Example usage for org.joda.time LocalDate toString

List of usage examples for org.joda.time LocalDate toString


In this page you can find the example usage for org.joda.time LocalDate toString.


public String toString() 

Source Link


Output the date time in ISO8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd).


From source file:com.roflcode.fitnessChallenge.FetchFitbitActivities.java

License:Apache License

public ResponseToProcess execute(ProcessedAPIRequest request, SDKServiceProvider serviceProvider) {
    logger = serviceProvider.getLoggerService(FetchFitbitActivities.class);
    logger.debug("get fitbit activities ------------------------------");

    String stackmobUserID = request.getParams().get("stackmob_user_id");
    String startDateStr = request.getParams().get("start_date");
    String endDateStr = request.getParams().get("end_date");
    if (endDateStr == "") {
        endDateStr = startDateStr;/*w ww . ja v  a  2  s .  c  o m*/

    if (stackmobUserID == null || stackmobUserID.isEmpty()) {
        HashMap<String, String> errParams = new HashMap<String, String>();
        errParams.put("error", "stackmobUserID was empty or null");
        return new ResponseToProcess(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, errParams); // http 400 - bad request

    FitbitApiClientAgent agent = AgentInitializer.GetInitializedAgent(serviceProvider, stackmobUserID);
    if (agent == null) {
        HashMap<String, String> errParams = new HashMap<String, String>();
        errParams.put("error", "could not initialize fitbit client agent");
        return new ResponseToProcess(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, errParams); // http 500 internal error

    HashMap<String, String> credentials = AgentInitializer.GetStoredFitbitCredentials(serviceProvider,
    String fitbitUserID = credentials.get("fitbituserid");
    LocalUserDetail user = new LocalUserDetail(stackmobUserID);
    FitbitUser fitbitUser = new FitbitUser(fitbitUserID);
    //LocalDate today = new LocalDate(DateTimeZone.UTC);

    DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("MM/dd/yyyy");
    DateTime dt = formatter.parseDateTime(startDateStr);
    LocalDate startDate = new LocalDate(dt);
    dt = formatter.parseDateTime(endDateStr);
    LocalDate endDate = new LocalDate(dt);

    //TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT-8:00");
    //LocalDate today = new LocalDate(DateTimeZone.forTimeZone(tz));
    //LocalDate today = new LocalDate(DateTimeZone.forTimeZone(tz));
    //LocalDate yesterday = today.minusDays(1);

    logger.debug("entering date loop " + startDate.toString() + " end: " + endDate.toString());
    for (LocalDate date = startDate; date.isBefore(endDate) || date.isEqual(endDate); date = date.plusDays(1)) {
        logger.debug("date: " + date.toString());

        Activities activities;

        try {
            activities = agent.getActivities(user, fitbitUser, date);
        } catch (FitbitAPIException ex) {
            logger.error("failed to get activities", ex);
            HashMap<String, String> errParams = new HashMap<String, String>();
            errParams.put("error", "could not get activities");
            return new ResponseToProcess(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, errParams); // http 500 internal error

        ActivitiesSummary summary = activities.getSummary();
        //          private Integer floors = null;
        //          private Double elevation = null;
        //          private List<ActivityDistance> distances;

        DataService dataService = serviceProvider.getDataService();

        DateMidnight dateMidnight = date.toDateMidnight();
        long millis = dateMidnight.getMillis();

        List<SMCondition> query;
        List<SMObject> result;

        // build a query
        query = new ArrayList<SMCondition>();
        query.add(new SMEquals("theusername", new SMString(stackmobUserID)));
        query.add(new SMEquals("activity_date", new SMInt(millis)));

        // execute the query
        try {
            boolean newActivity = false;
            SMValue activityId;
            result = dataService.readObjects("activity", query);

            SMObject activityObject;

