Example usage for org.joda.time LocalDate toString

List of usage examples for org.joda.time LocalDate toString


In this page you can find the example usage for org.joda.time LocalDate toString.


public String toString() 

Source Link


Output the date time in ISO8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd).


From source file:com.gst.portfolio.loanaccount.serialization.LoanEventApiJsonValidator.java

License:Apache License

public void validateRepaymentDateWithMeetingDate(final LocalDate repaymentDate,
        final CalendarInstance calendarInstance) {
    if (null != calendarInstance) {
        final Calendar calendar = calendarInstance.getCalendar();
        if (calendar != null && repaymentDate != null) {
            // Disbursement date should fall on a meeting date
            if (!CalendarUtils.isValidRedurringDate(calendar.getRecurrence(), calendar.getStartDateLocalDate(),
                    repaymentDate)) {/*  w w w  .j a v a  2 s .c  o  m*/
                final String errorMessage = "Transaction date '" + repaymentDate.toString()
                        + "' does not fall on a meeting date.";
                throw new NotValidRecurringDateException("loan.transaction.date", errorMessage,
                        repaymentDate.toString(), calendar.getTitle());


From source file:com.gst.portfolio.loanaccount.service.LoanApplicationWritePlatformServiceJpaRepositoryImpl.java

License:Apache License

private void validateSubmittedOnDate(final Loan loan) {
    final LocalDate startDate = loan.loanProduct().getStartDate();
    final LocalDate closeDate = loan.loanProduct().getCloseDate();
    final LocalDate expectedFirstRepaymentOnDate = loan.getExpectedFirstRepaymentOnDate();
    final LocalDate submittedOnDate = loan.getSubmittedOnDate();

    String defaultUserMessage = "";
    if (startDate != null && submittedOnDate.isBefore(startDate)) {
        defaultUserMessage = "submittedOnDate cannot be before the loan product startDate.";
        throw new LoanApplicationDateException("submitted.on.date.cannot.be.before.the.loan.product.start.date",
                defaultUserMessage, submittedOnDate.toString(), startDate.toString());
    }/*from   ww  w .j  av  a  2  s.  c o m*/

    if (closeDate != null && submittedOnDate.isAfter(closeDate)) {
        defaultUserMessage = "submittedOnDate cannot be after the loan product closeDate.";
        throw new LoanApplicationDateException("submitted.on.date.cannot.be.after.the.loan.product.close.date",
                defaultUserMessage, submittedOnDate.toString(), closeDate.toString());

    if (expectedFirstRepaymentOnDate != null && submittedOnDate.isAfter(expectedFirstRepaymentOnDate)) {
        defaultUserMessage = "submittedOnDate cannot be after the loans  expectedFirstRepaymentOnDate.";
        throw new LoanApplicationDateException(
                "submitted.on.date.cannot.be.after.the.loan.expected.first.repayment.date", defaultUserMessage,
                submittedOnDate.toString(), expectedFirstRepaymentOnDate.toString());

From source file:com.gst.portfolio.loanproduct.service.LoanProductWritePlatformServiceJpaRepositoryImpl.java

License:Apache License

private void validateInputDates(final JsonCommand command) {
    final LocalDate startDate = command.localDateValueOfParameterNamed("startDate");
    final LocalDate closeDate = command.localDateValueOfParameterNamed("closeDate");

    if (startDate != null && closeDate != null) {
        if (closeDate.isBefore(startDate)) {
            throw new LoanProductDateException(startDate.toString(), closeDate.toString());
        }//from w w w .  j a  v a2  s  . c  o m

From source file:com.gst.portfolio.savings.domain.SavingsAccount.java

License:Apache License

public void reassignSavingsOfficer(final Staff newSavingsOfficer, final LocalDate assignmentDate) {
    final SavingsOfficerAssignmentHistory latestHistoryRecord = findLatestIncompleteHistoryRecord();
    final SavingsOfficerAssignmentHistory lastAssignmentRecord = findLastAssignmentHistoryRecord(
            newSavingsOfficer);//from  ww w  .  j  ava2 s .  c  o m

