List of usage examples for org.json JSONObject get
public Object get(String key) throws JSONException
From source
/** * ??? /*from w ww .ja v a 2 s .co m*/ * {"result_code":"0","horders":[{"id":6,"shipper_username": * "\u674e\u674e\u90bb\u5c45\u5929", * "shipper_phone":"","shipper_date":"2015-03-15 00:00:00" * ,"shipper_address_code":"110000-110100-110101", * "consignee_username":"","consignee_phone" * :"","consignee_address_code":"110000-110100-110101", * "delivery_time":"0000-00-00 00:00:00" * ,"truck_type":"","truck_length":"","cargo_type":"CT1", * "cargo_volume":"\u6d4b\u8bd5", * "cargo_weight":"\u6d4b\u8bd5\u554a","horder_desc" * :"","user_id":9,"status":0, "created_at":"2015-03-15 03:30:50", * "updated_at":"2015-03-15 03:30:50"},}]} * * @param jsonResult */ public void parseJson(JSONObject jsonResult) { HashMap<String, Object> mHorder; try { if (jsonResult.get("horders") != JSONObject.NULL) { JSONArray results = jsonResult.getJSONArray("horders"); if (results.length() < CellSiteConstants.PAGE_COUNT) { mHorderTypes[mCurrRadioIdx].hasShowAllHorders = true; } for (int i = 0; i < results.length(); i++) { try { JSONObject resultObj = (JSONObject) results.get(i); mHorder = new HashMap<String, Object>(); mHorder.put(CellSiteConstants.SHIPPER_USERNAME, resultObj.getString(CellSiteConstants.SHIPPER_USERNAME)); mHorder.put("horder_id", (resultObj).getString(CellSiteConstants.ID)); // TODO : int counter = 0; mHorderTypes[mCurrRadioIdx].nHorders.add(mHorder); } catch (Exception e) { mHasExceptionHorder = true; continue; } } } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.d(TAG, "JSONException" + e.toString()); } }
From source
/** * ??? /*from w w w. j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ * {"result_code":"0","horders":[{"id":6,"shipper_username": * "\u674e\u674e\u90bb\u5c45\u5929", * "shipper_phone":"","shipper_date":"2015-03-15 00:00:00" * ,"shipper_address_code":"110000-110100-110101", * "consignee_username":"","consignee_phone" * :"","consignee_address_code":"110000-110100-110101", * "delivery_time":"0000-00-00 00:00:00" * ,"truck_type":"","truck_length":"","cargo_type":"CT1", * "cargo_volume":"\u6d4b\u8bd5", * "cargo_weight":"\u6d4b\u8bd5\u554a","horder_desc" * :"","user_id":9,"status":0, "created_at":"2015-03-15 03:30:50", * "updated_at":"2015-03-15 03:30:50"},}]} * * @param jsonResult */ public void parseFHorderJson(JSONObject jsonResult) { HashMap<String, Object> mHorder; try { if (jsonResult.get("horders") != JSONObject.NULL) { JSONArray results = jsonResult.getJSONArray("horders"); if (results.length() < CellSiteConstants.PAGE_COUNT) { mFHorderTypes.hasShowAllHorders = true; } for (int i = 0; i < results.length(); i++) { try { JSONObject resultObj = (JSONObject) results.get(i); JSONArray repliedDriversObj = null; mHorder = new HashMap<String, Object>(); mHorder.put(CellSiteConstants.ALREADY_REPLIED, 0); try { // 1. ???repliedtag 1 ?0 // 2. repliedDriversObj = resultObj.getJSONArray(CellSiteConstants.REPLIED_DRIVERS); if (repliedDriversObj != null) { for (int j = 0; j < repliedDriversObj.length(); j++) { String driver_id = ((JSONObject) repliedDriversObj.get(i)) .getString(CellSiteConstants.DRIVER_ID); if (driver_id.equals("" + app.getUser().getId())) { mHorder.put(CellSiteConstants.ALREADY_REPLIED, 1); break; } } mHorder.put(CellSiteConstants.REPLIED_DRIVERS_COUNT, repliedDriversObj.length()); } } catch (Exception e) { } mHorder.put(CellSiteConstants.SHIPPER_USERNAME, resultObj.getString(CellSiteConstants.SHIPPER_USERNAME)); mHorder.put(CellSiteConstants.HORDER_ID, (resultObj).getString(CellSiteConstants.ID)); mHorder.put(CellSiteConstants.SHIPPER_PHONE, (resultObj).getString(CellSiteConstants.SHIPPER_PHONE)); mHorder.put(CellSiteConstants.USER_ID, (resultObj).getString(CellSiteConstants.USER_ID)); CityDBReader