List of usage examples for org.json JSONObject accumulate
public JSONObject accumulate(String key, Object value) throws JSONException
From source
void sendCrashLine(TableCrash.CrashLine line) { try {/*from ww w. j a va2 s .c om*/ JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.accumulate("tech_id", PrefHelper.getInstance().getTechID()); jsonObject.accumulate("date",; jsonObject.accumulate("code", line.code); jsonObject.accumulate("message", line.message); jsonObject.accumulate("trace", line.trace); String result = post(MESSAGE, jsonObject); if (result != null && Integer.parseInt(result) == 0) { TableCrash.getInstance().setUploaded(line); } else { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to send previously trapped message: " + line.message); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.e(TAG, ex.getMessage()); } }
From source
/** * Returns results saved in JSONObject that can be sent to end-user. This * result will contain measured results and its units. * * @param list measured BenchmarkResults * @param valuesInWhichWasMeasured/*from www . j a va 2 s.c o m*/ * @return */ private JSONObject processBenchmarkResults(double[] valuesInWhichWasMeasured) { JSONObject jsonResults = new JSONObject(); List<Long> computedMeans = new ArrayList<>(); List<Long> computedMedians = new ArrayList<>(); for (BenchmarkResult br : results) { computedMeans.add(br.getStatistics().computeMean()); computedMedians.add(br.getStatistics().computeMedian()); } String units = MeasuringUtils.convertUnits(computedMeans, computedMedians); for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { jsonResults.accumulate("data", new Object[] { valuesInWhichWasMeasured[i], computedMeans.get(i), computedMedians.get(i) }); } jsonResults.accumulate("units", units); return jsonResults; }
From source
/** * Parse XML values and store them in a JSONArray. * @param x The XMLTokener containing the source string. * @param arrayForm true if array form, false if object form. * @param ja The JSONArray that is containing the current tag or null * if we are at the outermost level. * @return A JSONArray if the value is the outermost tag, otherwise null. * @throws JSONException/* w w w .j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ */ private static Object parse(XMLTokener x, boolean arrayForm, JSONArray ja) throws JSONException { String attribute; char c; String closeTag = null; int i; JSONArray newja = null; JSONObject newjo = null; Object token; String tagName = null; // Test for and skip past these forms: // <!-- ... --> // <![ ... ]]> // <! ... > // <? ... ?> while (true) { if (!x.more()) { throw x.syntaxError("Bad XML"); } token = x.nextContent(); if (token == XML.LT) { token = x.nextToken(); if (token instanceof Character) { if (token == XML.SLASH) { // Close tag </ token = x.nextToken(); if (!(token instanceof String)) { throw new JSONException("Expected a closing name instead of '" + token + "'."); } if (x.nextToken() != XML.GT) { throw x.syntaxError("Misshaped close tag"); } return token; } else if (token == XML.BANG) { // <! c =; if (c == '-') { if ( == '-') { x.skipPast("-->"); } else { x.back(); } } else if (c == '[') { token = x.nextToken(); if (token.equals("CDATA") && == '[') { if (ja != null) { ja.put(x.nextCDATA()); } } else { throw x.syntaxError("Expected 'CDATA['"); } } else { i = 1; do { token = x.nextMeta(); if (token == null) { throw x.syntaxError("Missing '>' after '<!'."); } else if (token == XML.LT) { i += 1; } else if (token == XML.GT) { i -= 1; } } while (i > 0); } } else if (token == XML.QUEST) { // <? x.skipPast("?>"); } else { throw x.syntaxError("Misshaped tag"); } // Open tag < } else { if (!(token instanceof String)) { throw x.syntaxError("Bad tagName '" + token + "'."); } tagName = (String) token; newja = new JSONArray(); newjo = new JSONObject(); if (arrayForm) { newja.put(tagName); if (ja != null) { ja.put(newja); } } else { newjo.put("tagName", tagName); if (ja != null) { ja.put(newjo); } } token = null; for (;;) { if (token == null) { token = x.nextToken(); } if (token == null) { throw x.syntaxError("Misshaped tag"); } if (!