Example usage for org.joda.time Interval getStart

List of usage examples for org.joda.time Interval getStart


In this page you can find the example usage for org.joda.time Interval getStart.


public DateTime getStart() 

Source Link


Gets the start of this time interval, which is inclusive, as a DateTime.


From source file:org.filteredpush.qc.date.DwCEventDQ.java

License:Apache License

 * Given an eventDate check to see if that event date crosses outside a range from a
 * specified lower bound (1700-01-01 by default) and the present.  
 * //from   ww  w .j a  va2 s  .  c  om
 * TODO: This may or may not be consistent with the standard test
 * @param eventDate to check
 * @param lowerBound integer representing the year to use as the lower boundary, if null, then uses 1700
 * @param useLowerBound if false, no lower limit, otherwise uses supplied lower bound.
 * @return an DQValidationResponse object describing whether the provided value is in range.
@Provides(value = "urn:uuid:3cff4dc4-72e9-4abe-9bf3-8a30f1618432")
@Validation(label = "VALIDATION_EVENTDATE_EXTENDSOUTOFRANGE", description = "The range of dwc:eventDate does not extend into the future and optionally does not extend before a date designated when the test is run")
@Specification(value = "The range of dwc:eventDate does not extend into the future and optionally does not extend before a date designated when the test is run The field dwc:eventDate is not EMPTY.")
public static DQResponse<ComplianceValue> isEventDateAtAllInRange(
        @ActedUpon(value = "dwc:eventDate") String eventDate,
        @Parameter(name = "extendsOutOfRangeLowerBound") Integer lowerBound,
        @Parameter(name = "extendsOutOfRangeUseLowerBound") Boolean useLowerBound) {
    DQResponse<ComplianceValue> result = new DQResponse<ComplianceValue>();
    // TODO: Implementation may be too tightly bound to year, may need to extract first/last day for finer granularity test
    if (lowerBound == null) {
        lowerBound = 1700;
    if (useLowerBound == null) {
        useLowerBound = true;
    Integer upperBound = LocalDateTime.now().getYear();
    if (DateUtils.isEmpty(eventDate)) {
        result.addComment("No value provided for dwc:eventDate.");
    } else {
        if (!DateUtils.eventDateValid(eventDate)) {
                    "Value provided for dwc:eventDate [" + eventDate + "] not recognized as a valid date.");
        } else {
            int startYear = 0;
            Interval interval = DateUtils.extractInterval(eventDate);
            if (DateUtils.isRange(eventDate)) {
                int endYear = interval.getEnd().getYear();
                startYear = interval.getStart().getYear();
                if (endYear > upperBound) {
                    result.addComment("Provided value for dwc:eventDate '" + eventDate
                            + "' extends outside the range " + lowerBound.toString() + " to "
                            + upperBound.toString() + " (current year).");
                } else {
                    if (useLowerBound) {
                        if (startYear < lowerBound) {
                            result.addComment("Provided value for dwc:eventDate '" + eventDate
                                    + "' extends outside the range " + lowerBound.toString() + " to "
                                    + upperBound.toString() + " (current year).");
                        } else {
                            result.addComment("Provided value for dwc:eventDate '" + eventDate
                                    + "' is a range spanning at least part of " + lowerBound.toString() + " to "
                                    + upperBound.toString() + " (current year).");
                    } else {
                        result.addComment("Provided value for dwc:eventDate '" + eventDate
                                + "' is a range spanning at least part of " + lowerBound.toString() + " to "
                                + upperBound.toString() + " (current year).");
            } else {
                startYear = interval.getStart().getYear();
                if (useLowerBound) {
                    if (startYear < lowerBound || startYear > upperBound) {
                        result.addComment("Provided value for dwc:eventDate '" + eventDate
                                + "' does not have a year in the range " + lowerBound.toString() + " to "
                                + upperBound.toString() + " (current year).");
                    } else {
                        result.addComment("Provided value for dwc:eventDate '" + eventDate
                                + "' does not have a year in the range " + lowerBound.toString() + " to "
                                + upperBound.toString() + " (current year).");
                } else {
                    if (startYear > upperBound) {
                        result.addComment("Provided value for dwc:eventDate '" + eventDate + "' is not after  "
                                + upperBound.toString() + " (current year).");
                    } else {
                        result.addComment("Provided value for dwc:eventDate '" + eventDate + "' is after "
                                + upperBound.toString() + " (current year).");
    return result;

