Example usage for org.jfree.chart.labels StandardPieItemLabelGenerator StandardPieItemLabelGenerator

List of usage examples for org.jfree.chart.labels StandardPieItemLabelGenerator StandardPieItemLabelGenerator


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jfree.chart.labels StandardPieItemLabelGenerator StandardPieItemLabelGenerator.


public StandardPieItemLabelGenerator(String labelFormat, NumberFormat numberFormat,
        NumberFormat percentFormat) 

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Creates an item label generator using the specified number formatters.


From source file:ca.myewb.frame.servlet.GraphServlet.java

private JFreeChart getNoChapterPie() {
    JFreeChart chart;/*from  w  w  w.ja va  2 s .c o m*/
    DefaultPieDataset ds = new DefaultPieDataset();

    Integer numChapter = Helpers.getGroup("Chapter").getNumMembers();
    ds.setValue("in a chapter", numChapter);

    ds.setValue("not in a chapter", Helpers.getGroup("Org").getNumMembers() - numChapter);

    chart = ChartFactory.createPieChart("Chapter Membership Breakdown", ds, false, false, false);

    PiePlot plot = ((PiePlot) chart.getPlot());
    StandardPieItemLabelGenerator n = new StandardPieItemLabelGenerator("{0} = {1} ({2})",
            new DecimalFormat("0"), new DecimalFormat("0.0%"));
    return chart;

From source file:ca.myewb.frame.servlet.GraphServlet.java

private JFreeChart getRankPie() {
    JFreeChart chart;// w w  w.  j  a  va2  s. c o  m
    DefaultPieDataset ds = new DefaultPieDataset();

    int numRegular = Helpers.getGroup("Regular").getNumMembers();
    int numAssociate = Helpers.getGroup("Associate").getNumMembers();
    int numUsers = Helpers.getGroup("Org").getNumMembers();

    ds.setValue("Regular Members", numRegular);
    ds.setValue("Associate Members", numAssociate);
    ds.setValue("Mailing list Members", numUsers - numAssociate - numRegular);

    chart = ChartFactory.createPieChart("Status breakdown for " + numUsers + " members", ds, false, false,

    PiePlot plot = ((PiePlot) chart.getPlot());
    StandardPieItemLabelGenerator n = new StandardPieItemLabelGenerator("{0} = {1} ({2})",
            new DecimalFormat("0"), new DecimalFormat("0.0%"));
    return chart;

From source file:ca.myewb.frame.servlet.GraphServlet.java

private JFreeChart getChapterRankPie(Session s, String url) {
    String[] path = url.split("/");
    String lastPiece = path[path.length - 1];
    Integer chapterId = new Integer(lastPiece.substring(0, lastPiece.length() - 4));
    GroupChapterModel chapter = (GroupChapterModel) s.get(GroupChapterModel.class, chapterId);

    JFreeChart chart;// www .  j a  v a2s  .  co m
    DefaultPieDataset ds = new DefaultPieDataset();

    String query = "select count(*) as num from roles r1, roles r2 "
            + "where r1.userid=r2.userid and r1.groupid=? and r1.level='m' and r2.level='m' "
            + "and r1.end is null and r2.end is null and r2.groupid=?";
    int numRegular = ((Integer) s.createSQLQuery(query).addScalar("num", Hibernate.INTEGER)
            .setInteger(0, chapter.getId()).setInteger(1, Helpers.getGroup("Regular").getId()).list().get(0))

    int numAssociate = ((Integer) s.createSQLQuery(query).addScalar("num", Hibernate.INTEGER)
            .setInteger(0, chapter.getId()).setInteger(1, Helpers.getGroup("Associate").getId()).list().get(0))
    int numUsers = chapter.getNumMembers();

    ds.setValue("Regular Members", numRegular);
    ds.setValue("Associate Members", numAssociate);
    ds.setValue("Mailing list Members", numUsers - numAssociate - numRegular);

    chart = ChartFactory.createPieChart("Status breakdown for " + numUsers + " chapter members", ds, false,
            false, false);

