List of usage examples for org.json JSONObject names
public JSONArray names()
From source
public void fromJSONProfile(String jsonProfile, PhotoProject project) { photoSeries = new LinkedList<>(); try {//from w ww .jav a 2 s .c om JSONObject jsa = new JSONObject(jsonProfile); ReceivePhotoSerie[] psArray = new ReceivePhotoSerie[jsa.names().length()]; for (int i = 0; i < jsa.names().length(); i++) { JSONObject seriesArray = (JSONObject) jsa.get(jsa.names().getString(i)); ReceivePhotoSerie ps = new ReceivePhotoSerie(project); ps.setName(jsa.names().get(i).toString()); ps.setNumberOfPlannedPhotos(seriesArray.getInt(; ps.setExposureTimeInMs(seriesArray.getLong(; psArray[seriesArray.getInt("ORDER_NUMBER")] = ps; } for (ReceivePhotoSerie ps : psArray) { photoSeries.add(ps); } } catch (JSONException ex) { Logger.getLogger(PhotoProjectProfile.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
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public void download(final List<String> postID) { final DatabaseManager databaseManager = new DatabaseManager(this); try {/* w ww . j ava 2 s.c o m*/ final int num = postID.size() - 1; final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(num); final Executor executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(15); for (int i = 1; i <= postID.size() - 1; i++) { final int count = i; final int index = Integer.parseInt(postID.get(i)); executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { if (index != 404) { String url = String.format(POST_URL, index); Request newReq = new Request.Builder().url(url).build(); Response newResp = BlogsiteApplication.getInstance().client.newCall(newReq) .execute(); if (!newResp.isSuccessful() && !(newResp.code() == 404) && !(newResp.code() == 403)) { Log.e("The Jones Theory", "Error: " + newResp.code() + "URL: " + url); LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(PostDownloader.this) .sendBroadcast(new Intent(DOWNLOAD_FAIL)); throw new IOException(); } if (newResp.code() == 404) { return; } String resp = newResp.body().string(); JSONObject jObject = new JSONObject(resp); Posts item1 = new Posts(); //If the item is not a post break out of loop and ignore it if (!(jObject.optString("type").equals("post"))) { return; } item1.setTitle(jObject.optString("title")); item1.setContent(jObject.optString("content")); item1.setExcerpt(jObject.optString("excerpt")); item1.setPostID(jObject.optInt("ID")); item1.setURL(jObject.optString("URL")); //Parse the Date! String date = jObject.optString("date"); SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ"); Date newDate = format.parse(date); format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); date = format.format(newDate); item1.setDate(date); //Cuts out all the Child nodes and gets only the tags. JSONObject Tobj = new JSONObject(jObject.optString("tags")); JSONArray Tarray = Tobj.names(); String tagsList = null; if (Tarray != null && (Tarray.length() > 0)) { for (int c = 0; c < Tarray.length(); c++) { if (tagsList != null) { String thisTag = Tarray.getString(c); tagsList = tagsList + ", " + thisTag; } else { String thisTag = Tarray.getString(c); tagsList = thisTag; } } item1.setTags(tagsList); } else { item1.setTags(""); } JSONObject Cobj = new JSONObject(jObject.optString("categories")); JSONArray Carray = Cobj.names(); String catsList = null; if (Carray != null && (Carray.length() > 0)) { for (int c = 0; c < Carray.length(); c++) { if (catsList != null) { String thisCat = Carray.getString(c); catsList = catsList + ", " + thisCat; } else { String thisCat = Carray.getString(c); catsList = thisCat; } } item1.setCategories(catsList); } else { item1.setCategories(""); } Integer ImageLength = jObject.optString("featured_image").length(); if (ImageLength == 0) { item1.setFeaturedImage(null); } else { item1.setFeaturedImage(jObject.optString("featured_image")); } if (item1 != null) { databaseManager.addPost(item1); Log.d("PostDownloader", index + " database..."); double progress = ((double) count / num) * 100; setProgress((int) progress, item1.getTitle(), count); Intent intent = new Intent(DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS); intent.putExtra(PROGRESS, progress); intent.putExtra(NUMBER, num); intent.putExtra(TITLE, item1.getTitle()); LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(PostDownloader.this).sendBroadcast(intent); } } } catch (IOException | JSONException | ParseException e) { if (SharedPrefs.getInstance().isFirstDownload()) { SharedPrefs.getInstance().setFirstDownload(false); } SharedPrefs.getInstance().setDownloading(false); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { latch.countDown(); } } }); } try { latch.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (SharedPrefs.getInstance().isFirstDownload()) { SharedPrefs.getInstance().setFirstDownload(false); } SharedPrefs.getInstance().setDownloading(false); LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this).sendBroadcast(new Intent(DOWNLOAD_FAIL)); mBuilder.setContentText("Download failed.").setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_action_file_download) .setAutoCancel(true).setProgress(0, 0, false).setOngoing(false); mNotifyManager.notify(NOTIF_ID,; throw new IOException(e); } if (SharedPrefs.getInstance().isFirstDownload()) { SharedPrefs.getInstance().setFirstDownload(false); } SharedPrefs.getInstance().setDownloading(false); Log.d("PostDownloader", "Broadcast Sent!"); Log.d("The Jones Theory", "download - Downloading = " + SharedPrefs.getInstance().isDownloading()); Intent mainActIntent = new Intent(this, MainActivity.class); PendingIntent clickIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 57836, mainActIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT); LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this).sendBroadcast(new Intent(DOWNLOAD_SUCCESS)); mBuilder.setContentText("Download complete").setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_action_done) .setProgress(0, 0, false).setContentIntent(clickIntent).setAutoCancel(true).setOngoing(false); mNotifyManager.notify(NOTIF_ID,; } catch (IOException e) { if (SharedPrefs.getInstance().isFirstDownload()) { SharedPrefs.getInstance().setFirstDownload(false); } SharedPrefs.getInstance().setLastRedownladTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); SharedPrefs.getInstance().setDownloading(false); e.printStackTrace(); LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this).sendBroadcast(new Intent(DOWNLOAD_FAIL)); mBuilder.setContentText("Download failed.").setProgress(0, 0, false).setAutoCancel(true) .setOngoing(false); mNotifyManager.notify(NOTIF_ID,; } }
From source
@JavascriptInterface // #endif// w w w .j av a 2s . c o m @SupportJavascriptInterface @Description("Load the url into the webview.") @Asynchronous(retVal = "none, will load the specified URL in the webview") @Params({ @Param(name = "callId", description = "The method correlator between javascript and java."), @Param(name = "url", description = "URL to be loaded in the web browser"), @Param(name = "props", description = "Specifies the parameters for customizing the loadUrl experience. Look at " + "WAIT_KEY, OPEN_EXTR_KEY and CLEAR_HISTORY_KEY. If the OPEN_EXTR_KEY is specified then this object can also contain additional " + "parameters which need to be passed to the external viewer in the intent. The other keys can only be integer, boolean or string") }) public void loadUrl(final String callId, String url, JSONObject props) throws JSONException { Log.d(TAG, "loadUrl(" + url + "," + props + ")"); int wait = 0; boolean openExternal = false; boolean clearHistory = false; // If there are properties, then set them on the Activity HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (props != null) { JSONArray keys = props.names(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length(); i++) { String