From source file:org.forgerock.openidm.util.DateUtil.java

License:CDDL license

 * Returns a {@link DateTime} object representing the start date of the supplied interval.
 * //ww  w  . j a v a 2 s . co m
 * @param intervalString a {@link String} object representing an ISO 8601 time interval.
 * @return a {@link DateTime} object representing the start date of the supplied interval.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an error occurs while parsing the intervalString.
public DateTime getStartOfInterval(String intervalString) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    Interval interval = Interval.parse(intervalString);
    DateTime result = interval.getStart();
    return result;

From source file:org.gephi.desktop.timeline.TickGraph.java

License:Open Source License

private void drawDate(Graphics2D g) {
    int width = parameters.getWidth();
    int height = parameters.getHeight();

    //Font/*from ww w.j ava2 s.c o m*/
    int fontSize = Math.min(parameters.getFontSize(), (int) (height / 4.));
    fontSize = fontSize > parameters.getFontSize() / 4 && fontSize <= parameters.getFontSize() / 2
            ? parameters.getFontSize() / 2
            : fontSize;
    FontMetrics smallMetrics = null;
    Font smallFont = parameters.getFont();
    Font bigFont;
    FontMetrics bigMetrics;
    if (smallFont != null && fontSize > parameters.getFontSize() / 4) {
        smallFont = smallFont.deriveFont(Font.PLAIN, fontSize);
        smallMetrics = g.getFontMetrics(smallFont);
        bigFont = smallFont.deriveFont(Font.PLAIN, (int) (fontSize * 2.5));
        bigMetrics = g.getFontMetrics(bigFont);
    } else {
        smallFont = null;
        bigFont = null;

    DateTick dateTick = DateTick.create(min, max, width);

    int TOP_TICK = 0;
    int LOWER_TICK = 1;

    //Lower tick
    if (dateTick.getTypeCount() > 1) {
        Interval[] intervals = dateTick.getIntervals(LOWER_TICK);
        int labelWidth = smallMetrics != null ? smallMetrics.stringWidth("0000") : 0;
        for (Interval interval : intervals) {
            long ms = interval.getStartMillis();
            int x = dateTick.getTickPixelPosition(ms, width);
            if (x >= 0) {

                int h = (int) (Math.min(40, (int) (height / 15.0)));

                //Draw line
                g.drawLine(x, 0, x, h);

                if (smallFont != null && width / intervals.length > labelWidth) {
                    String label = dateTick.getTickValue(LOWER_TICK, interval.getStart());
                    int xLabel = x + 4;
                    int y = (int) (fontSize * 1.2);

                    g.drawString(label, xLabel, y);

    //Top tick
    if (dateTick.getTypeCount() > 0) {
        Interval[] intervals = dateTick.getIntervals(TOP_TICK);
        for (Interval interval : intervals) {
            long ms = interval.getStartMillis();
            int x = dateTick.getTickPixelPosition(ms, width);
            if (x >= 0) {

                int h = height;

                //Draw Line
                g.drawLine(x, 0, x, h);

                if (bigFont != null) {
                    String label = dateTick.getTickValue(TOP_TICK, interval.getStart());
                    int xLabel = x + 4;
                    int y = (int) (fontSize * 4);

                    g.drawString(label, xLabel, y);
            } else if (x > ((dateTick.getTickPixelPosition(interval.getEndMillis(), width) - x) / -2)) {

                if (bigFont != null) {
                    String label = dateTick.getTickValue(TOP_TICK, interval.getStart());
                    int y = (int) (fontSize * 4);

                    g.drawString(label, 4, y);

