Example usage for org.json JSONObject keys

List of usage examples for org.json JSONObject keys


In this page you can find the example usage for org.json JSONObject keys.


public Iterator keys() 

Source Link


Get an enumeration of the keys of the JSONObject.


From source file:kevin.gvmsgarch.Worker.java

private HashSet<String> getFilterIds(String json, ContactFilter filter) {
    try {/*from   w w w . j av  a2s .  co m*/
        JSONObject messages = new JSONObject(json).getJSONObject("messages");
        HashSet<String> keysToRemove = new HashSet<String>();
        Iterator i = messages.keys();
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            String key = (String) i.next();
            if (!filter.process(messages.getJSONObject(key))) {

        return keysToRemove;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new RuntimeException(ex);

From source file:kevin.gvmsgarch.Worker.java

private static Set<String> getMessageIds(String textContent) throws JSONException {
    HashSet<String> retval = new HashSet<String>();
    JSONObject top = new JSONObject(textContent);

    JSONObject messages = top.getJSONObject("messages");
    Iterator i = messages.keys();
    if (!i.hasNext()) {
        retval = null;/*www  . ja va2  s . c  o m*/
    } else {
        while (i.hasNext()) {

    return retval;

From source file:com.dopecoin.wallet.ExchangeRatesProvider.java

private static Map<String, ExchangeRate> requestExchangeRates(final URL url, float leafBtcConversion,
        final String userAgent, final String... fields) {
    final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

    HttpURLConnection connection = null;
    Reader reader = null;//ww  w. jav a  2  s  .  c o m

    try {
        connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
        connection.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", userAgent);

        final int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode();
        if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
            reader = new InputStreamReader(new BufferedInputStream(connection.getInputStream(), 1024),
            final StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();
            Io.copy(reader, content);

            final Map<String, ExchangeRate> rates = new TreeMap<String, ExchangeRate>();

            final JSONObject head = new JSONObject(content.toString());
            for (final Iterator<String> i = head.keys(); i.hasNext();) {
                final String currencyCode = i.next();
                if (!"timestamp".equals(currencyCode)) {
                    final JSONObject o = head.getJSONObject(currencyCode);

                    for (final String field : fields) {
                        final String rate = o.optString(field, null);

                        if (rate != null) {
                            try {
                                BigDecimal btcRate = new BigDecimal(GenericUtils.toNanoCoins(rate, 0));
                                BigInteger leafRate = btcRate.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(leafBtcConversion))

                                if (leafRate.signum() > 0) {
                                            new ExchangeRate(currencyCode, leafRate, url.getHost()));
                            } catch (final ArithmeticException x) {
                                log.warn("problem fetching {} exchange rate from {}: {}",
                                        new Object[] { currencyCode, url, x.getMessage() });

            log.info("fetched exchange rates from {}, took {} ms", url, (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));

            return rates;
        } else {
            log.warn("http status {} when fetching {}", responseCode, url);
    } catch (final Exception x) {
        log.warn("problem fetching exchange rates from " + url, x);
    } finally {
        if (reader != null) {
            try {
            } catch (final IOException x) {
                // swallow

        if (connection != null)

    return null;

From source file:com.citrus.mobile.OauthToken.java

public boolean createToken(JSONObject usertoken) {

    jsontoken = new JSONObject();

    long expiry = new Date().getTime() / 1000l;

    try {//  w  w  w. j  ava  2  s. c o m
        expiry += usertoken.getLong("expires_in");
        jsontoken.put("expiry", expiry);
    } catch (JSONException e) {

    for (Iterator<?> keys = usertoken.keys(); keys.hasNext();) {
        String key = (String) keys.next();

        try {
            jsontoken.put(key, usertoken.get(key));
        } catch (JSONException e) {

    return storeToken();


From source file:net.freifunk.android.discover.model.NodesResponse.java

public void onResponse(JSONObject jsonObject) {
    try {/*from  w w w .  ja v  a 2s.  com*/
        JSONArray node_list = jsonObject.getJSONArray("nodes");
        for (int i = 0; i < node_list.length(); i++) {
            JSONObject node = node_list.getJSONObject(i);
            List<String> mac_list = new ArrayList<String>(1);
            // MAC
            if (node.has("macs")) {
                String[] macs = ((String) node.get("macs")).split(",");
                mac_list = new ArrayList<String>(macs.length);
                for (String mac : macs) {
            } else {
                mac_list.add(" ");
            // Name
            String name = ((String) node.get("name")).trim();

            // Firmware
            String firmware = String.valueOf(node.get("firmware")).trim();

            // Flags
            Map<String, String> flags = new HashMap<String, String>();
            JSONObject jflags = node.getJSONObject("flags");
            Iterator flag = jflags.keys();
            while (flag.hasNext()) {
                String key = (String) flag.next();
                String val = String.valueOf(jflags.get(key));
                flags.put(key, val);

            // Geo
            LatLng pos = null;
            //               Log.d(TAG, String.valueOf(node.get("geo")));
            if (!String.valueOf(node.get("geo")).equals("null")) {
                JSONArray geo = node.getJSONArray("geo");
                Double lat = (Double) geo.get(0);
                Double lng = (Double) geo.get(1);
                pos = new LatLng(lat, lng);