key = keys.getString(i); if (key.equals(WAIT_KEY)) { wait = props.getInt(key); } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase(OPEN_EXTR_KEY)) { openExternal = props.getBoolean(key); } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase(CLEAR_HISTORY_KEY)) { clearHistory = props.getBoolean(key); } else { Object value = props.get(key); if (value == null) { } else if (value.getClass().equals(String.class)) { params.put(key, (String) value); } else if (value.getClass().equals(Boolean.class)) { params.put(key, (Boolean) value); } else if (value.getClass().equals(Integer.class)) { params.put(key, (Integer) value); } } } } // If wait property, then delay loading if (wait > 0) { try { synchronized (this) { this.wait(wait); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } getWebView().showWebPage(url, openExternal, clearHistory, params); }
From source
private JSONObject createTrackProperties(Track track, String trackSensorName) throws JSONException { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); result.put("sensor", trackSensorName); result.put("description", track.getDescription()); result.put("name", track.getName()); if (track.getMetadata() != null) { JSONObject json = track.getMetadata().toJson(); JSONArray names = json.names(); for (int i = 0; i < names.length(); i++) { result.put(names.get(i).toString(), json.getString(names.get(i).toString())); }/*from w w w . java2 s. c o m*/ } return result; }
From source
public static void getFlows(JSONObject Summary) throws JSONException, SQLException, IOException { /* /* w w w. j a v m*/ * LOGICA PARA SACAR LA LISTA DE SWITCHES QUE CONTIENEN FLUJOS Y * LOS FLUJOS INSTALADOS EN CADA SWITCH Y SUS VARIABLES PARA * LA BASE DE DATOS */ JSONArray AS = Summary.names(); // Arreglo de Switches conectados for (int i = 0; i < Summary.length(); i++) { JSONObject s = Summary.getJSONObject(AS.getString(i)); // Se obtiene el JSONObject de los flujos que pertenece a cada switch JSONArray arr = s.names(); // Arreglo con los nombres de los flujos para ser recorrido for (int j = 0; j < s.length(); j++) { JSONObject t = s.getJSONObject(arr.getString(j)); // Se obtiene el JSONObject con los datos del flujo actual JSONObject match = t.getJSONObject("match"); // Se obtiene el JSONObject con los matchs del flujo actual int priority = t.getInt("priority"); // Se obtiene la prioridad del flujo actual int InputPort = match.getInt("inputPort"); // Se obtiene el inputPort del flujo actual JSONArray action = t.getJSONArray("actions"); // Se obtiene el JSONArray con los actions del flujo actual JSONObject actions = action.getJSONObject(0); // Se obtiene el JSONObject con el action del flujo actual int OutputPort = actions.getInt("port"); // Se obtiene el outputPort del flujo actual String accion = actions.getString("type"); // Se obtiene el tipo de la accion del flujo actual DBManager dbm = new DBManager(); String sname = arr.getString(j); int switchh = dbm.getIndex(AS.getString(i)); dbm.InsertFlow(j, i, sname, priority, InputPort, accion, OutputPort); } } }
From source
public static void getPortStatistics(JSONObject PortSummary) throws JSONException { JSONArray PortNames;/*from w ww . j a v a 2s . com*/ PortNames = PortSummary.names(); for (int i = 0; i < PortSummary.length(); i++) { //se obtiene el arreglo que contiene las caracteristicas //del swich actual JSONArray pri = PortSummary.getJSONArray(PortNames.getString(i)); for (int j = 0; j < pri.length(); j++) { System.out.println("\n estadisticas generales del swich " + PortNames.getString(i)); //se obtiene el objeto JSON con las estadisticas de cada puerto JSONObject pre = pri.getJSONObject(j); int portNumber, receiveBytes, collisions, transmitBytes; int transmitPackets, receivePackets; portNumber = pre.getInt("portNumber"); receiveBytes = pre.getInt("receiveBytes"); collisions = pre.getInt("collisions"); transmitBytes = pre.getInt("transmitBytes"); transmitPackets = pre.getInt("transmitPackets"); receivePackets = pre.getInt("receivePackets"); // SE DEBE VERIFICAR UNA VARIABLE 'DATE' PARA ENVIAR A LA BASE DE DATOS Y QUE SEA EL EJE X DE UNA POSIBLE GRAFICA //DBManager dbm = new DBManager(); //String sname = arr.getString(j); //int switchh = dbm.getIndex(AS.getString(i)); //dbm.InsertPortStatistics(j,i,portNumber,receiveBytes,collisions,transmitBytes,transmitPackets,receivePackets); //System.out.println("portNumber: " + portNumber); //System.out.println("receiveBytes: " + receiveBytes); //System.out.println("collisions: " + collisions); //System.out.println("transmitBytes: " + transmitBytes); //System.out.println("transmitPackets: " + transmitPackets); //System.out.println("receivePackets: " + receivePackets); } } }
From source
public static void getFlowStatistics(JSONObject FlowSummary) throws JSONException { JSONArray SFlowNames = FlowSummary.names(); //se obtiene el arreglo de equipos que tienen flujos activos for (int i = 0; i < SFlowNames.length(); i++) { //se obtienen las estadisticas de los flujos del switch actual JSONArray FlowStatistics = FlowSummary.getJSONArray(SFlowNames.getString(i)); for (int j = 0; j < FlowStatistics.length(); j++) { JSONObject FlowMatch;/*from w w w. jav a 2s. c o m*/ int packetCount, byteCount, FlowMatchPort, durationSeconds; //se obtiene las estadisticas del flujos actual JSONObject flow = FlowStatistics.getJSONObject(j); packetCount = flow.getInt("packetCount"); byteCount = flow.getInt("byteCount"); durationSeconds = flow.getInt("durationSeconds"); //las estadisticas floodlight las organiza de acuerdo a como //se instalaron //los flujos,asi mismo actualmente se determina a cual //flujo pertenece //usando los if. //CUANDO SE INSERTE TODO EN LA DB, ESTA PARTE NO SERA NECESARIA //PORQUE PARA SABER EL FLUJO AL QUE PERTENECE, SOLO SE HARIAN //COMPARACION DE LOS SELECTS DE LA TABLAS FLUJOS Y ESTADISTICAS //POR FLUJOS //COMPARANDO INPUTPORT,OUTPUTPORT Y LA ACCION A EJECUTAR //if(j==0) { // System.out.println("\n estadisticas especificas del " // + "flujo 1"); //} else { // System.out.println("\n estadisticas especificas del " // + "flujo 2"); //} System.out.println("Estadisticas especificas del flujo: " + j + "\n"); System.out.println("packetCount: " + packetCount); System.out.println("byteCount: " + byteCount); System.out.println("durationSeconds: " + durationSeconds); FlowMatch = flow.getJSONObject("match"); FlowMatchPort = FlowMatch.getInt("inputPort"); System.out.println("puerto de entrada: " + FlowMatchPort); JSONArray FlowActions; //se obtiene el arreglos de acciones que tiene el flujo actual FlowActions = flow.getJSONArray("actions"); int FlowOutport; String FlowType; JSONObject FActions; //se obtiene la accion correspondiente al flujo FActions = FlowActions.getJSONObject(0); FlowOutport = FActions.getInt("port"); FlowType = FActions.getString("type"); System.out.println("accion a ejecutar: " + FlowType); System.out.println("puerto de salida: " + FlowOutport + "\n"); } } }
From source
public static JSONObject removeNamespacesFromOGJsonObject(JSONObject jsonObject, boolean requireNamespace) { if (jsonObject == null) { return null; }/*w w w . j ava 2 s .c o m*/ try { JSONObject newJsonObject = new JSONObject(); JSONObject data = new JSONObject(); JSONArray names = jsonObject.names(); for (int i = 0; i < names.length(); ++i) { String key = names.getString(i); Object value = null; value = jsonObject.get(key); if (value instanceof JSONObject) { value = removeNamespacesFromOGJsonObject((JSONObject) value, true); } else if (value instanceof JSONArray) { value = removeNamespacesFromOGJsonArray((JSONArray) value, true); } Pair<String, String> fieldNameAndNamespace = getFieldNameAndNamespaceFromFullName(key); String namespace = fieldNameAndNamespace.first; String fieldName = fieldNameAndNamespace.second; if (requireNamespace) { if (namespace != null && namespace.equals("fbsdk")) { newJsonObject.put(key, value); } else if (namespace == null || namespace.equals("og")) { newJsonObject.put(fieldName, value); } else { data.put(fieldName, value); } } else if (namespace != null && namespace.equals("fb")) { newJsonObject.put(key, value); } else { newJsonObject.put(fieldName, value); } } if (data.length() > 0) { newJsonObject.put("data", data); } return newJsonObject; } catch (JSONException e) { throw new FacebookException("Failed to create json object from share content"); } }
