Example usage for org.joda.time LocalDate toString

List of usage examples for org.joda.time LocalDate toString


In this page you can find the example usage for org.joda.time LocalDate toString.


public String toString() 

Source Link


Output the date time in ISO8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd).


From source file:org.mifosplatform.portfolio.loanaccount.domain.Loan.java

License:Mozilla Public License

public Map<String, Object> loanApplicationApproval(final AppUser currentUser, final JsonCommand command,
        final JsonArray disbursementDataArray, final LoanLifecycleStateMachine loanLifecycleStateMachine) {


    final Map<String, Object> actualChanges = new LinkedHashMap<>();

    /*//  www  . ja v  a2  s  .co m
     * statusEnum is holding the possible new status derived from
     * loanLifecycleStateMachine.transition.

    final LoanStatus newStatusEnum = loanLifecycleStateMachine.transition(LoanEvent.LOAN_APPROVED,

     * FIXME: There is no need to check below condition, if
     * loanLifecycleStateMachine.transition is doing it's responsibility
     * properly. Better implementation approach is, if code passes invalid
     * combination of states (fromState and toState), state machine should
     * return invalidate state and below if condition should check for not
     * equal to invalidateState, instead of check new value is same as
     * present value.

    if (!newStatusEnum.hasStateOf(LoanStatus.fromInt(this.loanStatus))) {
        this.loanStatus = newStatusEnum.getValue();
        actualChanges.put("status", LoanEnumerations.status(this.loanStatus));

        // only do below if status has changed in the 'approval' case
        LocalDate approvedOn = command.localDateValueOfParameterNamed("approvedOnDate");
        String approvedOnDateChange = command.stringValueOfParameterNamed("approvedOnDate");
        if (approvedOn == null) {
            approvedOn = command.localDateValueOfParameterNamed("eventDate");
            approvedOnDateChange = command.stringValueOfParameterNamed("eventDate");

        LocalDate expecteddisbursementDate = command.localDateValueOfParameterNamed("expectedDisbursementDate");

        BigDecimal approvedLoanAmount = command

        if (approvedLoanAmount != null) {

            // Approved amount has to be less than or equal to principal
            // amount demanded

            if (approvedLoanAmount.compareTo(this.proposedPrincipal) == -1) {

                this.approvedPrincipal = approvedLoanAmount;

                 * All the calculations are done based on the principal
                 * amount, so it is necessary to set principal amount to
                 * approved amount


                actualChanges.put(LoanApiConstants.approvedLoanAmountParameterName, approvedLoanAmount);
                actualChanges.put(LoanApiConstants.disbursementPrincipalParameterName, approvedLoanAmount);
            } else if (approvedLoanAmount.compareTo(this.proposedPrincipal) == 1) {
                final String errorMessage = "Loan approved amount can't be greater than loan amount demanded.";
                throw new InvalidLoanStateTransitionException("approval",
                        "amount.can't.be.greater.than.loan.amount.demanded", errorMessage,
                        this.proposedPrincipal, approvedLoanAmount);

            /* Update disbursement details */
            if (disbursementDataArray != null) {
                updateDisbursementDetails(command, actualChanges);
        if (loanProduct.isMultiDisburseLoan()) {

            if (this.disbursementDetails.isEmpty()) {
                final String errorMessage = "For this loan product, disbursement details must be provided";
                throw new MultiDisbursementDataRequiredException(LoanApiConstants.disbursementDataParameterName,

            if (this.disbursementDetails.size() > loanProduct.maxTrancheCount()) {
                final String errorMessage = "Number of tranche shouldn't be greter than "
                        + loanProduct.maxTrancheCount();
                throw new ExceedingTrancheCountException(LoanApiConstants.disbursementDataParameterName,
                        errorMessage, loanProduct.maxTrancheCount(), disbursementDetails.size());
        this.approvedOnDate = approvedOn.toDate();
        this.approvedBy = currentUser;
        actualChanges.put("locale", command.locale());
        actualChanges.put("dateFormat", command.dateFormat());
        actualChanges.put("approvedOnDate", approvedOnDateChange);