    PiePlot plot = ((PiePlot) chart.getPlot());
    StandardPieItemLabelGenerator n = new StandardPieItemLabelGenerator("{0} = {1} ({2})",
            new DecimalFormat("0"), new DecimalFormat("0.0%"));
    return chart;

From source file:ca.myewb.frame.servlet.GraphServlet.java

private JFreeChart getStudentPie(Session s) {
    JFreeChart chart;/*from   w w  w .  ja v  a  2 s  .c  o m*/
    DefaultPieDataset ds = new DefaultPieDataset();

    String query = "select count(*) from UserModel as u where u.student='y'";
    int numStudent = ((Long) s.createQuery(query).list().get(0)).intValue();

    query = "select count(*) from UserModel as u where u.student='n'";

    int numNonStudent = ((Long) s.createQuery(query).list().get(0)).intValue();

    int numRegular = Helpers.getGroup("Regular").getNumMembers();
    int numAssociate = Helpers.getGroup("Associate").getNumMembers();

    ds.setValue("Student users", numStudent);
    ds.setValue("Unspecified", numAssociate + numRegular - numStudent - numNonStudent);
    ds.setValue("Non-Student users", numNonStudent);

    chart = ChartFactory.createPieChart("Student Status Breakdown for Associate/Regular members", ds, false,
            false, false);

    PiePlot plot = ((PiePlot) chart.getPlot());
    StandardPieItemLabelGenerator n = new StandardPieItemLabelGenerator("{0} = {1} ({2})",
            new DecimalFormat("0"), new DecimalFormat("0.0%"));
    return chart;

From source file:ca.myewb.frame.servlet.GraphServlet.java

private JFreeChart getLanguagePie(Session s) {
    JFreeChart chart;/*ww w  .j av a  2  s .c  om*/
    DefaultPieDataset ds = new DefaultPieDataset();

    String query = "select count(*) from UserModel as u where u.language='en'";
    int numEn = ((Long) s.createQuery(query).list().get(0)).intValue();

    query = "select count(*) from UserModel as u where u.language='fr'";
    int numFr = ((Long) s.createQuery(query).list().get(0)).intValue();

    int numRegular = Helpers.getGroup("Regular").getNumMembers();
    int numAssociate = Helpers.getGroup("Associate").getNumMembers();
    ds.setValue("English", numEn);
    ds.setValue("Unspecified", numAssociate + numRegular - numEn - numFr);
    ds.setValue("French", numFr);

    chart = ChartFactory.createPieChart("Preferred Language Breakdown for Associate/Regular members", ds, false,
            false, false);

    PiePlot plot = ((PiePlot) chart.getPlot());
    StandardPieItemLabelGenerator n = new StandardPieItemLabelGenerator("{0} = {1} ({2})",
            new DecimalFormat("0"), new DecimalFormat("0.0%"));
    return chart;

From source file:ca.myewb.frame.servlet.GraphServlet.java

private JFreeChart getGenderPie(Session s) {
    JFreeChart chart;/*from ww w  .j  a va 2 s.c o m*/
    DefaultPieDataset ds = new DefaultPieDataset();

    String query = "select count(*) from UserModel as u where u.gender='f'";
    int numFemale = ((Long) s.createQuery(query).list().get(0)).intValue();

    query = "select count(*) from UserModel as u where u.gender='m'";

    int numMale = ((Long) s.createQuery(query).list().get(0)).intValue();

    int numRegular = Helpers.getGroup("Regular").getNumMembers();
    int numAssociate = Helpers.getGroup("Associate").getNumMembers();
    ds.setValue("Female users", numFemale);
    ds.setValue("Unspecified", numAssociate + numRegular - numFemale - numMale);
    ds.setValue("Male users", numMale);

    chart = ChartFactory.createPieChart("Gender Breakdown for Associate/Regular members", ds, false, false,

    PiePlot plot = ((PiePlot) chart.getPlot());
    StandardPieItemLabelGenerator n = new StandardPieItemLabelGenerator("{0} = {1} ({2})",
            new DecimalFormat("0"), new DecimalFormat("0.0%"));
    return chart;