            //activity was in the datastore, so update
            if (result != null && result.size() == 1) {
                activityObject = result.get(0);
                List<SMUpdate> update = new ArrayList<SMUpdate>();
                update.add(new SMSet("active_score", new SMInt((long) summary.getActiveScore())));
                update.add(new SMSet("steps", new SMInt((long) summary.getSteps())));
                update.add(new SMSet("floors", new SMInt((long) summary.getFloors())));
                update.add(new SMSet("sedentary_minutes", new SMInt((long) summary.getSedentaryMinutes())));
                update.add(new SMSet("lightly_active_minutes",
                        new SMInt((long) summary.getLightlyActiveMinutes())));
                        new SMSet("fairly_active_minutes", new SMInt((long) summary.getFairlyActiveMinutes())));
                update.add(new SMSet("very_active_minutes", new SMInt((long) summary.getVeryActiveMinutes())));
                activityId = activityObject.getValue().get("activity_id");
                logger.debug("update object");
                dataService.updateObject("activity", activityId, update);
                logger.debug("updated object");
            } else {
                Map<String, SMValue> activityMap = new HashMap<String, SMValue>();
                activityMap.put("theusername", new SMString(stackmobUserID));
                activityMap.put("activity_date", new SMInt(millis));
                activityMap.put("activity_date_str", new SMString(date.toString()));
                activityMap.put("active_score", new SMInt((long) summary.getActiveScore()));
                activityMap.put("steps", new SMInt((long) summary.getSteps()));
                activityMap.put("floors", new SMInt((long) summary.getFloors()));
                activityMap.put("sedentary_minutes", new SMInt((long) summary.getSedentaryMinutes()));
                activityMap.put("lightly_active_minutes", new SMInt((long) summary.getLightlyActiveMinutes()));
                activityMap.put("fairly_active_minutes", new SMInt((long) summary.getFairlyActiveMinutes()));
                activityMap.put("very_active_minutes", new SMInt((long) summary.getVeryActiveMinutes()));

                activityObject = new SMObject(activityMap);
                logger.debug("create object");
                activityObject = dataService.createObject("activity", activityObject);
                logger.debug("created object");
                activityId = activityObject.getValue().get("activity_id");
                newActivity = true;

        } catch (InvalidSchemaException e) {
            HashMap<String, String> errMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
            errMap.put("error", "invalid_schema");
            errMap.put("detail", e.toString());
            return new ResponseToProcess(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, errMap); // http 500 - internal server error
        } catch (DatastoreException e) {
            HashMap<String, String> errMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
            errMap.put("error", "datastore_exception");
            errMap.put("detail", e.toString());
            return new ResponseToProcess(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, errMap); // http 500 - internal server error
        } catch (Exception e) {
            HashMap<String, String> errMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
            errMap.put("error", "unknown");
            errMap.put("detail", e.toString());
            return new ResponseToProcess(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, errMap); // http 500 - internal server error
    Map<String, Object> returnMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    returnMap.put("success?", "think so");
    //      returnMap.put("activity_id", activityId);
    //      returnMap.put("newActivity", newActivity);
    //returnMap.put("activitiesJson", activities);
    logger.debug("completed get activities");
    return new ResponseToProcess(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, returnMap);

From source file:com.sandata.lab.common.utils.date.DateUtil.java

License:Open Source License

public static String convertJodaDateTimetoString(LocalDate localDate, LocalTime localTime, String dateFormat) {
    LocalDateTime localDateTime = new LocalDateTime(localDate.toString() + "T" + localTime.toString());
    DateTimeFormatter fmt = DateTimeFormat.forPattern(dateFormat);
    return localDateTime.toString(fmt);

From source file:com.sonicle.webtop.calendar.CalendarManager.java

License:Open Source License

private <T> List<T> calculateRecurringInstances_OLD(Connection con, RecurringInstanceMapper<T> instanceMapper,
        DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, DateTimeZone userTimezone, int limit) throws WTException {
    RecurrenceDAO recDao = RecurrenceDAO.getInstance();
    RecurrenceBrokenDAO recbDao = RecurrenceBrokenDAO.getInstance();
    ArrayList<T> instances = new ArrayList<>();

    int eventId = instanceMapper.getEventId();
    DateTime eventStartDate = instanceMapper.getEventStartDate();
    DateTime eventEndDate = instanceMapper.getEventEndDate();

    // Retrieves reccurence and broken dates (if any)
    ORecurrence orec = recDao.selectByEvent(con, eventId);
    if (orec == null) {
        logger.warn("Unable to retrieve recurrence for event [{}]", eventId);

    } else {/*from   www  .  ja  v  a 2 s  .c  om*/
        if (fromDate == null)
            fromDate = orec.getStartDate();
        if (toDate == null)
            toDate = orec.getStartDate().plusYears(1);

        List<ORecurrenceBroken> obrecs = recbDao.selectByEventRecurrence(con, eventId, orec.getRecurrenceId());
        //TODO: ritornare direttamente l'hashmap da jooq
        // Builds a hashset of broken dates for increasing performances
        HashMap<String, ORecurrenceBroken> brokenDates = new HashMap<>();
        for (ORecurrenceBroken obrec : obrecs) {
           brokenDates.put(obrec.getEventDate().toString(), obrec);

