Example usage for org.json JSONObject length

List of usage examples for org.json JSONObject length


In this page you can find the example usage for org.json JSONObject length.


public int length() 

Source Link


Get the number of keys stored in the JSONObject.


From source file:org.eclipse.orion.server.tests.servlets.git.GitMergeSquashTest.java

public void testMergeSquashIntoLocalFailedDirtyWorkTree() throws Exception {
    // clone a repo
    URI workspaceLocation = createWorkspace(getMethodName());
    String workspaceId = workspaceIdFromLocation(workspaceLocation);
    JSONObject project = createProjectOrLink(workspaceLocation, getMethodName(), null);
    IPath clonePath = getClonePath(workspaceId, project);
    clone(clonePath);/*from   w w  w.j a  v a 2s.  c  o  m*/

    // get project metadata
    WebRequest request = getGetRequest(project.getString(ProtocolConstants.KEY_CONTENT_LOCATION));
    WebResponse response = webConversation.getResponse(request);
    assertEquals(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, response.getResponseCode());
    project = new JSONObject(response.getText());
    JSONObject gitSection = project.getJSONObject(GitConstants.KEY_GIT);
    String gitHeadUri = gitSection.getString(GitConstants.KEY_HEAD);
    String gitRemoteUri = gitSection.getString(GitConstants.KEY_REMOTE);

    // add a parallel commit in secondary clone and push it to the remote
    JSONObject project2 = createProjectOrLink(workspaceLocation, getMethodName() + "2", null);
    IPath clonePath2 = getClonePath(workspaceId, project2);

    // get project2 metadata
    request = getGetRequest(project2.getString(ProtocolConstants.KEY_CONTENT_LOCATION));
    response = webConversation.getResponse(request);
    assertEquals(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, response.getResponseCode());
    project2 = new JSONObject(response.getText());
    JSONObject gitSection2 = project2.getJSONObject(GitConstants.KEY_GIT);
    String gitRemoteUri2 = gitSection2.getString(GitConstants.KEY_REMOTE);

    JSONObject testTxt = getChild(project2, "test.txt");
    modifyFile(testTxt, "change in secondary");
    commitFile(testTxt, "commit on branch", false);

    ServerStatus pushStatus = push(gitRemoteUri2, 1, 0, Constants.MASTER, Constants.HEAD, false);
    assertEquals(true, pushStatus.isOK());

    // modify on master and try to merge
    testTxt = getChild(project, "test.txt");
    modifyFile(testTxt, "dirty");

    JSONObject masterDetails = getRemoteBranch(gitRemoteUri, 1, 0, Constants.MASTER);
    String masterLocation = masterDetails.getString(ProtocolConstants.KEY_LOCATION);
    JSONObject merge = merge(gitHeadUri, Constants.DEFAULT_REMOTE_NAME + "/" + Constants.MASTER, true);

    MergeStatus mergeResult = MergeStatus.valueOf(merge.getString(GitConstants.KEY_RESULT));
    assertEquals(MergeStatus.FAILED, mergeResult);
    JSONObject failingPaths = merge.getJSONObject(GitConstants.KEY_FAILING_PATHS);
    assertEquals(1, failingPaths.length());

From source file:org.eclipse.orion.server.tests.servlets.git.GitMergeSquashTest.java

public void testMergeSquashFailedDirtyWorkTree() throws Exception {
    // clone a repo
    URI workspaceLocation = createWorkspace(getMethodName());
    String workspaceId = workspaceIdFromLocation(workspaceLocation);
    JSONObject project = createProjectOrLink(workspaceLocation, getMethodName(), null);
    IPath clonePath = getClonePath(workspaceId, project);
    JSONObject clone = clone(clonePath);
    String cloneLocation = clone.getString(ProtocolConstants.KEY_LOCATION);
    String branchesLocation = clone.getString(GitConstants.KEY_BRANCH);

