List of usage examples for org.json JSONObject has
public boolean has(String key)
From source
@Override public List<Marker> load(String rawData, int taskId, int colour) throws JSONException { List<Marker> markers = new ArrayList<Marker>(); JSONObject root = convertToJSON(rawData); JSONArray dataArray = root.getJSONArray("geonames"); int top = Math.min(MAX_JSON_OBJECTS, dataArray.length()); for (int i = 0; i < top; i++) { JSONObject jo = dataArray.getJSONObject(i); Marker ma = null;/*from w ww .jav a 2 s . co m*/ if (jo.has("title") && jo.has("lat") && jo.has("lng") && jo.has("elevation") && jo.has("wikipediaUrl")) { Log.v(MixView.TAG, "processing Wikipedia JSON object"); //no unique ID is provided by the web service according to ma = new POIMarker("", HtmlUnescape.unescapeHTML(jo.getString("title"), 0), jo.getDouble("lat"), jo.getDouble("lng"), jo.getDouble("elevation"), "http://" + jo.getString("wikipediaUrl"), taskId, colour); markers.add(ma); } } return markers; }
From source
Handler getClientHandler() { return new Handler() { @Override//from www . j a v a2 s . co m public void handleMessage(Message msg) { super.handleMessage(msg); JSONObject root; JSONArray tempsensors; tempsensorsArray = new ArrayList<Custom_TempSensorsAdapter>(); tempsensorsLayout.setRefreshing(false); Log.i(LOGTAG, LOGPREFIX + "new message received from server"); try { root = new JSONObject(msg.obj.toString()); if (root.has(TAG_ERROR)) { String err = getResources().getString(R.string.com_msg_3) + root.getString(TAG_ERROR); toast_connection_error(err); } else { tempsensors = root.getJSONArray(TAG_TEMPSENSORS); for (int i = 0; i < tempsensors.length(); i++) { JSONObject tempsensor = tempsensors.getJSONObject(i); String type = tempsensor.getString(TAG_TYPE); String id = tempsensor.getString(TAG_ID); String crc = tempsensor.getString(TAG_CRC); float temp = (float) tempsensor.getDouble(TAG_TEMP); String tempstr = String.format("%.3f", temp); if (tempstr != null) tempstr = tempstr + " \u2103"; tempsensorsArray.add(new Custom_TempSensorsAdapter(type, id, tempstr, crc)); } if (tempsensors.length() == 0) { Log.w(LOGTAG, LOGPREFIX + "can't find 1-wire temperature sensors"); toast_connection_error(getResources().getString(R.string.error_msg_7)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.e(LOGTAG, LOGPREFIX + "received invalid JSON object"); toast_connection_error(getResources().getString(R.string.error_msg_2)); } setListAdapter(new Custom_TempSensorsArrayAdapter(getApplicationContext(), tempsensorsArray)); } }; }
From source
private static TestInfo loadTest(JSONObject item) { TestInfo testInfo = null;//from w w w . j ava 2s . c o m try { //Get the test type TestType type; if (item.has("subtype")) { switch (item.getString("subtype")) { case "liquid-chamber": type = TestType.COLORIMETRIC_LIQUID; break; case "strip": case "striptest": type = TestType.COLORIMETRIC_STRIP; break; case "sensor": type = TestType.SENSOR; break; default: return null; } } else { return null; } //Get the name for this test String name = item.getString("name"); //Load results JSONArray resultsArray = null; if (item.has("results")) { resultsArray = item.getJSONArray("results"); } //Load the dilution percentages String dilutions = "0"; if (item.has("dilutions")) { dilutions = item.getString("dilutions"); if (dilutions.isEmpty()) { dilutions = "0"; } } String[] dilutionsArray = dilutions.split(","); //Load the ranges String ranges = "0"; if (item.has("ranges")) { ranges = item.getString("ranges"); } String[] rangesArray = ranges.split(","); String[] defaultColorsArray = new String[0]; if (item.has("defaultColors")) { String defaultColors = item.getString("defaultColors"); defaultColorsArray = defaultColors.split(","); } // get uuids String uuid = item.getString(SensorConstants.UUID); testInfo = new TestInfo(name, type, rangesArray, defaultColorsArray, dilutionsArray, uuid, resultsArray); testInfo.setHueTrend(item.has("hueTrend") ? item.getInt("hueTrend") : 0); testInfo.setDeviceId(item.has("deviceId") ? item.getString("deviceId") : "Unknown"); testInfo.setResponseFormat(item.has("responseFormat") ? item.getString("responseFormat") : ""); testInfo.setUseGrayScale(item.has("grayScale") && item.getBoolean("grayScale")); testInfo.setMonthsValid(item.has("monthsValid") ? item.getInt("monthsValid") : DEFAULT_MONTHS_VALID); //if calibrate not specified then default to false otherwise use specified value testInfo.setRequiresCalibration(item.has("calibrate") && item.getBoolean("calibrate")); testInfo.setIsDeprecated(item.has("deprecated") && item.getBoolean("deprecated")); } catch (JSONException e) { Timber.e(e); } return testInfo; }
