List of usage examples for org.jfree.chart.plot XYPlot setOrientation
public void setOrientation(PlotOrientation orientation)
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/** * Creates the demo chart./* w ww . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ * * @return The chart. */ private static JFreeChart createChart() { XYDataset dataset1 = createDataset("Series 1", 100.0, new Day(), 200); JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart("Multiple Axis Demo 3", "Time of Day", "Primary Range Axis", dataset1, true, true, false); chart.setBackgroundPaint(Color.white); chart.setBorderVisible(true); chart.setBorderPaint(Color.BLACK); TextTitle subtitle = new TextTitle("Four datasets and four range axes."); chart.addSubtitle(subtitle); XYPlot plot = (XYPlot) chart.getPlot(); plot.setOrientation(PlotOrientation.VERTICAL); plot.setBackgroundPaint(Color.lightGray); plot.setDomainGridlinePaint(Color.white); plot.setRangeGridlinePaint(Color.white); plot.setAxisOffset(new RectangleInsets(5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0)); XYItemRenderer renderer = plot.getRenderer(); renderer.setSeriesPaint(0,; // AXIS 2 NumberAxis axis2 = new NumberAxis("Range Axis 2"); axis2.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(false); axis2.setLabelPaint(; axis2.setTickLabelPaint(; plot.setRangeAxis(1, axis2); plot.setRangeAxisLocation(1, AxisLocation.BOTTOM_OR_LEFT); XYDataset dataset2 = createDataset("Series 2", 1000.0, new Day(), 170); plot.setDataset(1, dataset2); plot.mapDatasetToRangeAxis(1, 1); XYItemRenderer renderer2 = new StandardXYItemRenderer(); renderer2.setSeriesPaint(0,; plot.setRenderer(1, renderer2); // AXIS 3 NumberAxis axis3 = new NumberAxis("Range Axis 3"); axis3.setLabelPaint(; axis3.setTickLabelPaint(; // axis3.setPositiveArrowVisible(true); plot.setRangeAxis(2, axis3); XYDataset dataset3 = createDataset("Series 3", 10000.0, new Day(), 170); plot.setDataset(2, dataset3); plot.mapDatasetToRangeAxis(2, 2); XYItemRenderer renderer3 = new StandardXYItemRenderer(); renderer3.setSeriesPaint(0,; plot.setRenderer(2, renderer3); // AXIS 4 NumberAxis axis4 = new NumberAxis("Range Axis 4"); axis4.setLabelPaint(; axis4.setTickLabelPaint(; plot.setRangeAxis(3, axis4); XYDataset dataset4 = createDataset("Series 4", 25.0, new Day(), 200); plot.setDataset(3, dataset4); plot.mapDatasetToRangeAxis(3, 3); XYItemRenderer renderer4 = new StandardXYItemRenderer(); renderer4.setSeriesPaint(0,; plot.setRenderer(3, renderer4); return chart; }
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private static JFreeChart createGraficoXY(String title, String categoryAxisLabel, String valueAxisLabel, IntervalXYDataset dataset) {/*from w ww.j a va2s. c om*/ NumberAxis domainAxis = new NumberAxis(categoryAxisLabel); domainAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(false); ValueAxis valueAxis = new NumberAxis(valueAxisLabel); XYBarRenderer renderer = new ClusteredXYBarRenderer(); XYPlot plot = new XYPlot((XYDataset) dataset, domainAxis, valueAxis, renderer); plot.setOrientation(PlotOrientation.VERTICAL); JFreeChart chart = new JFreeChart(title, JFreeChart.DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT, plot, true); return chart; }
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public static JFreeChart createLineChart(final XYDataset dataset) { NumberAxis xAxis = new NumberAxis(null); xAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(false); NumberAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis(null); XYItemRenderer renderer = new StandardXYItemRenderer(StandardXYItemRenderer.LINES); XYPlot plot = new XYPlot(dataset, xAxis, yAxis, renderer); plot.setOrientation(PlotOrientation.VERTICAL); renderer.setToolTipGenerator(new StandardXYToolTipGenerator()); JFreeChart chart = new JFreeChart(null, JFreeChart.DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT, plot, false); removeAxisAndInsets(chart);/*from w ww .j ava 2 s .co m*/ return chart; }