            // Id
            String id = ((String) node.get("id")).trim();

            Node n = new Node(mac_list, this.mCallingMap.getMapName(), name, firmware, flags, pos, id);
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Seems something went wrong while loading Nodes for " + this.mCallingMap.getMapName() + ":"
                + e.toString());
    } finally {

From source file:com.android.talkback.eventprocessor.ProcessorPhoneticLetters.java

 * Get the mapping from letter to phonetic letter for a given locale.
 * The map is loaded as needed.//from w w  w  . jav a  2  s .c om
private Map<String, String> getPhoneticLetterMap(String locale) {
    Map<String, String> map = mPhoneticLetters.get(locale);
    if (map == null) {
        // If there is no entry for the local, the map will be left
        // empty.  This prevents future load attempts for that locale.
        map = new HashMap<String, String>();
        mPhoneticLetters.put(locale, map);

        InputStream stream = mService.getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.phonetic_letters);
        BufferedReader reader = null;
        try {
            reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream, "UTF-8"));
            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            String input;
            while ((input = reader.readLine()) != null) {

            JSONObject locales = new JSONObject(stringBuilder.toString());
            JSONObject phoneticLetters = locales.getJSONObject(locale);

            if (phoneticLetters != null) {
                Iterator<?> keys = phoneticLetters.keys();
                while (keys.hasNext()) {
                    String letter = (String) keys.next();
                    map.put(letter, phoneticLetters.getString(letter));
        } catch (java.io.IOException e) {
            LogUtils.log(this, Log.ERROR, e.toString());
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            LogUtils.log(this, Log.ERROR, e.toString());
    return map;

From source file:io.teak.sdk.Helpers.java

private static Map<String, Object> toMap(JSONObject object) throws JSONException {
    Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();

    Iterator keysItr = object.keys();
    while (keysItr.hasNext()) {
        String key = keysItr.next().toString();
        Object value = object.get(key);

        if (value instanceof JSONArray) {
            value = toList((JSONArray) value);
        } else if (value instanceof JSONObject) {
            value = toMap((JSONObject) value);
        }//from ww w .ja v  a2 s .c  o  m
        map.put(key, value);
    return map;

From source file:edu.cens.loci.classes.LociWifiFingerprint.java

public LociWifiFingerprint(String json) throws JSONException {
    JSONObject jObj = new JSONObject(json);
    this.mEnter = jObj.getLong("enter");
    this.mExit = jObj.getLong("exit");
    this.mScanCount = jObj.getInt("count");
    JSONObject jObjAPs = jObj.getJSONObject("aps");

    Iterator<String> keys = jObjAPs.keys();
    mAPs = new HashMap<String, APInfoMapItem>();
    while (keys.hasNext()) {
        String bssid = keys.next();
        mAPs.put(bssid, new APInfoMapItem(jObjAPs.getJSONObject(bssid)));
    }/*from   w ww  . j  a va2 s  .c o  m*/

    //Log.d(TAG, "constructing from json : " + this.toString());

From source file:wseproject.WikiJsonReader.java

public static String getWikiText(String article) {
    //System.out.println("Read and loaded JSON for: " + article);
    article = article.replace(" ", "_");
    String srcURL = "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&"
            + "rvprop=content&format=json&titles=" + article;
    try {//  w ww . j  av a2 s . c om
        JSONObject json = readJsonFromUrl(srcURL);
        JSONObject pages = json.getJSONObject("query").getJSONObject("pages");
        //JSONObject pages = json.get
        Iterator i = pages.keys();
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            String key = (String) i.next();
            JSONObject page = pages.getJSONObject(key);
            JSONObject rev0 = page.getJSONArray("revisions").getJSONObject(0);
            String text = rev0.getString("*");
            //System.out.println("Read and loaded JSON for: " + article);
            String t = text.toString();
            return t;

    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Failed to load JSON for: " + article);
    return null;

From source file:com.jsonstore.jackson.JsonOrgJSONObjectSerializer.java

protected void serializeContents(JSONObject value, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider)
        throws IOException, JsonGenerationException {
    Iterator<?> i = value.keys();

    while (i.hasNext()) {
        String key = (String) i.next();
        Class<?> cls;//from  w  ww  . ja v a2  s . co m
        Object obj;

        try {
            obj = value.get(key);

        catch (JSONException e) {
            throw new JsonGenerationException(e);

        if ((obj == null) || (obj == JSONObject.NULL)) {



        cls = obj.getClass();

        if ((cls == JSONObject.class) || JSONObject.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)) {
            serialize((JSONObject) obj, jgen, provider);

        else if ((cls == JSONArray.class) || JSONArray.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)) {
            JsonOrgJSONArraySerializer.instance.serialize((JSONArray) obj, jgen, provider);

        else if (cls == String.class) {
            jgen.writeString((String) obj);

        else if (cls == Integer.class) {
            jgen.writeNumber(((Integer) obj).intValue());

        else if (cls == Long.class) {
            jgen.writeNumber(((Long) obj).longValue());

        else if (cls == Boolean.class) {
            jgen.writeBoolean(((Boolean) obj).booleanValue());

        else if (cls == Double.class) {
            jgen.writeNumber(((Double) obj).doubleValue());

        else {
            provider.defaultSerializeValue(obj, jgen);