List of usage examples for org.json JSONObject JSONObject
public JSONObject()
From source
public JSONObject createAssay(JSONObject keydata, Schema schema, Map<Schema.Assignment, SchemaTree> treeCache) throws JSONException, IOException { String uniqueID = null;//from w w w .j a v a 2s. c om List<String> linesTitle = new ArrayList<>(), linesBlock = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> linesSkipped = new ArrayList<>(), linesProcessed = new ArrayList<>(); Set<String> gotAnnot = new HashSet<>(), gotLiteral = new HashSet<>(); JSONArray jsonAnnot = new JSONArray(); final String SEP = "::"; // assertions: these always supply a term for (Assertion asrt : assertions) { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put("propURI", ModelSchema.expandPrefix(asrt.propURI)); obj.put("groupNest", new JSONArray(expandPrefixes(asrt.groupNest))); obj.put("valueURI", ModelSchema.expandPrefix(asrt.valueURI)); jsonAnnot.put(obj); String hash = asrt.propURI + SEP + asrt.valueURI + SEP + (asrt.groupNest == null ? "" : String.join(SEP, asrt.groupNest)); gotAnnot.add(hash); } // go through the columns one at a time for (String key : keydata.keySet()) { String data = keydata.getString(key); Identifier id = findIdentifier(key); if (id != null) { if (uniqueID == null) uniqueID = id.prefix + data; continue; } TextBlock tblk = findTextBlock(key); if (tblk != null) { if (Util.isBlank(tblk.title)) linesTitle.add(data); else linesBlock.add(tblk.title + ": " + data); } Value val = findValue(key, data); if (val != null) { if (Util.isBlank(val.valueURI)) { linesSkipped.add(key + ": " + data); } else { String hash = val.propURI + SEP + val.valueURI + SEP + (val.groupNest == null ? "" : String.join(SEP, val.groupNest)); if (gotAnnot.contains(hash)) continue; JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put("propURI", ModelSchema.expandPrefix(val.propURI)); obj.put("groupNest", new JSONArray(expandPrefixes(val.groupNest))); obj.put("valueURI", ModelSchema.expandPrefix(val.valueURI)); jsonAnnot.put(obj); gotAnnot.add(hash); linesProcessed.add(key + ": " + data); } continue; } Literal lit = findLiteral(key, data); if (lit != null) { String hash = lit.propURI + SEP + (lit.groupNest == null ? "" : String.join(SEP, lit.groupNest)) + SEP + data; if (gotLiteral.contains(hash)) continue; JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put("propURI", ModelSchema.expandPrefix(lit.propURI)); obj.put("groupNest", new JSONArray(expandPrefixes(lit.groupNest))); obj.put("valueLabel", data); jsonAnnot.put(obj); gotLiteral.add(hash); linesProcessed.add(key + ": " + data); continue; } Reference ref = findReference(key, data); if (ref != null) { Pattern ptn = Pattern.compile(ref.valueRegex); Matcher m = ptn.matcher(data); if (!m.matches() || m.groupCount() < 1) throw new IOException( "Pattern /" + ref.valueRegex + "/ did not match '" + data + "' to produce a group."); JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put("propURI", ModelSchema.expandPrefix(ref.propURI)); obj.put("groupNest", new JSONArray(expandPrefixes(ref.groupNest))); obj.put("valueLabel", ref.prefix +; jsonAnnot.put(obj); linesProcessed.add(key + ": " + data); continue; } // probably shouldn't get this far, but just in case linesSkipped.add(key + ": " + data); } // annotation collapsing: sometimes there's a branch sequence that should exclude parent nodes for (int n = 0; n < jsonAnnot.length(); n++) { JSONObject obj = jsonAnnot.getJSONObject(n); String propURI = obj.getString("propURI"), valueURI = obj.optString("valueURI"); if (valueURI == null) continue; String[] groupNest = obj.getJSONArray("groupNest").toStringArray(); Schema.Assignment[] assnList = schema.findAssignmentByProperty(ModelSchema.expandPrefix(propURI), groupNest); if (assnList.length == 0) continue; SchemaTree tree = treeCache.get(assnList[0]); if (tree == null) continue; Set<String> exclusion = new HashSet<>(); for (SchemaTree.Node node = tree.getNode(valueURI); node != null; node = node.parent) exclusion.add(node.uri); if (exclusion.size() == 0) continue; for (int i = jsonAnnot.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (i != n) { obj = jsonAnnot.getJSONObject(i); if (!obj.has("valueURI")) continue; if (!propURI.equals(obj.getString("propURI"))) continue; if (!Objects.deepEquals(groupNest, obj.getJSONArray("groupNest").toStringArray())) continue; if (!exclusion.contains(obj.getString("valueURI"))) continue; jsonAnnot.remove(i); } } /*String text = ""; if (linesBlock.size() > 0) text += String.join("\n", linesBlock) + "\n\n"; if (linesSkipped.size() > 0) text += "SKIPPED:\n" + String.join("\n", linesSkipped) + "\n\n"; text += "PROCESSED:\n" + String.join("\n", linesProcessed);*/ List<String> sections = new ArrayList<>(); if (linesTitle.size() > 0) sections.add(String.join(" / ", linesTitle)); if (linesBlock.size() > 0) sections.add(String.join("\n", linesBlock)); sections.add("#### IMPORTED ####"); if (linesSkipped.size() > 0) sections.add("SKIPPED:\n" + String.join("\n", linesSkipped)); if (linesProcessed.size() > 0) sections.add("PROCESSED:\n" + String.join("\n", linesProcessed)); String text = String.join("\n\n", sections); JSONObject assay = new JSONObject(); assay.put("uniqueID", uniqueID); assay.put("text", text); assay.put("schemaURI", schema.getSchemaPrefix()); assay.put("annotations", jsonAnnot); return assay; }
