List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Text Text
public Text(String str)
node, with the supplied string value as its character content. From source
private List<Content> rootContentFor(JspTree jspTree) { List<Content> contents = new ArrayList<>(); if (showBanner) { contents.add(new Comment("Created with JSP2Thymeleaf")); contents.add(new Text(NEWLINE)); }//from www.ja v a 2 s . c o m contents.addAll(contentFor(jspTree, this)); final Optional<Content> foundHtmlElement = .findFirst(); if (foundHtmlElement.isPresent()) { final Element htmlElement = (Element) foundHtmlElement.get(); contents.remove(htmlElement); trimTrailingWhitespace(contents); htmlElement.addContent(contents); htmlElement.setNamespace(xmlns); ActiveNamespaces.get().forEach(ns -> htmlElement.addNamespaceDeclaration(ns)); return Arrays.asList(new DocType("html", THYMELEAF_DTD), htmlElement); } else { Element thFragment = createFragmentDef(contents); return Arrays.asList(new DocType("html", THYMELEAF_DTD), thFragment); } }
From source
public List<Content> contentFor(JspTree jspTree, JspTreeConverterContext context) { List<Content> contents = new ArrayList<>(); logger.fine(nameOrNone(jspTree));/*from ww w. j ava 2 s . co m*/ boolean traversedChildren = false; int type = jspTree.getType(); switch (type) { case ELEMENT: contents.addAll(getConverter(jspTree).processElement(jspTree, this)); traversedChildren = true; break; case JSP_DIRECTIVE: contents.addAll(getConverter(jspTree).processElement(jspTree, this)); //"Dropping jsp directive:" + jspTree.toStringTree()); traversedChildren = true; break; case PCDATA: contents.add(new Text(jspTree.getText())); traversedChildren = true; break; case WHITESPACE: contents.add(new Text(jspTree.getText())); traversedChildren = true; break; // case DOCTYPE_DEFINITION: // break; // case EL_EXPR: // break; // case COMMENT: // break; // case JSP_EXPRESSION: // break; // case WHITESPACE: // break; // case JSP_SCRIPTLET: // break; // case JSP_COMMENT: // break; default: logger.fine(String.format("No action for: %d %s", jspTree.getType(), jspTree.toString())); } if (!traversedChildren) { doWithChildren(jspTree, (i, eachChild) -> contents.addAll(contentFor(eachChild, this))); } return contents; }
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License:Open Source License
private static Element challengeToXml(final Challenge loopChallenge, final Answer answer, final String elementName) throws ChaiOperationException { final Element responseElement = new Element(elementName); responseElement// w ww.ja va 2s . co m .addContent(new Element(XML_NODE_CHALLENGE).addContent(new Text(loopChallenge.getChallengeText()))); final Element answerElement = answer.toXml(); responseElement.addContent(answerElement); responseElement.setAttribute(XML_ATTRIBUTE_ADMIN_DEFINED, String.valueOf(loopChallenge.isAdminDefined())); responseElement.setAttribute(XML_ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED, String.valueOf(loopChallenge.isRequired())); responseElement.setAttribute(XNL_ATTRIBUTE_MIN_LENGTH, String.valueOf(loopChallenge.getMinLength())); responseElement.setAttribute(XNL_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH, String.valueOf(loopChallenge.getMaxLength())); return responseElement; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Redraw a sinle line by looking at chunks and formatting them. * /* ww w . ja v a 2 s. com*/ * @param l * the current line * @param base * the "window"-base within the buffer * @return an element with the formatted line */ private Element redrawLine(int l, int base) { Element line = new Element("line"); line.setAttribute("row", "" + l); // determine the maximum of characters we can print in one go for (int c = 0; c < buffer.width; c++) { int addr = 0; int currAttr = buffer.charAttributes[base + l][c]; while ((c + addr < buffer.width) && ((buffer.charArray[base + l][c + addr] < ' ') || (buffer.charAttributes[base + l][c + addr] == currAttr))) { if (buffer.charArray[base + l][c + addr] < ' ') { buffer.charArray[base + l][c + addr] = ' '; buffer.charAttributes[base + l][c + addr] = 0; continue; } addr++; } if (addr > 0) { String tmp = new String(buffer.charArray[base + l], c, addr); // create new text node and make sure we