From source file:org.jadira.usertype.dateandtime.joda.PersistentInterval.java

License:Apache License

protected Object[] toConvertedColumns(Interval value) {

    return new Object[] { value.getStart(), value.getEnd() };

From source file:org.jasig.cas.client.validation.Saml11TicketValidator.java

License:Apache License

private boolean isValidAssertion(final org.opensaml.saml1.core.Assertion assertion) {
    final DateTime notBefore = assertion.getConditions().getNotBefore();
    final DateTime notOnOrAfter = assertion.getConditions().getNotOnOrAfter();

    if (notBefore == null || notOnOrAfter == null) {
        logger.debug("Assertion has no bounding dates. Will not process.");
        return false;
    }//from w  ww . ja  v  a 2  s. c  o  m

    final DateTime currentTime = new DateTime(DateTimeZone.UTC);
    final Interval validityRange = new Interval(notBefore.minus(this.tolerance),

    if (validityRange.contains(currentTime)) {
        logger.debug("Current time is within the interval validity.");
        return true;

    if (currentTime.isBefore(validityRange.getStart())) {
        logger.debug("skipping assertion that's not yet valid...");
        return false;

    logger.debug("skipping expired assertion...");
    return false;

From source file:org.jasig.portlet.calendar.adapter.CalendarEventsDao.java

License:Apache License

 * Get a JSON-appropriate representation of each recurrence of an event
 * within the specified time period./*from   w  w  w.jav  a  2  s . com*/
 * @param e
 * @param interval
 * @param usersConfiguredDateTimeZone
 * @return
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws URISyntaxException
 * @throws ParseException
protected Set<CalendarDisplayEvent> getDisplayEvents(VEvent e, Interval interval, Locale locale,
        DateTimeZone usersConfiguredDateTimeZone) throws IOException, URISyntaxException, ParseException {

    final VEvent event = (VEvent) e.copy();

    DateTime eventStart;
    DateTime eventEnd = null;

    if (event.getStartDate().getTimeZone() == null && !event.getStartDate().isUtc()) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Identified event " + event.getSummary() + " as a floating event");

        int offset = usersConfiguredDateTimeZone.getOffset(event.getStartDate().getDate().getTime());
        eventStart = new DateTime(event.getStartDate().getDate().getTime() - offset,
        if (event.getEndDate() != null) {
            eventEnd = new DateTime(event.getEndDate().getDate().getTime() - offset,

    } else {
        eventStart = new DateTime(event.getStartDate().getDate(), usersConfiguredDateTimeZone);
        if (event.getEndDate() != null) {
            eventEnd = new DateTime(event.getEndDate().getDate(), usersConfiguredDateTimeZone);

    if (eventEnd == null) {
        eventEnd = eventStart;

    // Multi-day events may begin in the past;  make sure to choose a date in range for the first pass...
    final Date firstDayToProcess = interval.contains(event.getStartDate().getDate().getTime())
            ? event.getStartDate().getDate()
            : interval.getStart().toDate();

    DateMidnight startOfTheSpecificDay = new DateMidnight(firstDayToProcess, usersConfiguredDateTimeZone);
    DateMidnight endOfTheSpecificDay = startOfTheSpecificDay.plusDays(1);

    final DateTimeFormatter df = getDateFormatter(locale, usersConfiguredDateTimeZone);
    final DateTimeFormatter tf = getTimeFormatter(locale, usersConfiguredDateTimeZone);
    final Set<CalendarDisplayEvent> events = new HashSet<CalendarDisplayEvent>();
    final Interval eventInterval = new Interval(eventStart, eventEnd);

    do {
        final Interval theSpecificDay = new Interval(startOfTheSpecificDay.getMillis(),
                endOfTheSpecificDay.getMillis(), usersConfiguredDateTimeZone);