From source
public ActuatorApp() throws IOException, JSONException { //Takes a sting with a relay name "RELAYLO1-10FAD.relay1" //Actuator a = new Actuator("RELAYLO1-12854.relay1"); //Starts the virtualhub that is needed to connect to the actuators Process process = new ProcessBuilder("src\\actuatorapp\\VirtualHub.exe").start(); //{"yocto_addr":"10FAD","payload":{"value":true},"type":"control"} api = new Socket("", 8082); OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(api.getOutputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(api.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); //Sends JSON authentication to CommandAPI JSONObject secret = new JSONObject(); secret.put("type", "authenticate"); secret.put("secret", "testpass"); osw.write(secret.toString() + "\r\n"); osw.flush();/*from ww w . j av a 2 s . c o m*/ System.out.println("sent"); //Waits and recieves JSON authentication response BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); JSONObject response = new JSONObject(br.readLine()); System.out.println(response.toString()); if (!response.getBoolean("success")) { System.err.println("Invalid API secret"); System.exit(1); } try { while (true) { //JSON object will contain message from the server JSONObject type = getCommand(br); //Forward the command to be processed (will find out which actuators to turn on/off) commandFromApi(type); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error listening to api"); } }
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public JSONObject getCommand(BufferedReader br) { JSONObject type = new JSONObject(); try {/*from w w w . j a v a 2s . co m*/ System.out.println("Waiting for command..."); //Waits for a message to be sent and reads that message as a string String message = br.readLine(); System.out.println(message); //Converts the message into a JSONObject type = new JSONObject(message); return type; } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Error listening to api: " + e); } return type; }
From source
public JSONObject addEntry(long plid, long classNameId, long classPK, String title, String content, String url, String type, int displayDateMonth, int displayDateDay, int displayDateYear, int displayDateHour, int displayDateMinute, int expirationDateMonth, int expirationDateDay, int expirationDateYear, int expirationDateHour, int expirationDateMinute, int priority, boolean alert) throws Exception { JSONObject _command = new JSONObject(); try {//from w w w .j av a2 m JSONObject _params = new JSONObject(); _params.put("plid", plid); _params.put("classNameId", classNameId); _params.put("classPK", classPK); _params.put("title", checkNull(title)); _params.put("content", checkNull(content)); _params.put("url", checkNull(url)); _params.put("type", checkNull(type)); _params.put("displayDateMonth", displayDateMonth); _params.put("displayDateDay", displayDateDay); _params.put("displayDateYear", displayDateYear); _params.put("displayDateHour", displayDateHour); _params.put("displayDateMinute", displayDateMinute); _params.put("expirationDateMonth", expirationDateMonth); _params.put("expirationDateDay", expirationDateDay); _params.put("expirationDateYear", expirationDateYear); _params.put("expirationDateHour", expirationDateHour); _params.put("expirationDateMinute", expirationDateMinute); _params.put("priority", priority); _params.put("alert", alert); _command.put("/announcementsentry/add-entry", _params); } catch (JSONException _je) { throw new Exception(_je); } JSONArray _result = session.invoke(_command); if (_result == null) { return null; } return _result.getJSONObject(0); }