        final LocalDate submittalDate = new LocalDate(this.submittedOnDate);
        if (approvedOn.isBefore(submittalDate)) {
            final String errorMessage = "The date on which a loan is approved cannot be before its submittal date: "
                    + submittalDate.toString();
            throw new InvalidLoanStateTransitionException("approval", "cannot.be.before.submittal.date",
                    errorMessage, getApprovedOnDate(), submittalDate);

        if (expecteddisbursementDate != null) {
            this.expectedDisbursementDate = expecteddisbursementDate.toDate();
            actualChanges.put("expectedDisbursementDate", expectedDisbursementDate);

            if (expecteddisbursementDate.isBefore(approvedOn)) {
                final String errorMessage = "The expected disbursement date should be either on or after the approval date: "
                        + approvedOn.toString();
                throw new InvalidLoanStateTransitionException("expecteddisbursal",
                        "should.be.on.or.after.approval.date", errorMessage, getApprovedOnDate(),

        validateActivityNotBeforeClientOrGroupTransferDate(LoanEvent.LOAN_APPROVED, approvedOn);

        if (approvedOn.isAfter(DateUtils.getLocalDateOfTenant())) {
            final String errorMessage = "The date on which a loan is approved cannot be in the future.";
            throw new InvalidLoanStateTransitionException("approval", "cannot.be.a.future.date", errorMessage,

        if (this.loanOfficer != null) {
            final LoanOfficerAssignmentHistory loanOfficerAssignmentHistory = LoanOfficerAssignmentHistory
                    .createNew(this, this.loanOfficer, approvedOn);

    return actualChanges;

From source file:org.projectbuendia.client.filter.db.patient.AgeFilter.java

License:Apache License

public String[] getSelectionArgs(CharSequence constraint) {
    LocalDate earliestBirthdate = LocalDate.now().minusYears(mYears);
    return new String[] { earliestBirthdate.toString() };

From source file:org.projectbuendia.client.json.LocalDateSerializer.java

License:Apache License

public JsonElement serialize(LocalDate date, Type type, JsonSerializationContext context) {
    return new JsonPrimitive(date.toString());

From source file:org.projectbuendia.client.utils.date.Dates.java

License:Apache License

/** Converts a LocalDate to a yyyy-mm-dd String. */
@Nullable/*from   w  w w .  j a v a 2s. c o m*/
public static String toString(@Nullable LocalDate date) {
    return date == null ? null : date.toString();

From source file:org.projectbuendia.client.utils.Utils.java

License:Apache License

/** Converts a nullable LocalDate to a yyyy-mm-dd String. */
public static @Nullable String toString(@Nullable LocalDate date) {
    return date == null ? null : date.toString();

From source file:org.qi4j.runtime.types.JodaLocalDateType.java

License:Open Source License

public void toJSON(Object value, JSONWriter json) throws JSONException {
    LocalDate date = (LocalDate) value;

From source file:org.qi4j.runtime.types.JodaLocalDateType.java

License:Open Source License

public Object toJSON(Object value) throws JSONException {
    LocalDate date = (LocalDate) value;
    return date.toString();

From source file:org.supercsv.cellprocessor.joda.FmtLocalDate.java

License:Apache License

 * {@inheritDoc}//from ww  w.  ja  va 2 s  .  co m
protected String format(final LocalDate jodaType) {
    return jodaType.toString();

From source file:se.inera.statistics.hsa.adapter.LocalDateAdapter.java

License:Open Source License

 * Converts a Joda Time LocalDate to an xs:date.
 *///from www  . j a v a 2  s. com
public static String printDate(LocalDate date) {
    return date.toString();