        Map<LocalDate, ORecurrenceBroken> obrecs = recbDao.selectByEventRecurrence(con, eventId,
        HashSet<String> brokenDates = new HashSet<>();
        for (LocalDate ld : obrecs.keySet()) {

        try {
            // Calculate event length in order to generate events like original one
            int eventDays = CalendarUtils.calculateLengthInDays(eventStartDate, eventEndDate);
            RRule rr = new RRule(orec.getRule());

            // Calcutate recurrence set for required dates range
            PeriodList periods = ICal4jUtils.calculateRecurrenceSet(eventStartDate, eventEndDate,
                    orec.getStartDate(), rr, fromDate, toDate, userTimezone);

            // Recurrence start is useful to skip undesired dates at beginning.
            // If event does not starts at recurrence real beginning (eg. event
            // start on MO but first recurrence begin on WE), ical4j lib includes 
            // those dates in calculated recurrence set, as stated in RFC 
            // (http://tools.ietf.org/search/rfc5545#section-
            LocalDate rrStart = ICal4jUtils
                    .calculateRecurrenceStart(orec.getStartDate(), rr.getRecur(), userTimezone).toLocalDate();
            //LocalDate rrStart = ICal4jUtils.calculateRecurrenceStart(eventStartDate, rr.getRecur(), userTimezone).toLocalDate(); //TODO: valutare se salvare la data gi aggiornata
            LocalDate rrEnd = orec.getUntilDate().toLocalDate();

            // Iterates returned recurring periods and builds cloned events...
            int count = -1;
            for (net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Period per : (Iterable<net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Period>) periods) {
                if ((limit != -1) && (count > limit))
                final LocalDate perStart = ICal4jUtils.toJodaDateTime(per.getStart()).toLocalDate();
                final LocalDate perEnd = ICal4jUtils.toJodaDateTime(per.getEnd()).toLocalDate();

                if (brokenDates.contains(perStart.toString()))
                    continue; // Skip broken dates...
                if ((perStart.compareTo(rrStart) >= 0) && (perEnd.compareTo(rrEnd) <= 0)) { // Skip unwanted dates at beginning
                    final DateTime newStart = eventStartDate.withDate(perStart);
                    final DateTime newEnd = eventEndDate.withDate(newStart.plusDays(eventDays).toLocalDate());
                    final String key = EventKey.buildKey(eventId, eventId, perStart);

                    instances.add(instanceMapper.createInstance(key, newStart, newEnd));

        } catch (DAOException ex) {
            throw wrapException(ex);
        } catch (ParseException ex) {
            throw new WTException(ex, "Unable to parse rrule");
    return instances;

From source file:com.sonicle.webtop.core.Service.java

License:Open Source License

public void processManageIMChat(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) {
    UserProfile up = getEnv().getProfile();
    DateTimeZone utz = up.getTimeZone();

    try {/*from w ww  . j  a va  2s. c o m*/
        String crud = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "crud", true);
        if (crud.equals("presence")) {
            String chatId = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "chatId", true);

            if (xmppCli != null) {
                if (!XMPPClient.isInstantChat(chatId))
                    throw new WTException("Presence feature non available for a grupchat");

                String friendFullId = null;
                String presenceStatus = null;
                FriendPresence presence = xmppCli.getChatPresence(chatId);
                if (presence == null) {
                    presenceStatus = EnumUtils.toSerializedName(PresenceStatus.OFFLINE);
                } else {
                    friendFullId = presence.getFriendFullJid();
                    presenceStatus = EnumUtils.toSerializedName(presence.getPresenceStatus());
                new JsonResult(new JsIMPresenceStatus(friendFullId, presenceStatus)).printTo(out);

            } else {
                throw new WTException("XMPPClient not available");

        } else if (crud.equals("dates")) {
            String chatId = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "chatId", true);
            int year = ServletUtils.getIntParameter(request, "year", true);

            List<String> items = new ArrayList<>();
            List<LocalDate> dates = coreMgr.listIMMessageDates(chatId, year, utz);
            for (LocalDate date : dates) {

            new JsonResult(items).printTo(out);

        } else if (crud.equals("send")) {
            String chatId = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "chatId", true);
            String text = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "text", true);
            String lastSeenDate = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "lastSeenDate", null);

