connection

                    // save the app
                    try {
                        app.save(rapidServlet, rapidRequest, true);
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        throw new JSONException(ex);

                    // add the application to the response
                    result.put("message", "Database connection deleted");


            if (!foundConnection)
                result.put("message", "Database connection could not be found");

        } else if ("NEWSOA".equals(action)) {

            // the webservice we are about to make
            Webservice webservice = null;

            // get the type
            String type = jsonAction.getString("type");

            if ("SQLWebservice".equals(type)) {
                // make the new SQL webservice
                webservice = new SQLWebservice(jsonAction.getString("name").trim());
            } else if ("JavaWebservice".equals(type)) {
                // make the new Java class webservice
                webservice = new JavaWebservice(jsonAction.getString("name").trim());

            // if one was made
            if (webservice != null) {

                // add it to the collection

                // save the app
                app.save(rapidServlet, rapidRequest, true);

                // add the application to the response
                result.put("message", "SOA webservice added");

            } else {
                // send message
                result.put("message", "Webservice type not recognised");

        } else if ("DELSOA".equals(action)) {

            // get the index
            int index = jsonAction.getInt("index");

            // get the webservices
            List<Webservice> webservices = app.getWebservices();

            // remeber whether we found the webservice
            boolean foundWebservice = false;

            // check we have database connections
            if (webservices != null) {
                // check the index we where given will retieve a database connection
                if (index > -1 && index < webservices.size()) {

                    // remove the database connection

                    // save the app
                    app.save(rapidServlet, rapidRequest, true);

                    // add the application to the response
                    result.put("message", "SOA webservice deleted");


            if (!foundWebservice)
                result.put("message", "SOA webservice could not be found");

        } else if ("NEWROLE".equals(action)) {

            // get the role name
            String roleName = jsonAction.getString("role").trim();
            // get the role descrition
            String description = jsonAction.getString("description").trim();

            // add the role
            app.getSecurityAdapter().addRole(rapidRequest, new Role(roleName, description));
            // set the result message
            result.put("message", "Role added");

        } else if ("DELROLE".equals(action)) {

            // get the role
            String role = jsonAction.getString("role").trim();
            // delete the role
            app.getSecurityAdapter().deleteRole(rapidRequest, role);
            // set the result message
            result.put("message", "Role deleted");

        } else if ("NEWUSER".equals(action)) {

            // get the userName
            String userName = jsonAction.getString("userName").trim();
            // get the userDescription
            String description = jsonAction.optString("description", "").trim();
            // get the password
            String password = jsonAction.getString("password");
            // get the device details
            String deviceDetails = jsonAction.optString("deviceDetails");
            // check for useAdmin
            boolean useAdmin = jsonAction.optBoolean("useAdmin");
            // check for useDesign
            boolean useDesign = jsonAction.optBoolean("useDesign");

            // get the security
            SecurityAdapter security = app.getSecurityAdapter();

            // recreate the rapidRequest with the selected app (so app parameters etc are available from the app in the rapidRequest)
            rapidRequest = new RapidRequest(rapidServlet, rapidRequest.getRequest(), app);

            // add the user
            security.addUser(rapidRequest, new User(userName, description, password, deviceDetails));

            // update the Rapid Request to have the new user name

            // add role if we were given one
            if (useAdmin)
                security.addUserRole(rapidRequest, com.rapid.server.Rapid.ADMIN_ROLE);

            // add role if we were given one
            if (useDesign)
                security.addUserRole(rapidRequest, com.rapid.server.Rapid.DESIGN_ROLE);

            // set the result message
            result.put("message", "User added");

        } else if ("DELUSER".equals(action)) {

            // get the userName
            String userName = jsonAction.getString("userName").trim();
            // recreate the rapidRequest with the selected app (so app parameters etc are available from the app in the rapidRequest)
            rapidRequest = new RapidRequest(rapidServlet, rapidRequest.getRequest(), app);
            // override the standard request user
            // delete the user
            // remove any of their page locks
            app.removeUserPageLocks(servletContext, userName);
            // set the result message
            result.put("message", "User deleted");

