Example usage for Java org.json Json4Uws fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
JSONObject | getJobParamsJson(final UWSJob job) Gets the JSON representation of the parameters of the given job. |
JSONObject | getJobResultJson(final Result r) Gets the JSON representation of the the given result. |
JSONArray | getJobResultsJson(final UWSJob job) Gets the JSON representation of the results of the given job. |
JSONObject | getJson(final UWS uws) Gets the JSON representation of the given UWS. |
JSONObject | getJson(final UWSJob job) Gets the JSON representation of the given job. |
JSONObject | getJson(final ErrorSummary error) Gets the JSON representation of the given error summary. |
JSONObject | getJson(final JobList jobsList, final JobOwner owner) Gets the JSON representation of the given jobs list. |
JSONObject | getJson(final String key, final long value) Gets the JSON representation of the given pair key/value. |
JSONObject | getJson(final String key, final String value) Gets the JSON representation of the given pair key/value. |
JSONObject | getJson(final UWSJob job, final UWSUrl jobsListUrl, final boolean reference) Gets the JSON representation of the given job. |