         * Test if the event interval abuts the start of the day or is within the day.
         * This start time check is needed for the corner case where a zero duration interval
         * is set for midnight.
         * The start times are tested directly as opposed to using abuts() because that method
         * also returns true if the intervals abut at the end of the day. We want to associate
         * instant events that start at midnight with the starting day, not the ending day.
        if (theSpecificDay.getStart().isEqual(eventStart) || theSpecificDay.overlaps(eventInterval)) {
            final CalendarDisplayEvent json = new CalendarDisplayEvent(event, eventInterval, theSpecificDay, df,

        startOfTheSpecificDay = startOfTheSpecificDay.plusDays(1);
        endOfTheSpecificDay = endOfTheSpecificDay.plusDays(1);

    } while (!startOfTheSpecificDay.isAfter(eventEnd) && interval.contains(startOfTheSpecificDay));

    return events;

From source file:org.jasig.portlet.calendar.adapter.CoursesCalendarAdapter.java

License:Apache License

public CalendarEventSet getEvents(CalendarConfiguration calendarConfiguration, Interval interval,
        PortletRequest request) throws CalendarException {

    String intervalCacheKey = cacheKeyGenerator.getKey(calendarConfiguration, interval, request,
            cacheKeyPrefix.concat(".") + interval.toString());

    // Get the calendar event set for the set of terms from cache
    CalendarEventSet eventSet;//from w  w w .j  a v a 2 s  .c o  m
    Element cachedElement = this.cache.get(intervalCacheKey);
    if (cachedElement != null) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Retrieving calendar event set from cache, termCacheKey:" + intervalCacheKey);
        return (CalendarEventSet) cachedElement.getValue();

    // Get the terms that overlap the requested interval.  Current implementation
    // requires the terms to have the start date and end date present in the
    // term.
    TermList allTerms = courseDao.getTermList(request);
    Set<VEvent> calendarEventSet = new HashSet<VEvent>();
    for (Term term : allTerms.getTerms()) {

        // todo determine if term ending Fri 10/31 (which means THROUGH 10/31 to 23:59:59)
        // and interval starting Fri 10/31 (meaning 10/31 12:00am) works as expected.

        // Determine if the interval overlaps any terms.
        if (interval.getStart().isBefore(term.getEnd().getTimeInMillis())
                && interval.getEnd().isAfter(term.getStart().getTimeInMillis())) {

            Calendar calendar = retrieveCourseCalendar(request, interval, calendarConfiguration, term);
            Set<VEvent> events = contentProcessor.getEvents(interval, calendar);
            log.debug("contentProcessor found " + events.size() + " events");

    // Save the calendar event set to the cache.
    eventSet = new CalendarEventSet(intervalCacheKey, calendarEventSet);
    cachedElement = new Element(intervalCacheKey, eventSet);
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Storing calendar event set to cache, key:" + intervalCacheKey);

    return eventSet;

From source file:org.jasig.portlet.calendar.adapter.ExchangeCalendarAdapter.java

License:Apache License

protected GetUserAvailabilityRequest getAvailabilityRequest(Interval interval, String emailAddress)
        throws DatatypeConfigurationException {

    // construct the SOAP request object to use
    GetUserAvailabilityRequest soapRequest = new GetUserAvailabilityRequest();

    // create an array of mailbox data representing the current user
    ArrayOfMailboxData mailboxes = new ArrayOfMailboxData();
    MailboxData mailbox = new MailboxData();
    Mailbox address = new Mailbox();
    address.setAddress(emailAddress);//from  www  .ja v  a 2  s  .  com

    // create a FreeBusyViewOptions representing the specified period
    FreeBusyViewOptions view = new FreeBusyViewOptions();

    Duration dur = new Duration();

