List of usage examples for org.jfree.chart.plot XYPlot getRangeAxisIndex
public int getRangeAxisIndex(ValueAxis axis)
From source
/** * Draws the visual representation of a single data item. * * @param g2 the graphics device. * @param state the renderer state. * @param dataArea the area within which the data is being drawn. * @param info collects information about the drawing. * @param plot the plot (can be used to obtain standard color * information etc). * @param domainAxis the domain axis./*from w w w. j av a m*/ * @param rangeAxis the range axis. * @param dataset the dataset. * @param series the series index (zero-based). * @param item the item index (zero-based). * @param crosshairState crosshair information for the plot * (<code>null</code> permitted). * @param pass the pass index. */ public void drawItem(Graphics2D g2, XYItemRendererState state, Rectangle2D dataArea, PlotRenderingInfo info, XYPlot plot, ValueAxis domainAxis, ValueAxis rangeAxis, XYDataset dataset, int series, int item, CrosshairState crosshairState, int pass) { if (!getItemVisible(series, item)) return; PlotOrientation orientation = plot.getOrientation(); java.awt.Paint seriesPaint = getItemPaint(series, item); java.awt.Stroke seriesStroke = getItemStroke(series, item); g2.setPaint(seriesPaint); g2.setStroke(seriesStroke); double x0 = dataset.getXValue(series, item); double y0 = dataset.getYValue(series, item); if (java.lang.Double.isNaN(y0)) return; org.jfree.ui.RectangleEdge xAxisLocation = plot.getDomainAxisEdge(); org.jfree.ui.RectangleEdge yAxisLocation = plot.getRangeAxisEdge(); double transX0 = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(x0, dataArea, xAxisLocation); double transY0 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(y0, dataArea, yAxisLocation); double x1 = 0, y1 = 0; if (item < dataset.getItemCount(series) - 1) { x1 = dataset.getXValue(series, item + 1); y1 = dataset.getYValue(series, item + 1); } else { x1 = dataArea.getMaxX(); y1 = dataArea.getMaxY(); } boolean useFillPaint = getUseFillPaint(); ; boolean drawOutlines = getDrawOutlines(); if (!java.lang.Double.isNaN(y0)) { double transX1; double transY1; if (item < dataset.getItemCount(series) - 1) { transX1 = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(x1, dataArea, xAxisLocation); transY1 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(y1, dataArea, yAxisLocation); } else { transX1 = x1; transY1 = y1; } Line2D line = state.workingLine; if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { line.setLine(transY0, transX0, transY0, transX1); g2.draw(line); } else if (orientation == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) { line.setLine(transX0, transY0, transX1, transY0); g2.draw(line); } } if (getItemShapeVisible(series, item)) { Shape shape = getItemShape(series, item); if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) shape = ShapeUtilities.createTranslatedShape(shape, transY0, transX0); else if (orientation == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) shape = ShapeUtilities.createTranslatedShape(shape, transX0, transY0); if (shape.intersects(dataArea)) { if (getItemShapeFilled(series, item)) { if (useFillPaint) g2.setPaint(getItemFillPaint(series, item)); else g2.setPaint(getItemPaint(series, item)); g2.fill(shape); } if (drawOutlines) { if (getUseOutlinePaint()) g2.setPaint(getItemOutlinePaint(series, item)); else g2.setPaint(getItemPaint(series, item)); g2.setStroke(getItemOutlineStroke(series, item)); g2.draw(shape); } } } if (isItemLabelVisible(series, item)) { double xx = transX0; double yy = transY0; if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { xx = transY0; yy = transX0; } drawItemLabel(g2, orientation, dataset, series, item, xx, yy, y0 < 0.0D); } int domainAxisIndex = plot.getDomainAxisIndex(domainAxis); int rangeAxisIndex = plot.getRangeAxisIndex(rangeAxis); updateCrosshairValues(crosshairState, x0, y0, domainAxisIndex, rangeAxisIndex, transX0, transY0, orientation); if (state.getInfo() != null) { EntityCollection entities = state.getEntityCollection(); if (entities != null) { int r = getDefaultEntityRadius(); java.awt.Shape shape = orientation != PlotOrientation.VERTICAL ? ((java.awt.Shape) (new java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Double(transY0 - (double) r, transX0 - (double) r, 2 * r, 2 * r))) : ((java.awt.Shape) (new java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Double(transX0 - (double) r, transY0 - (double) r, 2 * r, 2 * r))); if (shape != null) { String tip = null; XYToolTipGenerator generator = getToolTipGenerator(series, item); if (generator != null) tip = generator.generateToolTip(dataset, series, item); String url = null; if (getURLGenerator() != null) url = getURLGenerator().generateURL(dataset, series, item); XYItemEntity entity = new XYItemEntity(shape, dataset, series, item, tip, url); entities.add(entity); } } } }
From source
public void drawItem(Graphics2D g2, XYItemRendererState state, Rectangle2D dataArea, PlotRenderingInfo info, XYPlot plot, ValueAxis domainAxis, ValueAxis rangeAxis, XYDataset dataset, int series, int item, CrosshairState crosshairState, int pass) { // return straight away if the item is not visible if (!getItemVisible(series, item)) { return;/*from ww w.jav a 2 s . co m*/ } PlotOrientation orientation = plot.getOrientation(); // get the data point... double x = dataset.getXValue(series, item); double y = dataset.getYValue(series, item); double z = Double.NaN; if (dataset instanceof XYZDataset) { XYZDataset xyzData = (XYZDataset) dataset; z = xyzData.getZValue(series, item); } if (!Double.isNaN(z)) { RectangleEdge domainAxisLocation = plot.getDomainAxisEdge(); RectangleEdge rangeAxisLocation = plot.getRangeAxisEdge(); double transX = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(x, dataArea, domainAxisLocation); double transY = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(y, dataArea, rangeAxisLocation); double transDomain = 0.0; double transRange = 0.0; double zero; switch (getScaleType()) { case SCALE_ON_DOMAIN_AXIS: zero = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(0.0, dataArea, domainAxisLocation); transDomain = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(z, dataArea, domainAxisLocation) - zero; transRange = transDomain; break; case SCALE_ON_RANGE_AXIS: zero = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(0.0, dataArea, rangeAxisLocation); transRange = zero - rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(z, dataArea, rangeAxisLocation); transDomain = transRange; break; default: double zero1 = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(0.0, dataArea, domainAxisLocation); double zero2 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(0.0, dataArea, rangeAxisLocation); transDomain = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(z, dataArea, domainAxisLocation) - zero1; transRange = zero2 - rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(z, dataArea, rangeAxisLocation); } transDomain = Math.abs(transDomain); transRange = Math.abs(transRange); Ellipse2D circle = null; if (orientation == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) { circle = new Ellipse2D.Double(transX - transDomain / 2.0, transY - transRange / 2.0, transDomain, transRange); } else if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { circle = new Ellipse2D.Double(transY - transRange / 2.0, transX - transDomain / 2.0, transRange, transDomain); } Paint paint = getItemPaint(series, item); if (paint instanceof GradientPaint) { paint = new StandardGradientPaintTransformer().transform((GradientPaint) paint, circle); } g2.setPaint(paint); g2.fill(circle); g2.setStroke(getItemOutlineStroke(series, item)); g2.setPaint(getItemOutlinePaint(series, item)); g2.draw(circle); if (isItemLabelVisible(series, item)) { if (orientation == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) { drawItemLabel(g2, orientation, dataset, series, item, transX, transY, false); } else if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { drawItemLabel(g2, orientation, dataset, series, item, transY, transX, false); } } // add an entity if this info is being collected EntityCollection entities = null; if (info != null) { entities = info.getOwner().getEntityCollection(); if (entities != null && circle.intersects(dataArea)) { addEntity(entities, circle, dataset, series, item, circle.getCenterX(), circle.getCenterY()); } } int domainAxisIndex = plot.getDomainAxisIndex(domainAxis); int rangeAxisIndex = plot.getRangeAxisIndex(rangeAxis); updateCrosshairValues(crosshairState, x, y, domainAxisIndex, rangeAxisIndex, transX, transY, orientation); } }
From source
@Override public void drawItem(Graphics2D g2, XYItemRendererState state, Rectangle2D dataArea, PlotRenderingInfo info, XYPlot plot, ValueAxis domainAxis, ValueAxis rangeAxis, XYDataset dataset, int series, int item, CrosshairState crosshairState, int pass) { // return straight away if the item is not visible if (!getItemVisible(series, item)) { return;/*from w w w. j av m*/ } PlotOrientation orientation = plot.getOrientation(); // get the data point... double x = dataset.getXValue(series, item); double y = dataset.getYValue(series, item); double z = Double.NaN; if (dataset instanceof XYZDataset) { XYZDataset xyzData = (XYZDataset) dataset; z = xyzData.getZValue(series, item); } if (!Double.isNaN(z)) { RectangleEdge domainAxisLocation = plot.getDomainAxisEdge(); RectangleEdge rangeAxisLocation = plot.getRangeAxisEdge(); double transX = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(x, dataArea, domainAxisLocation); double transY = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(y, dataArea, rangeAxisLocation); double transDomain = 0.0; double transRange = 0.0; double zero; switch (getScaleType()) { case SCALE_ON_DOMAIN_AXIS: zero = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(0.0, dataArea, domainAxisLocation); transDomain = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(z, dataArea, domainAxisLocation) - zero; transRange = transDomain; break; case SCALE_ON_RANGE_AXIS: zero = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(0.0, dataArea, rangeAxisLocation); transRange = zero - rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(z, dataArea, rangeAxisLocation); transDomain = transRange; break; default: double zero1 = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(0.0, dataArea, domainAxisLocation); double zero2 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(0.0, dataArea, rangeAxisLocation); transDomain = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(z, dataArea, domainAxisLocation) - zero1; transRange = zero2 - rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(z, dataArea, rangeAxisLocation); } transDomain = Math.abs(transDomain); transRange = Math.abs(transRange); Ellipse2D circle = null; if (orientation == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) { circle = new Ellipse2D.Double(transX - transDomain / 2.0, transY - transRange / 2.0, transDomain, transRange); } else if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { circle = new Ellipse2D.Double(transY - transRange / 2.0, transX - transDomain / 2.0, transRange, transDomain); } Paint paint = getItemPaint(series, item); if (paint instanceof GradientPaint) { paint = new StandardGradientPaintTransformer().transform((GradientPaint) paint, circle); } g2.setPaint(paint); g2.fill(circle); g2.setStroke(getItemOutlineStroke(series, item)); g2.setPaint(getItemOutlinePaint(series, item)); g2.draw(circle); if (isItemLabelVisible(series, item)) { if (orientation == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) { drawItemLabel(g2, orientation, dataset, series, item, transX, transY, false); } else if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { drawItemLabel(g2, orientation, dataset, series, item, transY, transX, false); } } // add an entity if this info is being collected EntityCollection entities = null; if (info != null) { entities = info.getOwner().getEntityCollection(); if (entities != null && circle.intersects(dataArea)) { addEntity(entities, circle, dataset, series, item, circle.getCenterX(), circle.getCenterY()); } } int domainAxisIndex = plot.getDomainAxisIndex(domainAxis); int rangeAxisIndex = plot.getRangeAxisIndex(rangeAxis); updateCrosshairValues(crosshairState, x, y, domainAxisIndex, rangeAxisIndex, transX, transY, orientation); } }
From source