    // assignment date should not be less than savings account submitted
    // date
    if (isSubmittedOnDateAfter(assignmentDate)) {

        final String errorMessage = "The Savings Officer assignment date (" + assignmentDate.toString()
                + ") cannot be before savings submitted date (" + getSubmittedOnDate().toString() + ").";

        throw new SavingsOfficerAssignmentDateException("cannot.be.before.savings.submitted.date", errorMessage,
                assignmentDate, getSubmittedOnDate());

    } else if (lastAssignmentRecord != null && lastAssignmentRecord.isEndDateAfter(assignmentDate)) {

        final String errorMessage = "The Savings Officer assignment date (" + assignmentDate
                + ") cannot be before previous Savings Officer unassigned date ("
                + lastAssignmentRecord.getEndDate() + ").";

        throw new SavingsOfficerAssignmentDateException("cannot.be.before.previous.unassignement.date",
                errorMessage, assignmentDate, lastAssignmentRecord.getEndDate());

    } else if (DateUtils.getLocalDateOfTenant().isBefore(assignmentDate)) {

        final String errorMessage = "The Savings Officer assignment date (" + assignmentDate
                + ") cannot be in the future.";

        throw new SavingsOfficerAssignmentDateException("cannot.be.a.future.date", errorMessage,

    } else if (latestHistoryRecord != null && this.savingsOfficer.identifiedBy(newSavingsOfficer)) {
    } else if (latestHistoryRecord != null && latestHistoryRecord.matchesStartDateOf(assignmentDate)) {
        this.savingsOfficer = newSavingsOfficer;
    } else if (latestHistoryRecord != null && latestHistoryRecord.hasStartDateBefore(assignmentDate)) {
        final String errorMessage = "Savings account with identifier " + getId()
                + " was already assigned before date " + assignmentDate;
        throw new SavingsOfficerAssignmentDateException("is.before.last.assignment.date", errorMessage, getId(),
    } else {
        if (latestHistoryRecord != null) {
            // savings officer correctly changed from previous savings
            // officer to
            // new savings officer
        this.savingsOfficer = newSavingsOfficer;
        if (isNotSubmittedAndPendingApproval()) {
            final SavingsOfficerAssignmentHistory savingsOfficerAssignmentHistory = SavingsOfficerAssignmentHistory
                    .createNew(this, this.savingsOfficer, assignmentDate);

From source file:com.helger.masterdata.postal.PostalCodeListReader.java

License:Apache License

public void readFromFile(@Nonnull final IReadableResource aRes) {
    ValueEnforcer.notNull(aRes, "Resource");
    final IMicroDocument aDoc = MicroReader.readMicroXML(aRes);
    if (aDoc == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Passed resource is not an XML file: " + aRes);

    final IMicroElement eBody = aDoc.getDocumentElement().getFirstChildElement(ELEMENT_BODY);
    if (eBody == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing body element in file " + aRes);

    final LocalDate aNow = PDTFactory.getCurrentLocalDate();

    // Read all countries
    for (final IMicroElement eCountry : eBody.getAllChildElements(ELEMENT_COUNTRY)) {
        final String sCountryName = eCountry.getAttributeValue(ATTR_NAME);
        final String sISO = eCountry.getAttributeValue(ATTR_ISO);
        final PostalCodeCountry aCountry = new PostalCodeCountry(sISO);

