List of usage examples for org.jfree.chart.plot XYPlot setRangeCrosshairValue
public void setRangeCrosshairValue(double value)
From source
/** * Sets value of crosshair to first item in chart. * * @param jfreechart/* w ww .j ava 2s . c o m*/ */ private void setCrosshairDefaultValue(XYPlot plot, XYDataset dataset) { if (dataset.getItemCount(0) != 0) { plot.setDomainCrosshairValue(dataset.getXValue(0, 0)); plot.setRangeCrosshairValue(dataset.getYValue(0, 0)); } }
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public void setNextCrosshairValue(JFreeChart jfreechart) { XYPlot plot = (XYPlot) jfreechart.getPlot(); XYDataset dataset = plot.getDataset(); //set crosshair to next value if not on last already for (int i = 0; i < dataSampler.getLastToDisplay().size() - 1; i++) { //find generation in datasampler.todisplay if ((int) plot.getDomainCrosshairValue() == dataSampler.getLastToDisplay().get(i).getGenNumber()) { plot.setDomainCrosshairValue(dataset.getXValue(0, i + 1)); plot.setRangeCrosshairValue(dataset.getYValue(0, i + 1)); break; }//from w w w . ja v a 2s . c om } }
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/*********************************************************************************************** * Draw the Chart Crosshair values on the XYPlot if possible. * Used by refreshChart()./*from www . j av a 2s.c om*/ * This should be followed by fireChartChanged() when all updates are complete. * * @param chartui * @param debug */ public static void drawChartCrosshairsOnXYPlot(final ChartUIComponentPlugin chartui, final boolean debug) { final String SOURCE = "ChartHelper.drawChartCrosshairsOnXYPlot() "; // RangeCrosshair if ((chartui != null) && (chartui.getRangeCrosshair() > ChartUIComponentPlugin.RANGE_MIN) && (chartui.getChartPanel() != null) && (chartui.getChartPanel().getChart() != null) && (chartui.getChartPanel().getChart().getXYPlot() != null)) { final XYPlot plot; final ValueAxis rangeAxis; final Range range; final double dblPositionFraction; final double dblRangeCrosshairXYPlot; plot = (XYPlot) chartui.getChartPanel().getChart().getPlot(); rangeAxis = plot.getRangeAxis(); range = rangeAxis.getRange(); dblPositionFraction = (chartui.getRangeCrosshair() - ChartUIComponentPlugin.RANGE_MIN) / (double) (ChartUIComponentPlugin.RANGE_MAX - ChartUIComponentPlugin.RANGE_MIN); dblRangeCrosshairXYPlot = rangeAxis.getLowerBound() + (dblPositionFraction * range.getLength()); FrameworkSingletons.LOGGER.debug(debug, SOURCE + "Draw Range Crosshair on XYPlot [crosshair.range=" + chartui.getRangeCrosshair() + "] [crosshair.xyplot=" + dblRangeCrosshairXYPlot + "] [range.min=" + ChartUIComponentPlugin.RANGE_MIN + "] [range.max=" + ChartUIComponentPlugin.RANGE_MAX + "]"); plot.setRangeCrosshairValue(dblRangeCrosshairXYPlot); } // DomainCrosshair if ((chartui != null) && (chartui.getDomainCrosshair() > ChartUIComponentPlugin.DOMAIN_MIN) && (chartui.getChartPanel() != null) && (chartui.getChartPanel().getChart() != null) && (chartui.getChartPanel().getChart().getXYPlot() != null)) { final XYPlot plot; final ValueAxis domainAxis; final Range range; final double dblPositionFraction; final double dblDomainCrosshairXYPlot; plot = (XYPlot) chartui.getChartPanel().getChart().getPlot(); domainAxis = plot.getDomainAxis(); range = domainAxis.getRange(); // ToDo WARNING! Needs to be the same as for the slider?? dblPositionFraction = (chartui.getDomainCrosshair() - ChartUIComponentPlugin.OFFSET_CONTROL_COARSE_MINIMUM) / (double) (ChartUIComponentPlugin.OFFSET_CONTROL_COARSE_MAXIMUM - ChartUIComponentPlugin.OFFSET_CONTROL_COARSE_MINIMUM); // dblPositionFraction = (chartui.getDomainCrosshair() - ChartUIComponentPlugin.DOMAIN_MIN) / (double)(ChartUIComponentPlugin.DOMAIN_MAX - ChartUIComponentPlugin.DOMAIN_MIN); dblDomainCrosshairXYPlot = domainAxis.getLowerBound() + (dblPositionFraction * range.getLength()); FrameworkSingletons.LOGGER.debug(debug, SOURCE + "Draw Domain Crosshair on XYPlot [crosshair.domain=" + chartui.getDomainCrosshair() + "] [crosshair.xyplot=" + dblDomainCrosshairXYPlot + "] [domain.min=" + ChartUIComponentPlugin.OFFSET_CONTROL_COARSE_MINIMUM + "] [domain.max=" + ChartUIComponentPlugin.OFFSET_CONTROL_COARSE_MAXIMUM + "]"); // LOGGER.debug(debug, // SOURCE + "Draw Domain Crosshair on XYPlot [crosshair.domain=" + chartui.getDomainCrosshair() // + "] [crosshair.xyplot=" + dblDomainCrosshairXYPlot // + "] [domain.min=" + ChartUIComponentPlugin.DOMAIN_MIN // + "] [domain.max=" + ChartUIComponentPlugin.DOMAIN_MAX // + "]"); // plot.setDomainCrosshairValue(dblDomainCrosshairXYPlot); } }