    XMLGregorianCalendar start = getXmlDate(interval.getStart());
    XMLGregorianCalendar end = getXmlDate(interval.getEnd());


    // set the bias to the start time's timezone offset (in minutes 
    // rather than milliseconds)
    TimeZone tz = new TimeZone();
    java.util.TimeZone tZone = java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone(UTC);
    tz.setBias(tZone.getRawOffset() / 1000 / 60);

    // TODO: time zone standard vs. daylight info is temporarily hard-coded
    SerializableTimeZoneTime standard = new SerializableTimeZoneTime();
    standard.setDayOrder((short) 1);
    standard.setMonth((short) 11);
    SerializableTimeZoneTime daylight = new SerializableTimeZoneTime();
    daylight.setDayOrder((short) 1);
    daylight.setMonth((short) 3);


    return soapRequest;

From source file:org.jasig.portlet.calendar.mvc.CalendarDisplayEvent.java

License:Apache License

 * Constructs an object from specified data.
 * @param event "Raw" Event object/* w w  w .ja v a2  s  . c o m*/
 * @param eventInterval Interval portion of the event that applies to this specific day
 * @param theSpecificDay Interval of the specific day in question
 * @param df date formatter to represent date displays
 * @param tf time formatter to represent time displays
public CalendarDisplayEvent(VEvent event, Interval eventInterval, Interval theSpecificDay, DateTimeFormatter df,
        DateTimeFormatter tf) {
    assert theSpecificDay.abuts(eventInterval)
            || theSpecificDay.overlaps(eventInterval) : "Event interval is not in the specified day!";

    this.summary = event.getSummary() != null ? event.getSummary().getValue() : null;
    this.description = event.getDescription() != null ? event.getDescription().getValue() : null;
    this.location = event.getLocation() != null ? event.getLocation().getValue() : null;

    boolean multi = false;
    if (eventInterval.getStart().isBefore(theSpecificDay.getStart())) {
        dayStart = theSpecificDay.getStart();
        multi = true;
    } else {
        dayStart = eventInterval.getStart();

    if (event.getEndDate() == null) {
        dayEnd = dayStart;
    } else if (eventInterval.getEnd().isAfter(theSpecificDay.getEnd())) {
        dayEnd = theSpecificDay.getEnd();
        multi = true;
    } else {
        dayEnd = eventInterval.getEnd();
    this.isMultiDay = multi;

    this.dateStartTime = tf.print(dayStart);
    this.startTime = tf.print(eventInterval.getStart());
    this.startDate = df.print(eventInterval.getStart());

    if (event.getEndDate() != null) {
        this.dateEndTime = tf.print(dayEnd);
        this.endTime = tf.print(eventInterval.getEnd());
        this.endDate = df.print(eventInterval.getEnd());
    } else {
        this.dateEndTime = null;
        this.endTime = null;
        this.endDate = null;

    Interval dayEventInterval = new Interval(dayStart, dayEnd);
    this.isAllDay = dayEventInterval.equals(theSpecificDay);


From source file:org.jasig.portlet.calendar.mvc.controller.CalendarController.java

License:Apache License

public ModelAndView getCalendar(@RequestParam(required = false, value = "interval") String intervalString,
        RenderRequest request) {/* w  ww .j a v  a 2 s. c o  m*/

    PortletSession session = request.getPortletSession(true);

    PortletPreferences prefs = request.getPreferences();

    Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();

    // get the list of hidden calendars
    HashMap<Long, String> hiddenCalendars = (HashMap<Long, String>) session.getAttribute("hiddenCalendars");

    // indicate if the current user is a guest (unauthenticated) user
    model.put("guest", request.getRemoteUser() == null);

     * Add and remove calendars from the hidden list.  Hidden calendars
     * will be fetched, but rendered invisible in the view.