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@Nullable private static String getUuidByShortCode(String shortCode, String filename) { // Load the pre-configured tests from the app String jsonText = AssetsManager.getInstance().loadJSONFromAsset(filename); try {/*from ww w.ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ JSONArray array = new JSONObject(jsonText).getJSONArray("tests"); for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) { JSONObject item = array.getJSONObject(i); if (item.has(SensorConstants.SHORT_CODE) && shortCode.equalsIgnoreCase(item.getString(SensorConstants.SHORT_CODE))) { return item.getString(SensorConstants.UUID); } } } catch (JSONException e) { Timber.e(e); } return null; }
From source
public TokenResponse enroll(String jsonRequest, OxPush2Request oxPush2Request, Boolean isDeny) throws JSONException, IOException, U2FException { JSONObject request = (JSONObject) new JSONTokener(jsonRequest).nextValue(); if (request.has("registerRequests")) { JSONArray registerRequestArray = request.getJSONArray("registerRequests"); if (registerRequestArray.length() == 0) { throw new U2FException("Failed to get registration request!"); }/*ww w .jav a2s .co m*/ request = (JSONObject) registerRequestArray.get(0); } if (!request.getString(JSON_PROPERTY_VERSION).equals(SUPPORTED_U2F_VERSION)) { throw new U2FException("Unsupported U2F_V2 version!"); } String version = request.getString(JSON_PROPERTY_VERSION); String appParam = request.getString(JSON_PROPERTY_APP_ID); String challenge = request.getString(JSON_PROPERTY_SERVER_CHALLENGE); String origin = oxPush2Request.getIssuer(); EnrollmentResponse enrollmentResponse = u2fKey .register(new EnrollmentRequest(version, appParam, challenge, oxPush2Request)); if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Enrollment response: " + enrollmentResponse); JSONObject clientData = new JSONObject(); if (isDeny) { clientData.put(JSON_PROPERTY_REQUEST_TYPE, REGISTER_CANCEL_TYPE); } else { clientData.put(JSON_PROPERTY_REQUEST_TYPE, REQUEST_TYPE_REGISTER); } clientData.put(JSON_PROPERTY_SERVER_CHALLENGE, challenge); clientData.put(JSON_PROPERTY_SERVER_ORIGIN, origin); String clientDataString = clientData.toString(); byte[] resp = rawMessageCodec.encodeRegisterResponse(enrollmentResponse); String deviceType = getDeviceType(); String versionName = getVersionName(); DeviceData deviceData = new DeviceData(); deviceData.setUuid(DeviceUuidManager.getDeviceUuid(context).toString()); deviceData.setPushToken(PushNotificationManager.getRegistrationId(context)); deviceData.setType(deviceType); deviceData.setPlatform("android"); deviceData.setName(Build.MODEL); deviceData.setOsName(versionName); deviceData.setOsVersion(Build.VERSION.RELEASE); String deviceDataString = new Gson().toJson(deviceData); JSONObject response = new JSONObject(); response.put("registrationData", Utils.base64UrlEncode(resp)); response.put("clientData", Utils.base64UrlEncode(clientDataString.getBytes(Charset.forName("ASCII")))); response.put("deviceData", Utils.base64UrlEncode(deviceDataString.getBytes(Charset.forName("ASCII")))); TokenResponse tokenResponse = new TokenResponse(); tokenResponse.setResponse(response.toString()); tokenResponse.setChallenge(new String(challenge)); tokenResponse.setKeyHandle(new String(enrollmentResponse.getKeyHandle())); return tokenResponse; }
From source
public TokenResponse sign(String jsonRequest, String origin, Boolean isDeny) throws JSONException, IOException, U2FException { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Starting to process sign request: " + jsonRequest); JSONObject request = (JSONObject) new JSONTokener(jsonRequest).nextValue(); JSONArray authenticateRequestArray = null; if (request.has("authenticateRequests")) { authenticateRequestArray = request.getJSONArray("authenticateRequests"); if (authenticateRequestArray.length() == 0) { throw new U2FException("Failed to get authentication request!"); }//from ww w .j a v a 2 s . c om } else { authenticateRequestArray = new JSONArray(); authenticateRequestArray.put(request); } Log.i(TAG, "Found " + authenticateRequestArray.length() + " authentication requests"); AuthenticateResponse authenticateResponse = null; String authenticatedChallenge = null; JSONObject authRequest = null; for (int i = 0; i < authenticateRequestArray.length(); i++) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Process authentication request: " + authRequest); authRequest = (JSONObject) authenticateRequestArray.get(i); if (!authRequest.getString(JSON_PROPERTY_VERSION).equals(SUPPORTED_U2F_VERSION)) { throw new U2FException("Unsupported U2F_V2 version!"); } String version = authRequest.getString(JSON_PROPERTY_VERSION); String