/** * Creates a bubble chart with default settings. The chart is composed of an {@link XYPlot}, with a {@link NumberAxis} for the * domain axis, a {@link NumberAxis} for the range axis, and an {@link XYBubbleRenderer} to draw the data items. * //w w w. j a v a2s .c o m * This method is copied from * {@link org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory#createBubbleChart(String, String, String, XYZDataset, PlotOrientation, boolean, boolean, boolean)} * * @param title the chart title (<code>null</code> permitted). * @param xAxisLabel a label for the X-axis (<code>null</code> permitted). * @param yAxisLabel a label for the Y-axis (<code>null</code> permitted). * @param dataset the dataset for the chart (<code>null</code> permitted). * @param orientation the orientation (horizontal or vertical) (<code>null</code> NOT permitted). * @param legend a flag specifying whether or not a legend is required. * @param tooltips configure chart to generate tool tips? * @param urls configure chart to generate URLs? * * @return A bubble chart. */ public static JFreeChart createBubbleChart(String title, String xAxisLabel, String yAxisLabel, XYZDataset dataset, PlotOrientation orientation, boolean legend, boolean tooltips, boolean urls) { if (orientation == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.getString("TopChartFactory.argument")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } NumberAxis xAxis = new NumberAxis(xAxisLabel); xAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(false); NumberAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis(yAxisLabel); yAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(false); XYPlot plot = new XYPlot(dataset, xAxis, yAxis, null); XYItemRenderer renderer = new XYBubbleRenderer(XYBubbleRenderer.SCALE_ON_RANGE_AXIS) { @Override public void drawItem(Graphics2D g2, XYItemRendererState state, Rectangle2D dataArea, PlotRenderingInfo info, XYPlot plot, ValueAxis domainAxis, ValueAxis rangeAxis, XYDataset dataset, int series, int item, CrosshairState crosshairState, int pass) { // return straight away if the item is not visible if (!getItemVisible(series, item)) { return; } PlotOrientation orientation = plot.getOrientation(); // get the data point... double x = dataset.getXValue(series, item); double y = dataset.getYValue(series, item); double z = Double.NaN; if (dataset instanceof XYZDataset) { XYZDataset xyzData = (XYZDataset) dataset; z = xyzData.getZValue(series, item); } if (!Double.isNaN(z)) { RectangleEdge domainAxisLocation = plot.getDomainAxisEdge(); RectangleEdge rangeAxisLocation = plot.getRangeAxisEdge(); double transX = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(x, dataArea, domainAxisLocation); double transY = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(y, dataArea, rangeAxisLocation); double transDomain = 0.0; double transRange = 0.0; double zero; // MOD scorreia +2L avoid points: minimal size of circle must be 1 // z = z * transX + 1; // ADD xqliu 2009-07-06 bug 8035 double zSize = getBubbleSize(z); // calculate the multiple of bubble's default size z = 0; // use bubble's default size // ~ switch (getScaleType()) { case SCALE_ON_DOMAIN_AXIS: zero = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(0.0, dataArea, domainAxisLocation); transDomain = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(z, dataArea, domainAxisLocation) - zero; transRange = transDomain; break; case SCALE_ON_RANGE_AXIS: zero = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(0.0, dataArea, rangeAxisLocation); transRange = zero - rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(z, dataArea, rangeAxisLocation); transDomain = transRange; break; default: double zero1 = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(0.0, dataArea, domainAxisLocation); double zero2 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(0.0, dataArea, rangeAxisLocation); transDomain = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(z, dataArea, domainAxisLocation) - zero1; transRange = zero2 - rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(z, dataArea, rangeAxisLocation); } transDomain = Math.abs(transDomain); transRange = Math.abs(transRange); // MODSCA 2008-11-27 enlarge ellipse by diag% of the total diagonal double diag = Math.sqrt(dataArea.getHeight() * dataArea.getHeight() + dataArea.getWidth() * dataArea.getWidth()); transDomain += diag / 100; transRange += diag / 100; Ellipse2D circle = null; // ADD xqliu 2009-07-06 bug 8035 transDomain *= zSize; transRange *= zSize; // ~ if (orientation == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) { circle = new Ellipse2D.Double(transX - transDomain / 2.0, transY - transRange / 2.0, transDomain, transRange); } else if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { circle = new Ellipse2D.Double(transY - transRange / 2.0, transX - transDomain / 2.0, transRange, transDomain); } g2.setPaint(getItemPaint(series, item)); g2.fill(circle); g2.setStroke(getItemOutlineStroke(series, item)); g2.setPaint(getItemOutlinePaint(series, item)); g2.draw(circle); if (isItemLabelVisible(series, item)) { if (orientation == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) { drawItemLabel(g2, orientation, dataset, series, item, transX, transY, false); } else if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { drawItemLabel(g2, orientation, dataset, series, item, transY, transX, false); } } // add an entity if this info is being collected EntityCollection entities = null; if (info != null) { entities = info.getOwner().getEntityCollection(); if (entities != null && circle.intersects(dataArea)) { addEntity(entities, circle, dataset, series, item, circle.getCenterX(), circle.getCenterY()); } } int domainAxisIndex = plot.getDomainAxisIndex(domainAxis); int rangeAxisIndex = plot.getRangeAxisIndex(rangeAxis); updateCrosshairValues(crosshairState, x, y, domainAxisIndex, rangeAxisIndex, transX, transY, orientation); } } /** * DOC xqliu : calculate the size of bubble. for bug 8035 2009-07-06. * * @param z multiple of bubble's default size * @return */ private double getBubbleSize(double z) { if (z > 0 && z <= 10) { return 2; } else if (z > 10 && z <= 100) { return 3; } else if (z > 100) { return 4; } return 1; } }; if (tooltips) { renderer.setBaseToolTipGenerator(new StandardXYZToolTipGenerator()); } if (urls) { renderer.setURLGenerator(new StandardXYZURLGenerator()); } plot.setRenderer(renderer); plot.setOrientation(orientation); JFreeChart chart = new JFreeChart(title, JFreeChart.DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT, plot, legend); return chart; }
From source