        } else if ("SAVEROLE".equals(action)) {

            // get the role
            String roleName = jsonAction.getString("role").trim();
            // get the description
            String roleDescription = jsonAction.getString("description").trim();
            // recreate the rapidRequest with the selected app (so app parameters etc are available from the app in the rapidRequest)
            rapidRequest = new RapidRequest(rapidServlet, rapidRequest.getRequest(), app);
            // update the role
            app.getSecurityAdapter().updateRole(rapidRequest, new Role(roleName, roleDescription));
            // set the result message
            result.put("message", "Role details saved");

        } else if ("NEWUSERROLE".equals(action)) {

            // get the userName
            String userName = jsonAction.getString("userName").trim();
            // recreate the rapidRequest with the selected app (so app parameters etc are available from the app in the rapidRequest)
            rapidRequest = new RapidRequest(rapidServlet, rapidRequest.getRequest(), app);
            // override the standard request user
            // get the role
            String role = jsonAction.getString("role").trim();
            // add the user role
            app.getSecurityAdapter().addUserRole(rapidRequest, role);
            // set the result message
            result.put("message", "User role added");

        } else if ("DELUSERROLE".equals(action)) {

            // get the userName
            String userName = jsonAction.getString("userName").trim();
            // recreate the rapidRequest with the selected app (so app parameters etc are available from the app in the rapidRequest)
            rapidRequest = new RapidRequest(rapidServlet, rapidRequest.getRequest(), app);
            // override the standard request user
            // get the role
            String role = jsonAction.getString("role").trim();
            // add the user role
            app.getSecurityAdapter().deleteUserRole(rapidRequest, role);
            // set the result message
            result.put("message", "User role deleted");

        } else if ("SAVEUSER".equals(action)) {

            // get the userName
            String userName = jsonAction.getString("userName").trim();
            // recreate the rapidRequest with the selected app (so app parameters etc are available from the app in the rapidRequest)
            rapidRequest = new RapidRequest(rapidServlet, rapidRequest.getRequest(), app);
            // override the standard request user
            // get the description
            String description = jsonAction.getString("description").trim();
            // get the password
            String password = jsonAction.getString("password");
            // get the device details
            String deviceDetails = jsonAction.getString("deviceDetails");

            // get the security
            SecurityAdapter security = app.getSecurityAdapter();
            // get the user
            User user = security.getUser(rapidRequest);
            // update the description
            // update the password if different from the mask
            if (!"********".equals(password))
            // update the device details
            // update the user
            security.updateUser(rapidRequest, user);

            // if we are updating the rapid application we have used checkboxes for the Rapid Admin and Rapid Designer roles
            if ("rapid".equals(app.getId())) {
                // get the valud of rapidAdmin
                String useAdmin = jsonAction.optString("useAdmin");
                // check useAdmin was sent
                if (useAdmin != null) {
                    // check the user was given the role
                    if ("true".equals(useAdmin)) {
                        // add the role if the user doesn't have it already
                        if (!security.checkUserRole(rapidRequest, com.rapid.server.Rapid.ADMIN_ROLE))
                            security.addUserRole(rapidRequest, com.rapid.server.Rapid.ADMIN_ROLE);
                    } else {
                        // remove the role
                        security.deleteUserRole(rapidRequest, com.rapid.server.Rapid.ADMIN_ROLE);
                // get the valud of rapidDesign
                String useDesign = jsonAction.optString("useDesign");
                // check useAdmin was sent
                if (useDesign != null) {
                    // check the user was given the role
                    if ("true".equals(useDesign)) {
                        // add the role if the user doesn't have it already
                        if (!security.checkUserRole(rapidRequest, com.rapid.server.Rapid.DESIGN_ROLE))
                            security.addUserRole(rapidRequest, com.rapid.server.Rapid.DESIGN_ROLE);
                    } else {
                        // remove the role
                        security.deleteUserRole(rapidRequest, com.rapid.server.Rapid.DESIGN_ROLE);

            // set the result message
            result.put("message", "User details saved");

        } else if ("NEWPARAM".equals(action)) {

            // add a new parameter to the collection
            app.getParameters().add(new Parameter());