appParam = authRequest.getString(JSON_PROPERTY_APP_ID); String challenge = authRequest.getString(JSON_PROPERTY_SERVER_CHALLENGE); byte[] keyHandle = Base64.decode(authRequest.getString(JSON_PROPERTY_KEY_HANDLE), Base64.URL_SAFE | Base64.NO_WRAP); authenticateResponse = u2fKey.authenticate(new AuthenticateRequest(version, AuthenticateRequest.USER_PRESENCE_SIGN, challenge, appParam, keyHandle)); if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Authentication response: " + authenticateResponse); if (authenticateResponse != null) { authenticatedChallenge = challenge; break; } } if (authenticateResponse == null) { return null; } JSONObject clientData = new JSONObject(); if (isDeny) { clientData.put(JSON_PROPERTY_REQUEST_TYPE, AUTHENTICATE_CANCEL_TYPE); } else { clientData.put(JSON_PROPERTY_REQUEST_TYPE, REQUEST_TYPE_AUTHENTICATE); } clientData.put(JSON_PROPERTY_SERVER_CHALLENGE, authRequest.getString(JSON_PROPERTY_SERVER_CHALLENGE)); clientData.put(JSON_PROPERTY_SERVER_ORIGIN, origin); String keyHandle = authRequest.getString(JSON_PROPERTY_KEY_HANDLE); String clientDataString = clientData.toString(); byte[] resp = rawMessageCodec.encodeAuthenticateResponse(authenticateResponse); JSONObject response = new JSONObject(); response.put("signatureData", Utils.base64UrlEncode(resp)); response.put("clientData", Utils.base64UrlEncode(clientDataString.getBytes(Charset.forName("ASCII")))); response.put("keyHandle", keyHandle); TokenResponse tokenResponse = new TokenResponse(); tokenResponse.setResponse(response.toString()); tokenResponse.setChallenge(authenticatedChallenge); tokenResponse.setKeyHandle(keyHandle); return tokenResponse; }
From source
public void checkVersion() { requestQueue = Volley.newRequestQueue(context); String url = ""; final String oldVersionString = getApplicationVersion(); Uri.Builder builder = Uri.parse(url).buildUpon(); builder.appendQueryParameter("uid", AndroidUtil.getUdid(context)); builder.appendQueryParameter("version", oldVersionString); builder.appendQueryParameter("action", "checkfile"); builder.appendQueryParameter("app", "locklocker"); jsonObjectRequest = new JsonObjectRequest(Request.Method.GET, builder.toString(), null, new Response.Listener<JSONObject>() { @Override/* ww 2 s. c o m*/ public void onResponse(JSONObject arg0) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub LogUtil.e("colin", "success"); if (arg0.has("status")) { try { String status = arg0.getString("status"); if (Integer.valueOf(status) == 1) { JSONObject msgJsonObject = arg0.getJSONObject("msg"); double version = msgJsonObject.getDouble("version"); if (Double.valueOf(oldVersionString) < version) { // ??? String intro = msgJsonObject.getString("intro"); AlertDialog.Builder alert = new AlertDialog.Builder(context); alert.setTitle("?").setMessage(intro) .setPositiveButton("", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { // ?? } }) .setNegativeButton("?", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { dialog.dismiss(); } }); alert.create().show(); } } else { LogUtil.e("colin", "check update status is error"); } } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block LogUtil.e("colin", "JSONException" + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } } }, new Response.ErrorListener() { @Override public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError arg0) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }); requestQueue.add(jsonObjectRequest); }
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@Override public Division parse(JSONObject json) throws JSONException { Division obj = new Division(); if (json.has("lat")) obj.setLat(json.getDouble("lat")); if (json.has("lng")) obj.setLng(json.getDouble("lng")); if (json.has("name")) obj.setName(json.getString("name")); if (json.has("timezone")) obj.setTimezone(json.getString("timezone")); if (json.has("id")) obj.setId(json.getString("id")); if (json.has("timezoneOffsetInSeconds")) obj.setTimezoneOffsetInSeconds(json.getInt("timezoneOffsetInSeconds")); return obj;/*from w w w .j ava2 s . c o m*/ }
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private String getValueIfExists(JSONObject json, String name) throws JSONException { if (json.has(name)) { return json.getString("name"); } else {/*w w w.j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ return null; } }
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private Date getDateValueIfExists(JSONObject json, String name) throws JSONException { if (json.has(name)) { // TODO: IMplement Date conversion, Signavio has: 2010-06-21 17:36:23 // +0200//from w ww.ja va 2s. com return null; // return json.getString("name"); } else { return null; } }