List of usage examples for org.json JSONArray put
public JSONArray put(Object value)
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private static JSONArray array(List<String> values) { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); for (String value : values) { array.put(value); }//from w ww . j av a 2 s .c om return array; }
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private static JSONArray array(String... values) { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); for (String value : values) { array.put(value); }/*w w w . jav a 2 s. c o m*/ return array; }
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public JSONArray jsonStatus() throws JSONException { Collection<WriterPoolMember> writers = drainAllWriters(); JSONArray ja = new JSONArray(); for (WriterPoolMember w : writers) { JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(); jo.put("file", w.getFile()); jo.put("position", w.getPosition()); ja.put(jo); }/* w w w . j a v a2s. co m*/ availableWriters.addAll(writers); return ja; }
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public static JSONObject getBloodRequestJson(ResultSet result) throws JSONException { JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); JSONObject jsonObject;//from w w 2 s .co m try { while ( { jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put(MOBILE_NUMBER, result.getString("mobile_number")); jsonObject.put(REQ_TIME, result.getString("req_time")); jsonObject.put(GROUP_ID, result.getString("group_id")); jsonObject.put(AMOUNT, result.getString("amount")); jsonObject.put(HOSP_ID, result.getString("hospital_id")); jsonObject.put(EMERGENCY, result.getString("emergency")); jsonArray.put(jsonObject); } jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put(BLOOD_REQUEST, jsonArray); jsonObject.put(DONE, 1); } catch (SQLException error) { Debug.debugLog("BLOOD_GROUP RESULT SET: ", error); jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put(DONE, 0); } return jsonObject; }
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/** * Responds to the Mobility read chunked request. *///from w w w . jav a 2 s. co m @Override public void respond(HttpServletRequest httpRequest, HttpServletResponse httpResponse) {"Responding to the Mobility read chunked request."); Map<Long, List<MobilityPoint>> millisToPointMap = new HashMap<Long, List<MobilityPoint>>(); // Bucket the items preserving order in the bucket. for (MobilityPoint mobilityPoint : result) { long time = mobilityPoint.getTime(); // Get this point's bucket. time = (time / millisPerChunk) * millisPerChunk; List<MobilityPoint> bucket = millisToPointMap.get(time); if (bucket == null) { bucket = new LinkedList<MobilityPoint>(); millisToPointMap.put(time, bucket); } bucket.add(mobilityPoint); } JSONArray outputArray = new JSONArray(); // Process the buckets. try { for (Long time : millisToPointMap.keySet()) { Map<String, Integer> modeCountMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); String timestamp = null; DateTimeZone timezone = null; LocationStatus locationStatus = null; Location location = null; for (MobilityPoint mobilityPoint : millisToPointMap.get(time)) { // The first point sets the information. if (timestamp == null) { timestamp = DateTimeUtils.getIso8601DateString(mobilityPoint.getDate(), true); timezone = mobilityPoint.getTimezone(); locationStatus = mobilityPoint.getLocationStatus(); location = mobilityPoint.getLocation(); } // For all points, get the mode. String mode = mobilityPoint.getMode().toString().toLowerCase(); Integer count = modeCountMap.get(mode); if (count == null) { modeCountMap.put(mode, 1); } else { modeCountMap.put(mode, count + 1); } } JSONObject currResult = new JSONObject(); currResult.put(JSON_KEY_MODE_COUNT, modeCountMap); currResult.put(JSON_KEY_DURATION, millisPerChunk); currResult.put(JSON_KEY_TIMESTAMP, timestamp); currResult.put(JSON_KEY_TIMEZONE, timezone.getID()); currResult.put(JSON_KEY_LOCATION_STATUS, locationStatus.toString().toLowerCase()); try { currResult.put(JSON_KEY_LOCATION, ((location == null) ? null : location.toJson(true, LocationColumnKey.ALL_COLUMNS))); } catch (DomainException e) { LOGGER.error("Error creating the JSON.", e); setFailed(); } outputArray.put(currResult); } } catch (JSONException e) { LOGGER.error("Error building the response.", e); setFailed(); } super.respond(httpRequest, httpResponse, JSON_KEY_DATA, outputArray); }