From source file:vn.webapp.controller.cp.RoomsController.java

@RequestMapping(value = "add-a-room-loan", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String addARoomLoan(HttpServletRequest request,
        @Valid @ModelAttribute("roomLoanFormAdd") RoomLoanValidation roomLoanValidation, BindingResult result,
        Map model, HttpSession session) {

    if (result.hasErrors()) {
        List<AcademicYear> academicYearList = academicYearService.list();
        AcademicYear curAcadYear = academicYearService.getCurAcadYear();
        List<AcademicYear> otherAcadYearList = new ArrayList<AcademicYear>();
        for (AcademicYear aY : academicYearList) {
            if (!aY.getACAYEAR_Code().equals(curAcadYear.getACAYEAR_Code()))
        }/*from   w w w  .ja  v  a  2  s . co  m*/
        model.put("academicYearList", otherAcadYearList);
        model.put("curAcadYear", curAcadYear);
        return "cp.addRoomLoan";
    } else {
        String academicYear = roomLoanValidation.getAcademicYear();
        String dateString = roomLoanValidation.getDayMonthYearInput_day();
        String dayString = roomLoanValidation.getDayWeekInput_day();
        String weekString = roomLoanValidation.getDayWeekInput_week();
        String room = roomLoanValidation.getRoomCode();
        String slotStart = roomLoanValidation.getSlotStart();
        String slotEnd = roomLoanValidation.getSlotEnd();

        /* Convert date to day and week */
        List<AcademicYear> academicYearList = academicYearService.list();
        String firstdateStr = "";
        String enddateStr = "";
        for (AcademicYear aY : academicYearList) {
            if (aY.getACAYEAR_Code().equals(academicYear)) {
                firstdateStr = aY.getACAYEAR_FromDate();
                enddateStr = aY.getACAYEAR_ToDate();

        DateTimeFormatter fmt = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("dd-MM-yyyy");
        LocalDate firstdate = fmt.parseLocalDate(firstdateStr);
        LocalDate enddate = fmt.parseLocalDate(enddateStr);

        if (!dateString.equals("")) {
            LocalDate querydate = fmt.parseLocalDate(dateString);
            int dayNum = Days.daysBetween(firstdate, querydate).getDays();
            if ((dayNum <= 0) || (Days.daysBetween(querydate, enddate).getDays() < 0)) {
                        "Ngy bn nhp khng c trong nm h?c. Hy ch?n ngy hp l!");
                return "cp.addRoomLoan";
            dayString = Integer.toString(querydate.getDayOfWeek() + 1);
            if (dayString.equals("8"))
                dayString = "Ch nht";
            weekString = Integer.toString(dayNum / 7 + 1);
        } else if (!(dayString.equals("") || weekString.equals(""))) {
            try {
                if (dayString.equals("Ch nht"))
                    dayString = "8";
                LocalDate querydate = firstdate
                        .plusDays(7 * (Integer.parseInt(weekString) - 1) + Integer.parseInt(dayString) - 2);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                roomLoanValidation.setDayMonthYearInput_day("Nhi?u ngy");
        } else {
            session.setAttribute("errorAddRoomLoanFwd", "Khng th thm thng tin mn phng "
                    + roomLoanValidation.getRoomCode() + " v thiu thng tin ngy thng mn phng");
            return "redirect:" + this.baseUrl + "/cp/AddRoomLoan.html";

        if (roomsService.loadByCode(room) == null) {
            session.setAttribute("errorAddRoomLoanFwd", "M phng " + room
                    + " khng c trong c s d liu phng. Hy kim tra li!");
            return "redirect:" + this.baseUrl + "/cp/AddRoomLoan.html";

        try {
            String RL_Code = roomLoanValidation.getRoomCode() + "-" + roomLoanValidation.getAcademicYear() + "-"
                    + roomLoanValidation.getDayWeekInput_week() + "-"
                    + roomLoanValidation.getDayWeekInput_day();
            RoomLoan roomLoan = roomLoanService.loadByCode(RL_Code);
            if (roomLoan == null)
                roomLoanService.save(roomLoanValidation.getRoomCode(), roomLoanValidation.getDayWeekInput_day(),
                        roomLoanValidation.getDayWeekInput_week(), roomLoanValidation.getAcademicYear(),
                        roomLoanValidation.getSlotStart() + "-" + roomLoanValidation.getSlotEnd(),
            return "redirect:" + this.baseUrl + "/cp/RoomLoans.html";
        } catch (Exception e) {
            model.put("status", "You failed to edit room loan for" + roomLoanValidation.getRoomCode());
    return "cp.addRoomLoan";