List of usage examples for org.json JSONObject isNull
public boolean isNull(String key)
From source
private void updateCache(int newCount) throws Exception { Map<String, JSONObject> newCache = Maps.newHashMap(); final List<JSONObject> responses = Lists.newArrayList(); List<Thread> threads = Lists.newArrayList(); hasFail = false;/*from w w w .j a v a 2 s . co m*/ Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.add(Calendar.HOUR, 1); nextFull = c.getTime(); for (int i = 0; i < Math.ceil(newCount / 100.0); i++) { final int offset = i * 100; Thread thread = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { JSONObject j = TwitchAPIv3.instance().GetChannelFollows(channel, 100, offset, true); if (j.getBoolean("_success")) { if (j.getInt("_http") == 200) { responses.add(j); } else { try { throw new Exception("[HTTPErrorException] HTTP " + j.getInt("status") + " " + j.getString("error") + ". req=" + j.getString("_type") + " " + j.getString("_url") + " " + j.getString("_post") + " " + (j.has("message") && !j.isNull("message") ? "message=" + j.getString("message") : "content=" + j.getString("_content"))); } catch (Exception e) { com.gmt2001.Console.out .println("FollowersCache.updateCache>>Failed to update followers: " + e.getMessage()); com.gmt2001.Console.err.logStackTrace(e); } } } else { try { throw new Exception( "[" + j.getString("_exception") + "] " + j.getString("_exceptionMessage")); } catch (Exception e) { if ((e.getMessage().startsWith("[SocketTimeoutException]") || e.getMessage().startsWith("[IOException]")) && !hasFail) { hasFail = true; Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); if (lastFail.after(new Date())) { numfail++; } else { numfail = 1; } c.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 1); lastFail = c.getTime(); if (numfail >= 5) { timeoutExpire = c.getTime(); } } com.gmt2001.Console.out.println( "FollowersCache.updateCache>>Failed to update followers: " + e.getMessage()); com.gmt2001.Console.err.logStackTrace(e); } } } }; threads.add(thread); thread.start(); } for (Thread thread : threads) { thread.join(); } for (JSONObject response : responses) { JSONArray followers = response.getJSONArray("follows"); if (followers.length() == 0) { break; } for (int j = 0; j < followers.length(); j++) { JSONObject follower = followers.getJSONObject(j); newCache.put(follower.getJSONObject("user").getString("name"), follower); } } List<String> followers = Lists.newArrayList(); List<String> unfollowers = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String key : newCache.keySet()) { if (cache == null || !cache.containsKey(key)) { followers.add(key); } } if (cache != null) { for (String key : cache.keySet()) { if (!newCache.containsKey(key)) { unfollowers.add(key); } } } this.cache = newCache; this.count = newCache.size(); for (String follower : followers) { EventBus.instance() .post(new TwitchFollowEvent(follower, PhantomBot.instance().getChannel("#" +; } for (String follower : unfollowers) { EventBus.instance() .post(new TwitchUnfollowEvent(follower, PhantomBot.instance().getChannel("#" +; } if (firstUpdate) { firstUpdate = false; EventBus.instance() .post(new TwitchFollowsInitializedEvent(PhantomBot.instance().getChannel("#" +; } }
From source
private List<DownloadItem> retrieveList() throws Exception { List<DownloadItem> diList = new ArrayList<DownloadItem>(); String url = ""; if (action.equals(INTENT_ACTION_SEARCH_TAG)) { url = FE_API_TAG + URLEncoder.encode(searchCriterion, "UTF-8"); } else if (action.equals(INTENT_ACTION_SEARCH_USER)) { url = FE_API_USER + URLEncoder.encode(searchCriterion, "UTF-8"); } else {/*from w w w.ja v a2 s.c o m*/ throw new IOException("Incorrect criterion used for this call"); } Log.i(TAG, "Url: " + url); String jsonString = downloaderUtils.downloadJSONString(url); Log.v(TAG, "JSON String: " + jsonString); JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(jsonString); String status = jsonObject.getString("response_type"); if (!status.equals("ok")) { throw new IOException("Status is not OK. Status: " + status); } JSONArray jsonArray = jsonObject.getJSONObject("results").getJSONArray("sets"); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) { JSONObject jsonItem = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i); int cardId; if (jsonItem.has("original_card_set_id") && !jsonItem.isNull("original_card_set_id")) { cardId = jsonItem.getInt("original_card_set_id"); } else { cardId = jsonItem.getInt("card_set_id"); } String address = FE_API_CARDSET + cardId; DownloadItem di = new DownloadItem(DownloadItem.ItemType.Database, jsonItem.getString("title"), jsonItem.getString("description"), address); diList.add(di); } return diList; }