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@Exposed(accessLevel = AccessLevel.PUBLIC, outputType = MimeType.JSON) public void listFilesJSON(OutputStream out) throws IOException, JSONException { String baseDir = checkRelativePathSanity(getRequestParameters().getStringParameter("dir", "")); IFile[] files = service.getRepository().listFiles(baseDir); JSONArray arr = new JSONArray(); if (files != null) { for (IFile file : files) { if (mr.isCurrentUserAllowed(FilePermissionEnum.READ, relativeFilePath(baseDir, file.getName()))) { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put("fileName", file.getName()); obj.put("isDirectory", file.isDirectory()); obj.put("path", baseDir); arr.put(obj); }//from w w w.j a va 2 s.c o m } } writeOut(out, arr.toString(2)); }
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@Exposed(accessLevel = AccessLevel.PUBLIC, outputType = MimeType.JSON) public void setPermissions(OutputStream out) throws JSONException, IOException { String path = checkRelativePathSanity(getRequestParameters().getStringParameter(pathParameterPath, null)); String[] userOrGroupId = getRequestParameters().getStringArrayParameter(pathParameterGroupOrUserId, new String[] {}); String[] _permissions = getRequestParameters().getStringArrayParameter(pathParameterPermission, new String[] { FilePermissionEnum.READ.getId() }); JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); if (path != null && userOrGroupId.length > 0 && _permissions.length > 0) { // build valid permissions set Set<FilePermissionEnum> validPermissions = new TreeSet<FilePermissionEnum>(); for (String permission : _permissions) { FilePermissionEnum perm = FilePermissionEnum.resolve(permission); if (perm != null) { validPermissions.add(perm); }// www .j av a2 s. com } JSONArray permissionAddResultArray = new JSONArray(); for (String id : userOrGroupId) { JSONObject individualResult = new JSONObject(); boolean storeResult = FileStorer .storeFilePermissions(new FilePermissionMetadata(path, id, validPermissions)); if (storeResult) { individualResult.put("status", String.format("Added permission for path %s and user/role %s", path, id)); } else { individualResult.put("status", String.format("Failed to add permission for path %s and user/role %s", path, id)); } permissionAddResultArray.put(individualResult); } result.put("status", "Operation finished. Check statusArray for details."); result.put("statusArray", permissionAddResultArray); } else { result.put("status", "Path or user group parameters not found"); } writeOut(out, result.toString(2)); }
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@Exposed(accessLevel = AccessLevel.PUBLIC, outputType = MimeType.JSON) public void deletePermissions(OutputStream out) throws JSONException, IOException { String path = checkRelativePathSanity(getRequestParameters().getStringParameter(pathParameterPath, null)); String[] userOrGroupId = getRequestParameters().getStringArrayParameter(pathParameterGroupOrUserId, new String[] {}); JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); if (path != null || (userOrGroupId != null && userOrGroupId.length > 0)) { if (userOrGroupId == null || userOrGroupId.length == 0) { if (FileStorer.deletePermissions(path, null)) { result.put("status", "Permissions deleted"); } else { result.put("status", "Error deleting permissions"); }//from w w w .ja v a 2 s. c om } else { JSONArray permissionDeleteResultArray = new JSONArray(); for (String id : userOrGroupId) { JSONObject individualResult = new JSONObject(); boolean deleteResult = FileStorer.deletePermissions(path, id); if (deleteResult) { individualResult.put("status", String.format("Permission for %s and path %s deleted.", id, path)); } else { individualResult.put("status", String.format("Failed to delete permission for %s and path %s.", id, path)); } permissionDeleteResultArray.put(individualResult); } result.put("status", "Multiple permission deletion. Check Status array"); result.put("statusArray", permissionDeleteResultArray); } } else { result.put("status", "Required arguments user/role and path not found"); } writeOut(out, result.toString(2)); }