        // Read all postal code definitions
        for (final IMicroElement ePostalCode : eCountry.getAllChildElements(ELEMENT_POSTALCODES)) {
            final String sValidFrom = ePostalCode.getAttributeValue(ATTR_VALIDFROM);
            final LocalDate aValidFrom = sValidFrom == null ? null
                    : ISODateTimeFormat.date().parseLocalDate(sValidFrom);
            final String sValidTo = ePostalCode.getAttributeValue(ATTR_VALIDTO);
            final LocalDate aValidTo = sValidTo == null ? null
                    : ISODateTimeFormat.date().parseLocalDate(sValidTo);

            if (aValidFrom != null && aValidFrom.isAfter(aNow)) {
                MasterdataLogger.getInstance().info("Ignoring some postal code definitions of " + sCountryName
                        + " because they are valid from " + aValidFrom.toString());
            }/*from w  w  w  .ja  v a 2 s . co  m*/
            if (aValidTo != null && aValidTo.isBefore(aNow)) {
                MasterdataLogger.getInstance().info("Ignoring some postal code definitions of " + sCountryName
                        + " because they are valid until " + aValidTo.toString());

            // Read all formats
            for (final IMicroElement eFormat : ePostalCode.getAllChildElements(ELEMENT_FORMAT)) {
                final String sFormat = eFormat.getTextContent();
                if (StringHelper.hasNoText(sFormat))
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "The country " + sISO + " contains an empty postal code format!");

                // Parse into tokens
                final List<EPostalCodeFormatElement> aElements = _parseFormat(sFormat);
                if (aElements.isEmpty())
                    throw new IllegalStateException(
                            "The country " + sISO + " contains an invalid format '" + sFormat + "'");

                aCountry.addFormat(new PostalCodeFormat(sISO, aElements));

            // Is exactly one code present?
            for (final IMicroElement eOneCode : ePostalCode.getAllChildElements(ELEMENT_SPECIFIC))

            // Is a note present
            final IMicroElement eNote = ePostalCode.getFirstChildElement(ELEMENT_NOTE);
            if (eNote != null)

        if (aCountry.getFormatCount() == 0 && aCountry.getSpecificPostalCodeCount() == 0)
            throw new IllegalStateException("Country " + sISO + " has no formats defined!");


From source file:com.index.IndexServlet.java

 * Processes requests for both HTTP <code>GET</code> and <code>POST</code>
 * methods./*from   w ww .jav a  2  s  .  c  o m*/
 * @param request servlet request
 * @param response servlet response
 * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs
 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
    if (request.getParameter("startdate") == null && request.getParameter("enddate") == null) {
        DateTime now = new DateTime();
        LocalDate today = now.toLocalDate();
        LocalDate tomorrow = today.plusDays(1);
        IndexData data = new IndexData(today.minusDays(7).toString(), tomorrow.toString(), "leadSession",
        request.setAttribute("mostlyVisited", data.getMostlyVisited());
        request.setAttribute("totalSessionCount", data.getTotalSessionCount());
        request.setAttribute("totalAddressCount", data.getTotalAddressCount());
        request.setAttribute("companyLinks", data.getCompanyLinks());
        request.setAttribute("contacts", data.getContacts());
    if (request.getParameter("startdate") != null && request.getParameter("enddate") != null) {
        IndexData data = new IndexData(request.getParameter("startdate"), request.getParameter("enddate"),
                "leadSession", request.getContextPath());
        request.setAttribute("mostlyVisited", data.getMostlyVisited());
        request.setAttribute("totalSessionCount", data.getTotalSessionCount());
        request.setAttribute("totalAddressCount", data.getTotalAddressCount());
        request.setAttribute("companyLinks", data.getCompanyLinks());
        request.setAttribute("contacts", data.getContacts());
    request.getRequestDispatcher("/index.jsp").forward(request, response);

From source file:com.miserablemind.api.consumer.tradeking.api.impl.MarketTemplate.java

License:Open Source License

TimeSalesQuote[] getDataPoints(String ticker, TimeSalesInterval interval, Integer countPerPage, Integer offset,
        LocalDate startDate, LocalDate endDate) {