From source
private void downloadDatabase(DownloadItem di) throws Exception { /* Make a valid dbname from the title */ String dbname = downloaderUtils.validateDBName(di.getTitle()) + ".db"; String imagePath = AMEnv.DEFAULT_IMAGE_PATH + dbname + "/"; String address = di.getAddress(); String dbJsonString = downloaderUtils.downloadJSONString(address); Log.v(TAG, "Download url: " + address); JSONObject rootObject = new JSONObject(dbJsonString); String status = rootObject.getString("response_type"); if (!status.equals("ok")) { Log.e(TAG, "Content: " + dbJsonString); throw new IOException("Status is not OK. Status: " + status); }/* www .j a v a m*/ JSONArray flashcardsArray = rootObject.getJSONObject("results").getJSONArray("flashcards"); List<Card> cardList = new ArrayList<Card>(); for (int i = 0; i < flashcardsArray.length(); i++) { // First get card JSONObject jsonItem = flashcardsArray.getJSONObject(i); String question = jsonItem.getString("question"); String answer = jsonItem.getString("answer"); // Download image file if there is String questionImageUrl = null; if (!jsonItem.isNull("question_image_url")) { questionImageUrl = jsonItem.getString("question_image_url"); } if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(questionImageUrl)) { String downloadFilename = Uri.parse(questionImageUrl).getLastPathSegment(); downloaderUtils.downloadFile(questionImageUrl, imagePath + "q-" + downloadFilename); question = question + "<br /><img src=\"" + "q-" + downloadFilename + "\" />"; } // Download image file if there is String answerImageUrl = null; if (!jsonItem.isNull("answer_image_url")) { answerImageUrl = jsonItem.getString("answer_image_url"); } if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(answerImageUrl)) { String downloadFilename = Uri.parse(answerImageUrl).getLastPathSegment(); downloaderUtils.downloadFile(answerImageUrl, imagePath + "a-" + downloadFilename); answer = answer + "<br /><img src=\"" + "a-" + downloadFilename + "\" />"; } Card card = new Card(); card.setQuestion(question); card.setAnswer(answer); card.setOrdinal(i + 1); card.setCategory(new Category()); card.setLearningData(new LearningData()); cardList.add(card); } String dbpath = AMEnv.DEFAULT_ROOT_PATH; String fullpath = dbpath + dbname; AnyMemoDBOpenHelper helper = AnyMemoDBOpenHelperManager.getHelper(DownloaderFE.this, fullpath); try { CardDao cardDao = helper.getCardDao(); cardDao.createCards(cardList); long count = helper.getCardDao().getTotalCount(null); if (count <= 0L) { throw new RuntimeException("Downloaded empty db."); } } finally { AnyMemoDBOpenHelperManager.releaseHelper(helper); } recentListUtil.addToRecentList(fullpath); }
From source
@Override protected void onPageIdFound(String id) { // Toast.makeText(TicQRActivity.this, "Page ID found", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); RequestParams params = new RequestParams("lookup", id); new AsyncHttpClient().get(SERVER_URL, params, new JsonHttpResponseHandler() { private void handleFailure(int reason) { // TODO: there are concurrency issues here with hiding the progress bar and showing the rescan button // TODO: (e.g., this task and photo taking complete in different orders) findViewById(; getSupportActionBar().setTitle(R.string.title_activity_image_only); supportInvalidateOptionsMenu(); Toast.makeText(TicQRActivity.this, getString(reason), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); }/*from w w w. j a va 2 s .c om*/ @Override public void onSuccess(int statusCode, Header[] headers, JSONObject response) { try { if ("ok".equals(response.getString("status"))) { mDestinationEmail = response.isNull("destination") ? null : response.getString("destination"); JSONArray boxes = response.getJSONArray("tickBoxes"); if (boxes != null && !boxes.isNull(0)) { for (int i = 0; i < boxes.length(); i++) { JSONObject jsonBox = boxes.getJSONObject(i); TickBoxHolder box = new TickBoxHolder( new PointF(jsonBox.getInt("x"), jsonBox.getInt("y")), jsonBox.getString("description"), jsonBox.getInt("quantity")); box.ticked = true; // first we assume all boxes are ticked box.foundOnImage = false; // (but not yet found on the image) mServerTickBoxes.add(box); } } mBoxesLoaded = true; if (mImageParsed) { verifyBoxes(); } } else { handleFailure(R.string.hint_json_error); } } catch (JSONException e) { handleFailure(R.string.hint_json_error); } } @Override public void onFailure(int statusCode, Header[] headers, Throwable throwable, JSONObject errorResponse) { handleFailure(R.string.hint_connection_error); } }); }