(token instanceof String)) { break; } // attribute = value attribute = (String) token; if (!arrayForm && ("tagName".equals(attribute) || "childNode".equals(attribute))) { throw x.syntaxError("Reserved attribute."); } token = x.nextToken(); if (token == XML.EQ) { token = x.nextToken(); if (!(token instanceof String)) { throw x.syntaxError("Missing value"); } newjo.accumulate(attribute, XML.stringToValue((String) token)); token = null; } else { newjo.accumulate(attribute, ""); } } if (arrayForm && newjo.length() > 0) { newja.put(newjo); } // Empty tag <.../> if (token == XML.SLASH) { if (x.nextToken() != XML.GT) { throw x.syntaxError("Misshaped tag"); } if (ja == null) { if (arrayForm) { return newja; } else { return newjo; } } // Content, between <...> and </...> } else { if (token != XML.GT) { throw x.syntaxError("Misshaped tag"); } closeTag = (String) parse(x, arrayForm, newja); if (closeTag != null) { if (!closeTag.equals(tagName)) { throw x.syntaxError("Mismatched '" + tagName + "' and '" + closeTag + "'"); } tagName = null; if (!arrayForm && newja.length() > 0) { newjo.put("childNodes", newja); } if (ja == null) { if (arrayForm) { return newja; } else { return newjo; } } } } } } else { if (ja != null) { ja.put(token instanceof String ? XML.stringToValue((String) token) : token); } } } }
From source
public static JSONObject toJSON(LevelSet levelSet) throws JSONException { JSONObject levelSetJSON = new JSONObject(); levelSetJSON.put(JSONTags.LEVEL_SET_NAME, levelSet.getName()); levelSetJSON.put(JSONTags.LEVEL_SET_DESCRIPTION, levelSet.getDescription()); levelSetJSON.put(JSONTags.LEVEL_SET_ID, levelSet.getId()); Iterator<LevelDefinition> iter = levelSet.getAllLevels().iterator(); boolean first = true; while (iter.hasNext()) { LevelDefinition level =; JSONObject levelJSON = JSONSerializer.toJSON(level); if (first) { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); array.put(levelJSON);/* w ww . j av a2 s .c o m*/ levelSetJSON.put(JSONTags.LEVEL_SET_LEVELS, array); first = false; } else { levelSetJSON.accumulate(JSONTags.LEVEL_SET_LEVELS, levelJSON); } } return levelSetJSON; }
From source
private static JSONObject toJSON(LevelDefinition level) throws JSONException { JSONObject levelJSON = new JSONObject(); levelJSON.put(JSONTags.LEVEL_DEFINITION_NAME, level.getName()); levelJSON.put(JSONTags.LEVEL_DEFINITION_PAR, level.getPar()); levelJSON.put(JSONTags.LEVEL_DEFINITION_DESCRIPTION, level.getDescription()); Iterator<EntityDefinition> iter = level.GetNPCDefinitions().iterator(); boolean first = true; while (iter.hasNext()) { EntityDefinition entity =; JSONObject npcJSON = JSONSerializer.toJSON(entity); if (first) { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); array.put(npcJSON);//from w ww. j a v a2 s. co m levelJSON.put(JSONTags.LEVEL_DEFINITION_NPCS, array); first = false; } else { levelJSON.accumulate(JSONTags.LEVEL_DEFINITION_NPCS, npcJSON); } } levelJSON.put(JSONTags.LEVEL_DEFINITION_PLAYER, JSONSerializer.toJSON(level.GetPlayerDefinition())); return levelJSON; }
From source
private static JSONObject toJSON(EntityDefinition entity) throws JSONException { JSONObject entityJSON = new JSONObject(); entityJSON.put(JSONTags.ENTITY_DEFINITION_NAME,; entityJSON.put(JSONTags.ENTITY_DEFINITION_TYPE, entity.type); JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); array.put(JSONSerializer.toJSON(new float[] { entity.p1.x, entity.p1.y })); entityJSON.put(JSONTags.ENTITY_DEFINITION_POSITION, array); if (entity.p2 != null) { entityJSON.accumulate(JSONTags.ENTITY_DEFINITION_POSITION, JSONSerializer.toJSON(new float[] { entity.p2.x, entity.p2.y })); }/* w w w . ja v a2 s . c o m*/ return entityJSON; }