/** * Draws the visual representation of a single data item. * //w w w. j a v a2 s .co m * @param g2 * the graphics device. * @param state * the renderer state. * @param dataArea * the area within which the plot is being drawn. * @param info * collects information about the drawing. * @param plot * the plot (can be used to obtain standard color information * etc). * @param domainAxis * the domain axis. * @param rangeAxis * the range axis. * @param dataset * the dataset. * @param series * the series index (zero-based). * @param item * the item index (zero-based). * @param crosshairState * crosshair information for the plot (<code>null</code> * permitted). * @param pass * the pass index. * @see org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYItemRenderer#drawItem(Graphics2D, * XYItemRendererState, Rectangle2D, PlotRenderingInfo, XYPlot, * ValueAxis, ValueAxis, XYDataset, int, int, CrosshairState, int) */ public void drawItem(Graphics2D g2, XYItemRendererState state, Rectangle2D dataArea, PlotRenderingInfo info, XYPlot plot, ValueAxis domainAxis, ValueAxis rangeAxis, XYDataset dataset, int series, int item, CrosshairState crosshairState, int pass) { if (!getItemVisible(series, item)) { return; } VolumeDataset volumeDataset = (VolumeDataset) dataset; VolumeItem volumeItem = (VolumeItem) volumeDataset.getSeries(series).getDataItem(item); if (volumeItem.isSide()) { this.color = Color.GREEN; } else { this.color = Color.RED; } double value0; double value1; if (this.getUseYInterval()) { value0 = volumeDataset.getStartYValue(series, item); value1 = volumeDataset.getEndYValue(series, item); } else { value0 = this.getBase(); value1 = volumeDataset.getYValue(series, item); } if (Double.isNaN(value0) || Double.isNaN(value1)) { return; } if (value0 <= value1) { if (!rangeAxis.getRange().intersects(value0, value1)) { return; } } else { if (!rangeAxis.getRange().intersects(value1, value0)) { return; } } double translatedValue0 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(value0, dataArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge()); double translatedValue1 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(value1, dataArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge()); double bottom = Math.min(translatedValue0, translatedValue1); double top = Math.max(translatedValue0, translatedValue1); double startX = volumeItem.getPeriod().getFirstMillisecond(); if (Double.isNaN(startX)) { return; } double endX = volumeItem.getPeriod().getLastMillisecond(); if (Double.isNaN(endX)) { return; } if (startX <= endX) { if (!domainAxis.getRange().intersects(startX, endX)) { return; } } else { if (!domainAxis.getRange().intersects(endX, startX)) { return; } } // is there an alignment adjustment to be made? if (this.getBarAlignmentFactor() >= 0.0 && this.getBarAlignmentFactor() <= 1.0) { double x = volumeDataset.getXValue(series, item); double interval = endX - startX; startX = x - interval * this.getBarAlignmentFactor(); endX = startX + interval; } RectangleEdge location = plot.getDomainAxisEdge(); double translatedStartX = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(startX, dataArea, location); double translatedEndX = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(endX, dataArea, location); double translatedWidth = Math.max(1, Math.abs(translatedEndX - translatedStartX)); RectangleEdge domainEdge = plot.getDomainAxisEdge(); double xx = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(startX, dataArea, domainEdge); if (getMargin() > 0.0) { double cut = translatedWidth * getMargin(); translatedWidth = translatedWidth - cut; } Rectangle2D bar = null; PlotOrientation orientation = plot.getOrientation(); if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { // clip left and right bounds to data area bottom = Math.max(bottom, dataArea.getMinX()); top = Math.min(top, dataArea.getMaxX()); bar = new Rectangle2D.Double(bottom, xx, top - bottom, translatedWidth); } else if (orientation == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) { // clip top and bottom bounds to data area bottom = Math.max(bottom, dataArea.getMinY()); top = Math.min(top, dataArea.getMaxY()); bar = new Rectangle2D.Double(xx - (translatedWidth / 2), bottom, translatedWidth, top - bottom); } boolean positive = (value1 > 0.0); boolean inverted = rangeAxis.isInverted(); RectangleEdge barBase; if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { if (positive && inverted || !positive && !inverted) { barBase = RectangleEdge.RIGHT; } else { barBase = RectangleEdge.LEFT; } } else { if (positive && !inverted || !positive && inverted) { barBase = RectangleEdge.BOTTOM; } else { barBase = RectangleEdge.TOP; } } if (getShadowsVisible()) { this.getBarPainter().paintBarShadow(g2, this, series, item, bar, barBase, !this.getUseYInterval()); } this.getBarPainter().paintBar(g2, this, series, item, bar, barBase); if (isItemLabelVisible(series, item)) { XYItemLabelGenerator generator = getItemLabelGenerator(series, item); drawItemLabel(g2, dataset, series, item, plot, generator, bar, value1 < 0.0); } // update the cross hair point double x1 = dataset.getXValue(series, item); double y1 = dataset.getYValue(series, item); double transX1 = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(x1, dataArea, location); double transY1 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(y1, dataArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge()); int domainAxisIndex = plot.getDomainAxisIndex(domainAxis); int rangeAxisIndex = plot.getRangeAxisIndex(rangeAxis); updateCrosshairValues(crosshairState, x1, y1, domainAxisIndex, rangeAxisIndex, transX1, transY1, plot.getOrientation()); EntityCollection entities = state.getEntityCollection(); // add an entity for the item... if (entities != null) { String tip = null; XYToolTipGenerator generator = getToolTipGenerator(series, item); if (generator != null) { tip = generator.generateToolTip(dataset, series, item); } XYItemEntity entity = new XYItemEntity(bar, dataset, series, item, tip, null); entities.add(entity); } }
From source
/** * Draws the visual representation of a single data item. * * @param g2 the graphics device./*w ww .j a v a 2 s . com*/ * @param state the renderer state. * @param dataArea the area within which the plot is being drawn. * @param info collects information about the drawing. * @param plot the plot (can be used to obtain standard color * information etc). * @param domainAxis the domain axis. * @param rangeAxis the range axis. * @param dataset the dataset. * @param series the series index (zero-based). * @param item the item index (zero-based). * @param crosshairState crosshair information for the plot * (<code>null</code> permitted). * @param pass the pass index. */ public void drawItem(Graphics2D g2, XYItemRendererState state, Rectangle2D dataArea, PlotRenderingInfo info, XYPlot plot, ValueAxis domainAxis, ValueAxis rangeAxis, XYDataset dataset, int series, int item, CrosshairState crosshairState, int pass) { if (!getItemVisible(series, item)) { return; } IntervalXYDataset intervalDataset = (IntervalXYDataset) dataset; double value0; double value1; if (this.useYInterval) { value0 = intervalDataset.getStartYValue(series, item); value1 = intervalDataset.getEndYValue(series, item); } else { value0 = this.base; value1 = intervalDataset.getYValue(series, item); } if (Double.isNaN(value0) || Double.isNaN(value1)) { return; } if (value0 <= value1) { if (!rangeAxis.getRange().intersects(value0, value1)) { return; } } else { if (!rangeAxis.getRange().intersects(value1, value0)) { return; } } double translatedValue0 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(value0, dataArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge()); double translatedValue1 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(value1, dataArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge()); double bottom = Math.min(translatedValue0, translatedValue1); double top = Math.max(translatedValue0, translatedValue1); double startX = intervalDataset.getStartXValue(series, item); if (Double.isNaN(startX)) { return; } double endX = intervalDataset.getEndXValue(series, item); if (Double.isNaN(endX)) { return; } if (startX <= endX) { if (!domainAxis.getRange().intersects(startX, endX)) { return; } } else { if (!domainAxis.getRange().intersects(endX, startX)) { return; } } RectangleEdge location = plot.getDomainAxisEdge(); double translatedStartX1 = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(startX, dataArea, location); double translatedEndX1 = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(endX, dataArea, location); double translatedWidth = Math.max(1, Math.abs(translatedEndX1 - translatedStartX1)); double translatedStartX = translatedStartX1 - translatedWidth / 2; double translatedEndX = translatedEndX1 - translatedWidth / 2; double left = Math.min(translatedStartX, translatedEndX); if (getMargin() > 0.0) { double cut = translatedWidth * getMargin(); translatedWidth = translatedWidth - cut; left = left + cut / 2; } Rectangle2D bar = null; PlotOrientation orientation = plot.getOrientation(); if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { // clip left and right bounds to data area bottom = Math.max(bottom, dataArea.getMinX()); top = Math.min(top, dataArea.getMaxX()); bar = new Rectangle2D.Double(bottom, left, top - bottom, translatedWidth); } else if (orientation == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) { // clip top and bottom bounds to data area bottom = Math.max(bottom, dataArea.getMinY()); top = Math.min(top, dataArea.getMaxY()); bar = new Rectangle2D.Double(left, bottom, translatedWidth, top - bottom); } Paint itemPaint = getItemPaint(series, item); if (getGradientPaintTransformer() != null && itemPaint instanceof GradientPaint) { GradientPaint gp = (GradientPaint) itemPaint; itemPaint = getGradientPaintTransformer().transform(gp, bar); } g2.setPaint(itemPaint); g2.fill(bar); if (isDrawBarOutline() && Math.abs(translatedEndX - translatedStartX) > 3) { Stroke stroke = getItemOutlineStroke(series, item); Paint paint = getItemOutlinePaint(series, item); if (stroke != null && paint != null) { g2.setStroke(stroke); g2.setPaint(paint); g2.draw(bar); } } if (isItemLabelVisible(series, item)) { XYItemLabelGenerator generator = getItemLabelGenerator(series, item); drawItemLabel(g2, dataset, series, item, plot, generator, bar, value1 < 0.0); } // update the crosshair point double x1 = (startX + endX) / 2.0; double y1 = dataset.getYValue(series, item); double transX1 = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(x1, dataArea, location); double transY1 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(y1, dataArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge()); int domainAxisIndex = plot.getDomainAxisIndex(domainAxis); int rangeAxisIndex = plot.getRangeAxisIndex(rangeAxis); updateCrosshairValues(crosshairState, x1, y1, domainAxisIndex, rangeAxisIndex, transX1, transY1, plot.getOrientation()); EntityCollection entities = state.getEntityCollection(); if (entities != null) { addEntity(entities, bar, dataset, series, item, 0.0, 0.0); } }
From source
/** * Draws the visual representation of a single data item. * //ww w . j av a2 s. co m * @param g2 the graphics device. * @param state the renderer state. * @param dataArea the area within which the plot is being drawn. * @param info collects information about the drawing. * @param plot the plot (can be used to obtain standard color * information etc). * @param domainAxis the domain axis. * @param rangeAxis the range axis. * @param dataset the dataset. * @param series the series index (zero-based). * @param item the item index (zero-based). * @param crosshairState crosshair information for the plot * (<code>null</code> permitted). * @param pass the pass index. */ public void drawItem(Graphics2D g2, XYItemRendererState state, Rectangle2D dataArea, PlotRenderingInfo info, XYPlot plot, ValueAxis domainAxis, ValueAxis rangeAxis, XYDataset dataset, int series, int item, CrosshairState crosshairState, int pass) { if (!getItemVisible(series, item)) { return; } IntervalXYDataset intervalDataset = (IntervalXYDataset) dataset; double value0; double value1; if (this.useYInterval) { value0 = intervalDataset.getStartYValue(series, item); value1 = intervalDataset.getEndYValue(series, item); } else { value0 = this.base; value1 = intervalDataset.getYValue(series, item); } if (Double.isNaN(value0) || Double.isNaN(value1)) { return; } if (value0 <= value1) { if (!rangeAxis.getRange().intersects(value0, value1)) { return; } } else { if (!rangeAxis.getRange().intersects(value1, value0)) { return; } } double translatedValue0 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(value0, dataArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge()); double translatedValue1 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(value1, dataArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge()); double bottom = Math.min(translatedValue0, translatedValue1); double top = Math.max(translatedValue0, translatedValue1); double startX = intervalDataset.getStartXValue(series, item); if (Double.isNaN(startX)) { return; } double endX = intervalDataset.getEndXValue(series, item); if (Double.isNaN(endX)) { return; } if (startX <= endX) { if (!domainAxis.getRange().intersects(startX, endX)) { return; } } else { if (!domainAxis.getRange().intersects(endX, startX)) { return; } } RectangleEdge location = plot.getDomainAxisEdge(); double translatedStartX = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(startX, dataArea, location); double translatedEndX = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(endX, dataArea, location); double translatedWidth = Math.max(1, Math.abs(translatedEndX - translatedStartX)); double left = Math.min(translatedStartX, translatedEndX); if (getMargin() > 0.0) { double cut = translatedWidth * getMargin(); translatedWidth = translatedWidth - cut; left = left + cut / 2; } Rectangle2D bar = null; PlotOrientation orientation = plot.getOrientation(); if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { // clip left and right bounds to data area bottom = Math.max(bottom, dataArea.getMinX()); top = Math.min(top, dataArea.getMaxX()); bar = new Rectangle2D.Double(bottom, left, top - bottom, translatedWidth); } else if (orientation == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) { // clip top and bottom bounds to data area bottom = Math.max(bottom, dataArea.getMinY()); top = Math.min(top, dataArea.getMaxY()); bar = new Rectangle2D.Double(left, bottom, translatedWidth, top - bottom); } /* Paint itemPaint = getItemPaint(series, item); if (getGradientPaintTransformer() != null && itemPaint instanceof GradientPaint) { GradientPaint gp = (GradientPaint) itemPaint; itemPaint = getGradientPaintTransformer().transform(gp, bar); } g2.setPaint(itemPaint); */ if (dataset.getYValue(series, item) >= 0) { g2.setPaint(; } else { g2.setPaint(; } g2.fill(bar); if (isDrawBarOutline() && Math.abs(translatedEndX - translatedStartX) > 3) { Stroke stroke = getItemOutlineStroke(series, item); Paint paint = getItemOutlinePaint(series, item); if (stroke != null && paint != null) { g2.setStroke(stroke); g2.setPaint(paint); g2.draw(bar); } } if (isItemLabelVisible(series, item)) { XYItemLabelGenerator generator = getItemLabelGenerator(series, item); drawItemLabel(g2, dataset, series, item, plot, generator, bar, value1 < 0.0); } // update the crosshair point double x1 = (startX + endX) / 2.0; double y1 = dataset.getYValue(series, item); double transX1 = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(x1, dataArea, location); double transY1 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(y1, dataArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge()); int domainAxisIndex = plot.getDomainAxisIndex(domainAxis); int rangeAxisIndex = plot.getRangeAxisIndex(rangeAxis); updateCrosshairValues(crosshairState, x1, y1, domainAxisIndex, rangeAxisIndex, transX1, transY1, plot.getOrientation()); EntityCollection entities = state.getEntityCollection(); if (entities != null) { addEntity(entities, bar, dataset, series, item, 0.0, 0.0); } }
From source
public void drawItem(Graphics2D g2, XYItemRendererState state, Rectangle2D dataArea, PlotRenderingInfo info, XYPlot plot, ValueAxis domainAxis, ValueAxis rangeAxis, double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, int lastItem, int series, int item, CrosshairState crosshairState, int pass, int numX, double minX, double maxX, Paint color, XYDataset dataset) { boolean itemVisible = getItemVisible(series, item); // setup for collecting optional entity info... Shape entityArea = null;/*from w w w. j av a 2 s . c o m*/ EntityCollection entities = null; if (info != null) { entities = info.getOwner().getEntityCollection(); } PlotOrientation orientation = plot.getOrientation(); Paint paint = getItemPaint(series, item); paint = color; Stroke seriesStroke = getItemStroke(series, item); g2.setPaint(paint); g2.setStroke(seriesStroke); RectangleEdge xAxisLocation = plot.getDomainAxisEdge(); RectangleEdge yAxisLocation = plot.getRangeAxisEdge(); double transX1 = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(x1, dataArea, xAxisLocation); double transY1 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(y1, dataArea, yAxisLocation); if (getPlotLines()) { if (this.drawSeriesLineAsPath) { State s = (State) state; if (s.getSeriesIndex() != series) { // we are starting a new series path s.seriesPath.reset(); s.lastPointGood = false; s.setSeriesIndex(series); } // update path to reflect latest point if (itemVisible && !Double.isNaN(transX1) && !Double.isNaN(transY1)) { float x = (float) transX1; float y = (float) transY1; if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { x = (float) transY1; y = (float) transX1; } if (s.isLastPointGood()) { // TODO: check threshold s.seriesPath.lineTo(x, y); } else { s.seriesPath.moveTo(x, y); } s.setLastPointGood(true); } else { s.setLastPointGood(false); } if (item == lastItem) { if (s.seriesIndex == series) { // draw path g2.setStroke(lookupSeriesStroke(series)); g2.setPaint(lookupSeriesPaint(series)); g2.draw(s.seriesPath); } } } else if (item != 0 && itemVisible) { // get the previous data point... if (!Double.isNaN(x0) && !Double.isNaN(y0)) { boolean drawLine = true; if (getPlotDiscontinuous()) { // only draw a line if the gap between the current and // previous data point is within the threshold if (this.gapThresholdType == UnitType.ABSOLUTE) { drawLine = Math.abs(x1 - x0) <= this.gapThreshold; } else { drawLine = Math.abs(x1 - x0) <= ((maxX - minX) / numX * getGapThreshold()); } } if (drawLine) { double transX0 = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(x0, dataArea, xAxisLocation); double transY0 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(y0, dataArea, yAxisLocation); // only draw if we have good values if (Double.isNaN(transX0) || Double.isNaN(transY0) || Double.isNaN(transX1) || Double.isNaN(transY1)) { return; } if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { state.workingLine.setLine(transY0, transX0, transY1, transX1); } else if (orientation == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) { state.workingLine.setLine(transX0, transY0, transX1, transY1); } if (state.workingLine.intersects(dataArea)) { g2.draw(state.workingLine); } } } } } // we needed to get this far even for invisible items, to ensure that // seriesPath updates happened, but now there is nothing more we need // to do for non-visible items... if (!itemVisible) { return; } if (getBaseShapesVisible()) { Shape shape = getItemShape(series, item); if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { shape = ShapeUtilities.createTranslatedShape(shape, transY1, transX1); } else if (orientation == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) { shape = ShapeUtilities.createTranslatedShape(shape, transX1, transY1); } if (shape.intersects(dataArea)) { if (getItemShapeFilled(series, item)) { g2.fill(shape); } else { g2.draw(shape); } } entityArea = shape; } if (getPlotImages()) { Image image = getImage(plot, series, item, transX1, transY1); if (image != null) { Point hotspot = getImageHotspot(plot, series, item, transX1, transY1, image); g2.drawImage(image, (int) (transX1 - hotspot.getX()), (int) (transY1 - hotspot.getY()), null); entityArea = new Rectangle2D.Double(transX1 - hotspot.getX(), transY1 - hotspot.getY(), image.getWidth(null), image.getHeight(null)); } } double xx = transX1; double yy = transY1; if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { xx = transY1; yy = transX1; } // draw the item label if there is one... if (isItemLabelVisible(series, item)) { drawItemLabel(g2, orientation, dataset, series, item, xx, yy, (y1 < 0.0)); } int domainAxisIndex = plot.getDomainAxisIndex(domainAxis); int rangeAxisIndex = plot.getRangeAxisIndex(rangeAxis); updateCrosshairValues(crosshairState, x1, y1, domainAxisIndex, rangeAxisIndex, transX1, transY1, orientation); // add an entity for the item... if (entities != null && isPointInRect(dataArea, xx, yy)) { addEntity(entities, entityArea, dataset, series, item, xx, yy); } }
From source
/** * Method drawItem.//from w ww . java2 s . c om * * @param g2 * Graphics2D * @param state * XYItemRendererState * @param dataArea * Rectangle2D * @param info * PlotRenderingInfo * @param plot * XYPlot * @param domainAxis * ValueAxis * @param rangeAxis * ValueAxis * @param dataset * XYDataset * @param series * int * @param item * int * @param crosshairState * CrosshairState * @param pass * int * @see org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYItemRenderer#drawItem(Graphics2D, * XYItemRendererState, Rectangle2D, PlotRenderingInfo, XYPlot, * ValueAxis, ValueAxis, XYDataset, int, int, CrosshairState, int) */ public void drawItem(Graphics2D g2, XYItemRendererState state, Rectangle2D dataArea, PlotRenderingInfo info, XYPlot plot, ValueAxis domainAxis, ValueAxis rangeAxis, XYDataset dataset, int series, int item, CrosshairState crosshairState, int pass) { if (dataset instanceof OHLCVwapDataset) { // setup for collecting optional entity info... EntityCollection entities = null; if (info != null) { entities = info.getOwner().getEntityCollection(); } CandleDataset candleDataset = (CandleDataset) dataset; CandleItem candle = (CandleItem) candleDataset.getSeries(series).getDataItem(item); double startX = candle.getPeriod().getFirstMillisecond(); if (Double.isNaN(startX)) { return; } double endX = candle.getPeriod().getLastMillisecond(); if (Double.isNaN(endX)) { return; } if (startX <= endX) { if (!domainAxis.getRange().intersects(startX, endX)) { return; } } else { if (!domainAxis.getRange().intersects(endX, startX)) { return; } } RectangleEdge location = plot.getDomainAxisEdge(); double translatedStartX = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(startX, dataArea, location); double translatedEndX = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(endX, dataArea, location); double translatedWidth = Math.max(1, Math.abs(translatedEndX - translatedStartX)); if (getMargin() > 0.0) { double cut = translatedWidth * getMargin(); translatedWidth = translatedWidth - cut; } double x = candleDataset.getXValue(series, item); double yHigh = candleDataset.getHighValue(series, item); double yLow = candleDataset.getLowValue(series, item); double yOpen = candleDataset.getOpenValue(series, item); double yClose = candleDataset.getCloseValue(series, item); RectangleEdge domainEdge = plot.getDomainAxisEdge(); double xx = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(x, dataArea, domainEdge); RectangleEdge edge = plot.getRangeAxisEdge(); double yyHigh = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(yHigh, dataArea, edge); double yyLow = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(yLow, dataArea, edge); double yyOpen = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(yOpen, dataArea, edge); double yyClose = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(yClose, dataArea, edge); Paint outlinePaint = null; outlinePaint = getItemOutlinePaint(series, item); g2.setStroke(getItemStroke(series, item)); g2.setPaint(outlinePaint); double yyMaxOpenClose = Math.max(yyOpen, yyClose); double yyMinOpenClose = Math.min(yyOpen, yyClose); double maxOpenClose = Math.max(yOpen, yClose); double minOpenClose = Math.min(yOpen, yClose); Shape body = null; boolean highlight = highlight(series, item); /********************************** * draw the upper shadow START **********************************/ if (yHigh > maxOpenClose) { if (highlight) { body = new Rectangle2D.Double(xx - (translatedWidth / 2), yyHigh - 10, translatedWidth, (yyMaxOpenClose - yyHigh) + 10); g2.setPaint(Color.YELLOW); g2.fill(body); g2.draw(body); } } if (yHigh > maxOpenClose) { if (nightMode) { if (yClose > yOpen) { g2.setPaint(upPaint); } else { g2.setPaint(downPaint); } } else { g2.setPaint(; } g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(xx, yyHigh, xx, yyMaxOpenClose)); } /********************************** * draw the lower shadow START **********************************/ if (yLow < minOpenClose) { if (highlight) { body = new Rectangle2D.Double(xx - (translatedWidth / 2), yyMinOpenClose, translatedWidth, (yyLow - yyMinOpenClose) + 10); g2.setPaint(Color.YELLOW); g2.fill(body); g2.draw(body); } if (yLow < minOpenClose) { if (nightMode) { if (yClose > yOpen) { g2.setPaint(upPaint); } else { g2.setPaint(downPaint); } } else { g2.setPaint(Color.BLACK); } g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(xx, yyLow, xx, yyMinOpenClose)); } } /********************************** * draw the body **********************************/ body = new Rectangle2D.Double(xx - (translatedWidth / 2), yyMinOpenClose, translatedWidth, yyMaxOpenClose - yyMinOpenClose); if (nightMode) { g2.setPaint(Color.white); } else { if (yClose > yOpen) { g2.setPaint(upPaint); } else { g2.setPaint(downPaint); } } g2.fill(body); g2.draw(body); if (nightMode) { if (yClose > yOpen) { g2.setPaint(upPaint); } else { g2.setPaint(downPaint); } } else { g2.setPaint(outlinePaint); } g2.draw(body); // add an entity for the item... if (entities != null) { String tip = null; XYToolTipGenerator generator = getToolTipGenerator(series, item); if (generator != null) { tip = generator.generateToolTip(dataset, series, item); } XYItemEntity entity = new XYItemEntity(body, dataset, series, item, tip, null); entities.add(entity); } // update the cross hair point double x1 = dataset.getXValue(series, item); double y1 = dataset.getYValue(series, item); double transX1 = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(x1, dataArea, location); double transY1 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(y1, dataArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge()); int domainAxisIndex = plot.getDomainAxisIndex(domainAxis); int rangeAxisIndex = plot.getRangeAxisIndex(rangeAxis); updateCrosshairValues(crosshairState, x1, y1, domainAxisIndex, rangeAxisIndex, transX1, transY1, plot.getOrientation()); } }