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/** * @return// ww w. j ava 2 s .com */ public String toJson() { JSONObject object = new JSONObject(); try { // object.put("IdEvent", this.getIdEvent().toString()); object.put("Timestamp", this.getTimestamp()); object.put("RelativeTimestamp", this.getRelativeTimestamp()); object.put("HookerName", this.getHookerName()); object.put("IntrusiveLevel", this.getIntrusiveLevel()); object.put("InstanceID", this.getInstanceID()); object.put("PackageName", this.getPackageName()); object.put("ClassName", this.getClassName()); object.put("MethodName", this.getMethodName()); JSONArray parameters = new JSONArray(); if (this.getParameters() != null) { for (Entry<String, String> parameter : this.getParameters()) { JSONObject jsonParameter = new JSONObject(); jsonParameter.put("ParameterType", parameter.getKey()); jsonParameter.put("ParameterValue", parameter.getValue()); parameters.put(jsonParameter); } } object.put("Parameters", parameters); JSONObject returns = new JSONObject(); if (this.getReturns() != null) { returns.put("ReturnType", this.getReturns().getKey()); returns.put("ReturnValue", this.getReturns().getValue()); } object.put("Return", returns); JSONArray data = new JSONArray(); if (this.getData() != null) { for (String dataName : this.getData().keySet()) { if (dataName != null && this.getData().get(dataName) != null) { JSONObject dataP = new JSONObject(); dataP.put("DataName", dataName); dataP.put("DataValue", this.getData().get(dataName)); } } } object.put("Data", data); } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return object.toString(); }
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private String createManifest() throws JSONException { String gwtROOT = hostConfigurer.resolvePlaceholder("HOST.gears.localserver.dir"); String localServerURL = hostConfigurer.resolvePlaceholder("HOST.gears.localserver.url"); File contextF = new File(gwtROOT); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("betaManifestVersion", Integer.parseInt(getProperty("gears.betaManifestVersion"))); json.put("version", "0.0.1." + RandomUtils.rand(0, 2048)); json.put("entries", getEntries(contextF, localServerURL)); return json.toString(); }
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/** * //from www . j a v a2 s . co m * @param dir * @param localServerURL * @param dirString * @param fileArray * @return * @throws JSONException */ private JSONArray getEntries(File dir, String localServerURL, String dirString, JSONArray fileArray) throws JSONException {"context: |" + dir + "|" + dirString); for (File f : dir.listFiles()) { if (shouldSkip(f.getName())) { continue; } // descend into directory if (f.isDirectory()) {"found dir " + f); getEntries(f, localServerURL, f.getName() + "/", fileArray); continue; } JSONObject oo = new JSONObject(); oo.put("url", localServerURL + dirString + f.getName()); fileArray.put(oo); } return fileArray; }
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public static Response registerInstallation(String contextPath, String variantID, String secret, Installation installation) {/* w w w.j av a 2s.c o m*/ Response response = null; try { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put("deviceToken", installation.getDeviceToken()); jsonObject.put("deviceType", installation.getDeviceType()); jsonObject.put("operatingSystem", installation.getOperatingSystem()); jsonObject.put("osVersion", installation.getOsVersion()); jsonObject.put("alias", installation.getAlias()); jsonObject.put("simplePushEndpoint", installation.getSimplePushEndpoint()); response = RestAssured.given().contentType("application/json").auth().basic(variantID, secret) .header("Accept", "application/json").body(jsonObject.toString()) .post(contextPath + "rest/registry/device"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return response; }
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private void postWithCompletionHandler(String relativeURL, final CompletionHandler h) { JSONObject requestParamsJSON = new JSONObject(); try {//from w ww .j a va 2s . c o m requestParamsJSON.put("app_key", OpenKit.getOKAppID()); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : params.entrySet()) { requestParamsJSON.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } catch (JSONException e) { h.complete(null, new OKCloudException("Could not add post params to json object")); return; } OKHTTPClient.postJSON(relativeURL, requestParamsJSON, new AsyncHttpResponseHandler() { @Override public void onStart() { OKLog.v("POST started."); } @Override public void onSuccess(String response) { OKLog.v("POST succeeded, got response: %s", response); h.complete(response, null); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable e, String response) { String errMessage = e.getMessage(); OKLog.v("POST failed, %s", errMessage); h.complete(null, new OKCloudException(errMessage)); } @Override public void onFinish() { OKLog.v("POST finished."); } }); }
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/** * Constructor * * @param tracker Tracker */ CustomObject(Tracker tracker) { super(tracker); value = new JSONObject().toString(); }