Java org.json Json4Uws fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.json Json4Uws fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.json Json4Uws.

The text is from its open source code.


JSONObjectgetJobParamsJson(final UWSJob job)
Gets the JSON representation of the parameters of the given job.
JSONObjectgetJobResultJson(final Result r)
Gets the JSON representation of the the given result.
JSONArraygetJobResultsJson(final UWSJob job)
Gets the JSON representation of the results of the given job.
JSONObjectgetJson(final UWS uws)
Gets the JSON representation of the given UWS.
JSONObjectgetJson(final UWSJob job)
Gets the JSON representation of the given job.
JSONObjectgetJson(final ErrorSummary error)
Gets the JSON representation of the given error summary.
JSONObjectgetJson(final JobList jobsList, final JobOwner owner)
Gets the JSON representation of the given jobs list.
JSONObjectgetJson(final String key, final long value)
Gets the JSON representation of the given pair key/value.
JSONObjectgetJson(final String key, final String value)
Gets the JSON representation of the given pair key/value.
JSONObjectgetJson(final UWSJob job, final UWSUrl jobsListUrl, final boolean reference)
Gets the JSON representation of the given job.