From source
public Station(JSONObject json) throws JSONException { this.stationid = json.getInt("stationid"); this.highwayid = json.getInt("highwayid"); if (!json.isNull("geojson_raw")) { JSONObject geojsonRaw = json.getJSONObject("geojson_raw"); //Create json array from coordinates JSONArray coordinates = (JSONArray) geojsonRaw.get("coordinates"); //for each json array coordinates, create latlng and //add it to the list latlng of its station for (int j = 0; j < coordinates.length(); j++) { double latitude = Double.parseDouble(((JSONArray) coordinates.get(j)).get(1).toString()); double longtitude = Double.parseDouble(((JSONArray) coordinates.get(j)).get(0).toString()); this.addLatLng(new LatLng(latitude, longtitude)); }//from w ww . j a v a 2s. c o m } }
From source
@Override protected Long handleInternally(JSONObject content) { ChannelType type = ChannelType.fromId(content.getInt("type")); if (type == ChannelType.GROUP) { handleGroup(content);//from ww w .j av a 2 s . co m return null; } List<IPermissionHolder> changed = new ArrayList<>(); List<IPermissionHolder> contained = new ArrayList<>(); final long channelId = content.getLong("id"); final int position = content.getInt("position"); final String name = content.getString("name"); final boolean nsfw = !content.isNull("nsfw") && content.getBoolean("nsfw"); JSONArray permOverwrites = content.getJSONArray("permission_overwrites"); switch (type) { case TEXT: { String topic = content.isNull("topic") ? null : content.getString("topic"); TextChannelImpl textChannel = (TextChannelImpl) api.getTextChannelMap().get(channelId); if (textChannel == null) { api.getEventCache().cache(EventCache.Type.CHANNEL, channelId, () -> handle(responseNumber, allContent)); EventCache.LOG.debug( "CHANNEL_UPDATE attempted to update a TextChannel that does not exist. JSON: " + content); return null; } //If any properties changed, update the values and fire the proper events. final String oldName = textChannel.getName(); final String oldTopic = textChannel.getTopic(); final int oldPosition = textChannel.getPositionRaw(); final boolean oldNsfw = textChannel.isNSFW(); if (!Objects.equals(oldName, name)) { textChannel.setName(name); api.getEventManager() .handle(new TextChannelUpdateNameEvent(api, responseNumber, textChannel, oldName)); } if (!Objects.equals(oldTopic, topic)) { textChannel.setTopic(topic); api.getEventManager() .handle(new TextChannelUpdateTopicEvent(api, responseNumber, textChannel, oldTopic)); } if (oldPosition != position) { textChannel.setRawPosition(position); api.getEventManager() .handle(new TextChannelUpdatePositionEvent(api, responseNumber, textChannel, oldPosition)); } if (oldNsfw != nsfw) { textChannel.setNSFW(nsfw); api.getEventManager() .handle(new TextChannelUpdateNSFWEvent(api, responseNumber, textChannel, nsfw)); } applyPermissions(textChannel, content, permOverwrites, contained, changed); //If this update modified permissions in any way. if (!changed.isEmpty()) { api.getEventManager() .handle(new TextChannelUpdatePermissionsEvent(api, responseNumber, textChannel, changed)); } break; //Finish the TextChannelUpdate case } case VOICE: { VoiceChannelImpl voiceChannel = (VoiceChannelImpl) api.getVoiceChannelMap().get(channelId); int userLimit = content.getInt("user_limit"); int bitrate = content.getInt("bitrate"); if (voiceChannel == null) { api.getEventCache().cache(EventCache.Type.CHANNEL, channelId, () -> handle(responseNumber, allContent)); EventCache.LOG.debug( "CHANNEL_UPDATE attempted to update a VoiceChannel that does not exist. JSON: " + content); return null; } //If any properties changed, update the values and fire the proper events. final String oldName = voiceChannel.getName(); final int oldPosition = voiceChannel.getPositionRaw(); final int oldLimit = voiceChannel.getUserLimit(); final int oldBitrate = voiceChannel.getBitrate(); if (!Objects.equals(oldName, name)) { voiceChannel.setName(name); api.getEventManager() .handle(new VoiceChannelUpdateNameEvent(api, responseNumber, voiceChannel, oldName)); } if (oldPosition != position) { voiceChannel.setRawPosition(position); api.getEventManager().handle( new VoiceChannelUpdatePositionEvent(api, responseNumber, voiceChannel, oldPosition)); } if (oldLimit != userLimit) { voiceChannel.setUserLimit(userLimit); api.getEventManager() .handle(new VoiceChannelUpdateUserLimitEvent(api, responseNumber, voiceChannel, oldLimit)); } if (oldBitrate != bitrate) { voiceChannel.setBitrate(bitrate); api.getEventManager() .handle(new VoiceChannelUpdateBitrateEvent(api, responseNumber, voiceChannel, oldBitrate)); } applyPermissions(voiceChannel, content, permOverwrites, contained, changed); //If this update modified permissions in any way. if (!changed.isEmpty()) { api.getEventManager() .handle(new VoiceChannelUpdatePermissionsEvent(api, responseNumber, voiceChannel, changed)); } break; //Finish the VoiceChannelUpdate case } default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "CHANNEL_UPDATE provided an unrecognized channel type JSON: " + content); } return null; }
