Example usage for org.joda.time Interval getStart

List of usage examples for org.joda.time Interval getStart


In this page you can find the example usage for org.joda.time Interval getStart.


public DateTime getStart() 

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Gets the start of this time interval, which is inclusive, as a DateTime.


From source file:com.yahoo.bard.webservice.util.DateTimeUtils.java

License:Apache License

 * Check to see if we can determine availability from the given available and needed intervals.
 * @param available  Available interval/*from w  w w. jav a2s . c o m*/
 * @param needed  Needed interval
 * @return True if we can determine availability, false if not
private static boolean canDetermineAvailability(Interval available, Interval needed) {
    if (available != null && needed != null) {
        if (available.contains(needed) || available.getStart().isAfter(needed.getStart())) {
            return true;
    return false;

From source file:com.yahoo.bard.webservice.util.DateTimeUtils.java

License:Apache License

 * Converts an interval to a specified string format.
 * @param interval  interval to be formatted
 * @param formatter  date time formatter for the
 * @param separator  string to separate interval start and end
 * @return formatted interval string/*  w  w  w  .ja  v  a  2s.c o  m*/
public static String intervalToString(Interval interval, DateTimeFormatter formatter, String separator) {
    return interval.getStart().toString(formatter) + separator + interval.getEnd().toString(formatter);

From source file:com.yahoo.bard.webservice.util.DateTimeUtils.java

License:Apache License

 * Slices the intervals into smaller intervals of the timeGrain duration.
 * @param interval  interval to be sliced
 * @param timeGrain  size of the slice/*from   w w w  .j a va 2  s .  c  om*/
 * @return list of intervals obtained by slicing the larger interval
 * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the interval is not an even multiple of the time grain
public static List<Interval> sliceIntervals(Interval interval, TimeGrain timeGrain) {
    // TODO: Refactor me to use a Period
    DateTime intervalEnd = interval.getEnd();
    DateTime sliceStart = interval.getStart();
    DateTime periodStart = timeGrain.roundFloor(sliceStart);

    if (!sliceStart.equals(periodStart)) {
        LOG.info("Interval {} is not aligned to TimeGrain {} starting {}", interval, timeGrain, periodStart);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Interval must be aligned to the TimeGrain starting " + periodStart);

    List<Interval> intervalSlices = new ArrayList<>();
    while (sliceStart.isBefore(intervalEnd)) {
        // Find the end of the next slice
        DateTime sliceEnd = DateTimeUtils.addTimeGrain(sliceStart, timeGrain);

        // Make the next slice
        Interval slicedInterval = new Interval(sliceStart, sliceEnd);

        // Make sure that our slice is fully contained within our interval
        if (!interval.contains(slicedInterval)) {
            LOG.info("Interval {} is not a multiple of TimeGrain {}", interval, timeGrain);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Interval must be a multiple of the TimeGrain");

        // Add the slice

        // Move the slicer forward
        sliceStart = sliceEnd;
    LOG.debug("Sliced interval {} into {} slices of {} grain", interval, intervalSlices.size(), timeGrain);

    return intervalSlices;

From source file:com.yahoo.bard.webservice.util.IntervalPeriodIterator.java

License:Apache License

 * Constructor./* w  ww  . j  a v  a  2  s  .  c  om*/
 * @param period  The period to divide the interval by
 * @param baseInterval  The raw interval which is to be divided
public IntervalPeriodIterator(@NotNull ReadablePeriod period, Interval baseInterval) {
    this.period = period;
    intervalStart = baseInterval.getStart();
    intervalEnd = baseInterval.getEnd();
    position = 0;
    currentPosition = boundaryAt(0);

    // Chronology accepts null periods, we must not do so or this iterator is non-terminating
    if (period == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Period cannot be null");

From source file:com.yahoo.bard.webservice.util.IntervalStartComparator.java

License:Apache License

public int compare(Interval a, Interval b) {
    return a.getStart().compareTo(b.getStart());