    // get project metadata
    WebRequest request = getGetRequest(project.getString(ProtocolConstants.KEY_CONTENT_LOCATION));
    WebResponse response = webConversation.getResponse(request);
    assertEquals(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, response.getResponseCode());
    project = new JSONObject(response.getText());
    JSONObject gitSection = project.getJSONObject(GitConstants.KEY_GIT);

    final String branch = "branch";

    branch(branchesLocation, branch);/*from w ww . j av a 2  s .co m*/
    checkoutBranch(cloneLocation, branch);

    // create commit on branch
    JSONObject testTxt = getChild(project, "test.txt");
    modifyFile(testTxt, "change in a");
    commitFile(testTxt, "commit on branch", false);

    // assert clean
    gitSection = project.getJSONObject(GitConstants.KEY_GIT);
    String gitStatusUri = gitSection.getString(GitConstants.KEY_STATUS);
    assertStatus(StatusResult.CLEAN, gitStatusUri);

    // checkout 'master'
    checkoutBranch(cloneLocation, Constants.MASTER);

    // modify the same file on master
    modifyFile(testTxt, "change in master");

    gitSection = project.getJSONObject(GitConstants.KEY_GIT);
    gitStatusUri = gitSection.getString(GitConstants.KEY_STATUS);
    String gitHeadUri = gitSection.getString(GitConstants.KEY_HEAD);

    commitFile(testTxt, "commit on master", false);

    // modify again
    modifyFile(testTxt, "change in the working dir");

    // assert clean
    assertStatus(new StatusResult().setModified(1), gitStatusUri);

    // merge: "git merge branch"
    JSONObject merge = merge(gitHeadUri, branch, true);
    MergeStatus mergeResult = MergeStatus.valueOf(merge.getString(GitConstants.KEY_RESULT));
    assertEquals(MergeStatus.FAILED, mergeResult);
    JSONObject failingPaths = merge.getJSONObject(GitConstants.KEY_FAILING_PATHS);
    assertEquals(1, failingPaths.length());

From source file:com.serli.open.data.poitiers.jobs.configuration.GenerateConfigurationFiles.java

public static void generateConfFile(String JsonFile) throws JSONException, IOException {
    JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(JsonFile);
    JSONObject properties = obj.getJSONObject("properties");

    Settings settings = SettingsRepository.INSTANCE.getAllSettings();
    Map<String, Object> parsing = new HashMap<>();

    for (int i = 0; i < properties.length() - 1; i++) {
        parsing.put(properties.getJSONObject("" + i).getString("champES"),
                properties.getJSONObject("" + i).getString("champJson"));
    }/*from w  ww  .  j a  v a2s. co m*/
    parsing.put("location", "location");
    settings.conf.put(obj.getString("type"), parsing);


From source file:com.serli.open.data.poitiers.jobs.configuration.GenerateConfigurationFiles.java

public static void generateESMapping(String jsonFile) throws JSONException {
    Settings settings = SettingsRepository.INSTANCE.getAllSettings();
    JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jsonFile);
    String type = json.getString("type");
    JSONObject properties = json.getJSONObject("properties");

    String content;//from  w  w w. j  a v a  2  s  .co m

    content = "{\n" + "   \"" + type + "\" : {\n" + "       \"properties\" : {\n";

    for (int i = 0; i < properties.length(); i++) {
        if (!properties.getJSONObject("" + i + "").getString("champES").equals("location")) {
            //Only "not-analyzed" fields
            if (properties.getJSONObject("" + i + "").getString("mapping").equals("true")) {
                content += "          \"" + properties.getJSONObject("" + i + "").getString("champES")
                        + "\" : { \n" + "               \"type\" : \"string\", \n"
                        + "               \"index\" : \"not_analyzed\" \n" + "           }, \n";
        } else {
            //Location is always a "geo-point"
            content += "          \"location\" : { \n" + "               \"type\" : \"geo_point\"\n"
                    + "           } \n" + "       } \n" + "   } \n" + "} \n";

    settings.mapping.put(type, content);