dbReader = new CityDBReader(this.getApplicationContext()); mHorder.put(CellSiteConstants.SHIPPER_ADDRESS_NAME, dbReader .getNameFromCode((resultObj).getString(CellSiteConstants.SHIPPER_ADDRESS_CODE_IN))); mHorder.put(CellSiteConstants.CONSIGNEE_ADDRESS_NAME, dbReader .getNameFromCode((resultObj).getString(CellSiteConstants.CONSIGNEE_ADDRESS_CODE2))); mHorder.put(CellSiteConstants.CARGO_TYPE, (resultObj).getString(CellSiteConstants.CARGO_TYPE)); mHorder.put(CellSiteConstants.CARGO_WEIGHT, (resultObj).getString(CellSiteConstants.CARGO_WEIGHT)); mHorder.put(CellSiteConstants.CARGO_VOLUME, (resultObj).getString(CellSiteConstants.CARGO_VOLUME)); mHorder.put(CellSiteConstants.TRUCK_TYPE, (resultObj).getString(CellSiteConstants.TRUCK_TYPE)); mHorder.put(CellSiteConstants.HORDER_STATUS, (resultObj).getString(CellSiteConstants.STATUS)); mHorder.put(CellSiteConstants.SHIPPER_DATE, (resultObj).getString(CellSiteConstants.SHIPPER_DATE)); mHorder.put(CellSiteConstants.HORDER_DESCRIPTION, (resultObj).getString(CellSiteConstants.HORDER_DESCRIPTION)); mHorder.put(CellSiteConstants.SHIPPER_USERNAME, (resultObj).getString(CellSiteConstants.SHIPPER_USERNAME)); // TODO : int counter = 0; mFHorderTypes.nHorders.add(mHorder); } catch (Exception e) { mHasExceptionFHorder = true; continue; } } } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.d(TAG, "JSONException" + e.toString()); } }
From source
int replyHorder(String _horderId, String _driverId) { ArrayList<NameValuePair> postParameters = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); postParameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair(CellSiteConstants.HORDER_ID, _horderId)); postParameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair(CellSiteConstants.DRIVER_ID, _driverId)); JSONObject response = null; try {// ww w. j ava2 s . c o m response = CellSiteHttpClient.executeHttpPost(CellSiteConstants.REQUEST_HODER_URL, postParameters); int resultCode = Integer.parseInt(response.get(CellSiteConstants.RESULT_CODE).toString()); Log.d(TAG, "ResultCode = " + resultCode); if (CellSiteConstants.RESULT_SUC == resultCode) { // app.startToSearchLoc(); } else if (resultCode == CellSiteConstants.REGISTER_USER_EXISTS) { // ??? } return resultCode; } catch (Exception e) { Log.d(TAG, "Register by mail fails." + e.getMessage()); return CellSiteConstants.UNKNOWN_ERROR; } }
From source
/** * Test of main method, of class ONACodeChallenge. *///from ww w. ja v a 2s. c o m @Test public void testCalculate() { try { String fileURl = new File("data/testdata.json").toURI().toURL().toString(); JSONObject calculate = (JSONObject) app.calculate(fileURl); JSONObject numWater = (JSONObject) calculate.get("number_water_points"); JSONObject ranking = (JSONObject) calculate.get("community_ranking"); assertEquals(12, calculate.get("number_functional")); assertEquals(8, numWater.get("Sangana")); assertEquals(50.0f, ranking.get("Machakos")); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ONACodeChallengeTest.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (JSONException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ONACodeChallengeTest.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
From source