            LocalDate lastSeen = (lastSeenDate == null) ? null
                    : DateTimeUtils.parseYmdHmsWithZone(lastSeenDate, "00:00:00", utz).toLocalDate();

            if (xmppCli != null) {
                EntityBareJid chatJid = XMPPHelper.asEntityBareJid(chatId);
                List<JsGridIMMessage> items = new ArrayList<>();

                ChatMessage message = xmppCli.sendTextMessage(chatJid, text);
                if (message == null)
                    throw new Exception("Message is null");

                if (lastSeen != null) {
                    final LocalDate mesDate = message.getTimestampDate(utz);
                    if (!mesDate.equals(lastSeen)) {
                        final String msgId = ChatMessage.buildUniqueId(chatJid, "dummy-date",
                        items.add(JsGridIMMessage.asDateAction(msgId, mesDate));
                items.add(new JsGridIMMessage(true, message, getEnv().getProfile().getTimeZone()));

                new JsonResult(items, items.size()).printTo(out);

            } else {
                throw new WTException("XMPPClient not available");


    } catch (Exception ex) {
        logger.error("Error in ManageIMChat", ex);
        new JsonResult(ex).printTo(out);

From source file:com.welflex.model.hibernate.LocalDateUserType.java

License:Apache License

public String objectToSQLString(Object value, Dialect dialect) throws Exception {
    LocalDate localDate = (LocalDate) value;
    return localDate.toString();

From source file:courtscheduler.persistence.CourtScheduleInfo.java

License:Apache License

 * toString method which outputs the values stored in the same format in which it was read in.
 * This is to say that the output could also be used as the input.
 * @return/*from  w  ww.j a va  2  s  . c o m*/
public String toString() {
    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();

    result.append("; " + FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(filepath).toAbsolutePath() + EOL);

    if (conferenceStartDate != null)
        result.append("conference_start=" + conferenceStartDate.toString() + EOL);

    if (conferenceEndDate != null)
        result.append("conference_end=" + conferenceEndDate.toString() + EOL);

    result.append("court_count=" + numberOfCourts + EOL);
    result.append("timeslots_start=" + timeslotMidnightOffsetInMinutes + EOL);
    result.append("timeslots_count=" + numberOfTimeSlotsPerDay + EOL);
    result.append("timeslot_duration_minutes=" + timeslotDurationInMinutes + EOL);

    for (LocalDate holiday : holidays) {
        result.append("holiday = " + holiday.toString() + EOL);

    return result.toString();

From source file:courtscheduler.persistence.CourtScheduleIO.java

License:Apache License

private void printMatch(XSSFRow dataRow, Match match, CourtScheduleInfo info) {
    int cellNumber = 0;
    // TEAM/*from  w  ww  .j  a v  a 2s. c o  m*/
    String teamName1 = match.getTeam1().getTeamName();

    // VS
    String vs = "vs.";

    String teamName2 = match.getTeam2().getTeamName();

    String conference = match.getConference();


    // DAY
    Integer matchDateIndex = match.getMatchSlot().getDay();
    LocalDate matchDate = info.getConferenceStartDate().plusDays(matchDateIndex);
    String day = matchDate.dayOfWeek().getAsText();

    // DATE
    String date = matchDate.toString();
    if (Main.LOG_LEVEL > 1) {
        date = date + " [" + matchDateIndex + "]";

    // TIME
    Integer matchTime = match.getMatchSlot().getTime();
    String time = info.getHumanReadableTime(matchTime);
    if (Main.LOG_LEVEL > 1) {
        time = time + " [" + matchTime + "]";

    // COURT
    Integer courtId = match.getMatchSlot().getCourt();
    // normal people like their courts indexed from one, not zero,
    // so add one if we're printing for the client
    dataRow.createCell(cellNumber++).setCellValue(courtId + (Main.LOG_LEVEL > 1 ? 0 : 1));

    if (!match.getCanPlayInCurrentSlot()) {
        dataRow.createCell(cellNumber).setCellValue("WARNING: Team is scheduled when they cannot play");
    } else if (match.wasPostProcessed()) {
                .setCellValue("VERIFY: Check that this match meets DH/B2B/NST constraints");