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/** * Creates a new chart.// w w w.j a va 2s. c o m * * @param dataset * the dataset. * * @return The chart. */ public static JFreeChart createBarChart(final XYDataset dataset) { ValueAxis domainAxis = null; NumberAxis axis = new NumberAxis(null); axis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(false); domainAxis = axis; ValueAxis valueAxis = new NumberAxis(null); XYItemRenderer barRenderer = new XYStepAreaRenderer(XYStepAreaRenderer.AREA, new StandardXYToolTipGenerator(), null); XYPlot plot = new XYPlot(dataset, domainAxis, valueAxis, barRenderer); plot.setOrientation(PlotOrientation.VERTICAL); JFreeChart chart = new JFreeChart(null, JFreeChart.DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT, plot, false); removeAxisAndInsets(chart); return chart; }
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/** * * @param plot// w w w . j a va 2 s. co m * @return */ public static XYPlot getPlot3(XYPlot plot) { XYPlot p = new XYPlot(plot.getDataset(), new NumberAxis(plot.getRangeAxis().getLabel()), new NumberAxis(plot.getDomainAxis().getLabel()), plot.getRenderer()); p.setOrientation(PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL); p.setDomainAxisLocation(AxisLocation.TOP_OR_RIGHT); Logger.getLogger(ChartTools.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "fixed auto range: {0}", plot.getRangeAxis().getRange().getUpperBound()); p.getDomainAxis().setFixedAutoRange(500); return p; }
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/** * This function creates the measurement graph by using the JFreeChart * library. The X axis of the graph is in minutes. * //from w ww. jav a 2 s . c om * @param plotList * plotlist to save. Xvalues must be stored in milliseconds. * @param associatedName * Name of the list * @param folderWhereResultsAreSaved * folder where results are saved * @param yLabel * Name of the y label * @param pictureFile * name of the file * @param yDivisor * use to divide measurements stored in the plotlist by yDivisor */ public static void generateGraphWithJFreeChart(PlotList plotList, String associatedName, String folderWhereResultsAreSaved, String yLabel, String pictureFile, float yDivisor) { // Create a new XYSeries // XYSeries are used to represent couples of (x,y) values. XYSeries data = new XYSeries(associatedName); int size = plotList.getSize(); if (size == 0) { // no element in graphics, exit //Logger.getLogger(this.getClass() ).warn("Nothing in graph"); return; } // Find the initial value of the time // Due to the fact that getX(i) <= getX(i+1), // min({0<=i<size / getX(i)}) = getX(0) long initialValue = plotList.getX(0); XYSeriesCollection series = new XYSeriesCollection(data); if (!plotList.getunit().equals("")) yLabel += " (" + plotList.getunit() + ")"; // Create a new XY graph. //JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart("", "Time", yLabel, series, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, false); JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart("", "Time (min:sec)", yLabel, series, true, true, false); // Set the graph format XYPlot plot = chart.getXYPlot(); plot.setOrientation(PlotOrientation.VERTICAL); DateAxis axis = (DateAxis) plot.getDomainAxis(); //axis.setTickUnit(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnit.SECOND, 10)); RelativeDateFormat rdf = new RelativeDateFormat(initialValue); rdf.setSecondFormatter(new DecimalFormat("00")); axis.setDateFormatOverride(rdf); // Fill the JFreeChart object which will be used to create the Graph for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { // xvalue must be in double xval = ((Long) plotList.getX(i)).doubleValue(); float yval = plotList.getY(i).floatValue() / yDivisor; // Logger.getLogger(this.getClass() ).debug(associatedName + " [" + (((Long) // plotList.getX(i)).floatValue() - initialValue) // / XDIVISOR +"] "+ yval); data.add(xval, yval); } ValueAxis rangeAxis = plot.getRangeAxis(); Long min = plotList.getMin(); Long max = plotList.getMax(); double diff = (max - min) * 0.02; if (diff == 0) diff = max * 0.0001; rangeAxis.setLowerBound((min - diff) / yDivisor); rangeAxis.setUpperBound((max + diff) / yDivisor); // Logger.getLogger(this.getClass() ).debug("(" + (min / yDivisor) * 0.98 + " - " // + (min / yDivisor) * 0.98 + ")"); // Logger.getLogger(this.getClass() ).debug("Bound = " + rangeAxis.getLowerBound() + " - " // + rangeAxis.getUpperBound()); // Logger.getLogger(this.getClass() ).debug("Margin = " + rangeAxis.getLowerMargin() + " - " // + rangeAxis.getUpperMargin()); // Logger.getLogger(this.getClass() ).debug("NB AXIS = " + plot.getRangeAxisCount()); // save the chart in a picture file. BufferedImage bufImage = chart.createBufferedImage(640, 480); File fichier = new File(pictureFile); try { if (!ImageIO.write(bufImage, "png", fichier)) { return; } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
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private static JFreeChart createStackedXYBarChart(final String title, final String xAxisLabel, final boolean dateAxis, final String yAxisLabel, final TableXYDataset dataset, final PlotOrientation orientation, final boolean legend, final boolean tooltips, final boolean urls) { if (orientation == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null 'orientation' argument."); }//from w w w. j a v a 2 s .c om ValueAxis domainAxis = null; if (dateAxis) { domainAxis = new DateAxis(xAxisLabel); } else { final NumberAxis axis = new NumberAxis(xAxisLabel); axis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(false); domainAxis = axis; } final ValueAxis valueAxis = new NumberAxis(yAxisLabel); final StackedXYBarRenderer renderer = new StackedXYBarRenderer(); renderer.setUseYInterval(true); if (tooltips) { final XYToolTipGenerator tt; if (dateAxis) { tt = StandardXYToolTipGenerator.getTimeSeriesInstance(); } else { tt = new StandardXYToolTipGenerator(); } renderer.setBaseToolTipGenerator(tt); } if (urls) { renderer.setURLGenerator(new StandardXYURLGenerator()); } final XYPlot plot = new XYPlot(dataset, domainAxis, valueAxis, renderer); plot.setOrientation(orientation); return new JFreeChart(title, JFreeChart.DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT, plot, legend); }
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/** * Creates and returns a default instance of an XY bar chart. * <p/>/* www . ja va 2 s .com*/ * The chart object returned by this method uses an {@link XYPlot} instance as the plot, with a {@link * org.jfree.chart.axis.DateAxis} for the domain axis, a {@link org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis} as the range axis, * and a {@link XYBarRenderer} as the renderer. * * @param title the chart title (<code>null</code> permitted). * @param xAxisLabel a label for the X-axis (<code>null</code> permitted). * @param dateAxis make the domain axis display dates? * @param yAxisLabel a label for the Y-axis (<code>null</code> permitted). * @param dataset the dataset for the chart (<code>null</code> permitted). * @param orientation the orientation (horizontal or vertical) (<code>null</code> NOT permitted). * @param legend a flag specifying whether or not a legend is required. * @param tooltips configure chart to generate tool tips? * @param urls configure chart to generate URLs? * @return An XY bar chart. */ public static JFreeChart createXYBarChart(final String title, final String xAxisLabel, final boolean dateAxis, final String yAxisLabel, final XYDataset dataset, final PlotOrientation orientation, final boolean legend, final boolean tooltips, final boolean urls) { if (orientation == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null 