/** * Redirects the given calabash <code>command</code> to the calabash server of the corresponding * session. The command handling of taking screenshots is different from the other calabash * command because another URI is used./*ww w . j a v a 2s . c om*/ * * @param command The command to redirect and execute. * @param sessionId The test session id. * @return The response of the calabash server running on the device. */ public JSONObject redirectMessageToCalabashServer(JSONObject command, String sessionId) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("received command: " + command.toString()); logger.debug("received sessionId: " + sessionId); } if (sessionConnectors.containsKey(sessionId)) { JSONObject result = null; try { if ("take_screenshot_embed".equals(command.get("command"))) { result = sessionConnectors.get(sessionId).takeScreenshot(); } else { result = sessionConnectors.get(sessionId).execute(command); } } catch (JSONException e) { logger.error("Exception occured: ", e); throw new CalabashConnecterException("Json exception occured while executing calabash commands: ", e); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Exception occured: ", e); throw new CalabashConnecterException( "IOException exception occured while executing calabash commands: ", e); } return result; } else { throw new CalabashConnecterException("Calabash Connector for Session not found: " + sessionId); } }
From source
public void parseJson(JSONObject jsonResult) { JSONObject profileJson = null; try {/*w w w .j a va 2 s. c o m*/ try { profileJson = jsonResult.getJSONObject(CellSiteConstants.PROFILE); } catch (Exception e) { profileJson = null; } JSONObject userJson = jsonResult.getJSONObject(CellSiteConstants.USER); if (profileJson != null) { if (profileJson.get(CellSiteConstants.PROFILE_IMAGE_URL) != JSONObject.NULL) { Log.d(TAG, "get the image url"); app.getUser().setProfileImageUrl(profileJson.getString(CellSiteConstants.PROFILE_IMAGE_URL)); } if (profileJson.get(CellSiteConstants.DRIVER_LICENSE_URL) != JSONObject.NULL) { app.getUser() .setDriverLicenseImageUrl(profileJson.getString(CellSiteConstants.DRIVER_LICENSE_URL)); } if (profileJson.get(CellSiteConstants.IDENTITY_CARD_IMAGE_URL) != JSONObject.NULL) { app.getUser() .setIdentityImageUrl(profileJson.getString(CellSiteConstants.IDENTITY_CARD_IMAGE_URL)); } if (profileJson.get(CellSiteConstants.NAME) != JSONObject.NULL) { app.getUser().setName(profileJson.getString(CellSiteConstants.NAME)); } } if (userJson.get(CellSiteConstants.MOBILE) != JSONObject.NULL) { app.getUser().setMobileNum(userJson.getString(CellSiteConstants.MOBILE)); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
public AcceptPacket(net.minidev.json.JSONObject json) throws JSONException { super(json);/*from www . j ava 2s. c om*/ assert (json.containsKey(RequestPacket.Keys.STRINGIFIED.toString())); assert (PaxosPacket.getPaxosPacketType(json) == PaxosPacketType.ACCEPT); this.packetType = PaxosPacketType.ACCEPT; this.sender = (Integer) json.get(PaxosPacket.NodeIDKeys.SNDR.toString()); // TODO: why do we need to set paxosID here? this.paxosID = (String) json.get(PaxosPacket.Keys.ID.toString()); }
From source
/** * Convert a JSONObject to Map/*from w ww. j av a 2 s . com*/ * * @param jsonObject JSONObject * @return Map */ static Map toMap(JSONObject jsonObject) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Iterator<String> keysItr = jsonObject.keys(); while (keysItr.hasNext()) { String key =; Object value = null; try { value = jsonObject.get(key); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } map.put(key, value); } return map; }
From source