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@Override public void toRaw(ByteBuffer _bb) throws MalformedPacketException { super.toRaw(_bb); _bb.put(gatewayEui);//from ww w .j a v a 2 m JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); if (!stats.isEmpty()) { JSONArray stat = new JSONArray(); for (Stat s : stats) { stat.put(s.toJson()); } json.put("stat", stats); } if (!rxpks.isEmpty()) { JSONArray rxpk = new JSONArray(); for (Rxpk s : rxpks) { rxpk.put(s.toJson()); } json.put("rxpk", rxpks); } _bb.put(json.toString().getBytes()); }
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@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override/*from w w w. j a v a 2 s . co m*/ public Map<String, Object> executeImpl(WebScriptRequest req, Status status) { Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(1); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Retrieving and checking the parameters..."); } try { String noderefString = req.getParameter(PARAM_NODEREF); NodeRef nodeRef = new NodeRef(noderefString); String lang = req.getParameter(PARAM_LANG); if (lang == null) { lang = DEFAULT_LANG; } if (nodeService.exists(nodeRef) && nodeService.hasAspect(nodeRef, SensefyModel.ASPECT_ENHANCED)) { List<NodeRef> categories = (List<NodeRef>) nodeService.getProperty(nodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_CATEGORIES); Map<String, List<JSONObject>> mapTypeEntities = new HashMap<String, List<JSONObject>>(); if (categories != null && !categories.isEmpty()) { for (NodeRef cat : categories) { if (isEntity(cat)) { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put(ENTITY_PARAM, nodeService.getProperty(cat, SensefyModel.PROP_URI)); json.put(LABEL_PARAM, nodeService.getProperty(cat, SensefyModel.PROP_LABEL)); json.put(THUMBNAIL_PARAM, nodeService.getProperty(cat, SensefyModel.PROP_THUMBNAIL) != null ? nodeService.getProperty(cat, SensefyModel.PROP_THUMBNAIL) : ""); json.put(ABSTRACT_PARAM, nodeService.getProperty(cat, SensefyModel.PROP_ABSTRACT)); // Related documents String query = "NOT ID:\"" + QueryParser.escape(nodeRef.toString()) + "\" AND " + AT_SIGN + QueryParser .escape(ContentModel.PROP_CATEGORIES.toPrefixString(namespaceService)) + ":\"" + QueryParser.escape(cat.toString()) + "\""; SearchParameters sp = new SearchParameters(); sp.addStore(StoreRef.STORE_REF_WORKSPACE_SPACESSTORE); sp.setLanguage(SearchService.LANGUAGE_LUCENE); sp.setQuery(query); ResultSet rs = null; List<NodeRef> relatedDocs = new ArrayList<NodeRef>(); try { relatedDocs = searchService.query(sp).getNodeRefs(); } finally { if (rs != null) { rs.close(); } } JSONArray relatedDocsArray = new JSONArray(); for (NodeRef node : relatedDocs) { JSONObject jsonRelated = new JSONObject(); jsonRelated.put(NODEREF2_PARAM, node); String name = (String) nodeService.getProperty(node, ContentModel.PROP_NAME); jsonRelated.put(NAME_PARAM, name); relatedDocsArray.put(jsonRelated); } json.put(RELATED_PARAM, relatedDocsArray); String typeEntity = entityTypeExtractor.getType(new LinkedHashSet<String>( (List<String>) nodeService.getProperty(cat, SensefyModel.PROP_TYPES))); if (typeEntity != null) { List<JSONObject> prevValues = mapTypeEntities.get(typeEntity); if (prevValues == null) { prevValues = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(); } prevValues.add(json); mapTypeEntities.put(typeEntity, prevValues); } } } model.put("data", mapTypeEntities); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error when trying to query stanbolClient for entities: " + e.getMessage(), e); status.setCode(Status.STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } return model; }