    // check the request parameters to see if we need to add any
    // calendars to the list of hidden calendars
    String hideCalendar = request.getParameter("hideCalendar");
    if (hideCalendar != null) {
        hiddenCalendars.put(Long.valueOf(hideCalendar), "true");
        session.setAttribute("hiddenCalendars", hiddenCalendars);

    // check the request parameters to see if we need to remove
    // any calendars from the list of hidden calendars
    String showCalendar = request.getParameter("showCalendar");
    if (showCalendar != null) {
        session.setAttribute("hiddenCalendars", hiddenCalendars);

    // See if we're configured to show or hide the jQueryUI DatePicker.
    // By default, we assume we are to show the DatePicker because that's
    // the classic behavior.
    String showDatePicker = prefs.getValue("showDatePicker", "true");
    model.put("showDatePicker", showDatePicker);

     * Find our desired starting and ending dates.

    Interval interval = null;

    if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(intervalString)) {
        interval = Interval.parse(intervalString);
        model.put("startDate", new DateMidnight(interval.getStart()).toDate());
        model.put("days", interval.toDuration().getStandardDays());
        model.put("endDate", new DateMidnight(interval.getEnd()));
    } else {
        //StartDate can only be changed via an AJAX request
        DateMidnight startDate = (DateMidnight) session.getAttribute("startDate");
        log.debug("startDate from session is: " + startDate);
        model.put("startDate", startDate.toDate());

        // find how many days into the future we should display events
        int days = (Integer) session.getAttribute("days");
        model.put("days", days);

        // set the end date based on our desired time period
        DateMidnight endDate = startDate.plusDays(days);
        model.put("endDate", endDate.toDate());

        interval = new Interval(startDate, endDate);

    // define "today" and "tomorrow" so we can display these specially in the
    // user interface
    // get the user's configured time zone
    String timezone = (String) session.getAttribute("timezone");
    DateMidnight today = new DateMidnight(DateTimeZone.forID(timezone));
    model.put("today", today.toDate());
    model.put("tomorrow", today.plusDays(1).toDate());

     * retrieve the calendars defined for this portlet instance

    CalendarSet<?> set = calendarSetDao.getCalendarSet(request);
    List<CalendarConfiguration> calendars = new ArrayList<CalendarConfiguration>();
    Collections.sort(calendars, new CalendarConfigurationByNameComparator());
    model.put("calendars", calendars);

    Map<Long, Integer> colors = new HashMap<Long, Integer>();
    Map<Long, String> links = new HashMap<Long, String>();
    int index = 0;
    for (CalendarConfiguration callisting : calendars) {

        // don't bother to fetch hidden calendars
        if (hiddenCalendars.get(callisting.getId()) == null) {

            try {

                // get an instance of the adapter for this calendar
                ICalendarAdapter adapter = (ICalendarAdapter) applicationContext

                //get hyperlink to calendar
                String link = adapter.getLink(callisting, interval, request);
                if (link != null) {
                    links.put(callisting.getId(), link);

            } catch (NoSuchBeanDefinitionException ex) {
                log.error("Calendar class instance could not be found: " + ex.getMessage());
            } catch (CalendarLinkException linkEx) {
                // Not an error. Ignore
            } catch (Exception ex) {

        // add this calendar's id to the color map
        colors.put(callisting.getId(), index);


    model.put("timezone", session.getAttribute("timezone"));
    model.put("colors", colors);
    model.put("links", links);
    model.put("hiddenCalendars", hiddenCalendars);

     * Check if we need to disable either the preferences and/or administration links

    Boolean disablePrefs = Boolean.valueOf(prefs.getValue(PREFERENCE_DISABLE_PREFERENCES, "false"));
    model.put(PREFERENCE_DISABLE_PREFERENCES, disablePrefs);
    Boolean disableAdmin = Boolean.valueOf(prefs.getValue(PREFERENCE_DISABLE_ADMINISTRATION, "false"));

    return new ModelAndView(viewSelector.getCalendarViewName(request), "model", model);