        } else if ("DELPARAM".equals(action)) {

            // get the index
            int index = jsonAction.getInt("index");

            // remove the parameter

            // save the app
            app.save(rapidServlet, rapidRequest, true);

            // set the result message
            result.put("message", "Parameter deleted");

        } else if ("SAVEPARAM".equals(action)) {

            int index = jsonAction.getInt("index");
            String name = jsonAction.getString("name");
            String value = jsonAction.getString("value");

            // fetch the parameter
            Parameter parameter = app.getParameters().get(index);

            // update it

            // save the app
            app.save(rapidServlet, rapidRequest, true);

            // set the result message
            result.put("message", "Parameter details saved");

        } else if ("NEWRESOURCE".equals(action)) {

            // get the resources
            Resources resources = app.getAppResources();
            // if null (could be from a previous version)
            if (resources == null) {
                // instantiate here
                resources = new Resources();
                // assign to the application

            // add a new parameter to the collection
            resources.add(new Resource());

        } else if ("DELRESOURCE".equals(action)) {

            // get the index
            int index = jsonAction.getInt("index");

            // remove the parameter

            // save the app
            app.save(rapidServlet, rapidRequest, true);

            // set the result message
            result.put("message", "Resource deleted");

        } else if ("SAVERESOURCE".equals(action)) {

            int index = jsonAction.getInt("index");
            String name = jsonAction.getString("name");
            int type = jsonAction.getInt("type");
            String value = jsonAction.getString("value");

            // fetch the resource
            Resource resource = app.getAppResources().get(index);

            // update it

            // save the app
            app.save(rapidServlet, rapidRequest, true);

            // set the result message
            result.put("message", "Resource details saved");

        } else if ("NEWDEVICE".equals(action)) {

            // get the devices
            Devices devices = rapidServlet.getDevices();

            // add a new device to the collection
            devices.add(new Device("New device", 500, 500, 200, 1d));

            // save it

        } else if ("DELDEVICE".equals(action)) {

            // get the index
            int index = jsonAction.getInt("index");

            // get the devices
            Devices devices = rapidServlet.getDevices();

            // remove the device

            // save the devices

            // set the result message
            result.put("message", "Device deleted");

        } else if ("SAVEDEVICE".equals(action)) {

            int index = jsonAction.getInt("index");
            String name = jsonAction.getString("name");
            int width = jsonAction.getInt("width");
            int height = jsonAction.getInt("height");
            int ppi = jsonAction.getInt("ppi");
            double scale = jsonAction.getDouble("scale");

            // fetch the devices
            Devices devices = rapidServlet.getDevices();
            // fetch the device
            Device device = devices.get(index);

            // update the device

            // save the devices

            // set the result message
            result.put("message", "Device details saved");

        } else if ("TESTDBCONN".equals(action)) {

            // get the index
            int index = jsonAction.getInt("index");

            // get the database connections
            List<DatabaseConnection> dbConns = app.getDatabaseConnections();

            // remeber whether we found the connection
            boolean foundConnection = false;

            // check we have database connections
            if (dbConns != null) {
                // check the index we where given will retieve a database connection
                if (index > -1 && index < dbConns.size()) {

                    // retrieve the details from the json
                    String driverClass = jsonAction.getString("driver").trim();
                    String connectionString = app.insertParameters(servletContext,
                    String connectionAdapterClass = jsonAction.getString("connectionAdapter").trim();
                    String userName = jsonAction.getString("userName").trim();
                    String password = jsonAction.getString("password");

                    // if the password wasn't set retrieve it via the connection index
                    if ("********".equals(password))
                        password = dbConns.get(index).getPassword();

                    // instantiate a DatabaseConnection object for this test
                    DatabaseConnection dbconnection = new DatabaseConnection(servletContext, app, "test",
                            driverClass, connectionString, connectionAdapterClass, userName, password);
                    // get the adapter
                    ConnectionAdapter connectionAdapter = dbconnection.getConnectionAdapter(servletContext,
                    // get a data factory
                    DataFactory dataFactory = new DataFactory(connectionAdapter);
                    // get a connection
                    Connection connection = dataFactory.getConnection(rapidRequest);
                    // close it