From source
/** * Draws the visual representation of a single data item. * * @param g2// ww w.j av a 2s. c o m * the graphics device. * @param state * the renderer state. * @param dataArea * the area within which the data is being drawn. * @param info * collects information about the drawing. * @param plot * the plot (can be used to obtain standard color information etc). * @param domainAxis * the domain axis. * @param rangeAxis * the range axis. * @param dataset * the dataset. * @param series * the series index (zero-based). * @param item * the item index (zero-based). * @param crosshairState * crosshair information for the plot (<code>null</code> permitted). * @param pass * the pass index. */ @Override public void drawItem(final Graphics2D g2, final XYItemRendererState state, final Rectangle2D dataArea, final PlotRenderingInfo info, final XYPlot plot, final ValueAxis domainAxis, final ValueAxis rangeAxis, final XYDataset dataset, final int series, final int item, final CrosshairState crosshairState, final int pass) { boolean itemVisible = getItemVisible(series, item); // setup for collecting optional entity info... Shape entityArea = null; EntityCollection entities = null; if (info != null) { entities = info.getOwner().getEntityCollection(); } final PlotOrientation orientation = plot.getOrientation(); final Paint paint = getItemPaint(series, item); final Stroke seriesStroke = getItemStroke(series, item); g2.setPaint(paint); g2.setStroke(seriesStroke); // get the data point... final double x1 = dataset.getXValue(series, item); final double y1 = dataset.getYValue(series, item); if (Double.isNaN(x1) || Double.isNaN(y1)) { itemVisible = false; } final RectangleEdge xAxisLocation = plot.getDomainAxisEdge(); final RectangleEdge yAxisLocation = plot.getRangeAxisEdge(); final double transX1 = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(x1, dataArea, xAxisLocation); final double transY1 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(y1, dataArea, yAxisLocation); if (getPlotLines()) { if (this.drawSeriesLineAsPath) { final State s = (State) state; if (s.getSeriesIndex() != series) { // we are starting a new series path s.seriesPath.reset(); s.lastPointGood = false; s.setSeriesIndex(series); } // update path to reflect latest point if (itemVisible && !Double.isNaN(transX1) && !Double.isNaN(transY1)) { float x = (float) transX1; float y = (float) transY1; if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { x = (float) transY1; y = (float) transX1; } if (s.isLastPointGood()) { // TODO: check threshold s.seriesPath.lineTo(x, y); } else { s.seriesPath.moveTo(x, y); } s.setLastPointGood(true); } else { s.setLastPointGood(false); } if (item == dataset.getItemCount(series) - 1) { if (s.seriesIndex == series) { // draw path g2.setStroke(lookupSeriesStroke(series)); g2.setPaint(lookupSeriesPaint(series)); g2.draw(s.seriesPath); } } } else if (item != 0 && itemVisible) { // get the previous data point... final double x0 = dataset.getXValue(series, item - 1); final double y0 = dataset.getYValue(series, item - 1); if (!Double.isNaN(x0) && !Double.isNaN(y0)) { boolean drawLine = true; if (getPlotDiscontinuous()) { // only draw a line if the gap between the current and // previous data point is within the threshold final int numX = dataset.getItemCount(series); final double minX = dataset.getXValue(series, 0); final double maxX = dataset.getXValue(series, numX - 1); if (this.gapThresholdType == UnitType.ABSOLUTE) { drawLine = Math.abs(x1 - x0) <= this.gapThreshold; } else { drawLine = Math.abs(x1 - x0) <= (maxX - minX) / numX * getGapThreshold(); } } if (drawLine) { final double transX0 = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(x0, dataArea, xAxisLocation); final double transY0 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(y0, dataArea, yAxisLocation); // only draw if we have good values if (Double.isNaN(transX0) || Double.isNaN(transY0) || Double.isNaN(transX1) || Double.isNaN(transY1)) { return; } if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { state.workingLine.setLine(transY0, transX0, transY1, transX1); } else if (orientation == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) { state.workingLine.setLine(transX0, transY0, transX1, transY1); } if (state.workingLine.intersects(dataArea)) { g2.draw(state.workingLine); } } } } } // we needed to get this far even for invisible items, to ensure that // seriesPath updates happened, but now there is nothing more we need // to do for non-visible items... if (!itemVisible) { return; } if (getBaseShapesVisible()) { Shape shape = getItemShape(series, item); if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { shape = ShapeUtilities.createTranslatedShape(shape, transY1, transX1); } else if (orientation == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) { shape = ShapeUtilities.createTranslatedShape(shape, transX1, transY1); } if (shape.intersects(dataArea)) { if (getItemShapeFilled(series, item)) { g2.fill(shape); } else { g2.draw(shape); } } entityArea = shape; } if (getPlotImages()) { final Image image = getImage(plot, series, item, transX1, transY1); if (image != null) { final Point hotspot = getImageHotspot(plot, series, item, transX1, transY1, image); g2.drawImage(image, (int) (transX1 - hotspot.getX()), (int) (transY1 - hotspot.getY()), null); entityArea = new Rectangle2D.Double(transX1 - hotspot.getX(), transY1 - hotspot.getY(), image.getWidth(null), image.getHeight(null)); } } double xx = transX1; double yy = transY1; if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { xx = transY1; yy = transX1; } // draw the item label if there is one... if (isItemLabelVisible(series, item)) { drawItemLabel(g2, orientation, dataset, series, item, xx, yy, y1 < 0.0); } final int domainAxisIndex = plot.getDomainAxisIndex(domainAxis); final int rangeAxisIndex = plot.getRangeAxisIndex(rangeAxis); updateCrosshairValues(crosshairState, x1, y1, domainAxisIndex, rangeAxisIndex, transX1, transY1, orientation); // add an entity for the item... if (entities != null && isPointInRect(dataArea, xx, yy)) { addEntity(entities, entityArea, dataset, series, item, xx, yy); } }