From source file:de.appsolve.padelcampus.utils.BookingUtil.java

public void addWeekView(HttpServletRequest request, LocalDate selectedDate, List<Facility> selectedFacilities,
        ModelAndView mav, Boolean onlyFutureTimeSlots, Boolean preventOverlapping)
        throws JsonProcessingException {
    //calculate date configuration for datepicker
    LocalDate today = new LocalDate(DEFAULT_TIMEZONE);
    LocalDate firstDay = today.dayOfMonth().withMinimumValue();
    LocalDate lastDay = getLastBookableDay(request).plusDays(1);
    List<CalendarConfig> calendarConfigs = calendarConfigDAO.findBetween(firstDay, lastDay);
    Map<String, DatePickerDayConfig> dayConfigs = getDayConfigMap(firstDay, lastDay, calendarConfigs);

    List<Booking> confirmedBookings = bookingDAO.findBlockedBookingsBetween(firstDay, lastDay);

    //calculate available time slots
    List<TimeSlot> timeSlots = new ArrayList<>();
    List<LocalDate> weekDays = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 1; i <= CalendarWeekDay.values().length; i++) {
        LocalDate date = selectedDate.withDayOfWeek(i);
        weekDays.add(date);/*from  ww w  .  jav  a  2 s. c  o m*/
        if ((!onlyFutureTimeSlots || !date.isBefore(today)) && lastDay.isAfter(date)) {
            try {
                //generate list of bookable time slots
                timeSlots.addAll(getTimeSlotsForDate(date, calendarConfigs, confirmedBookings,
                        onlyFutureTimeSlots, preventOverlapping));
            } catch (CalendarConfigException e) {
                //safe to ignore

    SortedSet<Offer> offers = new TreeSet<>();
    List<TimeRange> rangeList = new ArrayList<>();
    //Map<TimeRange, List<TimeSlot>> rangeList = new TreeMap<>();
    for (TimeSlot slot : timeSlots) {
        Set<Offer> slotOffers = slot.getConfig().getOffers();

        TimeRange range = new TimeRange();

        if (rangeList.contains(range)) {
            range = rangeList.get(rangeList.indexOf(range));
        } else {

        List<TimeSlot> slotis = range.getTimeSlots();

    List<Offer> selectedOffers = new ArrayList<>();
    if (selectedFacilities.isEmpty()) {
        selectedOffers = offerDAO.findAll();
    } else {
        for (Facility facility : selectedFacilities) {

    mav.addObject("dayConfigs", objectMapper.writeValueAsString(dayConfigs));
    mav.addObject("maxDate", lastDay.toString());
    mav.addObject("Day", selectedDate);
    mav.addObject("NextMonday", selectedDate.plusDays(8 - selectedDate.getDayOfWeek()));
    mav.addObject("PrevSunday", selectedDate.minusDays(selectedDate.getDayOfWeek()));
    mav.addObject("WeekDays", weekDays);
    mav.addObject("RangeMap", rangeList);
    mav.addObject("Offers", offers);
    mav.addObject("SelectedOffers", selectedOffers);
    mav.addObject("SelectedFacilities", selectedFacilities);
    mav.addObject("Facilities", facilityDAO.findAll());

From source file:de.appsolve.padelcampus.utils.RankingUtil.java

public void updateRanking() {
    for (Customer customer : customerDAO.findAll()) {
        LocalDate date = LocalDate.now();
        for (Gender gender : Gender.values()) {
            try {
                List<Ranking> existingRankings = rankingBaseDAO.findByGenderAndDate(gender, date, customer);
                        "updating ranking for [customer: %s, gender: %s, date: %s, ranking count: %s] - start",
                        customer, gender, date.toString(), existingRankings.size()));
                List<Game> games = getGamesInLastYearSince(gender, date, customer);
                List<Ranking> rankings = getRanking(games, gender, date);
                rankings.forEach(r -> r.setCustomer(customer));
                        "updating ranking for [customer: %s, gender: %s, date: %s, ranking count: %s] - end",
                        customer, gender, date.toString(), rankings.size()));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.error(e, e);//from  w ww  . j a  va  2  s.  c om

From source file:de.appsolve.padelcampus.utils.RankingUtil.java

private List<Ranking> updateRanking(Gender gender, LocalDate date) {
    try {/* w  w w.ja  v a 2s  .  c o  m*/
        LOG.info(String.format("updating ranking for [gender: %s, date: %s] - start", gender, date.toString()));
        List<Game> games = getGamesInLastYearSince(gender, date);
        List<Ranking> rankings = getRanking(games, gender, date);
        List<Ranking> existingRankings = rankingDAO.findByGenderAndDate(gender, date);
        LOG.info(String.format("updating ranking for [gender: %s, date: %s] - end", gender, date.toString()));
        return rankings;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error(e, e);
        return null;