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/** * Fetches and returns Places by sending the provided request * @param request the JSON request//from ww w .j a v a2 m * @return the list of matching places * @throws IOException * @throws JSONException */ private List<Place> getPlaces(String request) throws IOException, JSONException { List<Place> places = new ArrayList<Place>(); // Post and parse request JSONObject obj = PlaceUtil.postJsonRequest(mProviderUrl, "data=" + URLEncoder.encode(request)); JSONArray elements = obj.getJSONArray("elements"); for (int i = 0; i < elements.length(); i++) { JSONObject element = elements.getJSONObject(i); Place place = new Place(); place.setLatitude(element.getDouble("lat")); place.setLongitude(element.getDouble("lon")); JSONObject tags = element.getJSONObject("tags"); JSONArray tagNames = tags.names(); for (int j = 0; j < tagNames.length(); j++) { String tagName = tagNames.getString(j); String tagValue = tags.getString(tagName); // TODO: TAG_PHONE can contain multiple numbers "number1;number2" putTag(place, tagName, tagValue); } places.add(place); } return places; }
From source
private String getFilterSlug() { String projDetailURL;// ww w .ja va2 s . c o m int issuesPerPage; JSONArray status; JSONArray priority; int numStatuses; int numPriorities; boolean[] filterStatus; boolean[] filterPriority; try { JSONObject filters = mSifterHelper.getFiltersFile(); if (filters.length() == 0) return ""; issuesPerPage = filters.getInt(IssuesActivity.PER_PAGE); status = filters.getJSONArray(IssuesActivity.STATUS); priority = filters.getJSONArray(IssuesActivity.PRIORITY); numStatuses = status.length(); numPriorities = priority.length(); filterStatus = new boolean[numStatuses]; filterPriority = new boolean[numPriorities]; for (int i = 0; i < numStatuses; i++) filterStatus[i] = status.getBoolean(i); for (int i = 0; i < numPriorities; i++) filterPriority[i] = priority.getBoolean(i); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); mSifterHelper.onException(e.toString()); return ""; } projDetailURL = "?" + IssuesActivity.PER_PAGE + "=" + issuesPerPage; projDetailURL += "&" + IssuesActivity.GOTO_PAGE + "=1"; JSONObject statuses; JSONObject priorities; JSONArray statusNames; JSONArray priorityNames; try { JSONObject sifterJSONObject = mSifterHelper.getSifterFilters(); statuses = sifterJSONObject.getJSONObject(IssuesActivity.STATUSES); priorities = sifterJSONObject.getJSONObject(IssuesActivity.PRIORITIES); statusNames = statuses.names(); priorityNames = priorities.names(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); mSifterHelper.onException(e.toString()); return ""; } try { String filterSlug = "&s="; for (int i = 0; i < numStatuses; i++) { if (filterStatus[i]) filterSlug += String.valueOf(statuses.getInt(statusNames.getString(i))) + "-"; } if (filterSlug.length() > 3) { filterSlug = filterSlug.substring(0, filterSlug.length() - 1); projDetailURL += filterSlug; } filterSlug = "&p="; for (int i = 0; i < numPriorities; i++) { if (filterPriority[i]) filterSlug += String.valueOf(priorities.getInt(priorityNames.getString(i))) + "-"; } if (filterSlug.length() > 3) { filterSlug = filterSlug.substring(0, filterSlug.length() - 1); projDetailURL += filterSlug; } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); mSifterHelper.onException(e.toString()); return ""; } return projDetailURL; }