From source file:ti.notificare.NotificareTitaniumAndroidModule.java

 * Transform a JSONObject into a Map/*www  .j  a v a  2 s.co  m*/
 * @see NotificareTitaniumAndroidModule#jsonToObject(Object) for mapping details
 * @param json
 * @return
private static KrollDict jsonToMap(JSONObject json) {
    KrollDict map = new KrollDict(json.length());
    for (Iterator<String> iter = json.keys(); iter.hasNext();) {
        String key = iter.next();
        try {
            Object value = json.get(key);
            map.put(key, jsonToObject(value));
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "JSON error: " + e.getMessage());
    return map;

From source file:com.brainasylum.andruid.UniqueIdentifierManager.java

public synchronized void clearUdid(Context context) {
    // if permissions are granted, remove the identifier from
    // the storage bundle...
    if (canWriteExternalStorage(context)) {
        File file = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/" + FILE_DIR, FILE_NAME);
        if (file.exists()) {
            try {
                FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
                byte[] buffer = new byte[(int) file.length()];
                fis.read(buffer);/*w w w . j  av a2s . c  o  m*/
                JSONObject root = new JSONObject(new String(buffer));
                String applicationName = context.getApplicationInfo().packageName;
                if (root.has(applicationName)) {
                    JSONObject values = root.getJSONObject(applicationName);
                    if (values.has(_identifier.getKey())) {
                        // remove the identifier value and if it's the
                        // last one in the object remove the application
                        // node itself
                        if (values.length() == 0) {
                        FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                Log.e(TAG, "I/O error with file " + file.getAbsolutePath(), e);
            } catch (JSONException e) {
                Log.e(TAG, "JSON error with file " + file.getAbsolutePath(), e);
    // ... then remove it from the shared preferences...
    SharedPreferences prefs = context.getSharedPreferences(_identifier.getTag(), Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
    // ... and clear the instance cached value.
    _udid = null;

From source file:isbnfilter.ISBNConverter.java

public void createNewFile(List<String[]> isbns) throws IOException, JSONException {
    int contCorrectos = 0, contIncorrectos = 0, cont = 1;
    List<String> finalLines = new ArrayList();
    finalLines.add(finalLine);//  w w w  . j  a  v  a 2 s  . co  m
    for (int i = 0; i < isbns.size(); i++) {

        if (cont % 1000 == 0) //Para que avise cada X cantidad
            System.out.println("van " + cont + " isbns");

        JSONObject jobj = getJSON(isbns.get(i)[0], cont);
        if (jobj.length() != 0) {
            if (i == 11) {
                i = i + 1;
                i = i - 1;
            try {
                String[] fileValues = isbns.get(i);
                String line = isbns.get(i)[0] + "|-|";

                JSONObject objobj = jobj.getJSONObject("ISBN:" + isbns.get(i)[0]);

                if (!objobj.isNull("title")) {
                    String title = objobj.getString("title");
                    line += title;
                } else {
                    //line += "NOTITLE";
                    line += fileValues[1];

                line += "|-|";

                if (!objobj.isNull("authors")) {
                    List<String> authors = new ArrayList();
                    JSONArray arrayAuthors = objobj.getJSONArray("authors");
                    for (int j = 0; j < arrayAuthors.length(); j++) {
                        JSONObject subjectObj = arrayAuthors.getJSONObject(j);
                    for (String author : authors) {
                        line += author + "|";
                    line = line.substring(0, line.length() - 1);
                } else {
                    //line += "NOAUTHOR";
                    line += fileValues[2];

                line += "|-|";

                if (!objobj.isNull("excerpts")) {
                    List<String> authors = new ArrayList();
                    JSONArray arrayAuthors = objobj.getJSONArray("excerpts");
                    for (int j = 0; j < arrayAuthors.length(); j++) {
                        JSONObject subjectObj = arrayAuthors.getJSONObject(j);
                    for (String author : authors) {
                        line += author + "|";
                    line = line.substring(0, line.length() - 1);
                } else {
                    line += "NODESCRIPTION";

                line += "|-|";