insert (160) Text text = new Text(tmp.replace(' ', (char) 160)); Element chunk = null; if ((currAttr & 0xfff) != 0) { if ((currAttr & VDUBuffer.BOLD) != 0) { chunk = addChunk(new Element("B"), chunk, text); } if ((currAttr & VDUBuffer.UNDERLINE) != 0) { chunk = addChunk(new Element("U"), chunk, text); } if ((currAttr & VDUBuffer.INVERT) != 0) { chunk = addChunk(new Element("I"), chunk, text); } if ((currAttr & VDUBuffer.COLOR_FG) != 0) { String fg = color[((currAttr & VDUBuffer.COLOR_FG) >> 4) - 1]; Element font = new Element("FONT").setAttribute("COLOR", fg); chunk = addChunk(font, chunk, text); } /* * if ((currAttr & buffer.COLOR_BG) != 0) { Color bg = * color[((currAttr & buffer.COLOR_BG) >> 8) - 1]; } */ } if (chunk == null) { line.addContent(text); } else { line.addContent(chunk); } } c += addr - 1; } return line; }
From source
License:Apache License
/** * {@inheritDoc} Overrides standard setText method to add special xHTML conformant CDATA block * as workaround for browsers that does not interpret XHTML-encoded script blocks correctly. */// ww w . j a v a 2s.c o m @Override public Element setText(String script) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(script)) { super.setText(script); } else { this.addContent(new Text("\n//")); // encapsulate script block in CDATA block this.addContent(new CDATA("\n" + script + "\n//")); this.addContent("\n"); } return this; }
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License:Apache License
private List<Content> processPlainText(String text) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(text)) { return ImmutableList.of(); }//from w ww . ja va2 s .co m List<Content> content = new ArrayList<>(); String[] lines = StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens(text, "\n"); for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { content.add(new Element("br")); } content.add(new Text(lines[i])); } return ImmutableList.copyOf(content); }
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License:Open Source License
private void replaceExcludedWithIncluded(Element rootElement, Namespace namespace, Element indexer, Element excludedRepositories) { List<String> excluded = excludedRepositories.getChildren().stream().map(Element::getText) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (StringUtils.equals(indexer.getChildText("enabled", namespace), "true")) { Element includedRepositories = new Element("includedRepositories", namespace); collectRepositories(rootElement, namespace).stream().filter(repo -> !excluded.contains(repo)) .forEach(repo -> {//w w w. j a v a 2 s . c o m Element repositoryRef = new Element("repositoryRef", namespace); repositoryRef.setText(repo); includedRepositories.addContent(repositoryRef); }); indexer.addContent(new Text("\n ")); indexer.addContent(includedRepositories); } indexer.removeContent(excludedRepositories); }
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License:Open Source License
private void convertToSingleRepoType(Element repo, String repoKey, List<RepoType> repoTypes, boolean virtualRepo) { if (repoTypes.size() >= 1) { // First one is used as the final repository type .forEach(repoType -> log.error( "Disabling package '{}' for repo '{}' " + "since only one packaging type is allowed!", repoType, repoKey)); } else {/*from w w w . j a v a 2s. co m*/ String layoutRef = repo.getChildText("repoLayoutRef", repo.getNamespace()); if (StringUtils.equals(layoutRef, "ivy-default")) { repoTypes.add(RepoType.Ivy); } else if (StringUtils.equals(layoutRef, "gradle-default")) { repoTypes.add(RepoType.Gradle); } else { repoTypes.add(RepoType.Maven); } } // Set the final decided repo type RepoType repoType = repoTypes.get(0);"Setting repository '{}' to type {}", repoKey, repoType); Element typeElement = new Element("type", repo.getNamespace()); typeElement.setText(String.valueOf(repoType).toLowerCase()); repo.addContent(2, new Text("\n ")); repo.addContent(3, typeElement); // add the type after the key property removeEnabledFieldsFromRepo(repo, virtualRepo); }
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License:Open Source License