'orientation' argument."); } ValueAxis domainAxis = null; if (dateAxis) { domainAxis = new DateAxis(xAxisLabel); } else { final NumberAxis axis = new NumberAxis(xAxisLabel); axis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(false); domainAxis = axis; } final ValueAxis valueAxis = new NumberAxis(yAxisLabel); final XYBarRenderer renderer = new XYBarRenderer(); renderer.setUseYInterval(true); if (tooltips) { final XYToolTipGenerator tt; if (dateAxis) { tt = StandardXYToolTipGenerator.getTimeSeriesInstance(); } else { tt = new StandardXYToolTipGenerator(); } renderer.setBaseToolTipGenerator(tt); } if (urls) { renderer.setURLGenerator(new StandardXYURLGenerator()); } final XYPlot plot = new XYPlot(dataset, domainAxis, valueAxis, renderer); plot.setOrientation(orientation); return new JFreeChart(title, JFreeChart.DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT, plot, legend); }
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/** * Creates a line chart (based on an {@link XYDataset}) with default * settings.//from w w w .j ava 2 s .c om * * @param title the chart title (<code>null</code> permitted). * @param xAxisLabel a label for the X-axis (<code>null</code> permitted). * @param yAxisLabel a label for the Y-axis (<code>null</code> permitted). * @param dataset the dataset for the chart (<code>null</code> permitted). * @param orientation the plot orientation (horizontal or vertical) * (<code>null</code> NOT permitted). * @param legend a flag specifying whether or not a legend is required. * @param tooltips configure chart to generate tool tips? * @param urls configure chart to generate URLs? * * @return The chart. */ public static JFreeChart createXYLineChart(String title, String xAxisLabel, String yAxisLabel, XYDataset dataset, PlotOrientation orientation, boolean legend, boolean tooltips, boolean urls) { if (orientation == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null 'orientation' argument."); } // NumberAxis xAxis = new NumberAxis(xAxisLabel); LogarithmizableAxis xAxis = new LogarithmizableAxis(xAxisLabel); xAxis.setLogarithmic(false); xAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(false); xAxis.setAllowNegativesFlag(true); xAxis.setLowerMargin(0.02); xAxis.setUpperMargin(0.02); // NumberAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis(yAxisLabel); LogarithmizableAxis yAxis = new LogarithmizableAxis(yAxisLabel); yAxis.setAllowNegativesFlag(true); yAxis.setAutoRangeNextLogFlag(false); yAxis.setLowerMargin(0.02); yAxis.setUpperMargin(0.02); yAxis.setLogarithmic(false); XYErrorRenderer renderer = new XYErrorRenderer(); renderer.setBaseLinesVisible(true); renderer.setBaseShapesVisible(false); renderer.setDrawYError(true); // XYItemRenderer renderer = new XYLineAndShapeRenderer(true, false); XYPlot plot = new XYPlot(dataset, xAxis, yAxis, renderer); plot.setOrientation(orientation); if (tooltips) { renderer.setBaseToolTipGenerator(new StandardXYToolTipGenerator()); } if (urls) { renderer.setURLGenerator(new StandardXYURLGenerator()); } JFreeChart chart = new JFreeChart(title, JFreeChart.DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT, plot, legend); chartTheme.apply(chart); return chart; }
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private static JFreeChart createCustomXYStepChart(TimePeriodValuesCollection prices) { DateAxis xAxis = new DateAxis(null); NumberAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis("price"); yAxis.setStandardTickUnits(NumberAxis.createStandardTickUnits()); XYPlot plot = new XYPlot(prices, xAxis, yAxis, null); plot.setRenderer(new XYStepRenderer(null, null)); plot.setOrientation(PlotOrientation.VERTICAL); plot.setDomainCrosshairVisible(false); plot.setRangeCrosshairVisible(false); return new JFreeChart(null, JFreeChart.DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT, plot, true); }