                if (!objobj.isNull("subjects")) {
                    List<String> genres = new ArrayList();
                    JSONArray arraySubjects = objobj.getJSONArray("subjects");
                    for (int j = 0; j < arraySubjects.length(); j++) {
                        JSONObject subjectObj = arraySubjects.getJSONObject(j);

                    for (String genre : genres) {
                        line += genre + "|";
                    line = line.substring(0, line.length() - 1);
                } else {
                    line += "NOGENRE";

                line += "|-|";

                if (!objobj.isNull("cover")) {
                    String img = "NOIMAGE";
                    JSONObject covers = objobj.getJSONObject("cover");
                    if (!covers.isNull("medium"))
                        img = covers.getString("medium");
                    else {
                        if (!covers.isNull("large"))
                            img = covers.getString("large");
                        else {
                            if (!covers.isNull("small"))
                                img = covers.getString("small");
                    line += img;
                } else
                    line += "NOIMAGE";

                line += "|-|";
                line += fileValues[3];
                line += "|-|";
                line += fileValues[4];

            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.out.println("algo raro pas");
        } else {
        if (cont > 10000)
            i = isbns.size();
    //De aqu para abajo imprime los ISBN (slo eso imprime)
    PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter("C:\\Users\\jcdur\\Desktop\\ISBN\\siSirven.txt", "UTF-8"); //Cambiar path
    for (String theISBN1 : finalLines) {
    System.out.println("correctos: " + contCorrectos + "/" + cont);
    System.out.println("incorrectos: " + contIncorrectos + "/" + cont);

From source file:com.reignite.parser.QueryParser.java

 * Where has either and / or or a field eg: where:{and:[...,...]} or
 * where:{or:[...,...]} or where:{id:{eq:23}}
 * /*from   w  w w. j a v  a 2 s .  c  o  m*/
 * @param query
 * @param jobj
 * @throws JSONException
private void addWhereClause(JSONObject jobj) throws ParserException {
    if (jobj.has("where")) {
        JSONObject where;
        try {
            where = jobj.getJSONObject("where");
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            throw new ParserException("the where clause must be a JSON Object: " + query.toString());
        if (where.length() == 0) {

From source file:waveimport.RobotApi.java

private JSONObject callRobotApi(String method, Map<String, Object> params) throws IOException {
    JSONArray ops = new JSONArray();
    try {// ww w  . j  ava 2 s .  c o m
        JSONObject jsonParams = new JSONObject();
        for (Map.Entry<String, Object> e : params.entrySet()) {
            jsonParams.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
        JSONObject op = new JSONObject();
        op.put("params", jsonParams);
        op.put("method", method);
        op.put("id", OP_ID);
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Failed to construct JSON object", e);
    HTTPRequest req = new HTTPRequest(new URL(baseUrl), HTTPMethod.POST,
    log.info("payload=" + ops);
    req.setHeader(new HTTPHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8"));
    System.out.println("req: " + ops.toString());
    JSONObject result = parseJsonResponseBody(fetch.fetch(req, robotErrorCode401Detector));
    log.info("result=" + ValueUtils.abbrev("" + result, 500));
    try {
        if (result.has("error")) {
            log.warning("Error result: " + result);
            JSONObject error = result.getJSONObject("error");
            throw new RuntimeException("Error from robot API: " + error);
        } else if (result.has("data")) {
            JSONObject data = result.getJSONObject("data");
            if (data.length() == 0) {
                // Apparently, the server often sends {"id":"op_id", "data":{}} when
                // something went wrong on the server side, so we translate that to an
                // IOException.
                throw new IOException("Robot API response looks like an error: " + result);
            } else {
                return data;
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("Result has neither error nor data: " + result);
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("JSONException parsing result: " + result, e);

From source file:org.official.json.JSONML.java

 * Parse XML values and store them in a JSONArray.
 * @param x       The XMLTokener containing the source string.
 * @param arrayForm true if array form, false if object form.
 * @param ja      The JSONArray that is containing the current tag or null
 *     if we are at the outermost level.
 * @return A JSONArray if the value is the outermost tag, otherwise null.
 * @throws JSONException/*w  w  w .  ja  va 2s  .  c  o  m*/
private static Object parse(XMLTokener x, boolean arrayForm, JSONArray ja) throws JSONException {
    String attribute;
    char c;
    String closeTag = null;
    int i;
    JSONArray newja = null;
    JSONObject newjo = null;
    Object token;
    String tagName = null;