    MultiValueMap<String, String> parameters = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();

    parameters.set("symbols", ticker);

    if (null != interval) {
        parameters.set("interval", String.valueOf(interval));
        if (interval == TimeSalesInterval.TICK && null != countPerPage) {
            parameters.set("rpp", String.valueOf(countPerPage));
            if (null != offset)
                parameters.set("index", String.valueOf(offset));
        }//from w w  w  . j  ava  2  s  . c  o m

    if (null != startDate)
        parameters.set("startdate", startDate.toString());
    if (null != endDate)
        parameters.set("enddate", endDate.toString());

    URI url = this.buildUri(URL_DATA_POINTS, parameters);

    ResponseEntity<TKTimeSalesQuoteResponse> response = this.getRestTemplate().getForEntity(url,

    if (null != response.getBody().getError())
        throw new ApiException(TradeKingServiceProvider.PROVIDER_ID, response.getBody().getError());

    return response.getBody().getQuotes();


From source file:com.ning.billing.invoice.generator.DefaultInvoiceGenerator.java

License:Apache License

private void validateTargetDate(final LocalDate targetDate) throws InvoiceApiException {
    final int maximumNumberOfMonths = config.getNumberOfMonthsInFuture();

    if (Months.monthsBetween(clock.getUTCToday(), targetDate).getMonths() > maximumNumberOfMonths) {
        throw new InvoiceApiException(ErrorCode.INVOICE_TARGET_DATE_TOO_FAR_IN_THE_FUTURE,
    }/*from w  w w .j a  v  a  2s  .  c  o m*/

From source file:com.ning.billing.jaxrs.json.TimeSeriesDataJson.java

License:Apache License

public TimeSeriesDataJson(final TimeSeriesData data) {
            .<String>copyOf(Collections2.transform(data.getDates(), new Function<LocalDate, String>() {
                @Override//from w ww  . ja  v a  2  s .com
                public String apply(@Nullable final LocalDate input) {
                    if (input == null) {
                        return null;
                    } else {
                        return input.toString();
            })), data.getValues());

From source file:com.nitdlibrary.EditViewStudent.java

 *//*from www .j av a2  s . co m*/
private void calculateStudentPerformance() throws SQLException {
    Date returnDate = null, dueDate = null;
    LocalDate returnDateJoda = null, dueDateJoda = null;
    int totalIssued = 0, returned = 0, fine = 0, currentIssue = 0;
    int flag = 0; //incremented when today is > due date and return_date  is null. it means that some books are not returned and fine calc is shown wrt today
    while (issueResultSet.next()) {
        if (issueResultSet.getString("return_date") != null)

        DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd", Locale.ENGLISH);

        try {
            dueDate = format.parse(issueResultSet.getString("due_date"));
            if (issueResultSet.getString("return_date") != null
                    && (issueResultSet.getString("return_date").compareTo("") != 0)) {
                returnDate = format.parse(issueResultSet.getString("return_date"));
            } else {
                String tempDate = format.format(new Date());
                returnDate = format.parse(tempDate);
                if (dueDate.before(returnDate)) // i.e due date before today and book is not returned.

            returnDateJoda = new LocalDate(returnDate);
            dueDateJoda = new LocalDate(dueDate);
        } catch (ParseException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(EditViewStudent.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
                "DUE DATE : " + dueDateJoda.toString() + " RETURN DATE : " + returnDateJoda.toString());
        if (dueDate.before(returnDate)) {
            Days d = Days.daysBetween(dueDateJoda, returnDateJoda);
            fine += d.getDays();
            System.out.println("Calculting fine");
        if (issueResultSet.getString("return_date") == null
                || (issueResultSet.getString("return_date").compareTo("") == 0)) {

     * setting values in Labels
    issued.setText("Total Books Issued : " + totalIssued);
    returnedLabel.setText("Total Books Returned : " + returned);
    if (fine < 0)
        fine = 0;
    fineLabel.setText("Total Fine : " + fine);

    currentLabel.setText("Currently issued book count : " + currentIssue);
    if (flag != 0)
        exceedLabel.setText("* " + flag
                + " books have exceeded due date and are not returned. Assuming they are retuned today, total fine is being shown.");