From source file:com.yahoo.bard.webservice.util.IntervalUtils.java

License:Apache License

 * Find a valid timegrain for the interval based on the start and end date of the interval.
 * @param interval  The interval to find a timegrain for.
 * @return the valid timegrain spanned by the interval.
 *///from   www. j  a va 2s . c  o  m
public static Optional<TimeGrain> getTimeGrain(Interval interval) {
    return StandardGranularityParser.getDefaultGrainMap().values().stream()
            .filter(granularity -> granularity instanceof TimeGrain).map(granularity -> (TimeGrain) granularity)
            .filter(timeGrain -> timeGrain.aligns(interval))
            .filter(timeGrain -> interval.getStart().plus(timeGrain.getPeriod()).equals(interval.getEnd()))

From source file:com.yahoo.bard.webservice.util.SimplifiedIntervalList.java

License:Apache License

 * Given a sorted linked list of intervals, add the following interval to the end, merging the incoming interval
 * to any tail intervals which overlap or abut with it.
 * <p>/* w w  w.j av  a 2  s.co m*/
 * In the case where added intervals are at the end of the list, this is efficient. In the case where they are not,
 * this degrades to an insertion sort.
 * @param interval  The interval to be merged and added to this list
private void appendWithMerge(Interval interval) {
    // Do not store empty intervals
    if (interval.toDurationMillis() == 0) {

    if (isEmpty()) {
    final Interval previous = peekLast();

    // If this interval does not belong at the end, removeLast until it does
    if (interval.getStart().isBefore(previous.getStart())) {

    if (previous.gap(interval) != null) {
    Interval newEnd = new Interval(Math.min(previous.getStartMillis(), interval.getStartMillis()),
            Math.max(previous.getEndMillis(), interval.getEndMillis()));

From source file:com.yahoo.bard.webservice.util.SimplifiedIntervalList.java

License:Apache License

 * Back elements off the list until the insertion is at the correct endpoint of the list and then merge and append
 * the original contents of the list back in.
 * @param interval  The interval to be merged and added
 *//*from ww  w. ja  v  a  2 s.c  om*/
private void mergeInner(Interval interval) {
    Interval previous = peekLast();
    LinkedList<Interval> buffer = new LinkedList<>();
    while (previous != null && interval.getStart().isBefore(previous.getStart())) {
        previous = peekLast();

From source file:com.yahoo.bard.webservice.util.SimplifiedIntervalList.java

License:Apache License

 * Return the subtracted list of all intervals in this that are not in that.
 * @param that  A simplified list of intervals
 * @return A new simplified interval list whose intervals are all subintervals of this and not that
 *//*from ww  w . j  av  a 2 s . c om*/
public SimplifiedIntervalList subtract(SimplifiedIntervalList that) {
    Iterator<Interval> theseIntervals = this.iterator();
    Interval thisCurrent = getNextIfAvailable.apply(theseIntervals);

    if (thisCurrent == null) {
        return new SimplifiedIntervalList();

    Iterator<Interval> thoseIntervals = that.iterator();

    Interval thatCurrent = getNextIfAvailable.apply(thoseIntervals);
    List<Interval> collected = new ArrayList<>();

    while (thisCurrent != null && thatCurrent != null) {
        if (thisCurrent.isBefore(thatCurrent)) {
            // Non overlapping intervals are simply collected
        } else if (thisCurrent.overlaps(thatCurrent)) {
            // Take any part of the source interval that lies before an overlap
            if (thisCurrent.getStart().isBefore(thatCurrent.getStart())) {
                collected.add(new Interval(thisCurrent.getStart(), thatCurrent.getStart()));
            // Truncate out any overlap from the source interval and continue
            if (!thisCurrent.getEnd().isBefore(thatCurrent.getEnd())) {
                thisCurrent = new Interval(thatCurrent.getEnd(), thisCurrent.getEnd());
        // Advance to the next interval to consider
        if (thisCurrent.isBefore(thatCurrent.getEnd())) {
            thisCurrent = getNextIfAvailable.apply(theseIntervals);
        } else {
            thatCurrent = getNextIfAvailable.apply(thoseIntervals);
    if (thatCurrent == null) {
        while (theseIntervals.hasNext()) {
    return new SimplifiedIntervalList(collected);

From source file:csv.CSVCreator.java

 * Converts a duration object to a descriptive string of that object
 * @param interval//from w ww . j  a  v a  2s  .c o m
 * @return a descriptive string of the given input
private String convertDurationToString(Interval interval) {
    DateTime start = interval.getStart();
    DateTime end = interval.getEnd();

    DateTimeFormatter df = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("y-MM-dd");

    return df.print(start) + " - " + df.print(end);