                    // add the application to the response
                    result.put("message", "Database connection OK");

                    // retain that a connection was found
                    foundConnection = true;


            if (!foundConnection)
                result.put("message", "Database connection could not be found");

        } else if ("DELAPPBACKUP".equals(action)) {

            // get the id
            String backupId = jsonAction.getString("backupId");

            // get the folder into a file object
            File backup = new File(app.getBackupFolder(servletContext, false) + "/" + backupId);
            // delete it

            // set the result message
                    "Application backup " + appId + "/" + appVersion + "/" + backupId + " deleted");
            // pass back a control id from in the dialogue with which to close it
            result.put("controlId", "#rapid_P12_C13_");

        } else if ("DELPAGEBACKUP".equals(action)) {

            // get the id
            String backupId = jsonAction.getString("backupId");

            // get the folder into a file object
            File backup = new File(app.getBackupFolder(servletContext, false) + "/" + backupId);
            // delete it

            // set the result message
            result.put("message", "Page backup " + appId + "/" + backupId + " deleted");
            // pass back a control id from in  the dialogue with which to close it
            result.put("controlId", "#rapid_P13_C13_");

        } else if ("RESTOREAPPBACKUP".equals(action)) {

            // get the id
            String backupId = jsonAction.getString("backupId");

            // get this backup folder
            File backupFolder = new File(app.getBackupFolder(servletContext, false) + "/" + backupId);

            // check it exists
            if (backupFolder.exists()) {

                // back up the current state of the application
                app.backup(rapidServlet, rapidRequest, false);

                // get the config folder
                File configFolder = new File(app.getConfigFolder(servletContext));

                // get the web folder
                File webFolder = new File(app.getWebFolder(servletContext));

                // get the backups folder
                File backupsFolder = new File(app.getBackupFolder(servletContext, false));

                // create a file object for restoring the config folder
                File configRestoreFolder = new File(
                        Application.getConfigFolder(servletContext, app.getId(), "_restore"));

                List<String> ignoreList = new ArrayList<String>();

                // copy the backup into the application restore folder
                Files.copyFolder(backupFolder, configRestoreFolder, ignoreList);

                // create a file object for the web content backup folder (which is currently sitting under the application)
                File webBackupFolder = new File(backupFolder + "/WebContent");

                // create a file object for the web content restore folder
                File webRestoreFolder = new File(
                        Application.getWebFolder(servletContext, app.getId(), "_restore"));

                // copy the web contents backup folder to the webcontent restore folder
                Files.copyFolder(webBackupFolder, webRestoreFolder);

                // get the backups destination folder
                File backupsRestoreFolder = new File(
                        Application.getBackupFolder(servletContext, app.getId(), "_restore", false));

                // copy in the backups
                Files.copyFolder(backupsFolder, backupsRestoreFolder);

                // delete the application config folder (this removes the webcontent and backups too so we do it here)

                // rename the restore folder to the application folder

                // delete the webcontent folder

                // rename the restore folder to the webconten folder

                // get the application file
                File applicationFile = new File(configFolder + "/application.xml");

                // reload the application
                app = Application.load(servletContext, applicationFile);

                // add it back to the collection

                // set the result message
                result.put("message", "Application " + backupId + " restored");
                // pass back a control id from in  the dialogue with which to close it
                result.put("controlId", "#rapid_P14_C13_");

            } else {

                // set the result message
                result.put("message", "Application backup " + backupId + " not found");


        } else if ("RESTOREPAGEBACKUP".equals(action)) {

            // get the id
            String backupId = jsonAction.getString("backupId");

            // turn the id into parts
            String[] idParts = backupId.split("_");

            // start the page name
            String pageName = idParts[0];
            // loop the remaining parts and build
            for (int i = 1; i < idParts.length - 3; i++) {
                pageName += "_" + idParts[i];

            // get the page
            Page page = app.getPages().getPageByName(servletContext, pageName);

            // create a file object for the page
            File pageFile = new File(page.getFile(servletContext, app));

            // create a backup for the current state
            page.backup(rapidServlet, rapidRequest, app, pageFile, false);