public final int createXML(String filepath, int chunk_size, String xml_dir) { int res = 0;//from w w w. j a v a File infile; int filesize; int size; int chunks; int i; if (xml_dir == "") { xml_dir = ".cache/xgogdownloader/xml"; } // end of if File path = Factory.newFile(xml_dir); if (!path.exists()) { if (!path.mkdirs()) { System.out.println("Failed to create directory: " + path); } } infile = Factory.newFile(filepath); // RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile("file.txt", "rw");? // fseek/seek ftell/getFilePointer rewind/seek(0) if (infile.exists()) { filesize = (int) infile.length(); } else { System.out.println(filepath + " doesn't exist"); return res; } // end of if-else // Get filename String filename = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(infile.getName()); String filenameXML = xml_dir + "/" + filename + ".xml"; System.out.println(filename); // Determine number of chunks int remaining = filesize % chunk_size; chunks = (remaining == 0) ? filesize / chunk_size : (filesize / chunk_size) + 1; System.out.println("Filesize: " + filesize + " bytes"); System.out.println("Chunks: " + chunks); System.out.println("Chunk size: " + (chunk_size / Math.pow(2.0, 20.0)) + " MB"); Util util_md5 = new Util(); String file_md5 = util_md5.getFileHash(filepath); System.out.println("MD5: " + file_md5); Element fileElem = new Element("file"); fileElem.setAttribute(new Attribute("name", filename)); fileElem.setAttribute(new Attribute("md5", file_md5)); fileElem.setAttribute(new Attribute("chunks", String.valueOf(chunks))); fileElem.setAttribute(new Attribute("total_size", String.valueOf(filesize))); System.out.println("Getting MD5 for chunks"); for (i = 0; i < chunks; i++) { int range_begin = i * chunk_size; // fseek(infile, range_begin, SEEK_SET); if ((i == chunks - 1) && (remaining != 0)) { chunk_size = remaining; } int range_end = range_begin + chunk_size - 1; String chunk = String.valueOf(chunk_size * 4); String hash = util_md5.getChunkHash(chunk); // calculates hash of // chunk string? Element chunkElem = new Element("chunk"); chunkElem.setAttribute(new Attribute("id", String.valueOf(i))); chunkElem.setAttribute(new Attribute("from", String.valueOf(range_begin))); chunkElem.setAttribute(new Attribute("to", String.valueOf(range_begin))); chunkElem.setAttribute(new Attribute("method", "md5")); chunkElem.addContent(new Text(hash)); fileElem.addContent(chunkElem); System.out.println("Chunks hashed " + (i + 1) + " / " + chunks + "\r"); } Document doc = new Document(fileElem); System.out.println("Writing XML: " + filenameXML); try { XMLOutputter xmlOutput = new XMLOutputter(); xmlOutput.setFormat(Format.getPrettyFormat()); xmlOutput.output(doc, Factory.newFileWriter(filenameXML)); res = 1; } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Can't create " + filenameXML); return res; } return res; }
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * Get the filtered content of an element, optionnaly merging adjacent {@link Text}. Adjacent * text can only happen programmatically. * /*from ww w .j a v a 2 s . c om*/ * @param elem the parent. * @param pred which content to return. * @param mergeText <code>true</code> if adjacent Text should be merged into one, * <code>false</code> to leave the list as it is. * @return the filtered content (not supportting {@link Iterator#remove()}). */ public static Iterator<Content> getContent(final Element elem, final IPredicate<? super Content> pred, final boolean mergeText) { final Iterator<Content> iter = (Iterator<Content>) elem.getContent(new AbstractFilter<Content>() { @Override public Content filter(Object obj) { final Content c = (Content) obj; return pred.evaluateChecked(c) ? c : null; } }).iterator(); if (!mergeText) return iter; return new Iterator<Content>() { private Content next = null; @Override public boolean hasNext() { return != null || iter.hasNext(); } @Override public Content next() { if ( != null) { final Content res =; = null; return res; } Content res =; assert res != null; if (res instanceof Text && iter.hasNext()) { =; Text concatText = null; while ( instanceof Text) { if (concatText == null) { concatText = new Text(res.getValue()); } concatText.append((Text); = iter.hasNext() ? : null; } assert != null; if (concatText != null) res = concatText; } return res; } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; }