private void initDomain() { if (has("target") && !has("domain")) { if (options.get("target") instanceof String) { JSONArray list = new JSONArray(); list.put(options.getString("target")); options.put("target", list); }/*from w w w .j a v a2 s. co m*/ JSONArray target = (JSONArray) options.getJSONArray("target"); JSONArray domain = new JSONArray(); JSONArray data =; long min = 0; long max = 0; boolean hasMin = options.has("min"); boolean hasMax = options.has("max"); for (int i = 0, len = target.length(); i < len; i++) { String key = target.getString(i); for (int index = 0, dataLength = data.length(); index < dataLength; index++) { JSONObject row = data.getJSONObject(index); long value = 0; if (row.get(key) instanceof Date) { value = ((Date) row.get(key)).getTime(); } else { value = row.getLong(key); } if (!hasMin) { min = value; hasMin = true; } else if (min > value) min = value; if (!hasMax) { max = value; hasMax = true; } else if (max < value) max = value; } } options.put("max", max); options.put("min", min); domain.put(min).put(max); if (options.optBoolean("reverse", false)) { JSONUtil.reverse(domain); } options.put("domain", domain); } }
From source
public Account getAccountObject(String tel) { String telefono = tel.replace("-", ""); System.out.println("OBTENER SOLO UN ARRAY DE CADENA JSON"); //String myURL = ""; String myURL = "" + telefono + ".json"; System.out.println("Requested URL:" + myURL); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); URLConnection urlConn = null; InputStreamReader in = null;/*from w ww .j av a 2 s. c o m*/ Account account = new Account(); try { URL url = new URL(myURL); urlConn = url.openConnection(); if (urlConn != null) { urlConn.setReadTimeout(60 * 1000); if (urlConn != null && urlConn.getInputStream() != null) { in = new InputStreamReader(urlConn.getInputStream(), Charset.defaultCharset()); BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(in); if (bufferedReader != null) { int cp; while ((cp = != -1) { sb.append((char) cp); } bufferedReader.close(); } } String jsonResult = sb.toString(); // System.out.println(sb.toString()); //System.out.println("\n\n--------------------OBTENEMOS OBJETO JSON NATIVO DE LA PAGINA, USAMOS EL ARRAY DATA---------------------------\n\n"); JSONObject objJason = new JSONObject(jsonResult); JSONArray dataJson = new JSONArray(); dataJson = objJason.getJSONArray("data"); //System.out.println("objeto normal 1 "+dataJson.toString()); // // // System.out.println("\n\n--------------------CREAMOS UN STRING JSON2 REEMPLAZANDO LOS CORCHETES QUE DAN ERROR---------------------------\n\n"); String jsonString2 = dataJson.toString(); String temp = dataJson.toString(); temp = jsonString2.replace("[", ""); jsonString2 = temp.replace("]", ""); // System.out.println("new json string"+jsonString2); JSONObject objJson2 = new JSONObject(jsonString2); // System.out.println("el objeto simple json es " + objJson2.toString()); // System.out.println("\n\n--------------------CREAMOS UN OBJETO JSON CON EL ARRAR ACCOUN---------------------------\n\n"); String account1 = objJson2.optString("account"); // System.out.println(account1); JSONObject objJson3 = new JSONObject(account1); // System.out.println("el ULTIMO OBJETO SIMPLE ES " + objJson3.toString()); // System.out.println("\n\n--------------------EMPEZAMOS A RECIBIR LOS PARAMETROS QUE HAY EN EL OBJETO JSON---------------------------\n\n"); String firstName = objJson3.getString("first_name"); System.out.println(firstName); System.out.println(objJson3.get("language_id")); // System.out.println("\n\n--------------------TRATAMOS DE PASAR TODO EL ACCOUNT A OBJETO JAVA---------------------------\n\n"); Gson gson = new Gson(); account = gson.fromJson(objJson3.toString(), Account.class); //System.out.println(account.getFirst_name()); // System.out.println(account.getCreation()); account.setLanguaje_id(objJson3.get("language_id").toString()); account.setId(objJson3.get("id").toString()); account.setBalance(objJson3.get("balance").toString()); System.out.println("el id del account es " + account.getId()); } else { System.out.print("no se pudo conectar con el servidor"); account = null; } in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException("Exception while calling URL:" + myURL, e); } return account; }