            // get this backup file
            File backupFile = new File(app.getBackupFolder(servletContext, false) + "/" + backupId);

            // copy it over the current page file
            Files.copyFile(backupFile, pageFile);

            // load the page from the backup 
            page = Page.load(servletContext, backupFile);

            // replace the current entry
            app.getPages().addPage(page, pageFile);

            // set the result message
            result.put("message", "Page backup " + appId + "/" + backupId + " restored");
            // pass back a control id from in  the dialogue with which to close it
            result.put("controlId", "#rapid_P15_C13_");

        } else if ("SAVEAPPBACKUPSIZE".equals(action)) {

            // get the max backup size
            int backupMaxSize = jsonAction.getInt("backupMaxSize");

            // pass it to the application

            // save the application
            app.save(rapidServlet, rapidRequest, false);

            // set the result message
            result.put("message", "Application backup max size updated to " + backupMaxSize);

        } else if ("SAVEPAGEBACKUPSIZE".equals(action)) {

            // get the max backup size
            int backupMaxSize = jsonAction.getInt("backupMaxSize");

            // pass it to the application

            // save the application
            app.save(rapidServlet, rapidRequest, false);

            // set the result message
            result.put("message", "Page backup max size updated to " + backupMaxSize);


        // sent back the new app id for the callback load
        if (newAppId != null)
            result.put("id", newAppId);

    } else {

        // send back an error
        result.put("error", "Application not found");


    return result;


From source file:com.vk.sdkweb.api.model.VKApiCommunity.java

 * Fills a community object from JSONObject
 * @param from JSONObject describes community object according with VK Docs.
 *//*w  w w  .  ja  v  a 2 s  .  c o  m*/
public VKApiCommunity parse(JSONObject from) {
    name = from.optString("name");
    screen_name = from.optString("screen_name", String.format("club%d", Math.abs(id)));
    is_closed = from.optInt("is_closed");
    is_admin = ParseUtils.parseBoolean(from, "is_admin");
    admin_level = from.optInt("admin_level");
    is_member = ParseUtils.parseBoolean(from, "is_member");

    photo_50 = from.optString("photo_50", PHOTO_50);
    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(photo_50)) {
        photo.add(VKApiPhotoSize.create(photo_50, 50));
    photo_100 = from.optString("photo_100", PHOTO_100);
    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(photo_100)) {
        photo.add(VKApiPhotoSize.create(photo_100, 100));
    photo_200 = from.optString("photo_200", null);
    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(photo_200)) {
        photo.add(VKApiPhotoSize.create(photo_200, 200));

    String type = from.optString("type", "group");
    if (TYPE_GROUP.equals(type)) {
        this.type = Type.GROUP;
    } else if (TYPE_PAGE.equals(type)) {
        this.type = Type.PAGE;
    } else if (TYPE_EVENT.equals(type)) {
        this.type = Type.EVENT;
    return this;

From source file:com.novemser.voicetest.utils.JsonParser.java

public static String parseLocalGrammarResult(String json) {
    StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer();
    try {/*from w  ww  .ja v a  2  s .c o m*/
        JSONTokener tokener = new JSONTokener(json);
        JSONObject joResult = new JSONObject(tokener);

        JSONArray words = joResult.getJSONArray("ws");
        for (int i = 0; i < words.length(); i++) {
            JSONArray items = words.getJSONObject(i).getJSONArray("cw");
            for (int j = 0; j < items.length(); j++) {
                JSONObject obj = items.getJSONObject(j);
                if (obj.getString("w").contains("nomatch")) {
                    return ret.toString();
                ret.append("?" + obj.getString("w"));
        ret.append("?" + joResult.optInt("sc"));

    } catch (Exception e) {
    return ret.toString();