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public void setPrevCrosshairValue(JFreeChart jfreechart) { XYPlot plot = (XYPlot) jfreechart.getPlot(); XYDataset dataset = plot.getDataset(); //set crosshair to previous value if not on first already for (int i = 0; i < dataSampler.getLastToDisplay().size(); i++) { //find generation in datasampler.todisplay if ((int) plot.getDomainCrosshairValue() == dataSampler.getLastToDisplay().get(i).getGenNumber()) { if (i > 0) { plot.setDomainCrosshairValue(dataset.getXValue(0, i - 1)); plot.setRangeCrosshairValue(dataset.getYValue(0, i - 1)); }//w w w . j a v a2s .c o m break; } } }
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/*********************************************************************************************** * Update the Centroid Crosshairs, provided that ObservatoryMetadata contains valid * Observation.Centroid.Longitude and Observation.Centroid.Latitude. *//*from w w w . jav a 2 s . c om*/ private void updateCentroidCrosshairs() { final String SOURCE = "GpsScatterPlotUIComponent.updateCentroidCrosshairs() "; if ((getHostInstrument() != null) && (getHostInstrument().getDAO() != null) && (getHostInstrument().getDAO().getChartUI() != null) && (getHostInstrument().getDAO().getChartUI().getChartPanel() != null) && (getHostInstrument().getDAO().getChartUI().getChartPanel().getChart() != null) && (getHostInstrument().getDAO().getObservationMetadata() != null)) { final Metadata metadataLongitude; final Metadata metadataLatitude; DegMinSecInterface dmsCentroidLongitude; DegMinSecInterface dmsCentroidLatitude; final List<String> errors; dmsCentroidLongitude = null; dmsCentroidLatitude = null; errors = new ArrayList<String>(10); // Get the centroid of the fixes from the Observation Metadata metadataLongitude = MetadataHelper.getMetadataByKey( getHostInstrument().getDAO().getObservationMetadata(), MetadataDictionary.KEY_OBSERVATION_CENTROID_LONGITUDE.getKey()); metadataLatitude = MetadataHelper.getMetadataByKey( getHostInstrument().getDAO().getObservationMetadata(), MetadataDictionary.KEY_OBSERVATION_CENTROID_LATITUDE.getKey()); if (metadataLongitude != null) { dmsCentroidLongitude = (DegMinSecInterface) DataTypeHelper.parseDataTypeFromValueField( metadataLongitude.getValue(), DataTypeDictionary.SIGNED_LONGITUDE, EMPTY_STRING, EMPTY_STRING, errors); } if (metadataLatitude != null) { dmsCentroidLatitude = (DegMinSecInterface) DataTypeHelper.parseDataTypeFromValueField( metadataLatitude.getValue(), DataTypeDictionary.LATITUDE, EMPTY_STRING, EMPTY_STRING, errors); } if ((errors.isEmpty()) && (dmsCentroidLongitude != null) && (dmsCentroidLatitude != null)) { final XYPlot plot; plot = (XYPlot) getHostInstrument().getDAO().getChartUI().getChartPanel().getChart().getPlot(); if (plot != null) { // Remember that the Domain is the X-axis, i.e. Longitude plot.setDomainCrosshairValue(dmsCentroidLongitude.toDouble()); plot.setRangeCrosshairValue(dmsCentroidLatitude.toDouble()); } } LOGGER.errors(SOURCE, errors); } }
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private void onCrosshairValueChange(ObsIndex value) { if (isElementVisible(Element.CROSSHAIR) && existPredicate.apply(value)) { double x = dataset.getXValue(value.getSeries(), value.getObs()); double y = dataset.getYValue(value.getSeries(), value.getObs()); int index = plotDispatcher.apply(value.getSeries()); for (XYPlot subPlot : roSubPlots) { subPlot.setDomainCrosshairValue(x); subPlot.setDomainCrosshairVisible(crosshairOrientation != CrosshairOrientation.HORIZONTAL); if (roSubPlots.indexOf(subPlot) == index && crosshairOrientation != CrosshairOrientation.VERTICAL) { subPlot.setRangeCrosshairValue(y); subPlot.setRangeCrosshairVisible(true); } else { subPlot.setRangeCrosshairVisible(false); }/*from ww w . java*/ } } else { for (XYPlot subPlot : roSubPlots) { subPlot.setRangeCrosshairVisible(false); subPlot.setDomainCrosshairVisible(false); } } }