From source
private void handleGroup(JSONObject content) { final long groupId = content.getLong("id"); final long ownerId = content.getLong("owner_id"); final String name = content.isNull("name") ? null : content.getString("name"); final String iconId = content.isNull("icon") ? null : content.getString("icon"); GroupImpl group = (GroupImpl) api.asClient().getGroupById(groupId); if (group == null) { api.getEventCache().cache(EventCache.Type.CHANNEL, groupId, () -> handle(responseNumber, allContent)); EventCache.LOG.debug("Received CHANNEL_UPDATE for a group that was not yet cached. JSON: " + content); return;/* w w w . j av a2 s. c om*/ } final User owner = group.getUserMap().get(ownerId); final User oldOwner = group.getOwner(); final String oldName = group.getName(); final String oldIconId = group.getIconId(); if (owner == null) { EventCache.LOG.warn( "Received CHANNEL_UPDATE for a group with an owner_id for a user that is not cached. owner_id: " + ownerId); } else { if (!Objects.equals(owner, oldOwner)) { group.setOwner(owner); api.getEventManager().handle(new GroupUpdateOwnerEvent(api, responseNumber, group, oldOwner)); } } if (!Objects.equals(name, oldName)) { group.setName(name); api.getEventManager().handle(new GroupUpdateNameEvent(api, responseNumber, group, oldName)); } if (!Objects.equals(iconId, oldIconId)) { group.setIconId(iconId); api.getEventManager().handle(new GroupUpdateIconEvent(api, responseNumber, group, oldIconId)); } }
From source
public static Poi parsePoiObject(JSONObject jo) throws JSONException { Poi p = new Poi(); if (jo.has("PoiId") && !jo.isNull("PoiId")) { Log.d(TAG, "PoiId: " + jo.getString("PoiId")); p.poiId = jo.getString("PoiId"); }//from w w w.j a va 2 s . c o m if (jo.has("Name") && !jo.isNull("Name")) { Log.d(TAG, "Name: " + jo.getString("Name")); p.poiName = jo.getString("Name"); } if (jo.has("Address") && !jo.isNull("Address")) { Log.d(TAG, "Address: " + jo.getString("Address")); p.address = jo.getString("Address"); } if (jo.has("Source") && !jo.isNull("Source")) { Log.d(TAG, "Source: " + jo.getString("Source")); p.source = jo.getString("Source"); } return p; }
From source
public static TerritoryList parseTerritoryList(String result) throws JSONException { JSONObject root = new JSONObject(result); JSONObject jo = null; JSONArray dataArray = null;// w ww. j a va 2 s . c o m TerritoryList tl = new TerritoryList(); if (root.has("d")) dataArray = root.getJSONArray("d"); else throw new JSONException("Malformed Response"); if (dataArray != null) { for (int i = 0; i < dataArray.length(); i++) { jo = dataArray.getJSONObject(i); String name = ""; if (jo.has("Name") && !jo.isNull("Name")) { name = jo.getString("Name"); } String id = ""; if (jo.has("TerritoryId") && !jo.isNull("TerritoryId")) { id = jo.getString("TerritoryId"); } tl.list.put(name, id); } return tl; } return null; }
From source
private static Product parseSingleProductFromList(JSONObject jo) throws JSONException { Product p = new Product(); if (jo.has("ProductId") && !jo.isNull("ProductId")) { Log.d(TAG, "ProductId: " + jo.getString("ProductId")); p.ProductId = jo.getString("ProductId"); }/* ww w .j a va2 s . c o m*/ if (jo.has("Name") && !jo.isNull("Name")) { Log.d(TAG, "Name: " + jo.getString("Name")); p.Name = jo.getString("Name"); } if (jo.has("ProductCompanyId") && !jo.isNull("ProductCompanyId")) { Log.d(TAG, "ProductCompanyId: " + jo.getString("ProductCompanyId")); p.ProductCompanyId = jo.getString("ProductCompanyId"); } if (jo.has("CategoryId") && !jo.isNull("CategoryId")) { Log.d(TAG, "CategoryId: " + jo.getString("CategoryId")); p.CategoryId = jo.getString("CategoryId"); } if (jo.has("Source") && !jo.isNull("Source")) { Log.d(TAG, "Source: " + jo.getString("Source")); p.Source = jo.getString("Source"); } if (jo.has("SourceId") && !jo.isNull("SourceId")) { Log.d(TAG, "SourceId: " + jo.getString("SourceId")); p.SourceId = jo.getString("SourceId"); } Log.d(TAG, "------------------------------"); return p; }