From source file:com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.field.IntField.java

public static Field fromJson(SymbolTable symbolTable, JSONObject fieldJson) {
    String type = fieldJson.optString("type");
    if (type == null || !(type.equals("int") || type.equals("integer")))
        return null;
    String name = fieldJson.has("name") ? fieldJson.optString("name") : null;
    String label = fieldJson.has("label") ? fieldJson.optString("label") : null;
    String description = fieldJson.has("description") ? fieldJson.optString("description") : null;
    long defaultValue = fieldJson.has("default_value") ? fieldJson.optLong("default_value") : 0;
    long minValue = fieldJson.has("min_value") ? fieldJson.optLong("min_value") : Long.MIN_VALUE;
    long maxValue = fieldJson.has("max_value") ? fieldJson.optLong("max_value") : Long.MAX_VALUE;
    int nominalWidth = fieldJson.has("nominal_width") ? fieldJson.optInt("nominal_width") : 0;
    String compute = fieldJson.has("compute") ? fieldJson.optString("compute") : null;
    return new IntField(symbolTable, name, label, description, defaultValue, minValue, maxValue, nominalWidth,
            compute);//  ww w  . j  a v  a  2  s  . c  om

From source file:uguess.qucai.com.merchant.business.user.protocol.LoginProcess.java

protected void onResult(JSONObject o) {
    try {//from   w ww .  j  a v  a2 s .  c  o m
        int value = o.optInt(JSONUtil.STATUS_TAG);
        if (getStatus() == ProcessStatus.Status.Success) {
             * ?
            resultUser = getUserFromResult(o);

    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:uguess.qucai.com.merchant.business.user.protocol.LoginProcess.java

public User getUserFromResult(JSONObject o) {

    /**//  w  w w .  j ava 2s . c om
     * ?
    JSONObject body = JSONUtil.getResultBody(o);
    if (body != null) {
        String token = body.optString("token");
        String encrypt = body.optString("encrypt");
        String nickname = body.optString("nickname");
        String url = body.optString("portrait_url");
        String gender = body.optString("gender");
        String birthday = body.optString("birthday");
        String userName = body.optString("user_name");
        String userId = body.optString("user_id");
        String cellNum = body.optString("cell_num");
        String avatarsToken = body.optString("avatars_token");
        String imagesToken = body.optString("images_token");
        String documentToken = body.optString("document_token");
        String setPayPwd = body.optString("is_set_pay_pwd");
        int isNewUser = body.optInt("is_new_user");
        int grade = body.optInt("grade");
        String inviteCode = body.optString("invite_code");
        User resultUser = new User();
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(birthday)) {
            User user = Cache.getInstance().getUser();
            if (user.getConfirm() > 0) {
        } else {
        if (StringUtil.isEmpty(setPayPwd)) {
        } else {
            switch (setPayPwd) {
            case "0":
            case "1":
        if (paramUser.getLoginMode() > -1) {
        return resultUser;
    } else

        return null;

From source file:org.eclipse.orion.server.core.tasks.TaskInfo.java

 * Returns a task object based on its JSON representation. Returns
 * null if the given string is not a valid JSON task representation.
 * This function does not set <code>canBeCanceled</code>. The caller
 * must find out himself if the task can be canceled and set this flag.
 * @throws CorruptedTaskException // ww w.j av a2  s .  com
public static TaskInfo fromJSON(TaskDescription description, String taskString) throws CorruptedTaskException {
    TaskInfo info;
    try {
        JSONObject json = new JSONObject(taskString);
        info = new TaskInfo(description.getUserId(), description.getTaskId(), description.isKeep());
        if (json.has(KEY_EXPIRES))
            info.expires = new Date(json.getLong(KEY_EXPIRES));

        if (json.has(KEY_TIMESTAMP))
            info.timestamp = new Date(json.getLong(KEY_TIMESTAMP));

        info.lengthComputable = json.optBoolean(KEY_LENGTH_COMPUTABLE);
        if (json.has(KEY_LOADED))
            info.loaded = json.optInt(KEY_LOADED);
        if (json.has(KEY_TOTAL))
            info.total = json.getInt(KEY_TOTAL);

        if (json.has(KEY_TYPE))
            info.status = TaskStatus.fromString(json.optString(KEY_TYPE));

        if (json.has(KEY_RESULT))
            info.result = ServerStatus.fromJSON(json.optString(KEY_RESULT));
        if (json.has(KEY_LOCATION_ONLY)) {
            info.locationOnly = json.optBoolean(KEY_LOCATION_ONLY);

        return info;
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        throw new CorruptedTaskException(taskString, e);