    // Test for and skip past these forms:
    //      <!-- ... -->
    //      <![  ... ]]>
    //      <!   ...   >
    //      <?   ...  ?>

    while (true) {
        if (!x.more()) {
            throw x.syntaxError("Bad XML");
        token = x.nextContent();
        if (token == XML.LT) {
            token = x.nextToken();
            if (token instanceof Character) {
                if (token == XML.SLASH) {

                    // Close tag </

                    token = x.nextToken();
                    if (!(token instanceof String)) {
                        throw new JSONException("Expected a closing name instead of '" + token + "'.");
                    if (x.nextToken() != XML.GT) {
                        throw x.syntaxError("Misshaped close tag");
                    return token;
                } else if (token == XML.BANG) {

                    // <!

                    c = x.next();
                    if (c == '-') {
                        if (x.next() == '-') {
                        } else {
                    } else if (c == '[') {
                        token = x.nextToken();
                        if (token.equals("CDATA") && x.next() == '[') {
                            if (ja != null) {
                        } else {
                            throw x.syntaxError("Expected 'CDATA['");
                    } else {
                        i = 1;
                        do {
                            token = x.nextMeta();
                            if (token == null) {
                                throw x.syntaxError("Missing '>' after '<!'.");
                            } else if (token == XML.LT) {
                                i += 1;
                            } else if (token == XML.GT) {
                                i -= 1;
                        } while (i > 0);
                } else if (token == XML.QUEST) {

                    // <?

                } else {
                    throw x.syntaxError("Misshaped tag");

                // Open tag <

            } else {
                if (!(token instanceof String)) {
                    throw x.syntaxError("Bad tagName '" + token + "'.");
                tagName = (String) token;
                newja = new JSONArray();
                newjo = new JSONObject();
                if (arrayForm) {
                    if (ja != null) {
                } else {
                    newjo.put("tagName", tagName);
                    if (ja != null) {
                token = null;
                for (;;) {
                    if (token == null) {
                        token = x.nextToken();
                    if (token == null) {
                        throw x.syntaxError("Misshaped tag");
                    if (!(token instanceof String)) {

                    // attribute = value

                    attribute = (String) token;
                    if (!arrayForm && ("tagName".equals(attribute) || "childNode".equals(attribute))) {
                        throw x.syntaxError("Reserved attribute.");
                    token = x.nextToken();
                    if (token == XML.EQ) {
                        token = x.nextToken();
                        if (!(token instanceof String)) {
                            throw x.syntaxError("Missing value");
                        newjo.accumulate(attribute, XML.stringToValue((String) token));
                        token = null;
                    } else {
                        newjo.accumulate(attribute, "");
                if (arrayForm && newjo.length() > 0) {

                // Empty tag <.../>

                if (token == XML.SLASH) {
                    if (x.nextToken() != XML.GT) {
                        throw x.syntaxError("Misshaped tag");
                    if (ja == null) {
                        if (arrayForm) {
                            return newja;
                        } else {
                            return newjo;

                    // Content, between <...> and </...>

                } else {
                    if (token != XML.GT) {
                        throw x.syntaxError("Misshaped tag");
                    closeTag = (String) parse(x, arrayForm, newja);
                    if (closeTag != null) {
                        if (!closeTag.equals(tagName)) {
                            throw x.syntaxError("Mismatched '" + tagName + "' and '" + closeTag + "'");
                        tagName = null;
                        if (!arrayForm && newja.length() > 0) {
                            newjo.put("childNodes", newja);
                        if (ja == null) {
                            if (arrayForm) {
                                return newja;
                            } else {
                                return newjo;
        } else {
            if (ja != null) {
                ja.put(token instanceof String ? XML.stringToValue((String) token) : token);