From source file:org.smilec.smile.bu.json.ResultsJSONParser.java

public static final Results process(JSONObject object) {

    int winnerScore = object.optInt(WINNER_SCORE);
    float winnerRating = object.optLong(WINNER_RATING);

    JSONArray optJSONArray = object.optJSONArray(BEST_SCORED_STUDENT_NAMES);
    JSONArray bestScoredStudentNames = optJSONArray == null ? new JSONArray() : optJSONArray;

    JSONArray bestRatedQuestionStudentNames = optJSONArray2 == null ? new JSONArray() : optJSONArray2;

    JSONArray optJSONArray3 = object.optJSONArray(RIGHT_ANSWERS);
    JSONArray rightAnswers = optJSONArray3 == null ? new JSONArray() : optJSONArray3;

    int numberOfQuestions = object.optInt(NUMBER_OF_QUESTIONS);

    JSONArray optJSONArray4 = object.optJSONArray(AVERAGE_RATINGS);
    JSONArray averageRatings = optJSONArray4 == null ? new JSONArray() : optJSONArray4;

    JSONArray questionsCorrectPercentage = optJSONArray5 == null ? new JSONArray() : optJSONArray5;

    Results results = new Results(winnerScore, winnerRating, bestScoredStudentNames,
            bestRatedQuestionStudentNames, numberOfQuestions, rightAnswers, averageRatings,

    return results;


From source file:org.catnut.service.UpgradeService.java

private void checkout() throws Exception {
    URL url = new URL(METADATA_URL);
    InputStream inputStream = url.openStream();
    Scanner in = new Scanner(inputStream).useDelimiter("\\A");
    if (in.hasNext()) {
        JSONObject metadata = new JSONObject(in.next());
        PackageInfo info = getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(getPackageName(), 0);
        if (info.versionCode < metadata.optInt(FIELD_VERSION_CODE)) {
            Notification.InboxStyle style = new Notification.InboxStyle(mBuilder);
            String size = metadata.optString("size");
            style.setBigContentTitle(getString(R.string.find_new_version, size));
            JSONArray messages = metadata.optJSONArray("messages");
            for (int i = 0; i < messages.length(); i++) {
            }/*from w  w  w . ja  v a  2s .c o  m*/
            // download&upgrade intent
            Intent download = new Intent(this, UpgradeService.class);
            download.putExtra(DOWNLOAD_LINK, metadata.optString(DOWNLOAD_LINK));
            PendingIntent piDownload = PendingIntent.getService(this, 0, download, 0);
            mBuilder.addAction(R.drawable.ic_stat_download_dark, getString(R.string.down_load_and_upgrade),
            // dismiss notification
            Intent dismiss = new Intent(this, UpgradeService.class);
            PendingIntent piDismiss = PendingIntent.getService(this, 0, dismiss, 0);
            mBuilder.addAction(R.drawable.ic_stat_content_remove_dark, getString(R.string.not_upgrade_now),
            // show it.
            mNotificationManager.notify(ID, mBuilder.setDefaults(Notification.DEFAULT_ALL).build());
        } else {
            new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).post(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    Toast.makeText(UpgradeService.this, getString(R.string.already_updated), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)

From source file:com.vk.sdkweb.api.model.VKApiComment.java

 * Fills a Comment instance from JSONObject.
 *//*from   w w w  . j a va2  s . c  om*/
public VKApiComment parse(JSONObject from) throws JSONException {
    id = from.optInt("id");
    from_id = from.optInt("from_id");
    date = from.optLong("date");
    text = from.optString("text");
    reply_to_user = from.optInt("reply_to_user");
    reply_to_comment = from.optInt("reply_to_comment");
    JSONObject likes = from.optJSONObject("likes");
    this.likes = ParseUtils.parseInt(likes, "count");
    this.user_likes = ParseUtils.parseBoolean(likes, "user_likes");
    this.can_like = ParseUtils.parseBoolean(likes, "can_like");
    return this;